Exemplo n.º 1
function printForm($data = array())
    // The first field that's empty
    $focus = '';
    foreach (array('name', 'email', 'subject', 'text') as $key) {
        if (!isset($data[$key])) {
            $data[$key] = '';
            $focus == '' ? $focus = $key : '';
    $bb = new BorderBox('Send email');
    $form = new HTML_Form(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES) . '?handle=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET['handle'], ENT_QUOTES), 'post', 'contact');
    $form->addText('name', 'Your name:', $data['name'], 30);
    $form->addText('email', 'EMail address:', $data['email'], 30);
    $form->addText('subject', 'Subject:', $data['subject'], 30);
    $form->addTextarea('text', 'Text:', $data['text'], 35, 10);
    $form->addSubmit('submit', 'Submit');
    echo "<script language=\"JavaScript\">\n";
    echo "<!--\n";
    echo "document.forms.contact." . $focus . ".focus();\n";
    echo "-->\n";
    echo "</script>";
Exemplo n.º 2
    function getTable($res, $width = '850', $obj = '')
        $extra_table_attr = array('width' => $width);
        $tbl = new HTML_Table(get_class($this), 'display', 0, 0, 2, $extra_table_attr);
        $frm = new HTML_Form();
        $kk_trick = array();
        $tbl->addRow('', $kk_trick, '<tfoot>');
        $tbl->addCell(tableFooter($obj), NULL, 'data', array('colspan' => '5'));
        $tbl->addCell($frm->addInput('checkbox', 'checkboxall', '', array('class' => 'check-all')), 'first', 'header');
        $tbl->addCell('Location', null, 'header');
        $tbl->addCell('Time on site', null, 'header');
        $tbl->addCell('User', null, 'header');
        $tbl->addCell('On-Page', null, 'header');
        $tbl->addCell('Referer', null, 'header');
        $tbl->addCell('', null, 'header');
        if ($res) {
            $objGeoIP = new GeoIP();
            while ($res->fetch($res)) {
                if ($objGeoIP->found()) {
                    $country = $objGeoIP->getCountryName();
                } else {
                    $country = $res->ip;
                $check_this = $frm->addInput('checkbox', 'check_row[]', $res->id, array('id' => 'check_row[]'));
                $tbl->addCell('<a href="http://www.geoiptool.com/es/?IP=' . $res->ip . '" target="_blank">' . $country . '</a>');
                $tbl->addCell(round(($res->hora - $res->conected_from) / 60, 2) . ' Min.');
                $tbl->addCell($res->user != '' ? $res->user : '******');
                $tbl->addCell('<a href="http://www.' . $web->domain . $res->page . '" target="_blank">' . $res->page . '</a>');
                $tbl->addCell('<a href="' . $res->referer . '" target="_blank">' . substr($res->referer, 0, 20) . '</a>');
                $tbl->addCell('<a href="admin-generic-edit.php?id=' . $res->id . '&fld=' . strtolower(get_class()) . '">
									<img src="/template/kadmin/images/icons/pencil.png" alt="Edit" />
									<a href="admin-generic-list.php?id=' . $res->id . '&fld=' . strtolower(get_class()) . '&action=delete" 
											onClick="return confirmDel();">
									<img src="/template/kadmin/images/icons/cross.png" alt="Delete" />
        return $tbl->display();
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Produce a string containing the text provided inside a table row
  * @param string $title     the string used as the label
  * @param string $text      a string to be displayed
  * @param string $thattr    a string of additional attributes to be put
  *                           in the <th> element (example: 'class="foo"')
  * @param string $tdattr    a string of additional attributes to be put
  *                           in the <td> element (example: 'class="foo"')
  * @return string
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @see HTML_Form::displayPlaintext(), HTML_Form::displayPlaintextRow(),
  *      HTML_Form::returnPlaintext(), HTML_Form::addPlaintext()
 function returnPlaintextRow($title, $text = '&nbsp;', $thattr = HTML_FORM_TH_ATTR, $tdattr = HTML_FORM_TD_ATTR)
     $str = " <tr>\n";
     $str .= '  <th ' . $thattr . '>' . $title . "</th>\n";
     $str .= '  <td ' . $tdattr . ">\n  ";
     $str .= HTML_Form::returnPlaintext($text) . "\n";
     $str .= "  </td>\n";
     $str .= " </tr>\n";
     return $str;
Exemplo n.º 4

include "../inc/redakce.inc";
$redakce = new CLASS_REDAKCE();
include "../inc/form.inc";
if ($submit == "pridaj") {
$form = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
echo "<html><head><title>Pridanie rubriky</title></head><body>\n";
$form->addText("nazov", "Nazov:", "");
$form->addText("description", "Popis:", "");
$form->addSelect("id_parent", "Rodicovska rubrika", $redakce->listRubrikyArray());
$form->addSubmit("submit", "pridaj", "");
echo "</body></html>";
Exemplo n.º 5
require_once "HTML/Form.php";
response_header("PEAR Administration - Package maintainers");
if (isset($_GET['pid'])) {
    $id = (int) $_GET['pid'];
} else {
    $id = 0;
$self = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES);
// Select package first
if (empty($id)) {
    $values = package::listAllNames();
    $bb = new BorderBox("Select package");
    $form = new HTML_Form($self);
    $form->addSelect("pid", "Package:", $values);
} else {
    if (!empty($_GET['update'])) {
        if (!isAllowed($id)) {
            PEAR::raiseError("Only the lead maintainer of the package or PEAR\n                          administrators can edit the maintainers.");
        $all = maintainer::get($id);
        // Transform
        $new_list = array();
        foreach ((array) $_GET['maintainers'] as $maintainer) {
Exemplo n.º 6
        print "<table>\n";
        print " <tr>\n";
        print "  <td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
        print "  <td><b>{$errorMsg}</b></td>\n";
        print " </tr>\n";
        print "</table>\n";
    print "<form action=\"" . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "\" method=\"post\" name=\"request_form\">\n";
    $bb = new BorderBox("Request a PECL account", "90%", "", 2, true);
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Username:"******"handle", $handle, 12));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("First Name:", HTML_Form::returnText("firstname", $firstname));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Last Name:", HTML_Form::returnText("lastname", $lastname));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Password:"******"password", null, 10) . "   Again: " . HTML_Form::returnPassword("password2", null, 10));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Need a php.net account?", HTML_Form::returnCheckbox("needsvn", $needsvn));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Email address:", HTML_Form::returnText("email", $email));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Show email address?", HTML_Form::returnCheckbox("showemail", $showemail));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Homepage", HTML_Form::returnText("homepage", $homepage));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Purpose of your PECL account<br />(No account is needed for using PECL or PECL packages):", HTML_Form::returnTextarea("purpose", stripslashes($purpose)));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Sponsoring users<br />(Current php.net users who suggested you request an account and reviewed your extension/patch):", HTML_Form::returnTextarea("sponsor", stripslashes($sponsor)));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("More relevant information<br />about you (optional):", HTML_Form::returnTextarea("moreinfo", stripslashes($moreinfo)));
    $bb->horizHeadRow("Requested from IP address:", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    $bb->horizHeadRow("<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" />");
    print "</form>";
    if ($jumpto) {
        print "<script language=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n<!--\n";
        print "if (!document.forms[1].{$jumpto}.disabled) document.forms[1].{$jumpto}.focus();\n";
        print "\n// -->\n</script>\n";
Exemplo n.º 7

include "./inc/redakce.inc";
$redakce = new CLASS_REDAKCE();
include "./inc/form.inc";
$LocalImageDir = "/testwebs/kyberia/images/";
$LocalTitleImageDir = "/testwebs/kyberia/title_images/";
if ($submit == "update") {
    Copy($title_image, $LocalTitleImageDir . $title_image_name);
    Copy($image, $LocaImageDir . $image_name);
    $redakce->updateArticle($HTTP_POST_VARS, $title_image_name, $image_name);
$set = $redakce->getArticle($id);
echo "<html><head><link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"./kyberia.css\"></head>";
$form = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
echo "<html><head><title>Pridanie clanku</title></head><body>\n";
echo "<body><table><tr>\n";
$form->addText("nazov", "Nazov:", $set->getString('nazov'));
$form->addText("autor", "Autor:", $set->getString('nazov'));
$form->addSelect("id_rubrika", "Rubrika", $redakce->listRubrikyArray());
$form->addSelect("id_rubrika_secondary", "Sekundarna rubrika", $redakce->listRubrikyArray());
$form->addText("id_forum", "ID forum:", $set->getString('id_forum'));
$form->addText("id_forum_secondary", "ID forum sekundarne:", $set->getString('id_forum_secondary'));
$form->addTextarea("short_desc", "Kratky popis", $set->getString('short_desc'), 40, 6);
$form->addTextarea("text", "Text:", $set->getString('text'), 40, 6);
$form->addSubmit("submit", "update", "");
echo "</body></html>";
Exemplo n.º 8
$month = isset($month) ? $month : null;
$year = isset($year) ? $year : null;
if (!isset($class)) {
    $class = 't';
if (!isset($otherMonths)) {
    $otherMonths = 't';
if (!isset($navLinks)) {
    $navLinks = 't';
if (!isset($size)) {
$tf = array('t' => 'True', 'f' => 'False');
$f = new HTML_Form($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post');
$f->addSelect('class', 'Class:', $tf, $class);
$f->addSelect('navLinks', 'Nav Links:', $tf, $navLinks);
$f->addSelect('otherMonths', 'Other Months:', $tf, $otherMonths);
$f->addSelect('size', 'Size:', array(HTML_CALENDAR_FULL => 'Full', HTML_CALENDAR_TINY => 'Tiny'), $size);
$cal = new MyHTML_Calendar();
$cal->setClass($class == 't');
$cal->setNavLinks($navLinks == 't');
$cal->setOtherMonths($otherMonths == 't');
$html = $cal->toHTML($day, $month, $year);
Exemplo n.º 9
if ($submit == "pridajskin") {
    $redakce->addSkin($nazov, $address);
$form = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
echo "<html><head><title>Pridanie rubriky</title></head><body>\n";
$form->addText("nazov", "Nazov:", "");
$form->addFile("obrazok", "Obrazok:", "");
$form->addSelect("id_parent", "Rodicovska  rubrika", $redakce->listRubrikyArray());
$form->addSubmit("submit", "pridajrubriku", "");
echo "<br>";
$form2 = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
$form2->addText("title", "Titulok:", "");
$form2->addSubmit("submit", "pridajtitle", "");
echo "<br>";
$form3 = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
$form3->addTextarea("text", "Text uvodniku:", "", 60, 60);
$form3->addText("id_autor", "ID Autora:", "");
$form3->addSubmit("submit", "pridajintro", "");
echo "<BR>";
$form4 = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
$form4->addText("nazov", "Nazov:", "");
$form4->addText("address", "Adresa:", "");
$form4->addSubmit("submit", "pridajskin", "");
echo "<br>";
echo "</body></html>";
Exemplo n.º 10
   | available at through the world-wide-web at                           |
   | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt.                                 |
   | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to   |
   | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to          |
   | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.               |
   | Authors:                                                             |
 * Interface to update package information.
require_once "HTML/Form.php";
$form = new HTML_Form(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], ENT_QUOTES));
response_header("Edit package");

<script language="javascript">

function confirmed_goto(url, message) {
    if (confirm(message)) {
        location = url;
// -->

Exemplo n.º 11

ini_set("include_path", "/home/hromi1/kyberia/inc:/home/hromi1/kyberia/boxiky/");
include "redakce.inc";
$redakce = new CLASS_REDAKCE();
include "form.inc";
$LocalImageDir = "/home/hromi1/images/clanky/";
if ($id) {
    $article = $redakce->getArticleData($id);
    echo "<html><head><link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"./kyberia.css\"></head>";
    $form = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
    echo "<html><head><title>Pridanie clanku</title></head><body>\n";
    echo "<body><table><tr>\n";
    $form->addText("nazov", "Nazov:", $article->getString("nazov"));
    $form->addText("autor", "Autor:", $article->getString("autor"));
    $form->addfile("title_image", "Titulni Obrazok:");
    $form->addfile("image1", "Obrazok:");
    $form->addfile("image2", "Obrazok:");
    $form->addhidden("id", $id);
    $form->addfile("image3", "Obrazok:");
    $form->addSelect("id_rubrika", "Rubrika", $redakce->listRubrikyArray());
    $form->addSelect("id_rubrika_secondary", "Sekundarna rubrika", $redakce->listRubrikyArray());
    $form->addTextarea("short_desc", "Kraktky popis", $article->getString("short_desc"), 40, 6);
    $form->addTextarea("text1", "Text:", stripslashes($article->getString("text1")), 80, 23);
    $form->addTextarea("text2", "Text:", stripslashes($article->getString("text2")), 40, 6);
    $form->addTextarea("text3", "Text:", stripslashes($article->getString("text3")), 40, 6);
    $form->addTextarea("keywords", "Keywords:", stripslashes($article->getString("keywords")), 40, 6);
    $form->addSubmit("submit", "pridaj", "");
Exemplo n.º 12
    echo $cmd;
    if ($cmd) {
if ($submit == "save") {
    if (isset($title_image_name)) {
        $redakce->addArticle($HTTP_POST_VARS, $title_image_name);
    } else {
echo "<html><head><link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"./kyberia.css\"></head>";
$form = new HTML_Form($PHP_SELF, "POST", "", "multipart/form-data");
echo "<html><head><title>Pridanie clanku</title></head><body>\n";
echo "<body><table><tr>\n";
$form->addText("nazov", "Nazov:", "");
$form->addText("autor", "Autor:", "");
$form->addfile("title_image", "Titulni Obrazok:");
$form->addSelect("id_rubrika", "Rubrika", $redakce->listRubrikyArray());
$form->addSelect("gallery", "Gallery", $redakce->listGalleryArray());
$form->addSelect("id_rubrika_secondary", "Sekundarna rubrika", $redakce->listRubrikyArray());
$form->addTextarea("short_desc", "Kraktky popis", "", 40, 6);
$form->addTextarea("text1", "Text:", "", 40, 6);
$form->addTextarea("text2", "Text:", "", 40, 6);
$form->addTextarea("text3", "Text:", "", 40, 6);
$form->addSubmit("submit", "save", "");
$form->addSubmit("submit", "preview", "");
Exemplo n.º 13
 * Interface to delete a package.
response_header('Delete Package');
echo '<h1>Delete Package</h1>';
require_once "HTML/Form.php";
if (!isset($_GET['id']) || !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) {
    report_error('No package ID specified.');
$form = new HTML_Form("/package-delete.php?id=" . $_GET['id'], "POST");
if (!isset($_POST['confirm'])) {
    $bb = new Borderbox("Confirmation");
    echo "Are you sure that you want to delete the package?<br /><br />";
    $form->displaySubmit("yes", "confirm");
    echo "&nbsp;";
    $form->displaySubmit("no", "confirm");
    echo "<br /><br /><font color=\"#ff0000\"><b>Warning:</b> Deleting\n          the package will remove all package information and all\n          releases!</font>";
} else {
    if ($_POST['confirm'] == "yes") {
        // XXX: Implement backup functionality
        // make_backup($_GET['id']);
        $tables = array("releases" => "package", "maintains" => "package", "deps" => "package", "files" => "package", "packages" => "id");
Exemplo n.º 14
$row = $dbh->getRow('SELECT * FROM users WHERE handle = ?', array($handle));
$cvs_acl_arr = $dbh->getCol('SELECT path FROM cvs_acl' . ' WHERE username = ? AND access = 1', 0, array($handle));
$cvs_acl = implode("\n", $cvs_acl_arr);
if ($row === null) {
    error_handler($handle . ' is not a valid account name.', 'Invalid Account');
$form = new HTML_Form(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], ENT_QUOTES), 'post');
$form->addText('name', '<span class="accesskey">N</span>ame:', $row['name'], 40, null, 'accesskey="n"');
$form->addText('email', 'Email:', $row['email'], 40, null);
$form->addCheckbox('showemail', 'Show email address?', $row['showemail']);
$form->addText('homepage', 'Homepage:', $row['homepage'], 40, null);
$form->addText('wishlist', 'Wishlist URI:', $row['wishlist'], 40, null);
$form->addText('pgpkeyid', 'PGP Key ID:' . '<p class="cell_note">(Without leading 0x)</p>', $row['pgpkeyid'], 40, 20);
$form->addTextarea('userinfo', 'Additional User Information:' . '<p class="cell_note">(limited to 255 chars)</p>', $row['userinfo'], 40, 5, null);
$form->addTextarea('cvs_acl', 'SVN Access:', $cvs_acl, 40, 5, null);
$form->addSubmit('submit', 'Submit');
$form->addHidden('handle', $handle);
$form->addHidden('command', 'update');
$form->display('class="form-holder" style="margin-bottom: 2em;"' . ' cellspacing="1"', 'Edit Your Information', 'class="form-caption"');
print '<a name="password"></a>' . "\n";
print '<h2>&raquo; Manage your password</h2>' . "\n";
$form = new HTML_Form(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], ENT_QUOTES), 'post');
$form->addPlaintext('<span class="accesskey">O</span>ld Password:'******'password_old', '', 40, 0, 'accesskey="o"'));
$form->addPassword('password', 'Password', '', 10, null);
$form->addCheckbox('PEAR_PERSIST', 'Remember username and password?', '');
$form->addSubmit('submit', 'Submit');
$form->addHidden('handle', $handle);
$form->addHidden('command', 'change_password');
$form->display('class="form-holder" cellspacing="1"', 'Change Password', 'class="form-caption"');