Exemplo n.º 1
 public function apply(Transformable $transformable)
     $file = \File::get(public_path('assets/img/borders.png'));
     $img = base64_encode($file);
     $data = str_ireplace(["\r", "\n"], '', $transformable->getContents());
     $data = preg_replace("~<(/?(br|p|dd))[^>]*?>~i", '<\\1>', $data);
     $data = preg_replace("~</(p|dd)>~i", '', $data);
     $data = preg_replace("~<(br|p|dd)>~i", static::LINEBREAK, $data);
     $data = preg_replace('/[ ]{2,}/', ' ', $data);
     $data = preg_replace("/" . static::LINEBREAK . "[ ]+/s", static::LINEBREAK . "    ", $data);
     $data = str_replace(static::LINEBREAK, '<p>', $data);
     $page = $transformable->page;
     $author = $page->author;
     $charset = $transformable->charset ?: 'utf-8';
     $title = $author->fio . " - " . $page->title;
     $link = \HTML::link(path_join("http://samlib.ru", $author->absoluteLink()), $author->fio) . " - " . \HTML::link(path_join("http://samlib.ru", $page->absoluteLink()), $page->title);
     $annotation = $page->annotation;
     $contents = $data;
     $downloaded = \Lang::get('pages.pages.downloaded', ['url' => \Request::fullUrl()]);
     if ($charset != 'utf-8') {
         $e = app('charset-encoder');
         $c = $e->remap($charset, true);
         $title = $e->transform($title, 'utf-8', $c);
         $link = $e->transform($link, 'utf-8', $c);
         $annotation = $e->transform($annotation, 'utf-8', $c);
         $downloaded = $e->transform($downloaded, 'utf-8', $c);
     $view = view('pages.html-download', compact('img', 'charset', 'title', 'link', 'annotation', 'contents', 'downloaded'));
     $transformable->setContents((string) $view);
     return $transformable;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @param DocumentInterface $document
  * @param mixed $value
  * @return mixed
 public function onGetHeadlineValue(DocumentInterface $document, $value)
     $documents = $document->getAttribute($this->getRelationName())->map(function (DocumentInterface $doc) {
         return \HTML::link($doc->getEditLink(), $doc->getTitle(), ['class' => 'popup']);
     return !empty($documents) ? implode(', ', $documents) : null;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function login()
     $rules = array('rut' => 'required|between:8,9|alpha_num|rut|exist_rut');
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         if (Request::ajax()) {
             return json_encode('ERROR');
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator->messages())->withInput();
     Event::fire('carga_cliente', array(Input::get('rut')));
     $ultima_respuesta = Event::fire('ya_respondio')[0];
     if (!is_null($ultima_respuesta)) {
         $msg = array('data' => array('type' => 'warning', 'title' => Session::get('user_name'), 'text' => 'En el actual periodo, ya registramos tus respuestas con fecha <b>' . $ultima_respuesta->format('d-m-Y') . '</b> a las <b>' . $ultima_respuesta->toTimeString() . '</b>, ¿Deseas actualizar esta información?'), 'options' => array(HTML::link('#', 'NO', array('class' => 'col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-3 btn btn-default btn-lg text-uppercase', 'id' => 'btn_neg')), HTML::link('encuestas', 'SÍ', array('class' => 'col-xs-4 col-sm-4 col-md-3 btn btn-hot btn-lg text-uppercase pull-right'))));
         if (Request::ajax()) {
             return json_encode($msg);
         return View::make('messages')->with('msg', $msg);
     } else {
         if (Request::ajax()) {
             return json_encode('OK');
         return Redirect::to('encuestas');
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function read_multiple($view, $accounts)
     $view->page_header(function ($view) {
         $view->float_right(function ($view) {
     $view->table(function ($table) use($accounts) {
         $table->header(array('name' => array('title' => __('admin::account.read_multiple.table.name'), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'first big')), 'email' => __('admin::account.read_multiple.table.email'), 'roles' => __('admin::account.read_multiple.table.roles'), 'buttons' => array('attributes' => array('class' => 'buttons last'))));
         $table->sortable(array('name', 'email'));
         $table->no_results(function ($table) {
             $table->well(function ($table) {
         $table->display(array('roles' => function ($account) {
             $roles = '';
             if (isset($account->roles)) {
                 foreach ($account->roles as $role) {
                     $roles .= '<b>' . $role->lang->name . '</b><br>' . $role->lang->description;
             return $roles;
         }, 'buttons' => function ($account) {
             return HTML::link(prefix('admin') . 'account/edit/' . $account->id, '<span class="icon-pencil"></span>', array('class' => 'btn btn-small')) . HTML::link(prefix('admin') . 'account/delete/' . $account->id, '<span class="icon-trash icon-white"></span>', array('class' => 'btn btn-primary'));
     $view->float_right(function ($view) {
         $view->button(prefix('admin') . 'account/add', 'Add account', 'primary');
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static function create($view)
     $view->tabs(function ($tabs) {
         $tabs->tab('Module Settings', function ($view) {
             $view->text('name', __('admin::module.create.form.name'), Input::old('name'));
             $view->actions(function ($view) {
                 $view->next_tab('Next up, add some schemas &nbsp; <i class="icon-arrow-right icon-white"></i>', 'primary');
         $tabs->tab('Schemas', function ($view) {
             $view->table(function ($table) {
                 $table->header(array('name' => array('title' => __('admin::account.read_multiple.table.name'), 'attributes' => array('class' => 'first big')), 'relationships', 'buttons' => array('attributes' => array('class' => 'buttons last'))));
                 $table->no_results(function ($table) {
                     $table->well(function ($table) {
                 $table->display(array('relationships' => function ($schema) {
                     $relationships = '';
                     if (isset($schema->relationships)) {
                         foreach ($schema->relationships as $relationship) {
                             $relationships .= '<b>' . $relationship->name . '</b><br>' . $relationship->type;
                     return $relationships;
                 }, 'buttons' => function ($schema) {
                     return HTML::link(prefix('admin') . 'module/add/', '<span class="icon-pencil"></span>', array('class' => 'btn btn-small')) . HTML::link(prefix('admin') . 'module/add/', '<span class="icon-trash icon-white"></span>', array('class' => 'btn btn-primary'));
             $view->button('#add-schema', 'Add Schema', 'primary');
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Add a new navigation item or title, if $link is false.
  * @param string        $title  the title/name of the navigation item
  * @param null|string   $link   the link of the navigation item
 public static function addnav($title, $link = null)
     if (!$link) {
         $output = '<p class="nav-head">&#151;  ' . __($title) . '  &#151;</p>';
         Template::get_instance()->set_output('navigation', __($output));
     } else {
         Template::get_instance()->set_output('navigation', HTML::link($link . '?' . LOGD_Core::create_random_uri_string(), __($title)));
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Redirect user to other URI
  * @param string $url - URI we need to relocate user
 public static function redirect($url = '')
     if (APPLICATION) {
         header('Location: /' . trim($url, '/'));
     } else {
         header('Location: ' . HTML::link($url));
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function pics($data)
     $name = HTML::link('products/view/' . $data['_id'], $data['productName']);
     if (isset($data['thumbnail_url']) && count($data['thumbnail_url'])) {
         $display = HTML::image($data['thumbnail_url'][0] . '?' . time(), $data['filename'][0], array('style' => 'min-width:100px;', 'id' => $data['_id']));
         return $display . '<br /><span class="img-more" id="' . $data['_id'] . '">more images</span>';
     } else {
         return $name;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function pics($data)
     $name = HTML::link('products/view/' . $data['_id'], $data['productName']);
     if (isset($data['thumbnail_url']) && count($data['thumbnail_url'])) {
         $display = HTML::image($data['thumbnail_url'][0] . '?' . time(), $data['filename'][0], array('style' => 'min-width:100px;', 'id' => $data['_id']));
         return $data['songTitle'] . '<br />' . $display;
     } else {
         return $name;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Test generating proper link
  * @group laravel
 public function testGeneratingLink()
     $html1 = HTML::link('foo');
     $html2 = HTML::link('foo', 'Foobar');
     $html3 = HTML::link('foo', 'Foobar', array('class' => 'btn'));
     $html4 = HTML::link('http://google.com', 'Google');
     $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/foo">http://localhost/index.php/foo</a>', $html1);
     $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/foo">Foobar</a>', $html2);
     $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://localhost/index.php/foo" class="btn">Foobar</a>', $html3);
     $this->assertEquals('<a href="http://google.com">Google</a>', $html4);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function get_contacts()
     if (Auth::guest()) {
         $s = HTML::link('login', 'Login') . ' or ' . HTML::link('verify', 'Register') . ' to view';
     } else {
         $u = User::find($this->user_id);
         // $s = 'Contacts for '.print_r($u, true);
         $s = $u->email . '<br>' . $u->phone_1;
     return $s;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function postUpdate($id = '')
     $cartography_user = CartographyUser::find($id);
     if (Input::get('password_1') != '') {
         if (Input::get('password_1') != Input::get('password_2')) {
             return "As senhas devem corresponder. " . HTML::link($this->route . '/create', 'Voltar');
         } else {
             $cartography_user->password = md5(Input::get('password_1'));
     $cartography_user->name = Input::get('name');
     $cartography_user->usertype = Input::get('usertype');
     return Redirect::to($this->route)->with(array('msg_success' => 'Cartografia adicionada com sucesso'));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function uploadFiles($files)
     if (!$this->form_block_id) {
         throw new \Exception('form block id must be set before saving files');
     $formData = $this->content ? unserialize($this->content) : [];
     foreach ($files as $field => $requestFile) {
         /** @var \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile $requestFile */
         $uploadFolder = '/uploads/system/forms/' . $this->form_block_id;
         $fullUploadPath = public_path() . $uploadFolder;
         if (!file_exists($fullUploadPath)) {
             mkdir($fullUploadPath, 0755, true);
         $uniqueFilename = $field . ' ' . $this->id . ' ' . $requestFile->getClientOriginalName();
         $requestFile->move($uploadFolder, $uniqueFilename);
         $formData[$field] = \HTML::link($uploadFolder . '/' . $uniqueFilename, $uniqueFilename);
     $this->content = serialize($formData);
Exemplo n.º 14
  *  Generate breadcrumbs from array for backend
  *  @param  array  $bread - array with names and links
  *  @return string        - breadcrumbs HTML
 public static function backendBreadcrumbs($bread)
     if (count($bread) <= 1) {
         return '';
     $last = $bread[count($bread) - 1];
     unset($bread[count($bread) - 1]);
     if (!count($bread)) {
         return '';
     $first = $bread[0];
     $html = '<div class="crumbs"><ul class="breadcrumb">';
     $html .= '<li><i class="fa-home"></i><a href="' . HTML::link($first['link']) . '">&nbsp;' . $first['name'] . '</a></li>';
     foreach ($bread as $value) {
         $html .= '<li><a href="' . HTML::link($value['link']) . '">&nbsp;' . $value['name'] . '</a></li>';
     $html .= '<li class="current" style="color: #949494 !important;">&nbsp;' . $last['name'] . '</li>';
     $html .= '</ul></div>';
     return $html;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * Create a HTML page link.
  * @param  int     $page
  * @param  string  $text
  * @param  string  $class
  * @return string
 protected function link($page, $text, $class)
     $query = '?page=' . $page . $this->appendage($this->appends);
     return HTML::link(URI::current() . $query, $text, compact('class'), Request::secure());
Exemplo n.º 16
            echo $character['level'];
            echo $character['pvpkills'];
            echo $character['pkkills'];
            $clan_link = e($character['clan_name']);
            if ($this->_gs->stats_clan_info) {
                $clan_link = HTML::link($character['clan_name'], array('/stats/default/index', 'gs_id' => $this->_gs_id, 'type' => 'clan-info', 'clan_id' => $character['clan_id']));
            echo $character['clan_name'] == '' ? Yii::t('main', 'Не в клане') : $clan_link;
            echo Lineage::getOnlineTime($character['onlinetime']);
            echo $row['online'] ? '<span class="status-online" title="' . Yii::t('main', 'В игре') . '"></span>' : '<span class="status-offline" title="' . Yii::t('main', 'Не в игре') . '"></span>';
            echo number_format($character['maxCountItems'], 0, '', '.');
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Retrieving get vars
$idMember = intval($_GET["id_member"]);
$surname1 = Check::safeText($_GET["surname1"]);
$surname2 = Check::safeText($_GET["surname2"]);
$firstName = Check::safeText($_GET["first_name"]);
 * Show page
$title = _("Delete Staff Member");
require_once "../layout/header.php";
 * Breadcrumb
$links = array(_("Admin") => "../admin/index.php", _("Staff Members") => $returnLocation, $title => "");
echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_staff");
 * Form
echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../admin/staff_del.php'));
$tbody = array();
$tbody[] = Msg::warning(sprintf(_("Are you sure you want to delete staff member, %s %s %s?"), $firstName, $surname1, $surname2));
$tbody[] = Form::hidden("id_member", $idMember);
$tfoot = array(Form::button("delete", _("Delete")) . Form::generateToken());
$options = array('class' => 'center');
echo Form::fieldset($title, $tbody, $tfoot, $options);
echo HTML::end('form');
echo Msg::hint('* ' . _("Note: The del function will delete the related user too (if exists)."));
echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Return"), $returnLocation));
require_once "../layout/footer.php";
Exemplo n.º 18
        echo $row->isNewMessageForAdmin();
        echo CHtml::link(CHtml::encode($gs[$row->gs_id]), array('/backend/gameServers/form', 'gs_id' => $row->gs_id));
        echo isset($row->user->login) ? CHtml::link($row->user->login, array('/backend/users/view', 'user_id' => $row->user->user_id)) : '*Unknown*';
                            <ul class="actions list-unstyled">
        echo HTML::link('', array('/backend/' . $this->getId() . '/edit', 'id' => $row->id), array('class' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-pencil', 'title' => Yii::t('backend', 'Просмотр'), 'rel' => 'tooltip'));
} else {
                    <td colspan="8"><?php 
    echo Yii::t('backend', 'Нет данных.');
Exemplo n.º 19

HTML::macro('image_link', function ($url = '', $img = '', $alt = '', $link_name = '', $param = '', $active = true, $ssl = false) {
    $url = $ssl == true ? URL::to_secure($url) : URL::to($url);
    $img = HTML::image($img, $alt);
    $img .= $link_name;
    $link = $active == true ? HTML::link($url, '#', $param) : $img;
    $link = str_replace('#', $img, $link);
    return $link;
HTML::macro('icon_link', function ($url = '', $icon = '', $link_name = '', $param = '', $active = true, $ssl = false) {
    $url = $ssl == true ? URL::to_secure($url) : URL::to($url);
    $icon = '<i class="' . $icon . '" aria-hidden="true"></i>' . $link_name;
    $link = $active == true ? HTML::link($url, '#', $param) : $icon;
    $link = str_replace('#', $icon, $link);
    return $link;
HTML::macro('icon_btn', function ($url = '', $icon = '', $link_name = '', $param = '', $active = true, $ssl = false) {
    $url = $ssl == true ? URL::to_secure($url) : URL::to($url);
    $icon = $link_name . ' <i class="' . $icon . '" aria-hidden="true"></i>';
    $link = $active == true ? HTML::link($url, '#', $param) : $icon;
    $link = str_replace('#', $icon, $link);
    return $link;
HTML::macro('show_username', function () {
    $the_username = Auth::user()->name === Auth::user()->email ? is_null(Auth::user()->first_name) ? Auth::user()->name : Auth::user()->first_name : (is_null(Auth::user()->name) ? Auth::user()->email : Auth::user()->name);
    return $the_username;
 * Show page
$title = _("Editar antecedentes clínicos");
$titlePage = $patient->getName() . ' (' . $title . ')';
$focusFormField = "birth_growth";
// to avoid JavaScript mistakes in demo version
require_once "../layout/header.php";
//$returnLocation = "../medical/history_personal_view.php?id_patient=" . $idPatient;
$returnLocation = "../medical/history_personal_view.php";
 * Breadcrumb
$links = array(_("Medical Records") => "../medical/index.php", $patient->getName() => "../medical/patient_view.php", _("Clinic History") => "../medical/history_list.php", _("View Personal Antecedents") => $returnLocation, $title => "");
echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_patient");
echo $patient->getHeader();
echo Form::errorMsg();
 * Edit form
echo HTML::start('form', array('method' => 'post', 'action' => '../medical/history_personal_edit.php'));
echo Form::hidden("id_patient", $idPatient);
require_once "../medical/history_personal_fields.php";
echo HTML::end('form');
echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Voltar"), $returnLocation));
 * Destroy form values and errors
require_once "../layout/footer.php";
Exemplo n.º 21
        echo isMultiLang() ? $row->getLangText() : '-';
                            <ul class="actions list-unstyled">
        echo HTML::link('', array('/backend/' . $this->getId() . '/form', 'id' => $row->id), array('class' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-pencil', 'title' => Yii::t('backend', 'Редактировать'), 'rel' => 'tooltip'));
        echo HTML::link('', array('/backend/' . $this->getId() . '/allow', 'id' => $row->id), array('class' => $row->isStatusOn() ? 'glyphicon glyphicon-eye-close' : 'glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open', 'title' => $row->isStatusOn() ? Yii::t('backend', 'Выключить') : Yii::t('backend', 'Включить'), 'rel' => 'tooltip'));
        echo HTML::link('', array('/backend/' . $this->getId() . '/del', 'id' => $row->id), array('class' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove', 'title' => Yii::t('backend', 'Удалить'), 'rel' => 'tooltip'));
} else {
                    <td colspan="5"><?php 
    echo Yii::t('backend', 'Нет данных.');
Exemplo n.º 22
 * Show page
$title = _("View Personal Antecedents");
$titlePage = $patient->getName() . ' (' . $title . ')';
require_once "../layout/header.php";
 * Breadcrumb
$links = array(_("Medical Records") => "../medical/index.php", $patient->getName() => "../medical/patient_view.php", _("Clinic History") => "../medical/history_list.php", $title => "");
echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_patient");
echo $patient->getHeader();
if ($_SESSION['auth']['is_administrative']) {
    echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Edit Personal Antecedents"), '../medical/history_personal_edit_form.php', array('id_patient' => $idPatient)));
 * Show personal antecedents
echo HTML::section(2, _("Personal Antecedents"));
if ($history->getBirthGrowth()) {
    echo HTML::section(3, _("Birth and Growth"));
    echo HTML::para(nl2br($history->getBirthGrowth()));
if ($history->getGrowthSexuality()) {
    echo HTML::section(3, _("Growth and Sexuality"));
    echo HTML::para(nl2br($history->getGrowthSexuality()));
if ($history->getFeed()) {
    echo HTML::section(3, _("Feed"));
Exemplo n.º 23
 * Show page
$title = _("Ver antecedentes familiares");
$titlePage = $patient->getName() . ' (' . $title . ')';
require_once "../layout/header.php";
 * Breadcrumb
$links = array(_("Medical Records") => "../medical/index.php", $patient->getName() => "../medical/patient_view.php", _("Clinic History") => "../medical/history_list.php", $title => "");
echo HTML::breadcrumb($links, "icon icon_patient");
echo $patient->getHeader();
if ($_SESSION['auth']['is_administrative']) {
    echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Editar antecedentes familiares"), '../medical/history_family_edit_form.php', array('id_patient' => $idPatient)));
 * Show family antecedents
echo HTML::section(2, _("Antecedentes Familiares"));
if ($history->getParentsStatusHealth()) {
    echo HTML::section(3, _("Estado atual de saúde dos pais"));
    echo HTML::para(nl2br($history->getParentsStatusHealth()));
if ($history->getBrothersStatusHealth()) {
    echo HTML::section(3, _("Estado geral da saúde dos irmãos"));
    echo HTML::para(nl2br($history->getBrothersStatusHealth()));
if ($history->getSpouseChildsStatusHealth()) {
    echo HTML::section(3, _("Histórico de problemas degenerativos ou de doenças crônicas"));
Exemplo n.º 24
 * Retrieving get var
$idPatient = intval($_GET["id_patient"]);
 * Search database for patient
$patQ = new Query_Page_Patient();
if (!$patQ->select($idPatient)) {
    include_once "../layout/xhtml_start.php";
    echo $style;
    echo HTML::end('head');
    echo HTML::start('body');
    echo Msg::error(_("That patient does not exist."));
    echo HTML::para(HTML::link(_("Close Window"), '#', null, array('onclick' => 'window.close(); return false;')));
    echo HTML::end('body');
    echo HTML::end('html');
$pat = $patQ->fetch();
if (!$pat) {
$patName = $pat->getFirstName() . " " . $pat->getSurname1() . " " . $pat->getSurname2();
 * Show medical record
Exemplo n.º 25
echo Form::open('home/login', 'POST', array('id' => 'loginForm', 'autocomplete' => 'off'));
echo Form::email('email', Input::old('email'), array('placeholder' => 'Your email address', 'class' => 'lg center', 'autocomplete' => 'off'));
echo Form::password('password', array('placeholder' => 'Top Secret Password', 'class' => 'lg center', 'autocomplete' => 'off'));

echo Form::submit('Let Me In', array('class' => 'btn med success span100'));
echo Form::close();
<div class="mediaBreak mediaBreakRight45">

	<hr />
echo HTML::link('home/register', 'Create an Account', array('class' => 'btn span100 center'));
	<hr />
Exemplo n.º 26

	<div class="wrapper">
		<div class="error-spacer"></div>
		<div role="main" class="main">

			<h2>服务器错误: 404 (网页找不到)</h2>


echo HTML::link('/', '返回首页');
Exemplo n.º 27

echo $parent ? HTML::link("{$path}?folder={$parent}", "&lt;&lt; Back to <b>{$parent}</b> folder") : '';

<p>YAWF framework code in <b><?php 
echo $folder;
</b> folder:</p>

$items = '';
foreach ($files as $file) {
    if (preg_match('/\\.\\w+$/', $file)) {
        $items .= HTML::list_item(HTML::link("download/code.php?{$file}", $file, array('target' => 'code_frame')));
    } elseif (preg_match('/^\\w/', $file)) {
        $items .= HTML::list_item(HTML::link("{$path}?folder={$file}", $file));
print HTML::bullet_list($items);

<iframe id="code_frame" name="code_frame"></iframe>
Exemplo n.º 28

// Inspired by: http://forums.laravel.io/viewtopic.php?id=827
HTML::macro('nav_item', function ($url, $text, $a_attr = array(), $active_class = 'active', $li_attrs = array()) {
    $href = HTML::link($url, $text, $a_attr);
    $response = '';
    if (Request::is($url) || Request::is($url . '/*')) {
        if (isset($li_attrs['class'])) {
            $li_attrs['class'] .= ' ' . $active_class;
        } else {
            $li_attrs['class'] = $active_class;
    return '<li ' . HTML::attributes($li_attrs) . '>' . $href . '</li>';
Exemplo n.º 29
    <div class="form-error"><?php 
echo $profile->validationErrors->first("first_name");
<div class="form-group">
$inputName = "Profile[last_name]";
echo Form::label($inputName, "Last name");
echo Form::text($inputName, $profile->last_name, array("id" => $inputName, "class" => "form-control", "placeholder" => "last name"));
    <div class="form-error"><?php 
echo $profile->validationErrors->first("last_name");

<div class="text-center">
    <p><button type="submit" class="btn btn-submit">Submit</button></p>
echo HTML::link("user/login", "login");

echo Form::close();
Exemplo n.º 30
echo $content;
        <div id="side_col">
            <div id="account">
                <!-- TODO -->

    <div id="footer">
        Copyright &copy; <?php 
echo date('Y');
 Guanoo, Inc. Released under the terms of the <?php 
echo HTML::link('http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html', 'Lesser GPL3');
. By using this site you accept our <?php 
echo HTML::link('project/terms', 'terms &amp; conditions');
. Please use our <?php 
echo HTML::link('project/contact', 'contact form');
 to get in touch.