public function checkUserLevel() { try { if (Auth::user()) { $usersinfo = Auth::user(); $getIndicatorDescription = Indicator::where('id', '=', $usersinfo->indicator_id)->where('indicator_for', '=', 'STORE')->get(); if (count($getIndicatorDescription) <= 0) { return 'empty'; } else { // foreach($getIndicatorDescription as $indicatorInfo) // { // $indicator_id=$indicatorInfo->id; // $indicator_name=$indicatorInfo->indicator_name; // $indicator_for=$indicatorInfo->indicator_for; // //id-indicator name - indicator for // return $indicator_id.'-'.$indicator_name.'-'.$indicator_for; // } return $getIndicatorDescription; } } else { return 'authFailed'; } } catch (\Exception $e) { return 'authErr'; } }
public function triggerNotification($frequency) { $indicators = Indicator::model()->findAll(); foreach ($indicators as $indicator) { if ($indicator->indicatorFrequency) { if ($indicator->indicatorFrequency[0]->code == $frequency) { echo 'found one: ' . 'indicator ID: ' . $indicator->indicatorFrequency[0]->code . "\r\n"; foreach ($indicator->indicatorFramework as $framework) { $mapper = EamsFrameworkIndicatorMapping::model()->find('indicator_id=:i AND framework_id=:f', array(':i' => $indicator->id, ':f' => $framework->id)); //Initialize facts table: indicator value to be filled after notification has been sent $fact = new EamsFacts(); $fact->framework_ind_id = $mapper->id; $fact->time_id = TimeDimension::getTimeIdByDate(date('dmy')); echo '<pre>'; print_r($fact); print_r($mapper); echo "\r\n"; if ($fact->save()) { echo "Saved\r\n"; } } } } } }
public function getValues() { parent::getValues(); $query = $this->db->newStatement("\n SELECT COUNT(category_id) cnt, user_id, DATE_FORMAT(date_creation,'%Y-%m') date FROM log_article\n WHERE DATE_FORMAT(date_creation,'%Y-%m')>=:f: AND DATE_FORMAT(date_creation,'%Y-%m')<=:t: AND user_id IN (:uid" . implode(':,:uid', array_keys($this->users)) . ":) AND type=0\n GROUP BY user_id, DATE_FORMAT(date_creation,'%Y-%m')\n "); $query->setVarChar('f', $this->start); $query->setVarChar('t', $this->end); foreach ($this->users as $key => $curr) { $query->setInteger('uid' . $key, $curr); } return $this->processResult($query->getAllRecords()); }
public function getValues() { parent::getValues(); $query = $this->conn->newStatement("\n SELECT SUM(t.daily) cnt, employee_id user_id, DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m') date FROM (\n SELECT ROUND(IF(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(finish)-TIME_TO_SEC(start))>4,14400,SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(finish)-TIME_TO_SEC(start)))/3600) daily, employee_id, DATE_FORMAT(start,'%Y-%m-%d') date \n FROM timesheet \n WHERE DATE_FORMAT(start,'%Y-%m')>=:f: AND DATE_FORMAT(start,'%Y-%m')<=:t: AND employee_id IN (:uid" . implode(':,:uid', array_keys($this->users)) . ":) AND DATE_FORMAT(start,'%Y-%m-%d')=DATE_FORMAT(finish,'%Y-%m-%d')\n GROUP BY employee_id, DATE_FORMAT(start,'%Y-%m-%d')\n ) t\n GROUP BY employee_id, DATE_FORMAT(date,'%Y-%m') \n "); $query->setVarChar('f', $this->start); $query->setVarChar('t', $this->end); foreach ($this->users as $key => $curr) { $query->setInteger('uid' . $key, $curr); } return $this->processResult($query->getAllRecords()); }
public function getValues() { parent::getValues(); $query = $this->conn->newStatement("\n SELECT ROUND(SUM(a.profit)) cnt, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m') date, a.manager_id user_id\n FROM (\n (SELECT op1.manager_id, op1.creator_id, o1.owner_id, op1.status_date, op1.warehouse_id,\n op1.quantity*(op1.price-op1.purchase_price-op1.transport_charges)*IF(o1.user_id=3199,0.5,1) profit\n FROM order_position op1\n INNER JOIN `order` o1\n ON\n WHERE op1.status_id=(SELECT id FROM order_status WHERE code='IS_TRANSFERED'))\n UNION ALL\n (SELECT op2.manager_id manager_id, IF(pctp.manager_id=0,op2.creator_id,pctp.manager_id) creator_id, o2.owner_id, op2.status_date, op2.warehouse_id,\n IF(pctp.change_type_id IN (11,61),0,pctp.amount) profit\n FROM order_position op2\n INNER JOIN price_change_to_position pctp ON AND !pctp.deactivated AND !op2.client_price\n INNER JOIN price_change_type pct ON\n INNER JOIN `order` o2 ON\n WHERE op2.status_id=(SELECT id FROM order_status WHERE code='IS_TRANSFERED'))\n ) a\n WHERE a.owner_id=:oid: AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')>=:f:\n AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')<=:t: AND a.manager_id IN (:uid" . implode(':,:uid', array_keys($this->users)) . ":) \n GROUP BY a.manager_id, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m') \n \n "); $query->setInteger('oid', OWNER_ID); $query->setVarChar('f', $this->start); $query->setVarChar('t', $this->end); foreach ($this->users as $key => $curr) { $query->setInteger('uid' . $key, $curr); } return $this->processResult($query->getAllRecords()); }
public function getValues() { parent::getValues(); $query = $this->conn->newStatement("\n SELECT ROUND(SUM(IF(\n !bop.amount,\n IF(b.payment_type_id=3,IF(cag.with_vat,0.984,0.98),1)*bo.amount,\n IF(bop.change_id,-(1-pct.profit)*bop.amount,IF(bo.type='cancel',-1,1)*(bop.amount*IF(b.payment_type_id=3,IF(cag.with_vat,0.984,0.98),1)-(op.purchase_price+op.transport_charges)*IF(bop.quantity,bop.quantity,op.quantity)))\n ))*0.1) cnt, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m') date, user_id\n FROM balance_operation bo\n INNER JOIN balance_operation_position bop on\n INNER JOIN balance b on\n INNER JOIN order_position op on\n INNER JOIN `order` o ON\n INNER JOIN client_address ca ON\n INNER JOIN client c ON\n INNER JOIN pm_employee pe ON pe.user_id=c.manager_id\n LEFT OUTER JOIN user u ON IN (:uid" . implode(':,:uid', array_keys($this->users)) . ":)\n LEFT OUTER JOIN counteragent cag ON\n LEFT OUTER JOIN price_change_type pct ON\n WHERE bo.type IN ('cancel','payment','forfeit','markdown') AND c.manager_id=pe.user_id AND o.owner_id=:oid: AND DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m')>=:t: AND DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m')<=:t:\n GROUP BY, DATE_FORMAT(b.datetime,'%Y-%m')\n "); $query->setInteger('oid', OWNER_ID); $query->setVarChar('f', $this->start); $query->setVarChar('t', $this->end); foreach ($this->users as $key => $curr) { $query->setInteger('uid' . $key, $curr); } return $this->processResult($query->getAllRecords()); }
public function getValues() { parent::getValues(); $query = $this->conn->newStatement("\n SELECT ROUND(SUM(a.profit)) cnt, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m') date, user_id\n FROM (\n (SELECT op1.manager_id, op1.creator_id, o1.owner_id, op1.status_date, op1.warehouse_id,\n op1.quantity*IF(os.code='IS_RETURNED',-op1.price,op1.price)*IF(o1.user_id=3199,0.5,1) profit, op1.operator_status_id\n FROM order_position op1\n INNER JOIN `order` o1 ON\n INNER JOIN order_status os ON\n WHERE os.code IN ('IS_RETURNED','IS_TRANSFERED'))\n UNION ALL\n (SELECT op2.manager_id manager_id, IF(pctp.manager_id=0,op2.creator_id,pctp.manager_id) creator_id, o2.owner_id, op2.status_date, op2.warehouse_id,\n IF(os.code='IS_RETURNED',-pctp.amount,pctp.amount) profit, op2.operator_status_id\n FROM order_position op2\n INNER JOIN price_change_to_position pctp ON AND !pctp.deactivated AND !op2.client_price\n INNER JOIN price_change_type pct ON\n INNER JOIN `order` o2 ON\n INNER JOIN order_status os ON\n WHERE os.code IN ('IS_RETURNED','IS_TRANSFERED'))\n ) a\n LEFT OUTER JOIN user u ON IN (:uid" . implode(':,:uid', array_keys($this->users)) . ":) \n LEFT OUTER JOIN employee_data ed ON ed.user_id=a.operator_status_id\n LEFT OUTER JOIN warehouse w ON\n WHERE a.owner_id=:oid: AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')>=:f:\n AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')<=:t: AND (\n a.creator_id IN (4980,7586) OR\n w.city_id=63 AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')>='2013-10'\n )\n GROUP BY, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m') \n "); $query->setInteger('oid', OWNER_ID); $query->setVarChar('f', $this->start); $query->setVarChar('t', $this->end); foreach ($this->users as $key => $curr) { $query->setInteger('uid' . $key, $curr); } return $this->processResult($query->getAllRecords()); }
public function getValues() { parent::getValues(); $query = $this->conn->newStatement("\n SELECT ROUND(SUM(a.profit*0.1)) cnt, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m') date, user_id\n FROM (\n (SELECT op1.manager_id, op1.creator_id, o1.owner_id, op1.status_date, op1.warehouse_id,\n op1.quantity*(op1.price-op1.purchase_price-op1.transport_charges)*IF(o1.user_id=3199,0.5,1) profit\n FROM order_position op1\n INNER JOIN `order` o1 ON\n WHERE op1.status_id=(SELECT id FROM order_status WHERE code='IS_TRANSFERED'))\n UNION ALL\n (SELECT op2.manager_id manager_id, IF(pctp.manager_id=0,op2.creator_id,pctp.manager_id) creator_id, o2.owner_id, op2.status_date, op2.warehouse_id,\n pctp.amount profit\n FROM order_position op2\n INNER JOIN price_change_to_position pctp ON AND !pctp.deactivated AND !op2.client_price\n INNER JOIN price_change_type pct ON\n INNER JOIN `order` o2 ON\n WHERE op2.status_id=(SELECT id FROM order_status WHERE code='IS_TRANSFERED'))\n ) a\n LEFT OUTER JOIN user u ON IN (:uid" . implode(':,:uid', array_keys($this->users)) . ":)\n WHERE a.owner_id=:oid: AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')>=:f: AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')<=:t: AND (\n \ta.creator_id IN (1937,4868,4864,6976)\n \tOR a.creator_id=2544 AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')='2013-02'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (8049,8038,8161,7061) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2013-08-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (8407,8599) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2013-09-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (8567) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2013-09-01' AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')<'2014-10-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (8230) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2013-09-01' AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')<'2014-06-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (8724,8744,8942) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2013-10-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (8989) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2013-11-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (9358) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2013-12-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (9469) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2013-12-01' AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')<'2014-06-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (9970) AND (DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2014-01-01' AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')<'2014-06-01' OR DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2014-07-01')\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (10798,10898) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2014-04-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (10455) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2014-04-10'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (126) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2014-04-15'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (11217) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2014-05-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (11300,11217) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2014-05-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (11564) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2014-07-01'\n \tOR a.creator_id IN (12690) AND DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m-%d')>='2014-10-01'\n \t)\n GROUP BY, DATE_FORMAT(a.status_date,'%Y-%m')\n "); $query->setInteger('oid', OWNER_ID); $query->setVarChar('f', $this->start); $query->setVarChar('t', $this->end); foreach ($this->users as $key => $curr) { $query->setInteger('uid' . $key, $curr); } return $this->processResult($query->getAllRecords()); }
public function getValues() { parent::getValues(); $query = $this->db->newStatement("\n SELECT ROUND(0.02*SUM(op.price*op.quantity*IF(o.user_id=3199,0.5,1))) cnt, DATE_FORMAT(op.status_date,'%Y-%m') date, user_id\n FROM order_position op\n INNER JOIN `order` o ON\n INNER JOIN user u ON IN (:uid" . implode(':,:uid', array_keys($this->users)) . ":) \n WHERE o.owner_id=:oid: AND DATE_FORMAT(op.status_date,'%Y-%m')>=:f: \n AND op.status_id=(SELECT id FROM order_status WHERE code='IS_TRANSFERED')\n AND DATE_FORMAT(op.status_date,'%Y-%m')<=:t: AND o.payment_type_id=3\n GROUP BY, DATE_FORMAT(op.status_date,'%Y-%m') \n \n "); $query->setInteger('oid', OWNER_ID); $query->setVarChar('f', $this->start); $query->setVarChar('t', $this->end); foreach ($this->users as $key => $curr) { $query->setInteger('uid' . $key, $curr); } return $this->processResult($query->getAllRecords()); }
public function getValues() { parent::getValues(); $date = $this->start; $results = array(); while ($date <= $this->end) { $query = $this->conn->newStatement("\n SELECT SUM(IF(d.position_id,op.purchase_price* op.quantity,d.price_purchase*d.quantity)) cnt, user_id, :t: date\n FROM defect d\n LEFT OUTER JOIN order_position op ON\n LEFT OUTER JOIN `order` o ON\n LEFT OUTER JOIN product p ON\n LEFT OUTER JOIN user u ON IN (:uid" . implode(':,:uid', array_keys($this->users)) . ":) \n WHERE (d.position_id AND o.owner_id=:oid: OR !d.position_id AND p.owner_id=:oid:) AND DATE_FORMAT(d.date_creation,'%Y-%m')<=:t: AND (\n DATE_FORMAT(d.product_solved,'%Y-%m')>:t: OR d.product_solved IS NULL\n OR d.supposed_compensation AND (DATE_FORMAT(d.supplier_solved,'%Y-%m')>:t: OR d.supplier_solved IS NULL)\n OR d.position_id AND (DATE_FORMAT(d.client_solved,'%Y-%m')>:t: OR d.client_solved IS NULL)\n )\n GROUP BY, :t: \n "); $query->setVarChar('t', $date); $query->setInteger('oid', OWNER_ID); foreach ($this->users as $key => $curr) { $query->setInteger('uid' . $key, $curr); } $results = array_merge($results, $query->getAllRecords()); $date = date('Y-m', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', strtotime($date . '-01')) + 1, date("01"), date('Y', strtotime($date . '-01')))); } return $this->processResult($results); }
public function checkUserLevel() { try { if (Auth::user()) { $usersinfo = Auth::user(); $getIndicatorDescription = Indicator::where('id', '=', $usersinfo->indicator_id)->where('indicator_for', '=', 'STORE')->get(); if (count($getIndicatorDescription) <= 0) { return 'empty'; } else { return $getIndicatorDescription; } } else { return 'authFailed'; } } catch (\Exception $e) { return 'authErr'; } }
public function actionIndex() { $indicators = Indicator::model()->findAll(); $this->render('index', array('indicators' => $indicators)); }
} if (isset($_POST['indicator'])) { if ($_POST['indicator'] == 'balance') { //$trace = new Trace($_POST['trace']); //$user = $trace->getBaseName(); //$manager = new Indicator_Manager($user); $Ind = new Indicator($_POST['trace']); $tA = str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['typeA']); $tB = str_replace(' ', '', $_POST['typeB']); $TypeObsel = array($tA, $tB); if (isset($_POST['after']) && isset($_POST['before'])) { $res = json_encode($Ind->balance($_POST['after'], $_POST['before'], $TypeObsel)); } else { $res = json_encode($Ind->balance(null, null, $TypeObsel)); } echo $res; } } if (isset($_POST['indicator'])) { if ($_POST['indicator'] == 'classification') { if (isset($_POST['trace'])) { $Ind = new Indicator($_POST['trace']); } if (isset($_POST['after']) && isset($_POST['before'])) { $res = json_encode($Ind->classification($_POST['after'], $_POST['before'])); } else { $res = json_encode($Ind->classification(null, null)); } echo $res; } }
function testind() { // $ind = new Indicator("http://localhost:8001/Nice1/t03/"); // $file = "indic.json"; // $JS = file_get_contents($file); // $json = json_decode($JS,true); // $ind->generatefromJson($json); // $Ind = new Indicator("http://localhost:8001/Nice1/trace1/"); // $TypeObsel = array ("Ouverture_Page","Click-Lien"); // $res = json_encode($Ind->balance('16-04-2014','17-04-2014',$TypeObsel)); // $res = json_encode($Ind->classification()); // var_export($res); $man = new Indicator_Manager('http://localhost:8001/Nice1/t03/'); $ind = $man->getIndicator('Recherche Google'); $I = new Indicator('http://localhost:8001/Nice1/t03/'); $res = $I->refresh($ind, '04-04-2014'); var_export($res); }
require_once $path_IndicatorStore; if (isset($_POST['reason'])) { if ($_POST['reason'] == 'list') { if (isset($_POST['trace'])) { $manager = new Indicator_Manager($_POST['trace']); } $a = $manager->getIndicators(); $res = json_encode($a); echo $res; } if ($_POST["reason"] == 'addindic') { if (isset($_POST['data'])) { $ind = $_POST['data']; } if (isset($_POST['trace'])) { $indic = new Indicator($_POST['trace']); } $res = $indic->generatefromJson($ind); echo json_encode($res["val"]); } if ($_POST['reason'] == 'getin') { if (isset($_POST['nameind'])) { $name = $_POST['nameind']; } if (isset($_POST['trace'])) { $manager = new Indicator_Manager($_POST['trace']); } $a = $manager->getIndicator($name); if (isset($_POST['trace'])) { $ind = new Indicator($_POST['trace']); }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return Indicator the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = Indicator::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }