Exemplo n.º 1
  * Changes Admin User
  * Changes the username and id of the 1st user
  * @param string $username the username to change if changing at the same time
  * @param bool   $id       whether to change the id as well
  * @return bool success or failure
 private function change_admin_user($username = null, $id = false)
     global $wpdb;
     $itsec_files = ITSEC_Core::get_itsec_files();
     if ($itsec_files->get_file_lock('admin_user')) {
         //make sure it isn't already running
         //sanitize the username
         $new_user = sanitize_text_field($username);
         //Get the full user object
         $user_object = get_user_by('id', '1');
         if (!is_null($username) && validate_username($new_user) && false === username_exists($new_user)) {
             //there is a valid username to change
             if ($id === true) {
                 //we're changing the id too so we'll set the username
                 $user_login = $new_user;
             } else {
                 // we're only changing the username
                 //query main user table
                 $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $wpdb->users . "` SET user_login = '******' WHERE user_login='******';");
                 if (is_multisite()) {
                     //process sitemeta if we're in a multi-site situation
                     $oldAdmins = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT meta_value FROM `" . $wpdb->sitemeta . "` WHERE meta_key = 'site_admins'");
                     $newAdmins = str_replace('5:"admin"', strlen($new_user) . ':"' . esc_sql($new_user) . '"', $oldAdmins);
                     $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $wpdb->sitemeta . "` SET meta_value = '" . esc_sql($newAdmins) . "' WHERE meta_key = 'site_admins'");
                 return true;
         } elseif ($username !== null) {
             //username didn't validate
             return false;
         } else {
             //only changing the id
             $user_login = $user_object->user_login;
         if ($id === true) {
             //change the user id
             $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `" . $wpdb->users . "` WHERE ID = 1;");
             $wpdb->insert($wpdb->users, array('user_login' => $user_login, 'user_pass' => $user_object->user_pass, 'user_nicename' => $user_object->user_nicename, 'user_email' => $user_object->user_email, 'user_url' => $user_object->user_url, 'user_registered' => $user_object->user_registered, 'user_activation_key' => $user_object->user_activation_key, 'user_status' => $user_object->user_status, 'display_name' => $user_object->display_name));
             if (is_multisite() && $username !== null && validate_username($new_user)) {
                 //process sitemeta if we're in a multi-site situation
                 $oldAdmins = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT meta_value FROM `" . $wpdb->sitemeta . "` WHERE meta_key = 'site_admins'");
                 $newAdmins = str_replace('5:"admin"', strlen($new_user) . ':"' . esc_sql($new_user) . '"', $oldAdmins);
                 $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $wpdb->sitemeta . "` SET meta_value = '" . esc_sql($newAdmins) . "' WHERE meta_key = 'site_admins'");
             $new_user = $wpdb->insert_id;
             $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $wpdb->posts . "` SET post_author = '" . $new_user . "' WHERE post_author = 1;");
             $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $wpdb->usermeta . "` SET user_id = '" . $new_user . "' WHERE user_id = 1;");
             $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $wpdb->comments . "` SET user_id = '" . $new_user . "' WHERE user_id = 1;");
             $wpdb->query("UPDATE `" . $wpdb->links . "` SET link_owner = '" . $new_user . "' WHERE link_owner = 1;");
             return true;
     return false;
  * Public function to get lock and call backup.
  * Attempts to get a lock to prevent concurrant backups and calls the backup function itself.
  * @since 4.0.0
  * @param  boolean $one_time whether this is a one time backup
  * @return mixed false on error or nothing
 public function do_backup($one_time = false)
     $itsec_files = ITSEC_Core::get_itsec_files();
     if ($itsec_files->get_file_lock('backup')) {
         switch ($this->settings['method']) {
             case 0:
                 return __('Backup complete. The backup was sent to the selected email recipients and was saved locally.', 'better-wp-security');
             case 1:
                 return __('Backup complete. The backup was sent to the selected email recipients.', 'better-wp-security');
                 return __('Backup complete. The backup was saved locally.', 'better-wp-security');
     } else {
         return new WP_Error('itsec-backup-do-backup-already-running', __('Unable to create a backup at this time since a backup is currently being created. If you wish to create an additional backup, please wait a few minutes before trying again.', 'better-wp-security'));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function execute_file_check($scheduled_call = true, $return_data = false)
     global $itsec_logger, $itsec_globals;
     if (false === $this->running) {
         $this->running = true;
         $send_email = true;
         $itsec_files = ITSEC_Core::get_itsec_files();
         if ($itsec_files->get_file_lock('file_change', 300)) {
             //make sure it isn't already running
             define('ITSEC_DOING_FILE_CHECK', true);
             //figure out what chunk we're on
             if (isset($this->settings['split']) && true === $this->settings['split']) {
                 if (isset($this->settings['last_chunk']) && false !== $this->settings['last_chunk'] && $this->settings['last_chunk'] < 6) {
                     $chunk = $this->settings['last_chunk'] + 1;
                 } else {
                     $chunk = 0;
             } else {
                 $chunk = false;
             if (false !== $chunk) {
                 $db_field = 'itsec_local_file_list_' . $chunk;
             } else {
                 $db_field = 'itsec_local_file_list';
             //set base memory
             $memory_used = @memory_get_peak_usage();
             $logged_files = get_site_option($db_field);
             //if there are no old files old file list is an empty array
             if (false === $logged_files) {
                 $send_email = false;
                 $logged_files = array();
                 if (is_multisite()) {
                     add_site_option($db_field, $logged_files);
                 } else {
                     add_option($db_field, $logged_files, '', 'no');
             $current_files = $this->scan_files('', $scheduled_call, $chunk);
             //scan current files
             $files_added = @array_diff_assoc($current_files, $logged_files);
             //files added
             $files_removed = @array_diff_assoc($logged_files, $current_files);
             //files deleted
             $current_minus_added = @array_diff_key($current_files, $files_added);
             //remove all added files from current filelist
             $logged_minus_deleted = @array_diff_key($logged_files, $files_removed);
             //remove all deleted files from old file list
             $files_changed = array();
             //array of changed files
             //compare file hashes and mod dates
             foreach ($current_minus_added as $current_file => $current_attr) {
                 if (array_key_exists($current_file, $logged_minus_deleted)) {
                     //if attributes differ added to changed files array
                     if (isset($current_attr['mod_date']) && 0 != strcmp($current_attr['mod_date'], $logged_minus_deleted[$current_file]['mod_date']) || 0 != strcmp($current_attr['d'], $logged_minus_deleted[$current_file]['d']) || (isset($current_attr['hash']) && 0 != strcmp($current_attr['hash'], $logged_minus_deleted[$current_file]['hash']) || 0 != strcmp($current_attr['h'], $logged_minus_deleted[$current_file]['h']))) {
                         $remote_check = apply_filters('itsec_process_changed_file', true, $current_file, $current_attr['h']);
                         //hook to run actions on a changed file at time of discovery
                         if (true === $remote_check) {
                             //don't list the file if it matches the WordPress.org hash
                             $files_changed[$current_file]['h'] = isset($current_attr['hash']) ? $current_attr['hash'] : $current_attr['h'];
                             $files_changed[$current_file]['d'] = isset($current_attr['mod_date']) ? $current_attr['mod_date'] : $current_attr['d'];
             //get count of changes
             $files_added_count = sizeof($files_added);
             $files_deleted_count = sizeof($files_removed);
             $files_changed_count = sizeof($files_changed);
             if (0 < $files_added_count) {
                 $files_added = apply_filters('itsec_process_added_files', $files_added);
                 //hook to run actions on all files added
                 $files_added_count = sizeof($files_added);
             if (0 < $files_deleted_count) {
                 do_action('itsec_process_removed_files', $files_removed);
                 //hook to run actions on all files removed
             //create single array of all changes
             $full_change_list = array('added' => $files_added, 'removed' => $files_removed, 'changed' => $files_changed);
             $this->settings['latest_changes'] = array('added' => count($files_added), 'removed' => count($files_removed), 'changed' => count($files_changed));
             update_site_option($db_field, $current_files);
             //Cleanup variables when we're done with them
             $this->settings['last_run'] = $itsec_globals['current_time'];
             $this->settings['last_chunk'] = $chunk;
             ITSEC_Modules::set_settings('file-change', $this->settings);
             //get new max memory
             $check_memory = @memory_get_peak_usage();
             if ($check_memory > $memory_used) {
                 $memory_used = $check_memory - $memory_used;
             $full_change_list['memory'] = round($memory_used / 1000000, 2);
             $itsec_logger->log_event('file_change', 8, $full_change_list);
             if (true === $send_email && false !== $scheduled_call && isset($this->settings['email']) && true === $this->settings['email'] && (0 < $files_added_count || 0 < $files_changed_count || 0 < $files_deleted_count)) {
                 $email_details = array($files_added_count, $files_deleted_count, $files_changed_count, $full_change_list);
             if (function_exists('get_current_screen') && (!isset(get_current_screen()->id) || false === strpos(get_current_screen()->id, 'security_page_toplevel_page_itsec_logs')) && isset($this->settings['notify_admin']) && true === $this->settings['notify_admin']) {
                 ITSEC_Modules::set_setting('file-change', 'show_warning', true);
             if ($files_added_count > 0 || $files_changed_count > 0 || $files_deleted_count > 0) {
                 $this->running = false;
                 //There were changes found
                 if ($return_data) {
                     return $full_change_list;
                 } else {
                     return true;
             } else {
                 $this->running = false;
                 return false;
                 //No changes were found
         $this->running = false;
         return -1;
         //An error occured
     return -1;
  * Locks out given user or host
  * @since 4.0
  * @param  string $type     The type of lockout (for user reference)
  * @param  string $reason   Reason for lockout, for notifications
  * @param  string $host     Host to lock out
  * @param  int    $user     user id to lockout
  * @param string  $username username to lockout
  * @return void
 private function lockout($type, $reason, $host = null, $user = null, $username = null)
     global $wpdb, $itsec_logger, $itsec_globals;
     $itsec_files = ITSEC_Core::get_itsec_files();
     $host_expiration = null;
     $user_expiration = null;
     $username = sanitize_text_field(trim($username));
     if ($itsec_files->get_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username)) {
         //Do we have a good host to lock out or not
         if (!is_null($host) && ITSEC_Lib::is_ip_whitelisted(sanitize_text_field($host)) === false && ITSEC_Lib_IP_Tools::validate($host)) {
             $good_host = sanitize_text_field($host);
         } else {
             $good_host = false;
         //Do we have a valid user to lockout or not
         if ($user !== null && ITSEC_Lib::user_id_exists(intval($user)) === true) {
             $good_user = intval($user);
         } else {
             $good_user = false;
         //Do we have a valid username to lockout or not
         if ($username !== null && $username != '') {
             $good_username = $username;
         } else {
             $good_username = false;
         $blacklist_host = false;
         //assume we're not permanently blcking the host
         //Sanitize the data for later
         $type = sanitize_text_field($type);
         $reason = sanitize_text_field($reason);
         //handle a permanent host ban (if needed)
         if (ITSEC_Modules::get_setting('global', 'blacklist') && $good_host !== false) {
             //permanent blacklist
             $blacklist_period = ITSEC_Modules::get_setting('global', 'blacklist_period', 7);
             $blacklist_seconds = $blacklist_period * DAY_IN_SECONDS;
             $host_count = 1 + $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `" . $wpdb->base_prefix . "itsec_lockouts` WHERE `lockout_expire_gmt` > '%s' AND `lockout_host`='%s';", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt'] - $blacklist_seconds), $host));
             if ($host_count >= ITSEC_Modules::get_setting('global', 'blacklist_count') && ITSEC_Files::can_write_to_files()) {
                 $host_expiration = false;
                 $blacklist_host = true;
                 //flag it so we don't do a temp ban as well
         //We have temp bans to perform
         if ($good_host !== false || $good_user !== false || $good_username || $good_username !== false) {
             if (ITSEC_Lib::is_ip_whitelisted(sanitize_text_field($host))) {
                 $whitelisted = true;
                 $expiration = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 1);
                 $expiration_gmt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', 1);
             } else {
                 $whitelisted = false;
                 $exp_seconds = ITSEC_Modules::get_setting('global', 'lockout_period') * MINUTE_IN_SECONDS;
                 $expiration = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time'] + $exp_seconds);
                 $expiration_gmt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt'] + $exp_seconds);
             if ($good_host !== false && $blacklist_host === false) {
                 //temp lockout host
                 $host_expiration = $expiration;
                 $wpdb->insert($wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_lockouts', array('lockout_type' => $type, 'lockout_start' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time']), 'lockout_start_gmt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt']), 'lockout_expire' => $expiration, 'lockout_expire_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'lockout_host' => sanitize_text_field($host)));
                 $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array('expires' => $expiration, 'expires_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'type' => $type), sanitize_text_field($host));
             if ($good_user !== false) {
                 //blacklist host and temp lockout user
                 $user_expiration = $expiration;
                 $wpdb->insert($wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_lockouts', array('lockout_type' => $type, 'lockout_start' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time']), 'lockout_start_gmt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt']), 'lockout_expire' => $expiration, 'lockout_expire_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'lockout_host' => '', 'lockout_user' => intval($user)));
                 if ($whitelisted === false) {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array('expires' => $expiration, 'expires_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'type' => $type), '', '', intval($user));
                 } else {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array(__('White Listed', 'better-wp-security'), 'type' => $type), '', '', intval($user));
             if ($good_username !== false) {
                 //blacklist host and temp lockout username
                 $user_expiration = $expiration;
                 $wpdb->insert($wpdb->base_prefix . 'itsec_lockouts', array('lockout_type' => $type, 'lockout_start' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time']), 'lockout_start_gmt' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $itsec_globals['current_time_gmt']), 'lockout_expire' => $expiration, 'lockout_expire_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'lockout_host' => '', 'lockout_username' => $username));
                 if ($whitelisted === false) {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array('expires' => $expiration, 'expires_gmt' => $expiration_gmt, 'type' => $type), '', '', $username);
                 } else {
                     $itsec_logger->log_event('lockout', 10, array(__('White Listed', 'better-wp-security'), 'type' => $type), '', '', $username);
             if ($whitelisted === false) {
                 if (ITSEC_Modules::get_setting('global', 'email_notifications')) {
                     //send email notifications
                     $this->send_lockout_email($good_host, $good_user, $good_username, $host_expiration, $user_expiration, $reason);
                 if ($good_host !== false) {
                     $itsec_files->release_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username);
                 } else {
                     $itsec_files->release_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username);
         $itsec_files->release_file_lock('lockout_' . $host . $user . $username);
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Uninstall execution
  * @since 4.0
  * @return void
  * */
 private function uninstall_execute()
     global $itsec_globals, $wpdb;
     require_once $itsec_globals['plugin_dir'] . 'core/class-itsec-modules.php';
     $itsec_files = ITSEC_Core::get_itsec_files();
     $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $wpdb->base_prefix . "itsec_log;");
     $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $wpdb->base_prefix . "itsec_lockouts;");
     $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . $wpdb->base_prefix . "itsec_temp;");
     if (is_dir(ITSEC_Core::get_storage_dir())) {
         require_once ITSEC_Core::get_core_dir() . '/lib/class-itsec-lib-directory.php';