Exemplo n.º 1
// Sesion::menu_perms("MenuControlPanel", "ControlPanelEvents")

if (Host_vulnerability::in_host_vulnerability($conn, $host)) {
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="../vulnmeter/index.php?noimages=1&host=<?php 
    echo $host;
" target="report">
    $ip_stats = Host_vulnerability::get_list($conn, "WHERE ip = \"{$host}\"", "ORDER BY scan_date DESC", $ggregated = true, 1);
    foreach ($ip_stats as $host_vuln) {
        $scan_date = $host_vuln->get_scan_date();
    echo gettext("Vulnmeter");
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="../vulnmeter/<?php 
    echo date("YmdHis", strtotime($scan_date));
    echo ereg_replace("\\.", "_", $host);
Exemplo n.º 2
if (!Session::menu_perms("MenuControlPanel", "BusinessProcessesEdit")) {
    print _("You don't have permissions to view the risk maps reports");
$db = new ossim_db();
$conn = $db->connect();
$id = request("id");
ossim_valid($id, OSS_DIGIT, OSS_ALPHA, OSS_SCORE, OSS_PUNC, OSS_SPACE, ".", 'illegal:' . _("id"));
if (ossim_error()) {
    die("Error!!" . ossim_error());
$host = Host::get_list($conn, " where ip='" . $id . "' or hostname='" . $id . "'");
$id = $host[0]->ip;
$hostname = $host[0]->hostname;
$scanrow = Host_vulnerability::get_list($conn, " where ip='" . $id . "' and vulnerability>0 ", " order by scan_date desc", false);
if (!$scanrow) {
    echo "<br>Not scaned yet.<br>";
<a href="" target="_self" onclick="history.go(-1);return false;">[ <?php 
    echo gettext("Go Back");
$ipstr = ereg_replace("\\.", "_", $scanrow[0]->ip);
$fdate = $scanrow[0]->scan_date;
$sdate = ereg_replace(":", "", $scanrow[0]->scan_date);
$sdate = ereg_replace("-", "", $sdate);
$sdate = ereg_replace(" ", "", $sdate);
$sql = 'select p.reliability,p.priority,p.name from host_plugin_sid h, plugin_sid p where p.plugin_id=3001 and h.plugin_id=3001 and h.plugin_sid=p.sid and h.host_ip=inet_aton( ? ) order by reliability desc,priority desc';