/** * 创建Session * * @return void */ public function create() { session_name(Session::$config['name']); $this->destroy(); $cookie_config = Core::config('cookie'); # 这里对IP+非80端口的需要特殊处理下,经试验,当这种情况下,设置session id的cookie的话会失败 if (preg_match('#^([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+):[0-9]+$#', $cookie_config['domain'], $m)) { # IP:PORT 方式 $cookie_config['domain'] = $m[1]; } $s_name = session_name(); if (Session::$config['type'] == 'url') { $old_sid = HttpIO::COOKIE($s_name); } else { $old_sid = HttpIO::COOKIE($s_name); } if ($old_sid) { # 校验Session ID if (!Session::check_session_id($old_sid)) { # 如果检验的Session ID不合法,则重新生成一个 session_id(Session::create_session_id()); } } else { # 设置Session ID session_id(Session::create_session_id()); } # Session ID 通过uri传递 if (Session::$config['type'] == 'url') { @ini_set('session.use_cookies', 0); @ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 0); } else { session_set_cookie_params($cookie_config['httponly'] ? 0 : Session::$config['expiration'], $cookie_config['path'], $cookie_config['domain'], $cookie_config['secure'], $cookie_config['httponly']); } session_start(); }
protected function send_header() { if (IS_DEBUG) { header_remove(); } Core::close_buffers(false); HttpIO::set_cache_header(86400); }
/** * 项目管理统一进入接口 * * 此控制器需要路由设置,路由会直接将project和uri传入到控制器的$this->project和$this->uri里 * * 路由如下: 'project' => array( # 匹配的URL 'uri' => '/p/<project>(/<uri>)', # 匹配正则 'preg' => array( 'project' => '[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', *', ), # 默认值 'defalut' => array( 'controller' => 'Admin_P', 'action' => 'default', ), ), */ public function action_default() { if (!$this->project) { Core::show_404('请指定项目'); } # 切换到指定项目 Core::set_project($this->project); # 执行项目的后台 HttpIO::execute(ltrim($this->uri, '/')); }
/** * 项目管理统一进入接口 * * 此控制器需要路由设置,路由会直接将project和uri传入到控制器的$this->project和$this->uri里 * * 路由如下: 'project' => array( # 匹配的URL 'uri' => '/p/<project>(/<uri>)', # 匹配正则 'preg' => array( 'project' => '[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', *', ), # 默认值 'defalut' => array( 'controller' => 'Admin__P', 'action' => 'default', ), ), */ public function action_default() { if (!$this->project) { Core::show_404('请指定项目'); } define('IN_ADMIN', true); # 切换到指定项目 Core::set_project($this->project); # 执行项目的后台 HttpIO::execute(ltrim($this->uri, '/'), true, true, false, 'admin'); }
protected function nodebug() { $url = Core::url('/opendebugger/logout'); $str = ''; if (isset($_GET['forward']) && $_GET['forward']) { $forward = HttpIO::GET('forward', HttpIO::PARAM_TYPE_URL); $str = '<a href="' . $forward . '">' . $forward . '</a>'; } $view = new View('opendebugger'); $view->str = $str; $view->url = $url; $view->open = false; $view->render(); }
public function action_index() { $member = array('message' => '', 'input' => ''); $view = new View('admin/login'); $not_login = false; $show_captcha = false; $db = Database::instance(Model_Admin::DATABASE); if ($db->count_records('admin_login_error_log', array('timeline<=' => TIME - 86400))) { # 清除24小时前的登录错误信息 $db->where('timeline<=', TIME - 86400)->delete('admin_login_error_log'); } $error = $db->from('admin_login_error_log')->where('ip', HttpIO::IP)->limit(1)->get()->current(); if ($error) { $error_num = $error['error_num']; $config = Core::config('admin/core'); if ($error_num >= $config['login_error_show_captcha_num'] - 1) { $show_captcha = true; } if ($config['login_max_error_num'] && $error_num >= $config['login_max_error_num']) { $not_login = true; $this->message = '尝试次数太多,暂不可登录'; } } if (!$not_login && HttpIO::METHOD == 'POST') { $member = $this->post($_POST, $error_num); if ($member) { $member->last_login_ip = HttpIO::IP; $member->last_login_time = TIME; $member->last_login_session_id = $this->session()->id(); $member->value_increment('login_num'); $member->update(); # 开启session $this->session()->start(); $this->session()->set_member($member); $url = $_POST['forward'] ? HttpIO::POST('forward', HttpIO::PARAM_TYPE_URL) : Core::url('/'); $this->redirect($url); } else { $view->shake = true; } } $login_message = $this->session()->get('admin_member_login_message'); $view->show_captcha = $show_captcha; $view->message = $login_message ? $login_message : $this->message; $view->error_input = $this->error_input; if ($_POST) { $view->username = $_POST['username']; } $view->render(); }
/** * 保存用户note */ public function action_notepad() { if (null === $this->session()->member()->notepad) { $this->session()->member()->notepad = ''; } $this->session()->member()->notepad = HttpIO::POST('data'); try { $s = $this->session()->member()->update(); if ($s) { $this->message('保存成功', 1); } else { $this->message('操作成功', 0); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->message('保存数据失败。', -1); } }
/** * Create a new session. * * @return void */ public function create() { $cookie_config = Core::config('cookie'); $_SESSION = array(); switch (Session::$config['type']) { case 'auto': $sid = HttpIO::REQUEST($this->session_name); break; case 'url': $sid = HttpIO::GET($this->session_name); break; default: $sid = HttpIO::COOKIE($this->session_name); break; } if (!$sid || !Session::check_session_id($sid)) { $sid = Session::create_session_id(); if (Session::$config['type'] != 'url') { # 将session存入cookie Core::cookie()->set($this->session_name, $sid, !Session::$config['httponly'] && Session::$config['expiration'] > 0 ? Session::$config['expiration'] : null, $cookie_config['path'], $cookie_config['domain'], $cookie_config['secure'], Session::$config['httponly']); } } # 添加URL处理自动追加SESSION ID参数 if (Session::$config['type'] == 'url') { Core::add_url_args(Session::$config['name'], $sid); } # 调试模式设置Session模式,避免开启缓存模式时获取不到Session if (IS_DEBUG) { $this->driver()->session_mode(true); } $_SESSION = $this->driver()->get($sid); if (IS_DEBUG) { $this->driver()->session_mode(false); } if (!is_array($_SESSION)) { $_SESSION = array(); } # 将获取的值序列化MD5值 Session_Driver_Cache::$OLD_SESSION_MD5 = md5(serialize($_SESSION)); # 当前session id Session_Driver_Cache::$Session_ID = $sid; }
/** * Generates an opening HTML form tag. * * // Form will submit back to the current page using POST * echo Form::open(); * * // Form will submit to 'search' using GET * echo Form::open('search', array('method' => 'get')); * * // When "file" inputs are present, you must include the "enctype" * echo Form::open(null, array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')); * * @param string form action, defaults to the current request URI * @param array html attributes * @return string * @uses HttpIO::instance * @uses URL::site * @uses HTML::attributes */ public static function open($action = null, array $attributes = null) { if ($action === null) { // Use the current URI $action = HttpIO::current()->uri; } if (strpos($action, '://') === false) { // Make the URI absolute $action = Core::url($action); } // Add the form action to the attributes $attributes['action'] = $action; // Only accept the default character set $attributes['accept-charset'] = Core::$charset; if (!isset($attributes['method'])) { // Use POST method $attributes['method'] = 'post'; } return '<form' . HTML::attributes($attributes) . '>'; }
/** * 创建Session * * @return void */ public function create() { session_name(Session::$config['name']); $this->destroy(); $cookie_config = Core::config('cookie'); # 这里对IP+非80端口的需要特殊处理下,经试验,当这种情况下,设置session id的cookie的话会失败 if (preg_match('#^([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+):[0-9]+$#', $cookie_config['domain'], $m)) { # IP:PORT 方式 $cookie_config['domain'] = $m[1]; } $s_name = session_name(); switch (Session::$config['type']) { case 'auto': $sid = HttpIO::REQUEST($s_name); break; case 'url': $sid = HttpIO::GET($s_name); break; default: $sid = HttpIO::COOKIE($s_name); break; } if (!$sid || !Session::check_session_id($sid)) { # 如果检验的Session ID不合法,则重新生成一个 session_id(Session::create_session_id()); } else { session_id($sid); } # Session ID 通过uri传递 if (Session::$config['type'] == 'url') { @ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 0); } else { session_set_cookie_params(Session::$config['httponly'] ? 0 : (int) Session::$config['expiration'], $cookie_config['path'], $cookie_config['domain'], $cookie_config['secure'], Session::$config['httponly']); } session_start(); }
/** * 页面输出header缓存 * * 0表示不缓存 * * @param int $time 缓存时间,单位秒 */ public static function header_cache($time = 86400) { HttpIO::set_cache_header($time); }
/** * 关闭分块输出 * * !!! 执行此方法后将执行 `exit()`,程序将结束运行 */ public function push_end() { HttpIO::chunk_end(); }
/** * 系统调用内容输出函数(请勿自行执行) */ public static function _output_body() { # 发送header数据 HttpIO::send_headers(); if (IS_DEBUG && isset($_REQUEST['debug']) && class_exists('Profiler', true)) { # 调试打开时不缓存页面 HttpIO::set_cache_header(0); } # 执行注册的关闭方法 ob_start(); Core::event_trigger('system.shutdown'); $output = ob_get_clean(); # 在页面输出前关闭所有的连接 Core::close_all_connect(); # 输出内容 echo Core::$output, $output; }
protected function save(ORM_Admin_Member_Data $member) { try { if (!$member->id > 0) { # 创建新用户 if (!$_POST['username']) { throw new Exception('用户名不能空', -1); } if (!$_POST['new_password']) { throw new Exception('密码不能空', -1); } if ($_POST['new_password'] != $_POST['new_password_2']) { throw new Exception('两次输入的密码不一致,请重新确认', -1); } $model_admin = new Model_Admin_Administrator(); if ($model_admin->get_by_username($_POST['username'])) { throw new Exception('此用户名已存在,请换一个', -1); } } $member->nickname = $_POST['nickname']; $setting = HttpIO::POST('setting'); # 修改权限模式 if ($this->show_edit_perm) { # _group_admin 保留项 if (isset($setting['_group_admin'])) { unset($setting['_group_admin']); } # 修改权限 $this->change_member_perm($member); } elseif (!$member->id > 0) { $member->perm_setting = null; } if ($setting) { if ($member->setting) { $member->setting = array_merge($member->setting, $setting); } else { $member->setting = $setting; } } # 修改用户其它信息 $this->change_member_other_info($member); $tr = $member->orm()->db()->transaction(); $tr->start(); try { # 保存数据 if ($member->id > 0) { $is_add = false; # 修改用户 $member->update(); } else { $is_add = true; # 设置用户名 $member->username = $_POST['username']; # 密码,在更新数据时会由ORM进行加密处理 $member->password = $_POST['new_password']; # 所属项目 $member->project = Core::$project; # 锁定=否 $member->shielded = 0; # 插入用户数据 $member->insert(); } if ($this->show_edit_perm) { # 保存组权限设置 $this->save_member_group_perm($member, $is_add); } $tr->commit(); $msg = '操作成功'; $code = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $tr->rollback(); throw $e; } } catch (Exception $e) { $code = $e->getCode(); $msg = $e->getMessage(); } $this->message($msg, $code); }
/** * Catches errors that are not caught by the error handler, such as E_PARSE. * * @uses Kohana::exception_handler * @return void */ public static function shutdown_handler() { $error = error_get_last(); if ($error) { static $run = null; if (true === $run) { return; } $run = true; if (((\E_ERROR | \E_PARSE | \E_CORE_ERROR | \E_COMPILE_ERROR | \E_USER_ERROR | \E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR) & $error['type']) !== 0) { $run = true; static::exception_handler(new \ErrorException($error['message'], $error['type'], 0, $error['file'], $error['line'])); exit(1); } } if (isset($_REQUEST['debug'])) { if (\Core::debug()->profiler('output')->is_open()) { \Core::debug()->profiler('output')->start('Views', 'Global Data'); \Core::debug()->profiler('output')->stop(array('Global Data' => \View::get_global_data())); } // 输出debug信息 $file = \Core::find_view('debug/profiler'); if ($file) { if (\IS_CLI) { include $file; } else { \ob_start(); include $file; $out = \ob_get_clean(); if (\stripos(\HttpIO::$body, '</body>') !== false) { \HttpIO::$body = \str_ireplace('</body>', $out . '</body>', \HttpIO::$body); } else { \HttpIO::$body .= $out; } } } } }
/** * 关闭分块输出 * * !!! 执行此方法后将执行 `exit()`,程序将结束运行 */ public function output_chunk_end() { HttpIO::output_chunk_end(); }
/** * 检查内部调用HASH是否有效 * * @return boolean */ protected static function check_system_request_allow() { $hash = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MYQEE_SYSTEM_HASH']; //请求验证HASH $time = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MYQEE_SYSTEM_TIME']; //请求验证时间 $rstr = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MYQEE_SYSTEM_RSTR']; //请求时的随机字符串 if (!$hash || !$time || !$rstr) { return false; } # 请求时效检查 if (\microtime(1) - $time > 600) { static::log('system request timeout', 'system-request'); return false; } # 验证IP if ('' != \HttpIO::IP && \HttpIO::IP != $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]) { $allow_ip = static::config('core.system_exec_allow_ip'); if (\is_array($allow_ip) && $allow_ip) { $allow = false; foreach ($allow_ip as $ip) { if (\HttpIO::IP == $ip) { $allow = true; break; } if (\strpos($allow_ip, '*')) { # 对IP进行匹配 if (\preg_match('#^' . \str_replace('\\*', '[^\\.]+', \preg_quote($allow_ip, '#')) . '$#', \HttpIO::IP)) { $allow = true; break; } } } if (!$allow) { static::log('system request not allow ip:' . \HttpIO::IP, 'system-request'); return false; } } } $body = \http_build_query(\HttpIO::POST(null, \HttpIO::PARAM_TYPE_OLDDATA)); # 系统调用密钥 $system_exec_pass = static::config('core.system_exec_key'); if ($system_exec_pass && \strlen($system_exec_pass) >= 10) { # 如果有则使用系统调用密钥 $newhash = \sha1($body . $time . $system_exec_pass . $rstr); } else { # 没有,则用系统配置和数据库加密 $newhash = \sha1($body . $time . \serialize(static::config('core')) . \serialize(static::config('database')) . $rstr); } if ($newhash == $hash) { return true; } else { static::log('system request hash error', 'system-request'); return false; } }
if ( n==6 || n==0 ) { t = -t; } } setInterval(run,80); })(); </script> </td> </tr> <tr> <td height="200" valign="top"> <div id="login_form"> <form method="post" id="myform" autocomplete="off" onsubmit="return check_submit(this);"> <input type="hidden" name="forward" value="<?php echo HttpIO::GET('forward', HttpIO::PARAM_TYPE_URL); ?> " /> <div style="position:absolute;margin-left:-60px;"> <h1><?php echo __('Administrator login'); ?> </h1> </div> <div class="input_div" style="margin-left:-60px;"> <!--[if lt IE 6.9]><div class="input_bg_forie6"><div class="inputbg"></div></div><![endif]--> <div style="padding:28px;"> <div class="input_bg_text" id="input_default_text_username"><?php echo __('Username'); ?> </div>
/** * 根据控制器设置参数 * * @param Controller $controller */ public static function set_params_controller(Controller $controller) { HttpIO::$params = get_object_vars($controller); }
/** * 记录慢查询 * * @return boolean */ protected static function save_slow_query() { if (!Database::$slow_querys) { return true; } // 记录URL信息 $data = "\n" . str_pad(HttpIO::METHOD, 4, ' ') . ' ' . date('H:i:s', TIME) . ' - ' . str_pad((int) (1000 * (microtime(1) - START_TIME)), 6, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' - ' . str_pad(HttpIO::IP, 15) . ' ' . $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"] . ('' !== $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] ? '?' . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] : '') . (HttpIO::METHOD == 'POST' ? ' POST:' . json_encode(HttpIO::POST()) : '') . "\n"; foreach (Database::$slow_querys as $item) { $data .= ' ' . date('H:i:s', $item[0]) . ' - ' . str_pad((int) $item[1], 6, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ' - ' . $item[2] . "\n"; } // 写入LOG Core::log($data, 'log', 'slow_query/' . date('Y/m_d', TIME)); }
/** * 执行指定URI的控制器 * * @param string $uri */ public static function execute($uri) { $found = self::find_controller($uri); if ($found) { require $found['file']; $class_name = $found['namespace'] . $found['class']; if (class_exists($class_name, false)) { $controller = new $class_name(); Controller::$controllers[] = $controller; $rm_controoler = function () use($controller) { foreach (Controller::$controllers as $k => $c) { if ($c === $controller) { unset(Controller::$controllers[$k]); } } Controller::$controllers = array_values(Controller::$controllers); }; $arguments = $found['args']; if ($arguments) { $action = current($arguments); if (0 === strlen($action)) { $action = 'default'; } } else { $action = 'index'; } $action_name = 'action_' . $action; if (!method_exists($controller, $action_name)) { if ($action_name != 'action_default' && method_exists($controller, 'action_default')) { $action_name = 'action_default'; } elseif (method_exists($controller, '__call')) { $controller->__call($action_name, $arguments); $rm_controoler(); return; } else { $rm_controoler(); throw new Exception(__('Page Not Found'), 404); } } else { array_shift($arguments); } $ispublicmethod = new ReflectionMethod($controller, $action_name); if (!$ispublicmethod->isPublic()) { $rm_controoler(); throw new Exception(__('Request Method Not Allowed.'), 405); } unset($ispublicmethod); # 将参数传递给控制器 $controller->action = $action_name; $controller->controller = $found['class']; $controller->ids = $found['ids']; if (IS_SYSTEM_MODE) { # 系统内部调用参数 $controller->arguments = @unserialize(HttpIO::POST('data', HttpIO::PARAM_TYPE_OLDDATA)); } else { $controller->arguments = $arguments; } # 前置方法 if (method_exists($controller, 'before')) { $controller->before(); } # 执行方法 $count_arguments = count($arguments); switch ($count_arguments) { case 0: $controller->{$action_name}(); break; case 1: $controller->{$action_name}($arguments[0]); break; case 2: $controller->{$action_name}($arguments[0], $arguments[1]); break; case 3: $controller->{$action_name}($arguments[0], $arguments[1], $arguments[2]); break; case 4: $controller->{$action_name}($arguments[0], $arguments[1], $arguments[2], $arguments[3]); break; default: call_user_func_array(array($controller, $action_name), $arguments); break; } # 后置方法 if (method_exists($controller, 'after')) { $controller->after(); } # 移除控制器 $rm_controoler(); } else { throw new Exception(__('Page Not Found'), 404); } } else { throw new Exception(__('Page Not Found'), 404); } }
/** * Inline exception handler, displays the error message, source of the * exception, and the stack trace of the error. * * @uses self::exception_text * @param Exception $e object exception object * @return bool */ public static function exception_handler(Exception $e, $return = false) { try { if (IS_CLI) { $str = self::exception_text($e) . "\n" . $e->__toString() . "\n"; if ($return) { return $str; } else { echo $str; } return true; } $trace = $e->getTrace(); if ($e instanceof ErrorException) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<')) { // Workaround for a bug in ErrorException::getTrace() that exists in // all PHP 5.2 versions. @see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45895 for ($i = count($trace) - 1; $i > 0; --$i) { if (isset($trace[$i - 1]['args'])) { // Re-position the args $trace[$i]['args'] = $trace[$i - 1]['args']; // Remove the args unset($trace[$i - 1]['args']); } } } } if (true !== $return) { Core::close_buffers(false); if ($e->getCode() === E_PAGE_NOT_FOUND) { HttpIO::$status = 404; } elseif ($e->getCode() >= 400 && $e->getCode() <= 410) { HttpIO::$status = 404; } elseif ($e->getCode() >= 500 && $e->getCode() <= 510) { HttpIO::$status = 404; } else { HttpIO::$status = 500; } @header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); HttpIO::send_headers(); } ob_start(); include Core::find_file('views', self::$template); $string = ob_get_clean(); if ($return) { return $string; } else { echo $string; } return true; } catch (Exception $e) { ob_get_level() and ob_clean(); echo self::exception_text($e), "\n"; exit(1); } }
protected static function _class2url(&$class) { $strpos = strpos($class, '_'); $prefix = ''; if ($strpos !== false) { $prefix = strtolower(substr($class, 0, $strpos)); } if ($prefix == 'i18n') { $dir = 'i18n'; $class = substr($class, 5); } elseif ($prefix == 'model') { $dir = 'models'; $class = substr($class, 6); } elseif ($prefix == 'orm') { $dir = 'orm'; # 对ORM做些特殊处理 # 将ORM_Test_Finder转化成Test_Test.Finder # 将ORM_Test_Test2_Finder转化成Test_Test_Test2.Finder $class = ltrim(preg_replace('#^orm(?:_(.*))?_([a-z0-9]+)_([a-z0-9]+)$#i', '$1_$2', $class), '_'); } elseif ($prefix == 'controller') { $dir = HttpIO::current_controller()->dir; $class = substr($class, 11); } elseif ($prefix == 'shell') { $dir = 'shell'; $class = substr($class, 5); } else { $dir = 'classes'; } return $dir; }
/** * 记录慢查询 * * @return boolean */ protected static function save_slow_query() { if (!Database::$slow_querys) { return true; } $queries = array(); foreach (Database::$slow_querys as $item) { $queries[] = array('from' => $item[0], 'to' => $item[1], 'use' => $item[1] - $item[0], 'sql' => $item[2]); } $data = array('url' => $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URI"] . ('' !== $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] ? '?' . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] : ''), 'method' => HttpIO::METHOD, 'time' => TIME, 'ip' => HttpIO::IP, 'page_time' => microtime(1) - START_TIME, 'post' => HttpIO::POST(), 'queries' => $queries); // 写入LOG return Core::log('database.slow_query', $data, LOG_WARNING); }
/** * 开始分开输出 * * @param int $time_limit */ public static function chunk_start($time_limit = 0) { if (true === HttpIO::$IS_CHUNK_START) { return; } HttpIO::$IS_CHUNK_START = true; set_time_limit($time_limit); Core::close_buffers(false); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo str_pad('', 1024), "\r\n"; flush(); }
/** * Inline exception handler, displays the error message, source of the * exception, and the stack trace of the error. * * @uses Kohana::exception_text * @param object exception object * @return boolean */ public static function exception_handler(Exception $e, $return = false) { try { // Get the exception information $type = get_class($e); $code = $e->getCode(); $message = $e->getMessage(); $file = $e->getFile(); $line = $e->getLine(); if (isset(self::$php_errors[$code])) { $code = self::$php_errors[$code]; } // Create a text version of the exception $error = self::exception_text($e); if (IS_CLI) { // Just display the text of the exception echo "\n{$error}\n"; return TRUE; } // Get the exception backtrace $trace = $e->getTrace(); if ($e instanceof ErrorException) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '<')) { // Workaround for a bug in ErrorException::getTrace() that exists in // all PHP 5.2 versions. @see http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45895 for ($i = count($trace) - 1; $i > 0; --$i) { if (isset($trace[$i - 1]['args'])) { // Re-position the args $trace[$i]['args'] = $trace[$i - 1]['args']; // Remove the args unset($trace[$i - 1]['args']); } } } } if ($return !== true) { Core::close_buffers(FALSE); } if ($e->getCode() == 43) { HttpIO::$status = 404; } else { HttpIO::$status = 500; } HttpIO::send_headers(); // Start an output buffer ob_start(); // Include the exception HTML include Core::find_file('views', self::$template); // Display the contents of the output buffer $string = ob_get_clean(); if ($return) { return $string; } else { echo $string; } return TRUE; } catch (Exception $e) { // Clean the output buffer if one exists ob_get_level() and ob_clean(); // Display the exception text echo self::exception_text($e), "\n"; exit(1); } }
/** * Generates the full URL for a certain page. * * @param integer page number * @return string page URL */ public function url($page = 1) { // Clean the page number $page = \max(1, (int) $page); // No page number in URLs to first page if ($page === 1) { $page = null; } switch ($this->config['current_page']['source']) { case 'query_string': return \Core::url(\HttpIO::$uri) . \HttpIO::query(array($this->config['current_page']['key'] => $page)); case 'route': return \Core::url(Core::route_url(array($this->config['current_page']['key'] => $page))) . \HttpIO::query(); default: $tmparr = array(); if (\is_numeric($this->config['current_page']['key'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->config['current_page']['key']; $i++) { $tmparr[$i] = (string) \HttpIO::$params['arguments'][$i]; } } $tmparr[$this->config['current_page']['key']] = $page; return \Core::url(\HttpIO::uri($tmparr)) . \HttpIO::query(); } return '#'; }
/** * Create a URL from the current request. This is a shortcut for: * * echo URL::site($this->request->uri($params), $protocol); * * @param string route name * @param array URI parameters * @param mixed protocol string or boolean, adds protocol and domain * @return string * @since 3.0.7 * @uses URL::site */ public static function url(array $params = null, $protocol = null) { // Create a URI with the current route and convert it to a URL return Core::url(HttpIO::uri($params), $protocol); }