Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function getMaestro($telefono = '', $codcliatis = '', $codsercms = '', $codclicms = '')
     //temporal, maestro cliente
     $qryTelefono = $qryCodcliatis = $qryCodsercms = $qryCodclicms = '';
     if ($telefono != '') {
         $where = " l.telefono='" . $telefono . "' AND ";
     if ($codcliatis != '') {
         $where = " l.codclie='" . $codcliatis . "' AND ";
     if ($codsercms != '') {
         $where = " l.codservcms='" . $codsercms . "' AND ";
     if ($codclicms != '') {
         $where = " l.codclicms='" . $codclicms . "' AND ";
     $sql = "SELECT l.tiposerv, l.telefono, l.tipocalle, l.nomcalle,l.numcalle,\n            l.codclie, l.codservcms, l.nombre, l.appater, l.apmater, l.zonal,\n            l.mdf, l.armario, l.cabprim AS cable, l.cajater AS terminal,\n            l.xtroba, l.ytroba, l.xtap, l.ytap, l.xterminal, l.yterminal,\n            IFNULL(\n                (SELECT direccion\n                 FROM geo_tap gt\n                 WHERE gt.coord_x=l.xtroba\n                 AND gt.coord_y=l.ytroba), 'sin dirección') as dir_troba,\n            IFNULL(\n                (SELECT direccion\n                FROM geo_tap gt\n                WHERE gt.coord_x=l.xterminal\n                AND gt.coord_y=l.yterminal), 'sin dirección') as dir_term,\n            IFNULL(\n                (SELECT direccion\n                FROM geo_tap gt\n                WHERE gt.coord_x=l.xtap\n                AND gt.coord_y=l.ytap), 'sin dirección') as dir_tab,\n            IFNULL(m.eecc,'') as eecc,\n            IFNULL(m.lejano,'') as lejano,\n            IFNULL(m.zona_critico,'') as microzona,\n            (select id from empresas where nombre like m.eecc) as empresa_id\n        FROM webpsi_coc.tb_lineas_servicio_total l\n        LEFT JOIN webpsi_fftt.mdfs_eecc_regiones m\n            ON l.mdf=m.mdf\n        WHERE {$where}\n            TRIM(REPLACE(l.telefono,' ','')) REGEXP '^[0-9]+\$' AND\n            TRIM(REPLACE(l.telefono,' ','')) >2\n            AND LENGTH(REPLACE(l.telefono,'1',''))!=0\n        GROUP BY l.telefono,l.codclie,l.codservcms,l.codclicms";
     $query = DB::select($sql);
     //verificar si hay registros
     if (count($query) > 0 && $query !== '') {
         //se debe enviar X Y de geolocalizacion
         $query = Historico::findGeolocalizacion($query, '');
         return $query;
     return array();