Exemplo n.º 1

$this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . ' - ' . InfoPagesModule::t('Manage infopages');
$this->menu = array(array('label' => InfoPagesModule::t('Add infopage'), 'url' => array('create')));
$this->adminTitle = InfoPagesModule::t('Manage infopages');

<div class="flash-notice"><?php 
echo tt('help_infopages_backend_main_admin');

$this->widget('CustomGridView', array('id' => 'infopages-grid', 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'filter' => $model, 'afterAjaxUpdate' => 'function(){$("a[rel=\'tooltip\']").tooltip(); $("div.tooltip-arrow").remove(); $("div.tooltip-inner").remove();}', 'columns' => array(array('class' => 'CCheckBoxColumn', 'id' => 'itemsSelected', 'selectableRows' => '2', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => 'center')), array('name' => 'active', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => 'Yii::app()->controller->returnStatusHtml($data, "infopages-grid", 1, 1)', 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('class' => 'apartments_status_column'), 'filter' => false, 'sortable' => false), array('header' => tc('Name'), 'name' => 'title_' . Yii::app()->language, 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => 'CHtml::encode($data->getStrByLang("title"))'), array('header' => tt('Link', 'menumanager'), 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '($data->special == 0) ? $data->getUrl() : ""', 'filter' => false, 'sortable' => false), array('class' => 'bootstrap.widgets.TbButtonColumn', 'deleteConfirmation' => tc('Are you sure you want to delete this item?'), 'template' => '{view}{update}{delete}', 'buttons' => array('delete' => array('visible' => '$data->special == 0'))))));
$this->renderPartial('//site/admin-select-items', array(
	'url' => '/infopages/backend/main/itemsSelected',
	'id' => 'infopages-grid',
	'model' => $model,
	'options' => array(
		'delete' => Yii::t('common', 'Delete')
Exemplo n.º 2

$this->menu = array(array('label' => InfoPagesModule::t('Add infopage'), 'url' => array('create')), array('label' => InfoPagesModule::t('Edit infopage'), 'url' => array('update', 'id' => $model->id)), array('label' => tt('Delete infopage'), 'url' => '#', 'url' => '#', 'linkOptions' => array('submit' => array('delete', 'id' => $model->id), 'confirm' => tc('Are you sure you want to delete this item?'))));
$this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbDetailView', array('data' => $model, 'attributes' => array('id', array('label' => CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeLabel('active')), 'value' => $model->active == InfoPages::STATUS_ACTIVE ? tc('Active') : tc('Inactive'), 'template' => "<tr class=\"{class}\"><th>{label}</th><td>{value}</td></tr>\n"), array('label' => CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeLabel('title')), 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => CHtml::encode($model->getStrByLang('title')), 'template' => "<tr class=\"{class}\"><th>{label}</th><td>{value}</td></tr>\n"), array('label' => CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeLabel('body')), 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => CHtml::decode($model->getStrByLang('body')), 'template' => "<tr class=\"{class}\"><th>{label}</th><td>{value}</td></tr>\n"), array('label' => CHtml::encode($model->getAttributeLabel('widget')), 'value' => $model->widget ? InfoPages::getWidgetOptions($model->widget) : '', 'template' => "<tr class=\"{class}\"><th>{label}</th><td>{value}</td></tr>\n"))));
Exemplo n.º 3

$this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . ' - ' . InfoPagesModule::t('Add infopage');
$this->menu = array(array('label' => tt('Manage infopages'), 'url' => array('admin')));
$this->adminTitle = InfoPagesModule::t('Add infopage');

echo $this->renderPartial('/backend/_form', array('model' => $model, 'addedFields' => $addedFields));
Exemplo n.º 4

$this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . ' - ' . InfoPagesModule::t('Edit infopage');
$this->menu = array(array('label' => tt('Manage infopages'), 'url' => array('admin')), array('label' => InfoPagesModule::t('Add infopage'), 'url' => array('create')), array('label' => tt('Delete infopage'), 'url' => '#', 'linkOptions' => array('submit' => array('delete', 'id' => $model->id), 'confirm' => tc('Are you sure you want to delete this item?'))));
$this->adminTitle = InfoPagesModule::t('Edit infopage');

echo $this->renderPartial('/backend/_form', array('model' => $model, 'addedFields' => $addedFields));