$url .= '&bic='.strip_tags($_GET['bic']);
        			$url .= '&amount='.strip_tags($_GET['amount']);
        			$url .= '&reason_1='.strip_tags($_GET['reason_1']);
        			$url .= '&reason_2='.strip_tags($_GET['reason_2']);
        //add sv-bankdata
        $param = '';
        if ($_REQUEST['sofortcode'] == 'sofort_sofortvorkasse') {
            $param .= 'holder=' . strip_tags($_GET['holder']);
            $param .= '&account_number=' . strip_tags($_GET['account_number']);
            $param .= '&iban=' . strip_tags($_GET['iban']);
            $param .= '&bank_code=' . strip_tags($_GET['bank_code']);
            $param .= '&bic=' . strip_tags($_GET['bic']);
            $param .= '&amount=' . strip_tags($_GET['amount']);
            $param .= '&reason_1=' . strip_tags($_GET['reason_1']);
            $param .= '&reason_2=' . strip_tags($_GET['reason_2']);
        $url = xtc_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PROCESS, $param, 'SSL');
    case 'cancel':
        //from this function we get a correct URL
        $url = HelperFunctions::getCancelUrl(strip_tags($_REQUEST['sofortcode']));
        //$url = $server.DIR_WS_CATALOG;
        $url = xtc_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT);
$_SESSION['sofort']['checkout_process'] = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * manager for: save orderdata in shop-DB, emails, cleanup sofort-tables (if a notification has not done it before)
  * @return nothing (always redirects)
 function _finalizeOrderprocessAfterSuccessfulPayment($transactionId, $paymentSecret)
     //get serialized session
     $savedSession = $this->SofortOrderhandling->getSavedSessionData($transactionId, $paymentSecret);
     //Order was already saved
     if (!$savedSession) {
         //avoid race-conditions between success-url and notification and needless error-mails
         $orderId = $this->SofortOrderhandling->getOrderId($transactionId, $paymentSecret);
         if (!$orderId) {
             //saved sessiondata was not found and no order-id exists
             $errors = array('Description' => 'Order could not be saved in shop-DB and orderdata could not be found.', 'Transaction-ID' => $transactionId, 'Customer-ID' => $_SESSION['customer_id'], 'Paymentmethod' => $this->code);
             $errors = array(0 => array('code' => '10006'));
             //Fatal error: saving in sofort_orders failed, seller informed
             xtc_redirect(HelperFunctions::getCancelUrl($this->code, $errors));
         } else {
             // order was saved by notification
     } else {
         $insertData = $this->SofortOrderhandling->insertOrderIntoShop();
         $orderId = $insertData['orderId'];
         $sofortData = $insertData['sofortData'];
         if (!$orderId) {
             xtc_db_query('UPDATE sofort_orders SET data_acquired = "0" WHERE payment_secret = "' . HelperFunctions::escapeSql($paymentSecret) . '" AND transaction_id = "' . HelperFunctions::escapeSql($transactionId) . '"');
             $errors = array('description' => 'Order may not have been successfully saved in shop-DB or Order-ID is unknown. Please check the order for completeness!', 'transactionId' => $transactionId, 'paymentmethod' => $this->code, 'customerId' => $_SESSION['customer_id'], 'orderdata' => $savedSession);
             $errors = array(0 => array('code' => '10005'));
             //Fatal error: saving in sofort_orders might have failed, seller informed
             xtc_redirect(HelperFunctions::getCancelUrl($this->code, $errors));
         } else {
             //order was successfully saved, now delete serialized session from db, cleanup $_SESSION and send email to seller/customer
             //Notice: success-message will always be set by notification into history!
             $this->SofortOrderhandling->insertOrderIdInSofortTables($transactionId, $paymentSecret, $orderId);
             //save articleattributes (required for order-sync with SR)
             if ($this->code == 'sofort_sofortrechnung') {
                 $this->SofortOrderhandling->insertOrderAttributesInSofortTables($orderId, $sofortData);
             $this->SofortOrderhandling->deleteSavedSessionFromDb($transactionId, $paymentSecret);
             $this->SofortOrderhandling->insertTransIdInTableOrders($transactionId, $orderId);
             if ($this->code == 'sofort_sofortrechnung') {
                 HelperFunctions::sendOrderIdToSofort(MODULE_PAYMENT_SOFORT_MULTIPAY_APIKEY, $transactionId, $orderId);
             if (SEND_EMAILS == 'true') {