$page = 1; } // First time we visit this page, show by default only Open incidents // when GET() returns NULL, means that the param is not set if (GET('status') === null) { $status = 'Open'; } $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); // Close selected tickets if (GET('close') == _("Close selected")) { foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { if (preg_match("/^ticket\\d+/", $k) && $v != "") { $idprio = explode("_", $v); if (is_numeric($idprio[0]) && is_numeric($idprio[1])) { Incident_ticket::insert($conn, $idprio[0], "Closed", $idprio[1], Session::get_session_user(), " ", "", "", array(), null); } } } } $criteria = array('ref' => $ref, 'type' => $type, 'title' => $title, 'submitter' => $submitter, 'in_charge' => $in_charge, 'with_text' => $with_text, 'status' => $status, 'priority_str' => $priority, 'attach_name' => $attachment, 'related_to_user' => $related_to_user, 'tag' => $tag); $incident_tag = new Incident_tag($conn); ?> <!-- filter --> <form name="filter" id="filter" method="GET" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="page" id="page" value=""/> <?php
?> ')"/> <input type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo _('Save Template'); ?> " class="button" /> </p> </form> <?php if ($preview) { foreach ($labels as $k => $data) { $values[$k] = $data['sample']; } $subject = Incident_ticket::build_email_template($subject_tpl, $values); $body = Incident_ticket::build_email_template($body_tpl, $values); ?> <table align="center" width="80%"> <tr> <th valign="middle" width="10%" style="text-align: center;"><?php echo _("Subject"); ?> :</td> <td valign="top" style="text-align: left;"><pre><?php echo $subject; ?> </pre></td> </tr> <tr> <th valign="middle" width="10%" style="text-align: center;"><?php echo _("Body");
if (GET('close') == _('Close selected')) { foreach ($_GET as $k => $cst_inc_id) { if (preg_match("/^ticket\\d+/", $k) && $cst_inc_id != '') { list($cst_incident) = Incident::search($conn, array('incident_id' => $cst_inc_id)); if (is_object($cst_incident) && !empty($cst_incident)) { //Incident is not already closed $cst_prev_status = $cst_incident->get_status(); if ($cst_prev_status != 'Closed' && Incident::user_incident_perms($conn, $cst_inc_id, 'closed')) { $cst_status = 'Closed'; $cst_priority = $cst_incident->get_priority(); $cst_user = Session::get_session_user(); $cst_description = sprintf(_('Ticket automatically closed by %s'), $cst_user); $cst_action = sprintf(_('Change ticket status from %s to Closed'), ucfirst($cst_incident->get_status())); $cst_transferred = NULL; $cst_tags = $cst_incident->get_tags(); Incident_ticket::insert($conn, $cst_inc_id, $cst_status, $cst_priority, $cst_user, $cst_description, $cst_action, $cst_transferred, $cst_tags); } } } } } $criteria = array('ref' => $ref, 'type' => $type, 'title' => $title, 'submitter' => $submitter, 'in_charge' => $in_charge, 'with_text' => $with_text, 'status' => $status, 'priority_str' => $priority, 'attach_name' => $attachment, 'related_to_user' => $related_to_user, 'tag' => $tag); ?> <!-- filter --> <form name="filter" id="filter" method="GET" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="page" id="page" value=""/> <?php
<tr><td> <?php if ($screen == "status") { echo "<style>div.legend td.legendLabel { border:0 none; width:120px }</style>"; // Get unresolved INCIDENTS if (!$order_by) { $order_by = 'life_time'; $order_mode = 'ASC'; } $incident_list = Incident::search($conn, array("status" => "Open"), $order_by, $order_mode, 1, 10); $unresolved_incidents = Incident::search_count($conn); //$incident_list = Incident::get_list($conn, "ORDER BY date DESC"); $incident_list = Incident::search($conn, array(), "date", "DESC", 1, 1); $incident_date1 = $incident_list[0] ? $incident_list[0]->get_date() : 0; $incident_ticket_list = Incident_ticket::get_list($conn, "ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1"); $incident_date2 = $incident_ticket_list[0] ? $incident_ticket_list[0]->get_date() : 0; if ($incident_list[0] || $incident_ticket_list[0]) { $incident_date = strtotime($incident_date1) > strtotime($incident_date2) ? $incident_date1 : $incident_date2; if ($incident_date == 0) { $incident_date = "__/__/__ --:--:--"; } } //$incident_list = Incident::get_list($conn, "ORDER BY priority DESC"); $incident_list = Incident::search($conn, array("status" => "Open"), "priority", "DESC", 1, 1); $incident_max_priority = $incident_list[0] ? $incident_list[0]->get_priority() : "-"; $incident_max_priority_id = $incident_list[0] ? $incident_list[0]->get_id() : "0"; // Get unresolved ALARMS $unresolved_alarms = Alarm::get_count($conn); list($alarm_date, $alarm_date_id) = Alarm::get_max_byfield($conn, "timestamp"); list($alarm_max_risk, $alarm_max_risk_id) = Alarm::get_max_byfield($conn, "risk");
$save = true; $subject_tpl = $body_tpl = ''; } // Save values in the "config" table if ($save) { Incident_ticket::save_email_template($subject_tpl, $body_tpl); header("Location: " . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); exit; } // First time, get the default templates. They are defined // inside the function: Incident_ticket::get_email_template() if (!$subject_tpl) { $subject_tpl = Incident_ticket::get_email_template('subject'); } if (!$body_tpl) { $body_tpl = Incident_ticket::get_email_template('body'); } $labels = array('ID' => array('help' => _("The Ticket database ID"), 'sample' => '63'), 'INCIDENT_NO' => array('help' => _("The ticket human-oriented reference"), 'sample' => 'ALA63'), 'TITLE' => array('help' => _("The ticket resume"), 'sample' => _("Detected MAC change in DMZ")), 'EXTRA_INFO' => array('help' => _("Related ticket information"), 'sample' => "Source IPs:\n" . "Source Ports: 2267\n" . "Dest. IPs:\n" . "Dest. Ports: 22\n"), 'IN_CHARGE_NAME' => array('help' => _("The person currently in charge of solving the ticket"), 'sample' => 'John Smith'), 'IN_CHARGE_LOGIN' => array('help' => _("The login of the person currently in charge of solving the ticket"), 'sample' => 'jsmith'), 'IN_CHARGE_EMAIL' => array('help' => _("The email of the person currently in charge of solving the ticket"), 'sample' => '*****@*****.**'), 'IN_CHARGE_DPTO' => array('help' => _("The department of the person currently in charge of solving the ticket"), 'sample' => 'Tech Support'), 'IN_CHARGE_COMPANY' => array('help' => _("The company of the person currently in charge of solving the ticket"), 'sample' => 'Example Inc.'), 'PRIORITY_NUM' => array('help' => _("The priority of the ticket in numbers from 1 (low) to 10 (high)"), 'sample' => 8), 'PRIORITY_STR' => array('help' => _("The priority in string format: Low, Medium or High"), 'sample' => 'High'), 'TAGS' => array('help' => _("The extra labels of information attached to the ticket"), 'sample' => "NEED_MORE_INFO, FALSE_POSITIVE"), 'CREATION_DATE' => array('help' => _("When was the ticket created"), 'sample' => '2005-10-18 19:30:53'), 'STATUS' => array('help' => _("What's the current status: Open or Close"), 'sample' => 'Open'), 'CLASS' => array('help' => _("The type of ticket: Alarm, Event, Metric..."), 'sample' => 'Alarm'), 'TYPE' => array('help' => _("The ticket category or group"), 'sample' => 'Policy Violation'), 'LIFE_TIME' => array('help' => _("The time passed since the creation of the ticket"), 'sample' => '1 Day, 10:13'), 'TICKET_DESCRIPTION' => array('help' => _("The description filled by the ticket author"), 'sample' => 'Detected a MAC change on dmz1.int host'), 'TICKET_ACTION' => array('help' => _("The action filled by the ticket author"), 'sample' => 'Investigate the ticket asap'), 'TICKET_AUTHOR_NAME' => array('help' => _("The person who just created a new ticket"), 'sample' => 'Sam Max'), 'TICKET_AUTHOR_EMAIL' => array('help' => _("The email of the ticket author"), 'sample' => '*****@*****.**'), 'TICKET_AUTHOR_DPTO' => array('help' => _("The department of the ticket author"), 'sample' => 'Network Operations'), 'TICKET_AUTHOR_COMPANY' => array('help' => _("The company of the ticket author"), 'sample' => 'Same Example Inc.'), 'TICKET_EMAIL_CC' => array('help' => _("Who (Name and Email) received this email too"), 'sample' => "\"John Smith\" <*****@*****.**>\n\"Sam Max\" <*****@*****.**>"), 'TICKET_HISTORY' => array('help' => _("The complete list of tickets related to this ticket"), 'sample' => '-- Here goes the list of tickets --'), 'TICKET_INVERSE_HISTORY' => array('help' => _("The complete list of tickets related to this ticket") . " (" . _("reverse order") . ")", 'sample' => '-- Here goes the reversed list of tickets --')); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <title> <?php echo gettext("OSSIM Framework"); ?> </title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/> <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style/av_common.css?t=<?php echo Util::get_css_id();
$data['data'] = $validation_errors; if (is_array($validation_errors) && !empty($validation_errors)) { $data['status'] = 'error'; echo json_encode($data); } else { $data['status'] = 'OK'; echo json_encode($data); } exit; } else { if (is_array($validation_errors) && !empty($validation_errors)) { $data['status'] = 'error'; $data['data'] = $validation_errors; } else { $data['status'] = 'OK'; Incident_ticket::delete($conn, $ticket_id); $db->close(); header("Location: incident.php?id={$incident_id}&edit={$edit}"); exit; } } } elseif ($action == 'e_subscription') { $incident_id = $_POST['incident_id'] = GET('incident_id'); $login = POST('login'); $validate = array('incident_id' => array('validation' => 'OSS_DIGIT', 'e_message' => 'illegal:' . _('Incident ID')), 'login' => array('validation' => 'OSS_USER_2', 'e_message' => 'illegal:' . _('Email changes to'))); $validation_errors = validate_form_fields('POST', $validate); if (is_array($validation_errors) && empty($validation_errors)) { if (!Incident::user_incident_perms($conn, $incident_id, $action)) { $validation_errors['extended_validatation'] = _('You are not allowed to subscribe a new user because you are neither *admin* or the ticket owner'); } }
?> <table width="100%" cellspacing="2" align="center"> <!-- ticket head --> <tr> <th width="78%" nowrap='nowrap'><strong><?php echo format_user($creator); ?> </strong> - <?php echo $date; ?> </th> <td style="text-align:left; padding-left:3px;"> <?php /* Check permissions to delete a ticket*/ if ($i == count($tickets_list) - 1 && Incident_ticket::user_tickets_perms($conn, $ticket_id)) { ?> <input type="button" name="deleteticket" class="lbutton" value="<?php echo _("Delete ticket"); ?> " onclick="delete_comment('<?php echo $ticket_id; ?> ', '<?php echo $id; ?> ')"/> <?php } ?>
set_include_path('/usr/share/ossim/include'); require_once 'av_init.php'; $conf = $GLOBALS["CONF"]; $mdays = $conf->get_conf("tickets_max_days"); $send_mail = strtolower($conf->get_conf("tickets_send_mail")); if ($send_mail == "no") { exit; } $db = new ossim_db(); $conn = $db->connect(); $user = '******'; // login the user $session = new Session($user, '', ''); $session->login(TRUE); $dbpass = $conn->GetOne('SELECT pass FROM users WHERE login = ?', array($user)); $client = new Alienvault_client($user); $client->auth()->login($user, $dbpass); if ($result = $conn->execute("SELECT * FROM incident_tmp_email")) { while (!$result->EOF) { $incident_id = $result->fields["incident_id"]; $ticket_id = $result->fields["ticket_id"]; Incident_ticket::mail_notification($conn, $incident_id, $ticket_id); if (ossim_error()) { echo ossim_error() . "\n"; } ossim_set_error(FALSE); $conn->Execute('DELETE FROM incident_tmp_email WHERE incident_id = ?', array($incident_id)); $result->MoveNext(); } } $db->close($conn);
header("Location: incident.php?id={$id}&edit={$edit}&nohmenu=1"); } else { header("Location: incident.php?id={$id}&edit={$edit}"); } exit; } /* Remove a ticket */ if ($action == 'delticket') { if (!GET('ticket_id')) { die("Invalid Ticket ID"); } // Only admin, entity admin and ticket owner if (!Incident_ticket::user_tickets_perms($conn, GET('ticket_id'))) { die_error(_("You are not allowed to delete this ticket because you are neither *admin* or the ticket owner")); } Incident_ticket::delete($conn, GET('ticket_id')); if (intval(POST('nohmenu')) == 1) { header("Location: incident.php?id={$id}&edit={$edit}&nohmenu=1"); } else { header("Location: incident.php?id={$id}&edit={$edit}"); } exit; } /* Remove an incident */ if ($action == 'delincident') { // Only admin, entity admin and ticket owner if (!Incident::user_incident_perms($conn, $id, $action)) { die_error(_("You are not allowed to delete this incident because you are neither *admin* or the ticket owner")); } Incident::delete($conn, $id); header("Location: ./");