<?php // script that displays an injury that is to be edited include 'DB.php'; include 'db_config.php'; // Grab our models include './models/franchises.php'; include './models/games.php'; include './models/injuries.php'; $db = DB::connect(DSN); $franchiseModel = new Franchise($db); $gameModel = new Game($db); $injuryModel = new Injury($db); $injuryId = htmlspecialchars($_GET['id']); $maxWeek = $gameModel->getMaxWeek(); $injury = $injuryModel->find($injuryId); $franchises = $franchiseModel->getAll(); $token = sha1('ibl2012' . $injury['id']); include './templates/edit_injury.php';
<?php // Controller for main page include 'vendor/autoload.php'; include 'db_config.php'; // Grab all our models include './models/injuries.php'; include './models/franchises.php'; include './models/games.php'; // Collect data $franchiseModel = new Franchise($db); $injuryModel = new Injury($db); $gameModel = new Game($db); $maxWeek = $gameModel->getMaxWeek(); $injuries = $injuryModel->getAll($maxWeek); $franchises = $franchiseModel->getAll(); // Display template include './templates/injury_management.php';
<?php // Script that processes an injury to be added to the system include 'DB.php'; include 'db_config.php'; include './models/games.php'; include './models/injuries.php'; $db = DB::connect(DSN); $injuryModel = new Injury($db); // Grab whatever came in via $_POST and make sure it's okay $weekStarting = filter_var($_POST['week_starting'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $weekEnding = filter_var($_POST['week_ending'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $franchiseId = filter_var($_POST['franchise_id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT); $description = htmlspecialchars($_POST['description']); $data = array('week_starting' => $weekStarting, 'week_ending' => $weekEnding, 'franchise_id' => $franchiseId, 'description' => $description); /** * Let's look and see if we got a token passed in. If we did, then let's make * sure the token is correct and then add the ID for the record to the data * that is passed in to be saved */ if (isset($_POST['token'])) { $expectedToken = sha1('ibl2012' . $_POST['id']); if ($expectedToken != $_POST['token']) { die('bad token, m**********r'); header('Location: injury_management.php'); exit; } $data['id'] = $_POST['id']; } $injuryModel->save($data); header('Location: injury_management.php');