private static function _execute($url, $method, $post = null) { $data = parse_url($url); if (isset($data['user']) || isset($data['pass'])) { // TODO: not yet implemented return false; } if (isset($data['query'])) { $data['fullpath'] = $data['path'] . '?' . $data['query']; } else { $data['fullpath'] = $data['path']; } switch ($data['scheme']) { case 'http': $HTTP = new HTTP($data['host'], isset($data['port']) ? $data['port'] : 80); break; case 'https': $HTTP = new HTTP($data['host'], isset($data['port']) ? $data['port'] : 443, true); break; default: return false; break; } switch ($method) { case 'GET': return $HTTP->GET($data['fullpath']); break; case 'POST': return $HTTP->POST($data['fullpath'], $post); break; default: return false; break; } }
function _xUpdateGetInstaller() { global $C; $post_data = array('upgrade' => true, 'version' => $_REQUEST['version'], 'key' => LIC_KEY, 'domain' => domain_from_url($C['base_url'])); require_once 'http.php'; $http = new HTTP(); if ($http->POST(URL_DOWNLOAD, $post_data)) { if (preg_match('~X-SHA1: ([a-z0-9]+)~i', $http->response_headers, $matches)) { $installer_file = DIR_DATA . '/install.dat'; $sha1 = $matches[1]; file_write($installer_file, $http->body); if ($sha1 != sha1_file($installer_file)) { file_delete($installer_file); JSON::Error('File hash does not match, possible corrupted data. Please try again.'); } else { JSON::Success(); } } else { if (preg_match('~X-Error: ([a-z0-9_]+)~i', $http->response_headers, $matches)) { JSON::Error('Unable to locate a license for this domain'); } else { JSON::Error('Download from failed, please try again'); } } } else { JSON::Error('Unable to connect to for update: ' + $http->error); } }
function Execute() { require_once 'http.php'; $http = new HTTP(); if ($http->POST($this->url, $this->post_data)) { if (strpos($http->body, NETWORK_SUCCESS) === 0) { return substr($http->body, strlen(NETWORK_SUCCESS)); } else { $this->error = substr(strip_tags($http->body), 0, 100); return false; } } else { $this->error = $http->error; return false; } }
private function getW3Challs($count) { $HTTP = new HTTP(''); $html = $HTTP->GET('/'); if (!$html) { return false; } if (!preg_match('#<input type="hidden" name="member_token" value="(.+?)" />#', $html, $arr)) { return false; } $token = $arr[1]; $html = $HTTP->POST('/profile/awe', array('changeLanguage' => 'fr', 'member_token' => $token)); if (!$html) { return false; } preg_match_all('#<a href="/challenges/challenge(\\d+?)".+?title="(.+?), by (.+?) \\(Points: (\\d+?);#', $html, $arr); $challs = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arr[1]); $i++) { $challs[] = array('id' => $arr[1][$i], 'name' => $arr[2][$i], 'author' => $arr[3][$i], 'points' => $arr[4][$i]); } usort($challs, array('self', 'sortByID')); $texts = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $texts[] = sprintf("%s by %s worth %d points ( %s )", $challs[$i]['name'], $challs[$i]['author'], $challs[$i]['points'], '' . $challs[$i]['id']); } return $texts; }
private function checkMD5Decrypt($hash) { $HTTP = new HTTP(''); $html = $HTTP->GET('/'); if ($html === false) { return false; } if (!preg_match('/<script>document.cookie=\'(.+?)=(.+?)\';/', $html, $arr)) { return false; } $HTTP->setCookie($arr[1], $arr[2]); $res = $HTTP->POST('/index/process', array('value' => base64_encode($hash), 'operation' => 'MD5D')); if ($res === false) { return false; } $json = json_decode($res); if (!$json) { return false; } if (!empty($json->error)) { return false; } return $json->body; }
public function request_result($data) { if ($data["url"][0] != "/") { return false; } if ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") { $http = new HTTPS($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); } else { $http = new HTTP($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]); } /* Determine URL path */ $url = $data["url"]; if (strpos($url, "?") === false) { $url .= "?"; } else { $url .= "&"; } $url .= "output="; switch ($data["type"]) { case "ajax": $url .= "ajax"; break; case "xml": $url .= "restxml"; break; case "json": $url .= "restjson"; break; default: return false; } /* Restore cookies */ if (isset($_SESSION["apitest_cookies"])) { if (($cookies = json_decode($_SESSION["apitest_cookies"], true)) !== null) { foreach ($cookies as $key => $value) { $http->add_cookie($key, $value); } } } /* Authentication */ if ($data["username"] != "" && $data["password"] != "") { $auth_str = sprintf("%s:%s", $data["username"], $data["password"]); $http->add_header("Authorization", "Basic " . base64_encode($auth_str)); } /* Send request */ switch ($data["method"]) { case "GET": $result = $http->GET($url); break; case "POST": $result = $http->POST($url, $data["postdata"]); break; case "PUT": $result = $http->PUT($url, $data["postdata"]); break; case "DELETE": $result = $http->DELETE($url); break; default: return false; } /* Decode JSON result */ if ($result["headers"]["content-type"] == "application/json") { $result["body"] = $this->indent_json($result["body"]); } /* Store cookies */ $_SESSION["apitest_cookies"] = json_encode($http->cookies); return $result; }