Exemplo n.º 1
  * Get all scripts, css and semantics data for a library
  * @param string $library_name
  *  Name of the library we want to fetch data for
  * @param string $prefix Optional. Files are relative to another dir.
 public function getLibraryData($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion, $languageCode, $path = '', $prefix = '')
     $libraryData = new stdClass();
     $libraries = $this->findEditorLibraries($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion);
     $libraryData->semantics = $this->h5p->loadLibrarySemantics($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion);
     $libraryData->language = $this->getLibraryLanguage($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion, $languageCode);
     $files = $this->h5p->getDependenciesFiles($libraries, $prefix);
     $this->storage->alterLibraryFiles($files, $libraries);
     if ($path) {
         $path .= '/';
     // Javascripts
     if (!empty($files['scripts'])) {
         foreach ($files['scripts'] as $script) {
             if (preg_match('/:\\/\\//', $script->path) === 1) {
                 // External file
                 $libraryData->javascript[$script->path . $script->version] = "\n" . file_get_contents($script->path);
             } else {
                 // Local file
                 $libraryData->javascript[$this->h5p->url . $script->path . $script->version] = "\n" . file_get_contents($path . $script->path);
     // Stylesheets
     if (!empty($files['styles'])) {
         foreach ($files['styles'] as $css) {
             if (preg_match('/:\\/\\//', $css->path) === 1) {
                 // External file
                 $libraryData->css[$css->path . $css->version] = file_get_contents($css->path);
             } else {
                 // Local file
                 H5peditor::buildCssPath(NULL, $this->h5p->url . dirname($css->path) . '/');
                 $libraryData->css[$this->h5p->url . $css->path . $css->version] = preg_replace_callback('/url\\([\'"]?(?![a-z]+:|\\/+)([^\'")]+)[\'"]?\\)/i', 'H5peditor::buildCssPath', file_get_contents($path . $css->path));
     // Add translations for libraries.
     foreach ($libraries as $library) {
         $language = $this->getLibraryLanguage($library['machineName'], $library['majorVersion'], $library['minorVersion'], $languageCode);
         if ($language !== NULL) {
             $lang = '; H5PEditor.language["' . $library['machineName'] . '"] = ' . $language . ';';
             $libraryData->javascript[md5($lang)] = $lang;
     return json_encode($libraryData);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Get all scripts, css and semantics data for a library
  * @param string $library_name
  *  Name of the library we want to fetch data for
 public function getLibraryData($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion)
     $libraryData = new stdClass();
     $libraryData->semantics = $this->storage->getSemantics($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion);
     $language = $this->storage->getLanguage($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion);
     if ($language) {
         $libraryData->language = $language;
     $editorLibraryIds = $this->storage->getEditorLibraries($machineName, $majorVersion, $minorVersion);
     foreach ($editorLibraryIds as $editorLibraryId => $editorLibrary) {
         $filePaths = $this->storage->getFilePaths($editorLibraryId);
         if (!empty($filePaths['js'])) {
             foreach ($filePaths['js'] as $jsFilePath) {
                 // TODO: rtrim and check substr(-1) === '}'? jsmin?
                 if (!isset($libraryData->javascript[$jsFilePath])) {
                     $libraryData->javascript[$jsFilePath] = '';
                 $libraryData->javascript[$jsFilePath] .= "\n" . file_get_contents($jsFilePath);
         $language = $this->storage->getLanguage($editorLibrary['machineName'], $editorLibrary['majorVersion'], $editorLibrary['minorVersion']);
         if ($language) {
             $lang = '; H5PEditor.language["' . $editorLibrary['machineName'] . '"] = ' . $language . ';';
             $libraryData->javascript[md5($lang)] = $lang;
         if (!empty($filePaths['css'])) {
             foreach ($filePaths['css'] as $cssFilePath) {
                 H5peditor::buildCssPath(NULL, $this->basePath . dirname($cssFilePath) . '/');
                 $css = preg_replace_callback('/url\\([\'"]?(?![a-z]+:|\\/+)([^\'")]+)[\'"]?\\)/i', 'H5peditor::buildCssPath', file_get_contents($cssFilePath));
                 $libraryData->css[$cssFilePath] = $css;
     return json_encode($libraryData);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function save()
     $input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
     $contentId = $input->getVar('cid');
     // Cannot use input->get() here. It eats all HTML, with no option to
     // tell it not to...  H5P does its own XSS filtering of HTML fields,
     // but it does so when returning it from the database.
     $h5p_params = $_POST['edit-h5p-params'];
     $library = $input->get('edit-h5p-library', '', 'string');
     $h5p_core = H5PJoomla::getInstance('core');
     $h5p_joomla = H5PJoomla::getInstance('interface');
     $library_data = $h5p_core->libraryFromString($library);
     $libraryId = $h5p_joomla->getLibraryId($library_data['machineName'], $library_data['majorVersion'], $library_data['minorVersion']);
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $jsonQuoted = $db->quote($h5p_params);
     $title = $input->get('h5p-title', 'My H5P', 'string');
     if (!$title) {
         $title = 'Untitled ' . $library_data['machineName'];
     $titleQuoted = $db->quote($title);
     $db->setQuery(sprintf("INSERT INTO #__h5p (h5p_id, title, json_content, embed_type, main_library_id)\n\t\t\t  VALUES (%s, %s, %s, 'div, iframe', %d)\n\t\t\t  ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE title=%s, json_content=%s, main_library_id=%d", $db->quote($contentId), $titleQuoted, $jsonQuoted, $libraryId, $titleQuoted, $jsonQuoted, $libraryId));
     $storage = H5PJoomla::getInstance('editorstorage');
     $h5pStorage = H5PJoomla::getInstance('storage');
     $editor = new H5peditor($storage, JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'media', JURI::root(true), $h5pStorage);
     if (!$editor->createDirectories($contentId)) {
         print "<p>Unable to create content directories on the server. Please contact the system administrator.</p>";
     // Move files.
     $editor->processParameters($contentId, $library_data, json_decode($h5p_params), NULL, NULL);
     // Response HTML
     header('Content-Type: text/html');
     print "\n\t\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\twindow.parent.insertH5P('{$contentId}', '{$title}');\n\t\t\t</script>\n\t\t";