function getHierarchyChildrenByCompanyIdAndUserIdAndObjectTypeID($company_id, $user_id, $object_type_id = 100)
        global $profiler;
        if ($company_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        if ($user_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        if ($object_type_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        $retval = FALSE;
        $uf = new UserFactory();
        $hlf = new HierarchyLevelFactory();
        $huf = new HierarchyUserFactory();
        $hotf = new HierarchyObjectTypeFactory();
        $hcf = new HierarchyControlFactory();
        //When it comes to permissions we only consider subordinates, not other supervisors/managers in the hierarchy.
        $ph = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'object_type_id' => $object_type_id, 'company_id' => $company_id);
        $query = '
						select w.user_id as user_id
						from ' . $huf->getTable() . ' as w
						LEFT JOIN ' . $hlf->getTable() . ' as x ON w.hierarchy_control_id = x.hierarchy_control_id
						LEFT JOIN ' . $hotf->getTable() . ' as y ON w.hierarchy_control_id = y.hierarchy_control_id
						LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as z ON x.user_id =
						LEFT JOIN ' . $hcf->getTable() . ' as z2 ON w.hierarchy_control_id =
							x.user_id = ?
							AND y.object_type_id = ?
							AND z.company_id = ?
							AND z2.deleted = 0
        		$query = '
        						select a.user_id as user_id
        						from '. $hlf->getTable() .' as a
        						LEFT JOIN '. $hlf->getTable() .' as b ON a.hierarchy_control_id = b.hierarchy_control_id AND b.user_id = ?
        						LEFT JOIN '. $hotf->getTable() .' as c ON a.hierarchy_control_id = c.hierarchy_control_id AND c.object_type_id = ?
        						LEFT JOIN '. $uf->getTable() .' as d ON a.user_id = AND d.company_id = ?
        						LEFT JOIN '. $hcf->getTable() .' as e ON a.hierarchy_control_id =
        						WHERE a.level > b.level
        							AND a.deleted = 0
        							AND b.deleted = 0
        							AND e.deleted = 0
        						UNION ALL
        						select w.user_id as user_id
        						from '. $huf->getTable() .' as w
        						LEFT JOIN '. $hlf->getTable() .' as x ON w.hierarchy_control_id = x.hierarchy_control_id
        						LEFT JOIN '. $hotf->getTable() .' as y ON w.hierarchy_control_id = y.hierarchy_control_id
        						LEFT JOIN '. $uf->getTable() .' as z ON x.user_id =
        						LEFT JOIN '. $hcf->getTable() .' as z2 ON w.hierarchy_control_id =
        							x.user_id = ?
        							AND y.object_type_id = ?
        							AND z.company_id = ?
        							AND z2.deleted = 0
        //Debug::Text(' Query: '. $query, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        $rs = $this->db->Execute($query, $ph);
        //Debug::Text(' Rows: '. $rs->RecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        if ($rs->RecordCount() > 0) {
            foreach ($rs as $row) {
                $retval[] = $row['user_id'];
        return $retval;
    function getHierarchyChildrenByCompanyIdAndUserIdAndObjectTypeID($company_id, $user_id, $object_type_id = 100)
        global $profiler;
        if ($company_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        if ($user_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        if ($object_type_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        $retval = FALSE;
        $uf = new UserFactory();
        $hlf = new HierarchyLevelFactory();
        $huf = new HierarchyUserFactory();
        $hotf = new HierarchyObjectTypeFactory();
        $hcf = new HierarchyControlFactory();
        //When it comes to permissions we only consider subordinates, not other supervisors/managers in the hierarchy.
        $ph = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'company_id' => $company_id);
        //w.user_id != x.user_id, is there to make sure we exclude the current user from the subordinate list,
        //as we now allow superiors to also be subordinates in the same hierarchy.
        $query = '
						select w.user_id as user_id
						from ' . $huf->getTable() . ' as w
						LEFT JOIN ' . $hlf->getTable() . ' as x ON w.hierarchy_control_id = x.hierarchy_control_id
						LEFT JOIN ' . $hotf->getTable() . ' as y ON w.hierarchy_control_id = y.hierarchy_control_id
						LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as z ON x.user_id =
						LEFT JOIN ' . $hcf->getTable() . ' as z2 ON w.hierarchy_control_id =
							x.user_id = ?
							AND z.company_id = ?
							AND y.object_type_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($object_type_id, $ph) . ')
							AND w.user_id != x.user_id
							AND ( x.deleted = 0 AND z2.deleted = 0 AND z.deleted = 0 )
        //Debug::Text(' Query: '. $query, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        $rs = $this->db->Execute($query, $ph);
        //Debug::Text(' Rows: '. $rs->RecordCount(), __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        if ($rs->RecordCount() > 0) {
            foreach ($rs as $row) {
                $retval[] = $row['user_id'];
        return $retval;
    function getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($company_id, $filter_data, $limit = NULL, $page = NULL, $where = NULL, $order = NULL)
        if ($company_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        if (!is_array($order)) {
            //Use Filter Data ordering if its set.
            if (isset($filter_data['sort_column']) and $filter_data['sort_order']) {
                $order = array(Misc::trimSortPrefix($filter_data['sort_column']) => $filter_data['sort_order']);
        $additional_order_fields = array('date_stamp', 'user_status_id', 'last_name', 'first_name', 'default_branch', 'default_department', 'user_group', 'title');
        $sort_column_aliases = array('status' => 'status_id', 'type' => 'type_id');
        $order = $this->getColumnsFromAliases($order, $sort_column_aliases);
        if ($order == NULL) {
            $order = array('status_id' => 'asc', 'type_id' => 'asc', 'date_stamp' => 'desc');
            $strict = FALSE;
        } else {
            //Always sort by last name,first name after other columns
            if ( !isset($order['effective_date']) ) {
            	$order['effective_date'] = 'desc';
            $strict = TRUE;
        //Debug::Arr($order,'Order Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        //Debug::Arr($filter_data,'Filter Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        $uf = new UserFactory();
        $bf = new BranchFactory();
        $df = new DepartmentFactory();
        $ugf = new UserGroupFactory();
        $utf = new UserTitleFactory();
        $udf = new UserDateFactory();
        $huf = new HierarchyUserFactory();
        $ph = array('company_id' => $company_id);
        //Need to make this return DISTINCT records only, because if the same child is assigned to multiple hierarchies,
        //the join to table HUF will force it to return one row for each hierarchy they are a child of. This prevents that.
        $query = '
					select 	DISTINCT
							b.first_name as first_name,
							b.last_name as last_name, as country,
							b.province as province,

							udf.date_stamp as date_stamp,
							udf.user_id as user_id, as default_branch_id, as default_branch, as default_department_id, as default_department, as user_group_id, as user_group, as title_id, as title
					from 	' . $this->getTable() . ' as a
						LEFT JOIN ' . $udf->getTable() . ' as udf ON ( a.user_date_id = AND udf.deleted = 0 )
						LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as b ON ( udf.user_id = AND b.deleted = 0 )

						LEFT JOIN ' . $huf->getTable() . ' as huf ON ( udf.user_id = huf.user_id )

						LEFT JOIN ' . $bf->getTable() . ' as c ON ( b.default_branch_id = AND c.deleted = 0)
						LEFT JOIN ' . $df->getTable() . ' as d ON ( b.default_department_id = AND d.deleted = 0)
						LEFT JOIN ' . $ugf->getTable() . ' as e ON ( b.group_id = AND e.deleted = 0 )
						LEFT JOIN ' . $utf->getTable() . ' as f ON ( b.title_id = AND f.deleted = 0 )

					where	b.company_id = ?
        if (isset($filter_data['permission_children_ids']) and isset($filter_data['permission_children_ids'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['permission_children_ids'])) {
            $query .= ' AND udf.user_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['permission_children_ids'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['user_id']) and isset($filter_data['user_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['user_id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND udf.user_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['user_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['id']) and isset($filter_data['id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['exclude_id']) and isset($filter_data['exclude_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['exclude_id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND udf.user_id not in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['exclude_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['type_id']) and isset($filter_data['type_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['type_id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND a.type_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['type_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['status_id']) and isset($filter_data['status_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['status_id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND a.status_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['status_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['group_id']) and isset($filter_data['group_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['group_id'])) {
            if (isset($filter_data['include_subgroups']) and (bool) $filter_data['include_subgroups'] == TRUE) {
                $uglf = new UserGroupListFactory();
                $filter_data['group_id'] = $uglf->getByCompanyIdAndGroupIdAndSubGroupsArray($company_id, $filter_data['group_id'], TRUE);
            $query .= ' AND b.group_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['group_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['default_branch_id']) and isset($filter_data['default_branch_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['default_branch_id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND b.default_branch_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['default_branch_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['default_department_id']) and isset($filter_data['default_department_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['default_department_id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND b.default_department_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['default_department_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['title_id']) and isset($filter_data['title_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['title_id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND b.title_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['title_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['country']) and isset($filter_data['country'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['country'])) {
            $query .= ' AND in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['country'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['province']) and isset($filter_data['province'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['province']) and !in_array('00', (array) $filter_data['province'])) {
            $query .= ' AND b.province in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['province'], $ph) . ') ';
        //Handle authorize list criteria here.
        if (isset($filter_data['authorized']) and isset($filter_data['authorized'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['authorized'])) {
            $query .= ' AND a.authorized in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['authorized'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['hierarchy_level_map']) and is_array($filter_data['hierarchy_level_map'])) {
            $query .= ' AND IS NOT NULL ';
            //Make sure the user maps to a hierarchy.
            $query .= ' AND ( ' . HierarchyLevelFactory::convertHierarchyLevelMapToSQL($filter_data['hierarchy_level_map'], 'a.', 'huf.', 'a.type_id') . ' )';
        } elseif (isset($filter_data['hierarchy_level_map']) and $filter_data['hierarchy_level_map'] == FALSE) {
            //If hierarchy_level_map is not an array, don't return any requests.
            $query .= ' AND = -1 ';
            //Make sure the user maps to a hierarchy.
        if (isset($filter_data['start_date']) and trim($filter_data['start_date']) != '') {
            $ph[] = $this->db->BindDate(TTDate::parseDateTime($filter_data['start_date']));
            $query .= ' AND udf.date_stamp >= ?';
        if (isset($filter_data['end_date']) and trim($filter_data['end_date']) != '') {
            $ph[] = $this->db->BindDate(TTDate::parseDateTime($filter_data['end_date']));
            $query .= ' AND udf.date_stamp <= ?';
        $query .= isset($filter_data['created_by']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL(array('a.created_by', 'y.first_name', 'y.last_name'), $filter_data['created_by'], 'user_id_or_name', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['updated_by']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL(array('a.updated_by', 'z.first_name', 'z.last_name'), $filter_data['updated_by'], 'user_id_or_name', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= '
						AND a.deleted = 0
        $query .= $this->getWhereSQL($where);
        $query .= $this->getSortSQL($order, $strict, $additional_order_fields);
        //Debug::Arr($ph,'Query: '. $query, __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        $this->ExecuteSQL($query, $ph, $limit, $page);
        return $this;
Exemplo n.º 4
    static function getPermissionHierarchySQL($company_id, $user_id, $outer_column)
        $hlf = new HierarchyLevelFactory();
        $huf = new HierarchyUserFactory();
        $hotf = new HierarchyObjectTypeFactory();
        $hcf = new HierarchyControlFactory();
        $query = '
						LEFT JOIN (
							select phc_huf.user_id as user_id, 1 as is_child
							from ' . $huf->getTable() . ' as phc_huf
							LEFT JOIN ' . $hlf->getTable() . ' as phc_hlf ON phc_huf.hierarchy_control_id = phc_hlf.hierarchy_control_id
							LEFT JOIN ' . $hotf->getTable() . ' as phc_hotf ON phc_huf.hierarchy_control_id = phc_hotf.hierarchy_control_id
							LEFT JOIN ' . $hcf->getTable() . ' as phc_hcf ON phc_huf.hierarchy_control_id =
								phc_hlf.user_id = ' . (int) $user_id . '
								AND phc_hcf.company_id = ' . (int) $company_id . '
								AND phc_hotf.object_type_id = 100
								AND phc_huf.user_id != phc_hlf.user_id
								AND ( phc_hlf.deleted = 0 AND phc_hcf.deleted = 0 )
						) as phc ON ' . $outer_column . ' = phc.user_id
        return $query;
    function getObjectTypeAndHierarchyAppendedListByCompanyIDAndUserID($company_id, $user_id, $where = NULL, $order = NULL)
        if ($company_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        if ($user_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        $additional_order_fields = array('object_type_id', 'hierarchy_control_name');
        if ($order == NULL) {
            $order = array('object_type_id' => 'asc', 'hierarchy_control_name' => 'asc', 'level' => 'asc', 'user_id' => 'asc');
            $strict = FALSE;
        } else {
            $strict = TRUE;
        $uf = new UserFactory();
        $hcf = new HierarchyControlFactory();
        $hotf = new HierarchyObjectTypeFactory();
        $huf = new HierarchyUserFactory();
        $ph = array('company_id' => $company_id, 'user_id' => $user_id);
        $query = '
					select 	hlf.*, as hierarchy_control_name,
					from ' . $this->getTable() . ' as hlf
					LEFT JOIN ' . $hcf->getTable() . ' as hcf ON = hlf.hierarchy_control_id
					LEFT JOIN ' . $hotf->getTable() . ' as hotf ON = hotf.hierarchy_control_id
					LEFT JOIN ' . $huf->getTable() . ' as huf ON = huf.hierarchy_control_id
					where 	hcf.company_id = ?
							AND huf.user_id = ?
							AND ( hlf.deleted = 0 AND hcf.deleted = 0 )
        $query .= $this->getWhereSQL($where);
        $query .= $this->getSortSQL($order, $strict, $additional_order_fields);
        $this->ExecuteSQL($query, $ph);
        return $this;
    function getAPISearchByCompanyIdAndArrayCriteria($company_id, $filter_data, $limit = NULL, $page = NULL, $where = NULL, $order = NULL)
        if ($company_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        if (!is_array($order)) {
            //Use Filter Data ordering if its set.
            if (isset($filter_data['sort_column']) and $filter_data['sort_order']) {
                $order = array(Misc::trimSortPrefix($filter_data['sort_column']) => $filter_data['sort_order']);
        $additional_order_fields = array('superiors', 'subordinates');
        $sort_column_aliases = array();
        $order = $this->getColumnsFromAliases($order, $sort_column_aliases);
        if ($order == NULL) {
            $order = array('name' => 'asc', 'description' => 'asc');
            $strict = FALSE;
        } else {
            //Always sort by last name,first name after other columns
            if (!isset($order['name'])) {
                $order['name'] = 'asc';
            $strict = TRUE;
        //Debug::Arr($order,'Order Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        //Debug::Arr($filter_data,'Filter Data:', __FILE__, __LINE__, __METHOD__,10);
        $uf = new UserFactory();
        $hlf = new HierarchyLevelFactory();
        $huf = new HierarchyUserFactory();
        $hotf = new HierarchyObjectTypeFactory();
        $ph = array('company_id' => $company_id);
        //Count total users in HierarchyControlFactory factory, so we can disable it when needed. That way it doesn't slow down Hierarchy dropdown boxes.
        //(select count(*) from '. $hlf->getTable().' as hlf WHERE = hlf.hierarchy_control_id AND hlf.deleted = 0 AND a.deleted = 0) as superiors,
        //(select count(*) from '. $huf->getTable().' as hulf WHERE = hulf.hierarchy_control_id AND a.deleted = 0 ) as subordinates,
        $query = '
					select 	distinct a.*,
							y.first_name as created_by_first_name,
							y.middle_name as created_by_middle_name,
							y.last_name as created_by_last_name,
							z.first_name as updated_by_first_name,
							z.middle_name as updated_by_middle_name,
							z.last_name as updated_by_last_name
					from 	' . $this->getTable() . ' as a
						LEFT JOIN ' . $hlf->getTable() . ' as hlf ON ( = hlf.hierarchy_control_id AND hlf.deleted = 0 )
						LEFT JOIN ' . $huf->getTable() . ' as huf ON ( = huf.hierarchy_control_id )
						LEFT JOIN ' . $hotf->getTable() . ' as hotf ON ( = hotf.hierarchy_control_id )
						LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as y ON ( a.created_by = AND y.deleted = 0 )
						LEFT JOIN ' . $uf->getTable() . ' as z ON ( a.updated_by = AND z.deleted = 0 )
					where	a.company_id = ?
        if (isset($filter_data['permission_children_ids']) and isset($filter_data['permission_children_ids'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['permission_children_ids'])) {
            $query .= ' AND a.created_by in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['permission_children_ids'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['id']) and isset($filter_data['id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['exclude_id']) and isset($filter_data['exclude_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['exclude_id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND not in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['exclude_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['name']) and trim($filter_data['name']) != '') {
            $ph[] = strtolower(trim($filter_data['name']));
            $query .= ' AND lower( LIKE ?';
        if (isset($filter_data['description']) and trim($filter_data['description']) != '') {
            $ph[] = strtolower(trim($filter_data['description']));
            $query .= ' AND lower(a.description) LIKE ?';
        if (isset($filter_data['object_type']) and isset($filter_data['object_type'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['object_type'])) {
            $query .= ' AND hotf.object_type_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['object_type'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['superior_user_id']) and isset($filter_data['superior_user_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['superior_user_id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND hlf.user_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['superior_user_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        if (isset($filter_data['user_id']) and isset($filter_data['user_id'][0]) and !in_array(-1, (array) $filter_data['user_id'])) {
            $query .= ' AND huf.user_id in (' . $this->getListSQL($filter_data['user_id'], $ph) . ') ';
        $query .= isset($filter_data['created_by']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL(array('a.created_by', 'y.first_name', 'y.last_name'), $filter_data['created_by'], 'user_id_or_name', $ph) : NULL;
        $query .= isset($filter_data['updated_by']) ? $this->getWhereClauseSQL(array('a.updated_by', 'z.first_name', 'z.last_name'), $filter_data['updated_by'], 'user_id_or_name', $ph) : NULL;
        //Don't filter hlf.deleted=0 here as that will not shown hierarchies without any superiors assigned to them. Do the filter on the JOIN instead.
        $query .= '
						AND ( a.deleted = 0 )
        $query .= $this->getWhereSQL($where);
        $query .= $this->getSortSQL($order, $strict, $additional_order_fields);
        $this->ExecuteSQL($query, $ph, $limit, $page);
        return $this;
    function getObjectTypeAppendedListByCompanyIDAndUserID($company_id, $user_id, $where = NULL, $order = NULL)
        if ($company_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        if ($user_id == '') {
            return FALSE;
        $hotf = new HierarchyObjectTypeFactory();
        $huf = new HierarchyUserFactory();
        $ph = array('company_id' => $company_id, 'user_id' => $user_id);
        $query = '
					select 	a.*,
					from ' . $this->getTable() . ' as a
					LEFT JOIN ' . $hotf->getTable() . ' as b ON = b.hierarchy_control_id
					LEFT JOIN ' . $huf->getTable() . ' as c ON = c.hierarchy_control_id
					where 	a.company_id = ?
							AND c.user_id = ?
							AND a.deleted = 0
        $query .= $this->getWhereSQL($where);
        $query .= $this->getSortSQL($order);
        $this->rs = $this->db->Execute($query, $ph);
        return $this;