Exemplo n.º 1
 function retrieveImageAction()
     $monitorindex = $this->getParam('monitorindex', 'aggregate');
     $period = $this->getParam('period', IXP_Mrtg::$PERIODS['Day']);
     $shortname = $this->getParam('shortname');
     $category = $this->getParam('category', IXP_Mrtg::$CATEGORIES['Bits']);
     $graph = $this->getParam('graph', '');
     $this->getLogger()->debug("Request for {$shortname}-{$monitorindex}-{$category}-{$period}-{$graph} by {$this->getUser()->getUsername()}");
     if ($shortname == 'X_Trunks') {
         $filename = $this->ixp->getMrtgPath() . '/trunks/' . $graph . '-' . $period . '.png';
     } else {
         if ($shortname == 'X_SwitchAggregate') {
             $filename = $this->ixp->getMrtgPath() . '/switches/switch-aggregate-' . $graph . '-' . $category . '-' . $period . '.png';
         } else {
             if ($shortname == 'X_Peering') {
                 $filename = $this->ixp->getMrtgPath() . '/ixp_peering-' . $graph . '-' . $category . '-' . $period . '.png';
             } else {
                 if ($this->getUser()->getPrivs() != \Entities\User::AUTH_SUPERUSER || !$this->checkShortname($shortname)) {
                     $shortname = $this->getCustomer()->getShortname();
                 $filename = IXP_Mrtg::getMrtgFilePath($this->ixp->getMrtgPath() . '/members', 'PNG', $monitorindex, $category, $shortname, $period);
     $this->getLogger()->debug("Serving {$filename} to {$this->getUser()->getUsername()}");
     if (@readfile($filename) === false) {
         $this->getLogger()->notice("Could not load {$filename} for mrtg/retrieveImageAction");
         @readfile(APPLICATION_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'images' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'image-missing.png');
 private function emailPortsWithCounts($type, $category, $inField, $outField)
     $this->view->day = $day = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 days'));
     $data = $this->getD2R('\\Entities\\TrafficDaily')->load($day, $category);
     $mail = $this->getMailer();
     $mail->setFrom($this->_options['cli']['ports_with_counts']['from_email'], $this->_options['cli']['ports_with_counts']['from_name'])->setSubject(sprintf($this->_options['cli']['ports_with_counts']['subject'], $type))->setType(Zend_Mime::MULTIPART_RELATED);
     foreach ($this->_options['cli']['ports_with_counts']['recipients'] as $r) {
     $this->view->type = $type;
     $mailHtml = $this->view->render('statistics-cli/email/counts-header.phtml');
     $numWithCounts = 0;
     foreach ($data as $d) {
         if ($d[$inField] == 0 && $d[$outField] == 0) {
         if ($this->isVerbose() || $this->isDebug()) {
             echo "{$d['Customer']['name']}\t\tIN / OUT: {$d[$inField]} / {$d[$outField]}\n";
         $mrtg = $mail->createAttachment(file_get_contents(IXP_Mrtg::getMrtgFilePath($this->getD2R('\\Entities\\IXP')->getDefault()->getMrtgPath() . '/members', 'PNG', 'aggregate', $category, $d['Customer']['shortname'], IXP_Mrtg::PERIOD_DAY)), "image/png", Zend_Mime::DISPOSITION_INLINE, Zend_Mime::ENCODING_BASE64, "{$d['Customer']['shortname']}-aggregate.png");
         $this->view->mrtg_id = $mrtg->id = "{$d['Customer']['shortname']}-aggregate";
         $this->view->ecust = $d['Customer'];
         $this->view->in = $d[$inField];
         $this->view->out = $d[$outField];
         $mailHtml .= $this->view->render('statistics-cli/email/counts-member.phtml');
     if ($numWithCounts) {
         $this->view->numWithCounts = $numWithCounts;
         $mailHtml .= $this->view->render('statistics-cli/email/counts-footer.phtml');
Exemplo n.º 3
  * With the introduction of LAG graphs in 3.6.14, we wanted to merge past
  * traffic data form individual ports into the new lag files
  * This CLI action just lists the files to merge to and from.
  * Use a merger such as: http://bangbangsoundslikemachinery.blogspot.ie/2012/02/mrtg-log-aggregator.html
  * And set $MERGER and $MRTGPATH accordingly before running the resultant commands.
 public function cliLagHistoryToFromAction()
     // get all active trafficing customers
     $custs = $this->getD2R('\\Entities\\Customer')->getCurrentActive(false, true, false, $this->getD2R('\\Entities\\IXP')->getDefault());
     foreach ($custs as $c) {
         foreach ($c->getVirtualInterfaces() as $vi) {
             if (count($vi->getPhysicalInterfaces()) <= 1) {
             foreach (IXP_Mrtg::$CATEGORIES as $category) {
                 echo '$MERGER';
                 foreach ($vi->getPhysicalInterfaces() as $pi) {
                     echo ' $MRTGPATH/' . IXP_Mrtg::getMrtgFilePath('members', 'LOG', $pi->getMonitorIndex(), $category, $c->getShortname());
                 echo ' >';
                 echo ' $MRTGPATH/' . IXP_Mrtg::getMrtgFilePath('members', 'LOG', 'lag-viid-' . $vi->getId(), $category, $c->getShortname());
                 echo "\n";
 public function memberDrilldownAction()
     $category = $this->setCategory();
     $this->view->monitorindex = $monitorindex = $this->getParam('monitorindex', 1);
     $cust = $this->view->cust = $this->resolveCustomerByShortnameParam();
     // includes security checks
     $this->view->isLAG = false;
     $this->view->isPort = false;
     $this->view->isAggregate = false;
     if (is_numeric($monitorindex)) {
         $vint = false;
         $pi = null;
         foreach ($cust->getVirtualInterfaces() as $vi) {
             foreach ($vi->getPhysicalInterfaces() as $pi) {
                 if ($pi->getMonitorindex() == $monitorindex) {
                     $this->view->pi = $pi;
                     $this->view->vint = $vint = $vi;
                     break 2;
         if (!$vint) {
             throw new IXP_Exception('Member statistics drilldown requested for unknown monitor index');
         $this->view->switchname = $pi->getSwitchPort()->getSwitcher()->getName();
         $this->view->portname = $pi->getSwitchPort()->getName();
         $this->view->isPort = true;
     } else {
         if (substr($monitorindex, 0, 9) == 'lag-viid-') {
             $viid = substr($monitorindex, 9);
             $vint = false;
             $pi = null;
             foreach ($cust->getVirtualInterfaces() as $vi) {
                 if ($vi->getId() == $viid) {
                     $this->view->vi = $vi;
                     $this->view->vint = $vint = $vi;
             if (!$vint) {
                 throw new IXP_Exception('Member statistics drilldown requested for unknown LAG index');
             $this->view->switchname = $vi->getPhysicalInterfaces()[0]->getSwitchPort()->getSwitcher()->getName();
             foreach ($vi->getPhysicalInterfaces() as $pi) {
                 $portnames[] = $pi->getSwitchPort()->getName();
             $this->view->portname = implode(', ', $portnames);
             $this->view->isLAG = true;
         } else {
             $this->view->switchname = '';
             $this->view->portname = '';
             $this->view->isAggregate = true;
     $this->view->periods = IXP_Mrtg::$PERIODS;
     $stats = array();
     foreach (IXP_Mrtg::$PERIODS as $period) {
         $mrtg = new IXP_Mrtg(IXP_Mrtg::getMrtgFilePath($this->ixp->getMrtgPath() . '/members', 'LOG', $monitorindex, $category, $cust->getShortname()));
         $stats[$period] = $mrtg->getValues($period, $this->view->category);
     $this->view->stats = $stats;
     if ($this->getParam('mini', false)) {