Author: Jan Schneider (
Inheritance: extends Horde_Translation
Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Mime.php Projeto: horde/horde
  * Generate a Horde_Mime_Part object that contains a public key (RFC
  * 3156 [7]).
  * @param mixed $key  The public key.
  * @return Horde_Mime_Part  An object that contains the public key.
 public function publicKeyPart($key)
     $key = Horde_Pgp_Element_PublicKey::create($key);
     $part = new Horde_Mime_Part();
     $part->setDescription(Horde_Crypt_Translation::t("PGP Public Key"));
     $part->setContents(strval($key), array('encoding' => '7bit'));
     return $part;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Returns the first matching key ID for an email address from a public
  * keyserver.
  * @param string $address  The email address of the PGP key.
  * @return string  The PGP key ID.
  * @throws Horde_Crypt_Exception
 public function getKeyId($address)
     $pubkey = null;
     /* Connect to the public keyserver. */
     $url = $this->_createUrl('/pks/lookup', array('op' => 'index', 'options' => 'mr', 'search' => $address));
     try {
         $output = $this->_http->get($url)->getBody();
     } catch (Horde_Http_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Crypt_Exception($e);
     if (strpos($output, '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK') !== false) {
         $pubkey = $output;
     } elseif (strpos($output, 'pub:') !== false) {
         $output = explode("\n", $output);
         $keyids = $keyuids = array();
         $curid = null;
         foreach ($output as $line) {
             if (substr($line, 0, 4) == 'pub:') {
                 $line = explode(':', $line);
                 /* Ignore invalid lines and expired keys. */
                 if (count($line) != 7 || !empty($line[5]) && $line[5] <= time()) {
                 $curid = $line[4];
                 $keyids[$curid] = $line[1];
             } elseif (!is_null($curid) && substr($line, 0, 4) == 'uid:') {
                 preg_match("/<([^>]+)>/", $line, $matches);
                 $keyuids[$curid][] = $matches[1];
         /* Remove keys without a matching UID. */
         foreach ($keyuids as $id => $uids) {
             $match = false;
             foreach ($uids as $uid) {
                 if ($uid == $address) {
                     $match = true;
             if (!$match) {
         /* Sort by timestamp to use the newest key. */
         if (count($keyids)) {
             $pubkey = $this->get(array_pop($keyids));
     if ($pubkey) {
         $sig = $this->_pgp->pgpPacketSignature($pubkey, $address);
         if (!empty($sig['keyid']) && (empty($sig['public_key']['expires']) || $sig['public_key']['expires'] > time())) {
             return substr($this->_pgp->getKeyIDString($sig['keyid']), 2);
     throw new Horde_Crypt_Exception(Horde_Crypt_Translation::t("Could not obtain public key from the keyserver."));
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Pgp.php Projeto: horde/horde
  * Generates a Horde_Mime_Part object, in accordance with RFC 3156, that
  * contains a public key.
  * @param string $key  The public key.
  * @return Horde_Mime_Part  An object that contains the public key.
 public function publicKeyMIMEPart($key)
     $part = new Horde_Mime_Part();
     $part->setDescription(Horde_Crypt_Translation::t("PGP Public Key"));
     $part->setContents($key, array('encoding' => '7bit'));
     return $part;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Function that handles interfacing with the GnuPG binary.
  * @param array $options      Options and commands to pass to GnuPG.
  * @param string $mode        'r' to read from stdout, 'w' to write to
  *                            stdin.
  * @param array $input        Input to write to stdin.
  * @param boolean $output     Collect and store output in object returned?
  * @param boolean $stderr     Collect and store stderr in object returned?
  * @param boolean $parseable  Is parseable output required? The gpg binary
  *                            would be executed with C locale then.
  * @param boolean $verbose    Run GnuPG with verbose flag?
  * @return stdClass  Class with members output, stderr, and stdout.
  * @throws Horde_Crypt_Exception
  * @todo This method should be protected, but due to closures not having
  *       proper access to $this without assigning it to another variable
  *       which does not give it access to non-puplic members, we must
  *       make this public until H6 when we can require at least PHP 5.4.
 public function _callGpg($options, $mode, $input = array(), $output = false, $stderr = false, $parseable = false, $verbose = false)
     $data = new stdClass();
     $data->output = null;
     $data->stderr = null;
     $data->stdout = null;
     /* Verbose output? */
     if (!$verbose) {
         array_unshift($options, '--quiet');
     /* Create temp files for output. */
     if ($output) {
         $output_file = $this->_createTempFile('horde-pgp', false);
         array_unshift($options, '--output ' . $output_file);
         /* Do we need standard error output? */
         if ($stderr) {
             $stderr_file = $this->_createTempFile('horde-pgp', false);
             $options[] = '2> ' . $stderr_file;
     /* Silence errors if not requested. */
     if (!$output || !$stderr) {
         $options[] = '2> /dev/null';
     /* Build the command line string now. */
     $cmdline = implode(' ', array_merge($this->_gnupg, $options));
     $language = getenv('LANGUAGE');
     if ($parseable) {
     if ($mode == 'w') {
         if ($fp = popen($cmdline, 'w')) {
             putenv('LANGUAGE=' . $language);
             $win32 = !strncasecmp(PHP_OS, 'WIN', 3);
             if (!is_array($input)) {
                 $input = array($input);
             foreach ($input as $line) {
                 if ($win32 && strpos($line, "\r\n") !== false) {
                     $chunks = explode("\r\n", $line);
                     foreach ($chunks as $chunk) {
                         fputs($fp, $chunk . "\n");
                 } else {
                     fputs($fp, $line . "\n");
         } else {
             putenv('LANGUAGE=' . $language);
             throw new Horde_Crypt_Exception(Horde_Crypt_Translation::t("Error while talking to pgp binary."));
     } elseif ($mode == 'r') {
         if ($fp = popen($cmdline, 'r')) {
             putenv('LANGUAGE=' . $language);
             while (!feof($fp)) {
                 $data->stdout .= fgets($fp, 1024);
         } else {
             putenv('LANGUAGE=' . $language);
             throw new Horde_Crypt_Exception(Horde_Crypt_Translation::t("Error while talking to pgp binary."));
     if ($output) {
         $data->output = file_get_contents($output_file);
         if ($stderr) {
             $data->stderr = file_get_contents($stderr_file);
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Convert a PKCS 12 encrypted certificate package into a private key,
  * public key, and any additional keys.
  * @param string $pkcs12  The PKCS 12 data.
  * @param array $params   The parameters needed for parsing.
  * <pre>
  * Parameters:
  * ===========
  * 'sslpath' => The path to the OpenSSL binary. (REQUIRED)
  * 'password' => The password to use to decrypt the data. (Optional)
  * 'newpassword' => The password to use to encrypt the private key.
  *                  (Optional)
  * </pre>
  * @return stdClass  An object.
  *                   'private' -  The private key in PEM format.
  *                   'public'  -  The public key in PEM format.
  *                   'certs'   -  An array of additional certs.
  * @throws Horde_Crypt_Exception
 public function parsePKCS12Data($pkcs12, $params)
     /* Check for availability of OpenSSL PHP extension. */
     if (!isset($params['sslpath'])) {
         throw new Horde_Crypt_Exception(Horde_Crypt_Translation::t("No path to the OpenSSL binary provided. The OpenSSL binary is necessary to work with PKCS 12 data."));
     $sslpath = escapeshellcmd($params['sslpath']);
     /* Create temp files for input/output. */
     $input = $this->_createTempFile('horde-smime');
     $output = $this->_createTempFile('horde-smime');
     $ob = new stdClass();
     /* Write text to file */
     file_put_contents($input, $pkcs12);
     /* Extract the private key from the file first. */
     $cmdline = $sslpath . ' pkcs12 -in ' . $input . ' -out ' . $output . ' -nocerts';
     if (isset($params['password'])) {
         $cmdline .= ' -passin stdin';
         if (!empty($params['newpassword'])) {
             $cmdline .= ' -passout stdin';
         } else {
             $cmdline .= ' -nodes';
     } else {
         $cmdline .= ' -nodes';
     if ($fd = popen($cmdline, 'w')) {
         fwrite($fd, $params['password'] . "\n");
         if (!empty($params['newpassword'])) {
             fwrite($fd, $params['newpassword'] . "\n");
     } else {
         throw new Horde_Crypt_Exception(Horde_Crypt_Translation::t("Error while talking to smime binary."));
     $ob->private = trim(file_get_contents($output));
     if (empty($ob->private)) {
         throw new Horde_Crypt_Exception(Horde_Crypt_Translation::t("Password incorrect"));
     /* Extract the client public key next. */
     $cmdline = $sslpath . ' pkcs12 -in ' . $input . ' -out ' . $output . ' -nokeys -clcerts';
     if (isset($params['password'])) {
         $cmdline .= ' -passin stdin';
     if ($fd = popen($cmdline, 'w')) {
         fwrite($fd, $params['password'] . "\n");
     } else {
         throw new Horde_Crypt_Exception(Horde_Crypt_Translation::t("Error while talking to smime binary."));
     $ob->public = trim(file_get_contents($output));
     /* Extract the CA public key next. */
     $cmdline = $sslpath . ' pkcs12 -in ' . $input . ' -out ' . $output . ' -nokeys -cacerts';
     if (isset($params['password'])) {
         $cmdline .= ' -passin stdin';
     if ($fd = popen($cmdline, 'w')) {
         fwrite($fd, $params['password'] . "\n");
     } else {
         throw new Horde_Crypt_Exception(Horde_Crypt_Translation::t("Error while talking to smime binary."));
     $ob->certs = trim(file_get_contents($output));
     return $ob;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Returns the plural translation of a message.
  * @param string $singular  The singular version to translate.
  * @param string $plural    The plural version to translate.
  * @param integer $number   The number that determines singular vs. plural.
  * @return string  The string translation, or the original string if no
  *                 translation exists.
 public static function ngettext($singular, $plural, $number)
     self::$_domain = 'Horde_Crypt';
     self::$_directory = '@data_dir@' == '@' . 'data_dir' . '@' ? __DIR__ . '/../../../locale' : '@data_dir@/Horde_Crypt/locale';
     return parent::ngettext($singular, $plural, $number);