private function parseEntry() { $item = new NewsItem(); while ($this->reader->read()) { if ($this->reader->nodeType == \XMLReader::END_ELEMENT && $this->reader->name == 'entry') { if ($item->title == $item->desc) { $item->desc = ''; } $this->items[] = $item; return; } if ($this->reader->nodeType != \XMLReader::ELEMENT) { continue; } switch (strtolower($this->reader->name)) { case 'title': $this->reader->read(); $item->title = html_entity_decode($this->reader->value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); break; case 'summary': $this->reader->read(); $item->desc = html_entity_decode($this->reader->value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); break; case 'content': $this->reader->read(); $item->body = html_entity_decode($this->reader->value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); break; case 'updated': $this->reader->read(); $item->setTimestamp($this->reader->value); break; case 'name': ///XXX :hack to avoid 2-level parsing of <author><name>Sveriges Radio</name></author> $this->reader->read(); $item->author = html_entity_decode($this->reader->value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); break; case 'id': $this->reader->read(); $item->guid = $this->reader->value; break; case 'link': switch ($this->reader->getAttribute('rel')) { case 'alternate': $item->setUrl($this->reader->getAttribute('href')); break; case 'enclosure': switch ($this->reader->getAttribute('type')) { case 'video/x-flv': case 'video/quicktime': $item->video_url = $this->reader->getAttribute('href'); $item->video_mime = $this->reader->getAttribute('type'); if ($this->reader->getAttribute('length')) { $this->duration = $this->reader->getAttribute('length'); } break; case 'image/jpeg': $item->image_url = $this->reader->getAttribute('href'); $item->image_mime = $this->reader->getAttribute('type'); break; default: throw new \Exception('unknown enclosure mime: ' . $this->reader->getAttribute('type')); } break; case 'image': switch ($this->reader->getAttribute('type')) { case 'image/png': $img = new ImageResource(); $img->setUrl($this->reader->getAttribute('href')); $img->setMimetype($this->reader->getAttribute('type')); $item->addMedia($img); break; default: throw new \Exception('unknown image mime: ' . $this->reader->getAttribute('type')); } break; case 'replies': //FIXME: handle break; case 'edit': //XXX ??? //XXX ??? case 'self': //XXX ??? //XXX ??? case '': // no "rel" attribute exists break; default: d($item); throw new \Exception('unknown link type: ' . $this->reader->getAttribute('rel')); } break; default: // echo 'unknown entry entry: '.$this->reader->name.ln(); break; } } }
private function parseMediaContent(&$item) { switch ($this->reader->getAttribute('medium')) { // <media:content bitrate="1800.0" duration="3475" expression="full" height="144" lang="sv" type="video/3gpp" width="176" medium="video" url="rtsp://www...3gp"> case 'video': $mime = $this->reader->getAttribute('type'); if ($mime == 'application/') { // http url with a m3u playlist, possibly containing more m3u playlists $m3u = new M3uReader($this->reader->getAttribute('url')); //throw new \Exception ('xxxxxxx apple stuff'); foreach ($m3u->getItems() as $m) { if (file_suffix($m->getUrl()) == '.m3u8') { // pl points to another playlist $m3u2 = new M3uReader($m->getUrl()); // d ( $m3u2->getItems() ); $item->addMediaItems($m3u2->getItems()); } } return; } $media = new VideoResource(); $media->setUrl($this->reader->getAttribute('url')); $media->setDuration($this->reader->getAttribute('duration')); $media->video_height = $this->reader->getAttribute('height'); $media->video_width = $this->reader->getAttribute('width'); $media->mimetype = $mime; $media->bitrate = $this->reader->getAttribute('bitrate'); break; // <media:content height="576" type="image/jpeg" width="720" medium="image" url="http://www....jpg" /> // <media:content height="576" type="image/jpeg" width="720" medium="image" url="http://www....jpg" /> case 'image': $media = new ImageResource(); $media->setUrl($this->reader->getAttribute('url')); $media->width = $this->reader->getAttribute('width'); $media->height = $this->reader->getAttribute('height'); break; default: throw new \Exception('unhandled medium type ' . $this->reader->getAttribute('medium')); } while ($this->reader->read()) { if ($this->reader->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT && $this->reader->name == 'media:content') { // d($media); $item->addMedia($media); return; } if ($this->reader->nodeType != XMLReader::ELEMENT) { continue; } $key = strtolower($this->reader->name); switch ($key) { // <media:player url="" /> case 'media:player': break; // <media:title>Uppdrag granskning - Del 7 av 16: Kapade nätverk</media:title> // <media:title>Uppdrag granskning - Del 7 av 16: Kapade nätverk</media:title> case 'media:title': $title = $this->reader->readValue(); //XXXX never used! break; default: //echo 'unknown item entry ' .$this->reader->name.ln(); break; } } $item->addMedia($media); }
/** */ function getAlbumCovers($artist, $album) { $temp = TempStore::getInstance(); $key = 'LastFmClient/covers//' . $artist . '/' . $album; $data = $temp->get($key); if ($data) { return unserialize($data); } $xml = $this->query('album.getInfo', array('artist' => $artist, 'album' => $album, 'lang' => $this->language)); if (isset($xml->error)) { // eg: "Album not found" return false; } $images = array(); foreach ($xml->album->image as $i) { $attrs = $i->attributes(); $image = new ImageResource(); $image->type = strval($attrs['size']); $image->setUrl(strval($i)); $images[] = $image; } $temp->set($key, serialize($images)); return $images; }