	* Returns a flat count of all categories, used for paging purposes. Must use the same visibility rules as the getTree method.
	* @return int
	public function countAll()
		// isc customer group management does not flag all child categories as not-accessible when you untick a parent category from a customer group access list, so we can't simply count(*) to get a count of all truly visible categories
		// use the nested set query to do a select, but discard the results and then use a FOUND_ROWS call afterwards to get the true count of all visible categories


		$sql = $set->generateGetTreeSql(array('categoryid'), ISC_NESTEDSET_START_ROOT, $this->getMaximumDepth(), null, null, true, $this->_getRestrictions());

		$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($sql);
		if (!$result) {
			return false;

		$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
		return $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($result);
Exemplo n.º 2
		 * Get an array all of the child categories of the current category.
		 * @return array a list of all of the child categories of the current category.
		public function GetChildCategories()
			$categoryId = $this->GetCategoryId();
			$childCats = array();

			// use a manual query instead of getTree as it's less resource intensive since we only need an array of category ids, not array of result rows
			// nested set results will include the starting node, the HAVING restriction array here will drop it from the final results
			$sql = $set->generateGetTreeSql(array('categoryid'), $categoryId, ISC_NESTEDSET_DEPTH_ALL, null, null, true, array('`node`.`categoryid` != ' . $categoryId));
			$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($sql);
			while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
				$childCats[] = $row['categoryid'];

			return $childCats;
Exemplo n.º 3
		 * _CheckPermissions
		 * Create the database and perform other install-orientated tasks
		 * @param none
		 * @return void
		private function RunInstall()
				$lk = '';
				if(isset($_POST['LK'])) {
					$lk = ech0($_POST['LK']);

				if(!$lk) {
					$installMessage = GetLang('LKBad');
					$installCode = "badLicenseKey";

			if(!isset($_POST['StoreCountryLocationId']) || !isId($_POST['StoreCountryLocationId'])) {
				$_POST['StoreCountryLocationId'] = 227; // United States

			if(!isset($_POST['StoreCurrencyCode']) || $_POST['StoreCurrencyCode'] == '') {
				$_POST['StoreCurrencyCode'] = 'USD';

			if(!isset($_POST['ShopPath']) || $_POST['ShopPath'] == '') {
				$installMessage = GetLang('InstallMissingShopPath');
				$installCode = "missingShopPath";
			else if (isc_strlen($_POST['StoreCurrencyCode']) > 3) {
				$installMessage = GetLang('InstallInvalidStoreCurrencyCode');
				$installCode = "invalidStoreCurrencyCode";
			else if(!isset($_POST['ShopPath']) || $_POST['ShopPath'] == '') {
				$installMessage = GetLang('InstallMissingShopPath');
				$installCode = "missingShopPath";
			else if(!isset($_POST['UserEmail']) || $_POST['UserEmail'] == '') {
				$installMessage = GetLang('InstallMissingUserEmail');
				$installCode = "missingUserEmail";
			else if(!isset($_POST['UserPass']) || $_POST['UserPass'] == '') {
				$installMessage = GetLang('InstallMissingUserPass');
				$installCode = "missingUserPass";
			else if(!isset($_POST['dbServer']) || $_POST['dbServer'] == '') {
				$installMessage = GetLang('InstallMissingDbServer');
				$installCode = "missingDbServer";
			else if(!isset($_POST['dbUser']) || $_POST['dbUser'] == '') {
				$installMessage = GetLang('InstallMissingDbUser');
				$installCode = "missingDbUser";
			else if(!isset($_POST['dbPass'])) {
				$installMessage = GetLang('InstallMissingDbPass');
				$installCode = "missingDbPass";
			else if(!isset($_POST['dbDatabase']) || $_POST['dbDatabase'] == '') {
				$installMessage = GetLang('InstallMissingDbDatabase');
				$installCode = "missingDbDatabase";

			if(!isset($_POST['tablePrefix'])) {
				$_POST['tablePrefix'] = '';

			// One or more error messages were detected
			if(isset($installMessage)) {
				$errors = array(
					0 => array(
						"code" => $installCode,
						"message" => $installMessage
				$this->ShowInstallErrors($installMessage, $errors, false, true);

			// Try to connect to the database
			$db_type = GetConfig("dbType") . 'Db';
			$db = new $db_type();

			if(isset($GLOBALS['ISC_CFG']["dbEncoding"])) {
				$db->charset = $GLOBALS['ISC_CFG']["dbEncoding"];

			$connection = $db->Connect($_POST['dbServer'], $_POST['dbUser'], $_POST['dbPass'], $_POST['dbDatabase']);
			$db->TablePrefix = $_POST['tablePrefix'];

			if($connection) {
				$GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"] = &$db;

				// Are we running the required version of MySQL?
				$ver = $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->FetchOne("select version() as ver");

				$mysql_check = version_compare($ver, MYSQL_VERSION_REQUIRED);

				if($mysql_check < 0) {
					$message = sprintf(GetLang("MySQLV4Message"), MYSQL_VERSION_REQUIRED, $ver);
					$errors = array(
						0 => array(
							"code" => "mysqlVersion",
							"extra" => $ver,
							"message" => $message
					$this->ShowInstallErrors($message, $errors, false, true);
				else {
					// Run the database commands
					$queries = $this->template->render('install.schema.tpl');
					$queries = str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $queries));
					$queries = explode(";\n", $queries);
					$GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Query("start transaction");

					// Initialize the admin auth class to get the list of permissions
					$auth = new ISC_ADMIN_AUTH();

					require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/class.user.php");
					$userManager = GetClass('ISC_ADMIN_USER');
					$pass = $_POST['UserPass'];
					$token = $userManager->_GenerateUserToken();

					foreach($queries as $query) {
						$query = str_replace("%%PREFIX%%", $_POST['tablePrefix'], $query);
						$query = str_replace("%%EMAIL%%", $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($_POST['UserEmail']), $query);
						$query = str_replace("%%TOKEN%%", $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($token), $query);

						if(trim($query) != "") {

					// update admin user password
					$user_id = $userManager->getUserByField('username', 'admin');
					$userManager->updatePassword($user_id, $pass);

					// Give the admin user permissions
					$constants = get_defined_constants();

					foreach($constants as $constant => $val) {
						if(is_numeric(strpos($constant, "AUTH_")) && strpos($constant, "AUTH_") == 0) {
							$newPermission = array(
								"permuserid" => $user_id,
								"permpermissionid" => $val
							$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->InsertQuery("permissions", $newPermission);

					// Set the version
					$db_version = array(
						'database_version' => PRODUCT_VERSION_CODE
					$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->InsertQuery('config', $db_version);

					// Install our default currency. We need to do it here as it also needs to be in the config file
					$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query("DELETE FROM [|PREFIX|]currencies");
					$currency = array(
						'currencycountryid'			=> $_POST['StoreCountryLocationId'],
						'currencycode'				=> isc_strtoupper($_POST['StoreCurrencyCode']),
						'currencyname'				=> GetLang('InstallDefaultCurrencyName'),
						'currencyexchangerate'		=> GetConfig('DefaultCurrencyRate'),
						'currencystring'			=> html_entity_decode(GetLang('InstallDefaultCurrencyString')),
						'currencystringposition'	=> isc_strtolower(GetLang('InstallDefaultCurrencyStringPosition')),
						'currencydecimalstring'		=> GetLang('InstallDefaultCurrencyDecimalString'),
						'currencythousandstring'	=> GetLang('InstallDefaultCurrencyThousandString'),
						'currencydecimalplace'		=> GetLang('InstallDefaultCurrencyDecimalPlace'),
						'currencylastupdated'		=> time(),
						'currencyisdefault'			=> 1,
						'currencystatus'			=> 1
					$defaultCurrencyId = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->InsertQuery('currencies', $currency);

					// Insert the default/master shipping zone
					$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query("DELETE FROM [|PREFIX|]shipping_zones");
					$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query("ALTER TABLE [|PREFIX|]shipping_zones AUTO_INCREMENT=1");
					$masterZone = array(
						'zonename' => 'Default Zone',
						'zonetype' => 'country',
						'zonefreeshipping' => 0,
						'zonefreeshippingtotal' => 0,
						'zonehandlingtype' => 'none',
						'zonehandlingfee' => 0,
						'zonehandlingseparate' => 1,
						'zoneenabled' => 1,
						'zonedefault' => 1
					$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->InsertQuery('shipping_zones', $masterZone);

					// Is there a custom SQL file to include?
					$customPath = ISC_BASE_PATH.'/custom';
					if(file_exists($customPath.'/install.schema.tpl')) {
						$template = Interspire_Template::getInstance('custominstall', $customPath, array(
							'cache' => getAdminTwigTemplateCacheDirectory(),
							'auto_reload' => true
						$queries = $template->render('install.schema.tpl');
						$queries = str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $queries));
						$queries = explode(";\n", $queries);
						foreach($queries as $query) {
							$query = str_replace("%%PREFIX%%", $_POST['tablePrefix'], $query);
							if(trim($query)) {

					// Was there an error?
					if($GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Error() == "") {

						// Save the config file
						foreach($_POST as $k => $v) {
							$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG'][$k] = $v;

						// Set the email address for this user as the store admin/order email address
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['AdminEmail'] = $_POST['UserEmail'];
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['OrderEmail'] = $_POST['UserEmail'];

						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['serverStamp'] = $_POST['LK'];
						$GLOBALS['ISC_CFG']['serverStamp'] = $_POST['LK'];

						$settings = GetClass('ISC_ADMIN_SETTINGS');

						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['HostingProvider'] = "";

						// Can we send server details back to Interspire?
						// If we can, the HostingProvider global will also be set
						if(isset($_POST['sendServerDetails'])) {
							if(isset($GLOBALS['InfoImage'])) {
								$GLOBALS['HiddenImage'] = $GLOBALS['InfoImage'];

						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ShopPath'] = $_POST['ShopPath'];
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['DefaultCurrencyID'] = $defaultCurrencyId;

						if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['StoreCountryLocationId'])) {
						if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['StoreCurrencyCode'])) {

						// set up the product images sizes
						// load the product image class to get the constants
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ProductImagesStorewideThumbnail_width'] = ISC_PRODUCT_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL;
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ProductImagesStorewideThumbnail_height'] = ISC_PRODUCT_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL;
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ProductImagesProductPageImage_width'] = ISC_PRODUCT_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_STANDARD;
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ProductImagesProductPageImage_height'] = ISC_PRODUCT_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_STANDARD;
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ProductImagesGalleryThumbnail_width'] = ISC_PRODUCT_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_TINY;
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ProductImagesGalleryThumbnail_height'] = ISC_PRODUCT_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_TINY;
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ProductImagesZoomImage_width'] = ISC_PRODUCT_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_ZOOM;
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ProductImagesZoomImage_height'] = ISC_PRODUCT_DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE_ZOOM;
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ProductImagesTinyThumbnailsEnabled'] = 1;
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['ProductImagesImageZoomEnabled'] = 1;

						// Build the unique encryption token
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['EncryptionToken'] = $this->_BuildEncryptionToken();

						// Set the install date
						$GLOBALS['ISC_NEW_CFG']['InstallDate'] = time();

						if ($settings->CommitSettings()) {
							// Calling commit settings a second time to ensure the config.backup.php file
							// Is written with valid data

							// The installation is complete
							$GLOBALS['Password'] = $pass;

							// Do we need to install the sample product data? Copy that across
							if(isset($_POST['installSampleData']) && $_POST['installSampleData'] == 1) {

							// The install schemas can't predict the nested set values if custom install scripts arbitrarily add categories or pages
							// Rebuilt any nested sets instead of including their values in the install schema
							$nestedSet = new ISC_NESTEDSET_CATEGORIES();

							$nestedSet = new ISC_NESTEDSET_PAGES();

							// Remove any existing cookies

							//Initialize the data store system
							require_once ISC_BASE_PATH."/lib/class.datastore.php";

							// Clear the data store just in case it contains something

							$GLOBALS['ISC_LANG']['InstallationCompleted'] = sprintf(GetLang('InstallationCompleted'), $pass);


							// The installation was complete!
							if($this->apiMode == 'cli') {
								fwrite(STDOUT, "Success:\n");
								fwrite(STDOUT, "\n");
								fwrite(STDOUT, "ShopPath: ".$_POST['ShopPath']."\n");
								fwrite(STDOUT, "ControlPanel: ".$_POST['ShopPath']."admin/index.php\n");
								fwrite(STDOUT, "Username: admin\n");
								fwrite(STDOUT, "Password: "******"1.0" encoding="'.GetConfig("CharacterSet").'" ?'.">\n";
								echo "<response>\n";
								echo "  <status>OK</status>\n";
								echo "  <shop>\n";
								echo "      <shopPath>".$_POST['ShopPath']."</shopPath>\n";
								echo "      <controlPanel>".$_POST['ShopPath']."admin/index.php</controlPanel>\n";
								echo "  </shop>\n";
								echo "  <user>\n";
								echo "      <username>admin</username>\n";
								echo "      <password>".$_POST['UserPass']."</password>\n";
								echo "  </user>\n";
								echo "</response>\n";
							else {
						else {
							$message = GetLang("ConfigErr");
							$errors = array(
								0 => array(
									"code" => "unableSaveConfig",
									"message" => $message
							$this->ShowInstallErrors($message, $errors, false, true);
					else {
						list($error, $level) = $db->GetError();
						$message = sprintf(GetLang("DBErr"), $error);
						$errors = array(
							0 => array(
								"code" => "dbError",
								"message" => $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Error()
						$this->ShowInstallErrors($message, $errors, false, true);
			else {
				list($error, $level) = $db->GetError();
				$message = sprintf(GetLang("DBErr"), $error);
				$errors = array(
					0 => array(
						"code" => "dbConnectError",
						"message" => $error
				$this->ShowInstallErrors($message, $errors, false, true);
Exemplo n.º 4
		 * Find the IDs of all subcategories.
		 * @param array $ids The array of category IDs.
		 * @param array $excludes The array of IDs to exclude.
		 * @return array The array of all subcategory IDs
		public function getSubCategories($ids=0, $excludes=array())
			if (is_array($ids) == false) {
				$ids = array($ids);

			// Find sub category IDs.
			$cats = array();
			$nestedSet = new ISC_NESTEDSET_CATEGORIES();
			foreach ($ids as $id) {
				if (in_array($id, $excludes) == true) {
				$cats = array_merge($cats, $nestedSet->getTree(array('categoryid'), $id));

			$subcats = array();
			foreach ($cats as $cat) {
				$subcats[] = $cat['categoryid'];

			$res = array_diff($subcats, $excludes);
			return $res;
Exemplo n.º 5
	protected function _GenerateImportSummary()
		// rebuild the nested set data for categories
		$nestedSet = new ISC_NESTEDSET_CATEGORIES();

		// update cache of root categories

		// update cache for category discounts

Exemplo n.º 6
	 * Update the root categories list in the data store.
	 * @return mixed The data that was saved if successful, false if there was a problem saving the data.
	public function UpdateRootCategories()
		$nestedset = new ISC_NESTEDSET_CATEGORIES();

		$data = array();
		foreach ($nestedset->getTree(array('categoryid', 'catparentid', 'catname'), ISC_NESTEDSET_START_ROOT, GetConfig('CategoryListDepth') - 1, null, null, false, array('MIN(`parent`.`catvisible`) = 1')) as $category) {
			$data[(int)$category['catparentid']][(int)$category['categoryid']] = $category;

		$this->Save('ChildCategories', array());
		return $this->Save('RootCategories', $data);
Exemplo n.º 7
		public function BuildWhereFromVars($array)
			$queryWhere = "";
			$joinQuery = "";

			$categorySearch = false;

			// Is this a custom search?
			if(!empty($array['searchId'])) {
				$this->_customSearch = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_ADMIN_CUSTOMSEARCH']->LoadSearch($array['searchId']);
				$array = array_merge($array, (array)$this->_customSearch['searchvars']);

			// Are we selecting a specific product?
			if(isset($array['productId']) && $array['productId'] != '') {
				$queryWhere .= " p.productid = '" . $array['productId'] . "' AND ";
				// dont need to build a where if only one product searched
				return array("query" => $queryWhere, "join" => $joinQuery, "categorySearch"=>$categorySearch);

			// If we're searching by category, we need to completely
			// restructure the search query - so do that first
			$categoryIds = array();
			$nestedSet = new ISC_NESTEDSET_CATEGORIES();

			if(isset($array['category']) && is_array($array['category'])) {
				foreach($array['category'] as $categoryId) {
					// All categories were selected, so don't continue
					if($categoryId == 0) {
						$categorySearch = false;

					$categoryIds[] = (int)$categoryId;

					// If searching sub categories automatically, fetch & tack them on
					if (isset($array['subCats']) && $array['subCats'] == 1) {
						foreach ($nestedSet->getTree(array('categoryid'), $categoryId) as $childCategory) {
							$categoryIds[] = (int)$childCategory['categoryid'];

				$categoryIds = array_unique($categoryIds);
				if(!empty($categoryIds)) {
					$categorySearch = true;

			if($categorySearch == true) {
				$queryWhere .= "ca.categoryid IN (" . implode(',', $categoryIds) . ") AND ";

			if(isset($array['searchQuery']) && $array['searchQuery'] != "") {
				// Perform a full text based search on the products search table
				$search_query = $array['searchQuery'];

				$fulltext_fields = array("ps.prodname", "ps.prodcode");
				$queryWhere .= "(" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->FullText($fulltext_fields, $search_query, true);
				$queryWhere .= "OR ps.prodname like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($search_query) . "%' ";
				$queryWhere .= "OR ps.prodcode = '" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($search_query) . "' ";

				if (isId($search_query)) {
					$queryWhere .= "OR p.productid='" . (int)$search_query . "'";

				$queryWhere .= ") AND ";

				// Add the join for the fulltext column
				$joinQuery .= " INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_search ps ON p.productid=ps.productid ";

			if(isset($array['letter']) && $array['letter'] != '') {
				$letter = chr(ord($array['letter']));
				if($array['letter'] == '0-9') {
					$queryWhere .= " p.prodname NOT REGEXP('^[a-zA-Z]') AND ";
				else if(isc_strlen($letter) == 1) {
					$queryWhere .= " p.prodname LIKE '".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($letter)."%' AND ";

			if(isset($array['soldFrom']) && isset($array['soldTo']) && $array['soldFrom'] != "" && $array['soldTo'] != "") {
				$sold_from = (int)$array['soldFrom'];
				$sold_to = (int)$array['soldTo'];
				$queryWhere .= sprintf("(prodnumsold >= '%d' and prodnumsold <= '%d') and ", $sold_from, $sold_to);

			else if(isset($array['soldFrom']) && $array['soldFrom'] != "") {
				$sold_from = (int)$array['soldFrom'];
				$queryWhere .= sprintf("prodnumsold >= '%d' and ", $sold_from);
			else if(isset($array['soldTo']) && $array['soldTo'] != "") {
				$sold_to = (int)$array['soldTo'];
				$queryWhere .= sprintf("prodnumsold <= '%d' and ", $sold_to);

			if(isset($array['priceFrom']) && $array['priceFrom'] != "" && isset($array['priceTo']) && $array['priceTo'] != "") {
				$price_from = (int)$array['priceFrom'];
				$price_to = (int)$array['priceTo'];
				$queryWhere .= sprintf(" prodcalculatedprice >= '%s' and prodcalculatedprice <= '%s' and ", $price_from, $price_to);
			else if(isset($array['priceFrom']) && $array['priceFrom'] != "") {
				$price_from = (int)$array['priceFrom'];
				$queryWhere .= sprintf(" prodcalculatedprice >= '%s' and ", $price_from);
			else if(isset($array['priceTo']) && $array['priceTo'] != "") {
				$price_to = (int)$array['priceTo'];
				$queryWhere .= sprintf(" prodcalculatedprice <= '%s' and ", $price_to);

			if(isset($array['inventoryFrom']) && $array['inventoryFrom'] != "" && isset($array['inventoryTo']) && $array['inventoryTo'] != "") {
				$inventory_from =(int)$array['inventoryFrom'];
				$inventory_to = (int)$array['inventoryTo'];
				$queryWhere .= sprintf("prodcurrentinv >= '%s' and prodcurrentinv <= '%s' and ", $inventory_from, $inventory_to);
			else if(isset($array['inventoryFrom']) && $array['inventoryFrom'] != "") {
				$inventory_from =(int) $array['inventoryFrom'];
				$queryWhere .= sprintf("prodcurrentinv >= '%s' and ", $inventory_from);
			else if(isset($array['inventoryTo']) && $array['inventoryTo'] != "") {
				$inventory_to = (int)$array['inventoryTo'];
				$queryWhere .= sprintf("prodcurrentinv <= '%s' and ", $inventory_to);

			if (isset($array['inventoryLow']) && $array['inventoryLow'] != 0) {
				$lowVarInvProdIds = array();
				$inventoryLowVarQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT(vcproductid) FROM [|PREFIX|]product_variation_combinations WHERE vcstock<=vclowstock AND vclowstock > 0";
				$result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($inventoryLowVarQuery);
				while ($lowVarInventory = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) {
				$queryWhere .= "(prodcurrentinv <= prodlowinv AND prodlowinv > 0 AND prodinvtrack=1) OR ( prodinvtrack=2 AND p.productid in ('".implode('\',\'', $lowVarInvProdIds)."')) AND ";

			if(isset($array['brand']) && $array['brand'] != "") {
				$brand = (int)$array['brand'];
				$queryWhere .= sprintf("prodbrandid = '%d' AND ", $brand);

			// Product visibility
			if(isset($array['visibility'])) {
				if($array['visibility'] == 1) {
					$queryWhere .= "prodvisible=1 AND ";
				else if($array['visibility'] === '0') {
					$queryWhere .= "prodvisible=0 AND ";

			// Featured products?
			if(isset($array['featured'])) {
				if($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_ADMIN_AUTH']->GetVendorId()) {
					$featuredColumn = 'prodvendorfeatured';
				else {
					$featuredColumn = 'prodfeatured';

				if($array['featured'] == 1) {
					$queryWhere .= $featuredColumn."=1 AND ";
				else if($_REQUEST['featured'] === '0') {
					$queryWhere .= $featuredColumn."=0 AND ";

			// Free shipping
			if(isset($_REQUEST['freeShipping'])) {
				if($_REQUEST['freeShipping'] == 1) {
					$queryWhere .= "prodfreeshipping=1 AND ";
				else if($_REQUEST['freeShipping'] === '0') {
					$queryWhere .= "prodfreeshipping=0 AND ";

			// Last imported products
			if(isset($_REQUEST['lastImport']) && $_REQUEST['lastImport'] == 1) {
				$queryWhere .= "last_import > 0 AND last_import in (select max(last_import) from [|PREFIX|]products) AND ";

			return array("query" => $queryWhere, "join" => $joinQuery, "categorySearch" => $categorySearch);
Exemplo n.º 8
		 * Update the sort order of the categories when they are reordered
		 * @return void
		private function UpdateCategoryOrders()


			// update the nested set values
			// this must happen first before any other cache updates since other caches may rely on it
			// @todo the front end currently does not tell the backend which category was moved, only the new structure - if this takes too long to run, the front end needs changing to include which category was moved so a partial update is possible
			$nested = new ISC_NESTEDSET_CATEGORIES();

			// Update the data store

			// Also make sure that all the root categories do NOT have any images assoiated with them

			$tags[] = $this->MakeXMLTag('status', 1);
			$tags[] = $this->MakeXMLTag('message', GetLang('CategoryOrdersUpdated'), true);
Exemplo n.º 9
	public function __construct($orderId = null)

		if (!$orderId) {

		$entity = new ISC_ENTITY_ORDER;

		$data = $entity->get($orderId);
		if (!$data) {
			throw new Interspire_EmailIntegration_Subscription_Exception;
		$this->_data = $data;

		// copy any form fields associated with the order + associated customer and place into local subscription data

		if (isId($this->_data['ordformsessionid'])) {
			/** @var ISC_FORM */
			$form = $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_FORM"];

			$customFields = array();

			$formData = $form->getSavedSessionData($this->_data['customer']['custformsessionid']);
			if ($formData && !empty($formData)) {
				$customFields += $formData;

			$formData = $form->getSavedSessionData($this->_data['ordformsessionid']);
			if ($formData && !empty($formData)) {
				$customFields += $formData;

			foreach ($customFields as $fieldId => $value) {
				$this->_data['FormField_' . $fieldId] = $value;

		// generate fields specifically for email integration based on order data (ones that aren't covered by simple order data or by Form Fields)

		// get the first shipping address record because IEM had shipping method as mappable field
		$this->_data['shipping_method'] = '';
		$shippingMethod = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne("SELECT `method` FROM [|PREFIX|]order_shipping WHERE order_id = " . (int)$orderId . " LIMIT 1", 'method');
		if ($shippingMethod) {
			$this->_data['shipping_method'] = $shippingMethod;

		// pre-formated 'full address' mappable field to pass to providers like mailchimp
		$this->_data['OrderSubscription_BillingAddress'] = array(
			'addr1' => $this->_data['ordbillstreet1'],
			'addr2' => $this->_data['ordbillstreet2'],
			'city' => $this->_data['ordbillsuburb'],
			'state' => $this->_data['ordbillstate'],
			'zip' => $this->_data['ordbillzip'],
			'country' => $this->_data['ordbillcountrycode'],

		// country-code specific fields to pass to providers like MailChimp or IEM that support (or require in IEM's case) country codes
		$this->_data['OrderSubscription_BillingAddress_countryiso2'] = $this->_data['ordbillcountrycode'];
		$this->_data['OrderSubscription_BillingAddress_countryiso3'] = GetCountryISO3ById($this->_data['ordbillcountryid']);

		// for email integration, we prefer sending the value of an order as the total amount rather than the stored (charged) total - which could be less than the value due to store credit or gift certificates
		// so, generate some columns which are internal to this subscription data and map to those instead of total_ex and total_inc
		$this->_data['total_ex_tax'] = $this->_data['subtotal_ex_tax'] + $this->_data['shipping_cost_ex_tax'] + $this->_data['handling_cost_ex_tax'] + $this->_data['wrapping_cost_ex_tax'];
		$this->_data['total_inc_tax'] = $this->_data['subtotal_inc_tax'] + $this->_data['shipping_cost_inc_tax'] + $this->_data['handling_cost_inc_tax'] + $this->_data['wrapping_cost_inc_tax'];

		// generated fields: end

		// currency values must be stored in the subscription data as both numeric and formatted so that, when translated to the mail provider, it can be sent as either a number or string depending on the destination field
		$moneyFields = array(

		foreach ($moneyFields as $moneyFieldId) {
			$this->_data[$moneyFieldId] = array(
				'numeric' => $this->_data[$moneyFieldId],
				'formatted' => FormatPriceInCurrency($this->_data[$moneyFieldId], $this->_data['orddefaultcurrencyid']),


		// instead of storing full product information, just store the data pertinent to integration rules
		foreach ($this->_data['products'] as $product) {
			$this->_products[] = $product['productid'];
			$this->_brands[] = $product['prodbrandid'];

			if ($product['prodcatids']) {
				foreach (explode(',', $product['prodcatids']) as $categoryId) {
					$this->_categories[] = $categoryId;

					// also include parent categories to trigger rules related to them
					$parents = $set->getParentPath(array('categoryid'), (int)$categoryId);
					foreach ($parents as $parentCategory) {
						$this->_categories[] = $parentCategory['categoryid'];

		$this->_products = array_unique($this->_products);
		$this->_brands = array_unique($this->_brands);
		$this->_categories = array_unique($this->_categories);


		// for now, don't need to store these - may need to store products when this is changed to supply ecommerce info
Exemplo n.º 10
	 * Build an SQL query for the specified search terms.
	 * @param array Array of search terms
	 * @param string String of fields to match
	 * @param string The field to sort by
	 * @param string The order to sort results by
	 * @return array An array containing the query to count the number of results and a query to perform the search
	function BuildProductSearchQuery($searchTerms, $fields="", $sortField=array("score", "proddateadded"), $sortOrder="desc")
		$queryWhere = array();
		$joinQuery = '';

		// Construct the full text search part of the query
		$fulltext_fields = array("ps.prodname", "ps.prodcode", "ps.proddesc", "ps.prodsearchkeywords");

		if (!$fields) {
			$fields = "p.*, FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) AS prodavgrating, ".GetProdCustomerGroupPriceSQL().", ";
			$fields .= "pi.* ";
			if (isset($searchTerms['search_query']) && $searchTerms['search_query'] != "") {
				$fields .= ', '.$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FullText($fulltext_fields, $searchTerms['search_query'], false) . " as score ";

		if(isset($searchTerms['categoryid'])) {
			$searchTerms['category'] = array($searchTerms['categoryid']);

		// If we're searching by category, we need to completely
		// restructure the search query - so do that first
		$categorySearch = false;
		$categoryIds = array();
		$nestedset = new ISC_NESTEDSET_CATEGORIES;
		if(isset($searchTerms['category']) && is_array($searchTerms['category'])) {
			foreach($searchTerms['category'] as $categoryId) {
				$categoryId = (int)$categoryId;
				// All categories were selected, so don't continue
				if($categoryId == 0) {
					$categorySearch = false;

				$categoryIds[] = $categoryId;

				// If searching sub categories automatically, fetch & tack them on
				if(isset($searchTerms['searchsubs']) && $searchTerms['searchsubs'] == 'ON') {
					foreach ($nestedset->getTree(array('categoryid'), $categoryId) as $childCategory) {
						$categoryIds[] = (int)$childCategory['categoryid'];

			$categoryIds = array_unique($categoryIds);
			if(!empty($categoryIds)) {
				$categorySearch = true;

		if($categorySearch == true) {
			$fromTable = '[|PREFIX|]categoryassociations a, [|PREFIX|]products p';
			$queryWhere[] = 'a.productid=p.productid AND a.categoryid IN ('.implode(',', $categoryIds).')';
		else {
			$fromTable = '[|PREFIX|]products p';

		if (isset($searchTerms['search_query']) && $searchTerms['search_query'] != "") {
			// Only need the product search table if we have a search query
			$joinQuery .= "INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_search ps ON (p.productid=ps.productid) ";
		} else if ($sortField == "score") {
			// If we don't, we better make sure we're not sorting by score
			$sortField = "p.prodname";
			$sortOrder = "ASC";

		$joinQuery .= "LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_images pi ON (p.productid=pi.imageprodid AND pi.imageisthumb=1) ";

		$queryWhere[] = "p.prodvisible='1'";

		// Add in the group category restrictions
		$permissionSql = GetProdCustomerGroupPermissionsSQL(null, false);
		if($permissionSql) {
			$queryWhere[] = $permissionSql;

		// Do we need to filter on brand?
		if (isset($searchTerms['brand']) && $searchTerms['brand'] != "") {
			$brand_id = (int)$searchTerms['brand'];
			$queryWhere[] = "p.prodbrandid='" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($brand_id) . "'";

		// Do we need to filter on price?
		if (isset($searchTerms['price'])) {
			$queryWhere[] = "p.prodcalculatedprice='".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['price'])."'";
		} else {
			if (isset($searchTerms['price_from']) && is_numeric($searchTerms['price_from'])) {
				$queryWhere[] = "p.prodcalculatedprice >= '".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['price_from'])."'";

			if (isset($searchTerms['price_to']) && is_numeric($searchTerms['price_to'])) {
				$queryWhere[] = "p.prodcalculatedprice <= '".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['price_to'])."'";

		// Do we need to filter on rating?
		if (isset($searchTerms['rating'])) {
			$queryWhere[] = "FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) = '".(int)$searchTerms['rating']."'";
		else {
			if (isset($searchTerms['rating_from']) && is_numeric($searchTerms['rating_from'])) {
				$queryWhere[] = "FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) >= '".(int)$searchTerms['rating_from']."'";

			if (isset($searchTerms['rating_to']) && is_numeric($searchTerms['rating_to'])) {
				$queryWhere[] = "FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) <= '".(int)$searchTerms['rating_to']."'";

		// Do we need to filter on featured?
		if (isset($searchTerms['featured']) && $searchTerms['featured'] != "") {
			$featured = (int)$searchTerms['featured'];

			if ($featured == 1) {
				$queryWhere[] = "p.prodfeatured=1";
			else {
				$queryWhere[] = "p.prodfeatured=0";

		// Do we need to filter on free shipping?
		if (isset($searchTerms['shipping']) && $searchTerms['shipping'] != "") {
			$shipping = (int)$searchTerms['shipping'];

			if ($shipping == 1) {
				$queryWhere[] = "p.prodfreeshipping='1' ";
			else {
				$queryWhere[] = "p.prodfreeshipping='0' ";

		// Do we need to filter only products we have in stock?
		if (isset($searchTerms['instock']) && $searchTerms['instock'] != "") {
			$stock = (int)$searchTerms['instock'];
			if ($stock == 1) {
				$queryWhere[] = "(p.prodcurrentinv>0 or p.prodinvtrack=0) ";

		if (isset($searchTerms['search_query']) && $searchTerms['search_query'] != "") {
			$termQuery = "(" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FullText($fulltext_fields, $searchTerms['search_query'], true);
			$termQuery .= "OR ps.prodname like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
			$termQuery .= "OR ps.proddesc like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
			$termQuery .= "OR ps.prodsearchkeywords like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
			$termQuery .= "OR ps.prodcode = '" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "') ";
			$queryWhere[] = $termQuery;

		if (!is_array($sortField)) {
			$sortField = array($sortField);

		if (!is_array($sortOrder)) {
			$sortOrder = array($sortOrder);

		$sortField = array_filter($sortField);
		$sortOrder = array_filter($sortOrder);

		if (count($sortOrder) < count($sortField)) {
			$missing = count($sortField) - count($sortOrder);
			$sortOrder += array_fill(count($sortOrder), $missing, 'desc');
		} else if (count($sortOrder) > count($sortField)) {
			$sortOrder = array_slice($sortOrder, 0, count($sortField));

		if (!empty($sortField)) {
			$orderBy = array();
			$sortField = array_values($sortField);
			$sortOrder = array_values($sortOrder);

			foreach ($sortField as $key => $field) {
				$orderBy[] = $field . ' ' . $sortOrder[$key];

			$orderBy = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $orderBy);
		} else {
			$orderBy = '';

		$query = "
			SELECT ".$fields."
			FROM ".$fromTable."
			WHERE 1=1 AND ".implode(' AND ', $queryWhere).$orderBy;

		$countQuery = "
			SELECT COUNT(p.productid)
			FROM ".$fromTable."
			WHERE 1=1 AND ".implode(' AND ', $queryWhere);

		return array(
			'query' => $query,
			'countQuery' => $countQuery
Exemplo n.º 11
		 * Search for products
		 * Method will search for all the products and return an array of product records records
		 * @access public
		 * @param array $searchQuery The search query array. Currently will only understand the 'search_query' option
		 * @param int &$totalAmount The referenced variable to store in the total amount of the result
		 * @param int $start The optional start position of the result total. Default is 0
		 * @param int $limit The optional limit position of the result total. Default is -1 (no limit)
		 * @param string $sortBy The optional order by. Default is GetConfig("SearchDefaultProductSort")
		 * @return array The array result set on success, FALSE on error
		static public function searchForItems($searchQuery, &$totalAmount, $start=0, $limit=-1, $sortBy="")
			if (trim($sortBy) == "") {
				$sortBy = GetConfig("SearchDefaultProductSort");

			if (!is_array($searchQuery)) {
				return false;

			$totalAmount = 0;

			if (!is_array($searchQuery) || empty($searchQuery)) {
				return false;

			$fullTextFields = array("ps.prodname", "ps.prodcode", "ps.proddesc", "ps.prodsearchkeywords");

			$products = array();
			$query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.*, FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) AS prodavgrating,
							" . GetProdCustomerGroupPriceSQL() . ", pi.* ";

			if (isset($searchQuery["search_query"]) && trim($searchQuery["search_query"]) !== "") {
				$query .= ", (IF(p.prodname='" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($searchQuery["search_query"]) . "', 10000, 0) +
							  IF(p.prodcode='" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($searchQuery["search_query"]) . "', 10000, 0) +
							  ((" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->FullText(array("ps.prodname"), $searchQuery["search_query"], false) . ") * 10) +
								" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->FullText($fullTextFields, $searchQuery["search_query"], false) . ") AS score ";

			$query .= " FROM [|PREFIX|]products p
							LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_images pi ON (p.productid = pi.imageprodid AND pi.imageisthumb = 1) ";

			// Sorting or filtering by price. Need to join the tax pricing table
			if(!empty($searchQuery['price']) || !empty($searchQuery['price_from']) || !empty($searchQuery['price_to']) || $sortBy == 'priceasc' || $sortBy == 'pricedesc') {
				$priceColumn = 'tp.calculated_price';

				// Showing prices ex tax, so the tax zone ID = 0
				if(getConfig('taxDefaultTaxDisplayCatalog') == TAX_PRICES_DISPLAY_EXCLUSIVE) {
					$taxZone = 0;
				// Showing prices inc tax, so we need to fetch the applicable tax zone
				else {
					$taxZone = getClass('ISC_TAX')->determineTaxZone();

				$query .= '
					JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_tax_pricing tp
					ON (
						tp.price_reference=p.prodcalculatedprice AND
						tp.tax_zone_id='.$taxZone.' AND
			else {
				$priceColumn = 'p.prodcalculatedprice';

			if (isset($searchQuery["categoryid"])) {
				$searchQuery["category"] = array($searchQuery["categoryid"]);

			$searchTerms = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_SEARCH']->readSearchSession();

			$categorySearch = false;
			$categoryIds = array();
			$nestedset = new ISC_NESTEDSET_CATEGORIES;
			if (isset($searchQuery["category"]) && is_array($searchQuery["category"])) {
				foreach ($searchQuery["category"] as $categoryId) {
					// All categories were selected, so don"t continue
					if (!isId($categoryId)) {
						$categorySearch = false;

					$categoryIds[] = (int)$categoryId;

					// If searching sub categories automatically, fetch & tack them on
					if (isset($searchQuery["searchsubs"]) && $searchQuery["searchsubs"] == "ON") {
						foreach ($nestedset->getTree(array('categoryid'), $categoryId) as $childCategory) {
							$categoryIds[] = (int)$childCategory['categoryid'];

				$categoryIds = array_unique($categoryIds);
				if (!empty($categoryIds)) {
					$categorySearch = true;

			if ($categorySearch == true) {
				$query .= " INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]categoryassociations a ON a.productid = p.productid AND a.categoryid IN (" . implode(",", $categoryIds) . ") ";

			if (isset($searchQuery["search_query"]) && trim($searchQuery["search_query"]) !== "") {
				$query .= " INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_search ps ON p.productid = ps.productid ";

			$query .= " WHERE p.prodvisible = 1 " . GetProdCustomerGroupPermissionsSQL();

			// Do we need to filter on brand?
			if (isset($searchQuery["brand"]) && isId($searchQuery["brand"])) {
				$query .= " AND p.prodbrandid = " . (int)$searchQuery["brand"];

			// Do we need to filter on price?
			if (isset($searchQuery["price"]) && is_numeric($searchQuery["price"])) {
				$query .= " AND ".$priceColumn." ='" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($searchTerms["price"]) . "'";
			} else {
				if (isset($searchQuery["price_from"]) && is_numeric($searchQuery["price_from"])) {
					$query .= " AND ".$priceColumn." >= '" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($searchQuery["price_from"]) . "'";

				if (isset($searchQuery["price_to"]) && is_numeric($searchQuery["price_to"])) {
					$query .= " AND ".$priceColumn." <= '" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($searchQuery["price_to"]) . "'";

			// Do we need to filter on rating?
			if (isset($searchQuery["rating"])) {
				$query .= " AND FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) = " . (int)$searchQuery["rating"];
			} else {
				if (isset($searchQuery["rating_from"]) && is_numeric($searchQuery["rating_from"])) {
					$query .= " AND FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) >= " . (int)$searchQuery["rating_from"];

				if (isset($searchQuery["rating_to"]) && is_numeric($searchQuery["rating_to"])) {
					$query .= " AND FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) <= " . (int)$searchQuery["rating_to"];

			// Do we need to filter on featured?
			if (isset($searchQuery["featured"]) && is_numeric($searchQuery["featured"])) {
				if ((int)$searchQuery["featured"] == 1) {
					$query .= " AND p.prodfeatured = 1 ";
				} else {
					$query .= " AND p.prodfeatured = 0 ";

			// Do we need to filter on free shipping?
			if (isset($searchQuery["shipping"]) && is_numeric($searchQuery["shipping"])) {
				if ((int)$searchQuery["shipping"] == 1) {
					$query .= " AND p.prodfreeshipping = 1 ";
				else {
					$query .= " AND p.prodfreeshipping = 0 ";

			// Do we need to filter only products we have in stock?
			if (isset($searchQuery["instock"]) && is_numeric($searchQuery["instock"])) {
				if ((int)$searchQuery["instock"] == 1) {
					$query .= " AND (p.prodcurrentinv > 0 OR p.prodinvtrack = 0) ";

			if (isset($searchQuery["search_query"]) && trim($searchQuery["search_query"]) !== "") {
				$searchPart = array();

				if (GetConfig("SearchOptimisation") == "fulltext" || GetConfig("SearchOptimisation") == "both") {
					$searchPart[] = $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->FullText($fullTextFields, $searchQuery["search_query"], true);

				if (GetConfig("SearchOptimisation") == "like" || GetConfig("SearchOptimisation") == "both") {
					$searchPart[] = "p.prodname LIKE '%" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($searchQuery["search_query"]) . "%'";
					$searchPart[] = "p.proddesc LIKE '%" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($searchQuery["search_query"]) . "%'";
					$searchPart[] = "p.prodsearchkeywords LIKE '%" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($searchQuery["search_query"]) . "%'";

				$query .= " AND (ps.prodcode = '" . $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Quote($searchQuery["search_query"]) . "' OR TRUE) ";
				$query .= " AND (" . implode(" OR ", $searchPart) . ") ";

			$orderBy = "";

			switch (isc_strtolower($sortBy)) {
				case "relevance":
					if (isset($searchQuery["search_query"]) && trim($searchQuery["search_query"]) !== "") {
						$orderBy = "score DESC";


				case "featured":
					$orderBy = "p.prodfeatured DESC";

				case "newest":
					$orderBy = "p.productid DESC";

				case "bestselling":
					$orderBy = "p.prodnumsold DESC";

				case "alphaasc":
					$orderBy = "p.prodname ASC";

				case "alphadesc":
					$orderBy = "p.prodname DESC";

				case "avgcustomerreview":
					$orderBy = "prodavgrating DESC";

				case "priceasc":
					$orderBy = $priceColumn.' ASC';

				case "pricedesc":
					$orderBy = $priceColumn.' DESC';

			if (trim($orderBy) !== "") {
				$query .= " ORDER BY " . $orderBy;
			} else {
				$query .= " ORDER BY p.productid DESC";

			if (is_numeric($limit) && $limit > 0) {
				if (is_numeric($start) && $start > 0) {
					$query .= " LIMIT " . (int)$start . "," . (int)$limit;
				} else {
					$query .= " LIMIT " . (int)$limit;

			$result = $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Query($query);
			$row = $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Fetch($result);

			if (!$row) {
				return array();

			$totalAmount = $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->FetchOne("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()");
			$products[$row["productid"]] = $row;

			while ($row = $GLOBALS["ISC_CLASS_DB"]->Fetch($result)) {
				$products[$row["productid"]] = $row;

			return $products;
Exemplo n.º 12
	public function rebuild_categories_nset()
		return $nested->rebuildTree();