viewDir() public static method

Return the view-specific directory for a Horde view.
Since: 2.4.0
public static viewDir ( integer $view ) : string
$view integer The Horde view type.
return string The directory prefix.
Exemplo n.º 1
 public function get($item, $mask = 0)
     if ($mask & self::VIEW) {
         $item_dir = Horde_Themes::viewDir($GLOBALS['registry']->getView()) . '/' . $item;
         $mask &= ~self::VIEW;
         if (!is_null($out = $this->get($item_dir, $mask))) {
             return $out;
     if (!($entry = $this->_get($item))) {
         return null;
     if ($mask) {
         $entry &= $mask;
     if ($entry & self::APP_THEME) {
         $app = $this->_app;
         $theme = $this->_theme;
     } elseif ($entry & self::HORDE_THEME) {
         $app = 'horde';
         $theme = $this->_theme;
     } elseif ($entry & self::APP_DEFAULT) {
         $app = $this->_app;
         $theme = 'default';
     } elseif ($entry & self::HORDE_DEFAULT) {
         $app = 'horde';
         $theme = 'default';
     } else {
         return null;
     return $this->_getOutput($app, $theme, $item);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Output the page header.
  * @param array $opts  Options:
  *   - body_class: (string)
  *   - body_id: (string)
  *   - html_id: (string)
  *   - smartmobileinit: (string) (@deprecated; use $this->smartmobileInit
  *                      instead)
  *   - stylesheet_opts: (array)
  *   - title: (string)
  *   - view: (integer)
 public function header(array $opts = array())
     global $injector, $language, $registry, $session;
     $view = new Horde_View(array('templatePath' => $registry->get('templates', 'horde') . '/common'));
     $view->outputJs = !$this->deferScripts;
     $view->stylesheetOpts = array();
     $this->_view = empty($opts['view']) ? $registry->hasView($registry->getView()) ? $registry->getView() : Horde_Registry::VIEW_BASIC : $opts['view'];
     if ($session->regenerate_due) {
     switch ($this->_view) {
         case $registry::VIEW_BASIC:
         case $registry::VIEW_DYNAMIC:
             $this->ajax = true;
             $this->growler = true;
         case $registry::VIEW_MINIMAL:
             $view->stylesheetOpts['subonly'] = true;
             $view->minimalView = true;
             $this->sidebar = $this->topbar = false;
         case $registry::VIEW_SMARTMOBILE:
             $smobile_files = array($this->debug ? '' : '', 'growler-jquery.js', 'horde-jquery.js', 'smartmobile.js', 'horde-jquery-init.js', $this->debug ? '' : '');
             foreach ($smobile_files as $val) {
                 $ob = $this->addScriptFile(new Horde_Script_File_JsFramework($val, 'horde'));
                 $ob->cache = 'package_smartmobile';
             $this->smartmobileInit = array_merge(array('$ = "' . Horde_Core_Translation::t("Back") . '";', '$.mobile.dialog.prototype.options.closeBtnText = "' . Horde_Core_Translation::t("Close") . '";', '$.mobile.loader.prototype.options.text = "' . Horde_Core_Translation::t("loading") . '";'), isset($opts['smartmobileinit']) ? $opts['smartmobileinit'] : array(), $this->smartmobileInit);
             $this->addInlineJsVars(array('HordeMobile.conf' => array('ajax_url' => $registry->getServiceLink('ajax', $registry->getApp())->url, 'logout_url' => strval($registry->getServiceLink('logout')), 'sid' => SID, 'token' => $session->getToken())));
             $this->addMetaTag('viewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1', false);
             $view->stylesheetOpts['subonly'] = true;
             $this->addStylesheet($registry->get('jsfs', 'horde') . '/', $registry->get('jsuri', 'horde') . '/');
             $view->smartmobileView = true;
             // Force JS to load at top of page, so we don't see flicker when
             // mobile styles are applied.
             $view->outputJs = true;
             $this->sidebar = $this->topbar = false;
     $view->stylesheetOpts['sub'] = Horde_Themes::viewDir($this->_view);
     if ($this->ajax || $this->growler) {
         $this->addScriptFile(new Horde_Script_File_JsFramework('hordecore.js', 'horde'));
         /* Configuration used in core javascript files. */
         $js_conf = array_filter(array('URI_AJAX' => $registry->getServiceLink('ajax', $registry->getApp())->url, 'URI_DLOAD' => strval($registry->getServiceLink('download', $registry->getApp())), 'URI_LOGOUT' => strval($registry->getServiceLink('logout')), 'URI_SNOOZE' => strval(Horde::url($registry->get('webroot', 'horde') . '/services/snooze.php', true, -1)), 'SID' => SID, 'TOKEN' => $session->getToken(), 'growler_log' => $this->topbar, 'popup_height' => 610, 'popup_width' => 820));
         /* Gettext strings used in core javascript files. */
         $js_text = array('ajax_error' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Error when communicating with the server."), 'ajax_recover' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("The connection to the server has been restored."), 'ajax_timeout' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("There has been no contact with the server for several minutes. The server may be temporarily unavailable or network problems may be interrupting your session. You will not see any updates until the connection is restored."), 'snooze' => sprintf(Horde_Core_Translation::t("You can snooze it for %s or %s dismiss %s it entirely"), '#{time}', '#{dismiss_start}', '#{dismiss_end}'), 'snooze_select' => array('0' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("Select..."), '5' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("5 minutes"), '15' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("15 minutes"), '60' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("1 hour"), '360' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("6 hours"), '1440' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("1 day")), 'dismissed' => Horde_Core_Translation::t("The alarm was dismissed."));
         if ($this->topbar) {
             $js_text['growlerclear'] = Horde_Core_Translation::t("Clear All");
             $js_text['growlerinfo'] = Horde_Core_Translation::t("This is the notification log.");
             $js_text['growlernoalerts'] = Horde_Core_Translation::t("No Alerts");
         $this->addInlineJsVars(array('HordeCore.conf' => $js_conf, 'HordeCore.text' => $js_text), array('top' => true));
     if ($this->growler) {
         $this->addScriptFile('growler.js', 'horde');
         $this->addScriptFile('scriptaculous/effects.js', 'horde');
         $this->addScriptFile('scriptaculous/sound.js', 'horde');
     if (isset($opts['stylesheet_opts'])) {
         $view->stylesheetOpts = array_merge($view->stylesheetOpts, $opts['stylesheet_opts']);
     $html = '';
     if (isset($language)) {
         $html .= ' lang="' . htmlspecialchars(strtr($language, '_', '-')) . '"';
     if (isset($opts['html_id'])) {
         $html .= ' id="' . htmlspecialchars($opts['html_id']) . '"';
     $view->htmlAttr = $html;
     $body = '';
     if (isset($opts['body_class'])) {
         $body .= ' class="' . htmlspecialchars($opts['body_class']) . '"';
     if (isset($opts['body_id'])) {
         $body .= ' id="' . htmlspecialchars($opts['body_id']) . '"';
     $view->bodyAttr = $body;
     $page_title = $registry->get('name');
     if (isset($opts['title'])) {
         $page_title .= ' :: ' . $opts['title'];
     $view->pageTitle = htmlspecialchars($page_title);
     $view->pageOutput = $this;
     header('Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
     if (isset($language)) {
         header('Vary: Accept-Language');
     echo $view->render('header');
     if ($this->topbar) {
         echo $injector->getInstance('Horde_View_Topbar')->render();
     // Send what we have currently output so the browser can start
     // loading CSS/JS. See:
     echo Horde::endBuffer();