Exemplo n.º 1
 function add_row($table, $row, $label_text, $options)
     $label = new GtkLabel($label_text);
     $label->set_alignment(0, 1);
     $table->attach($label, 0, 1, $row, $row + 1, Gtk::EXPAND + Gtk::FILL, 0, 0, 0);
     $option_menu = $this->create_option_menu($options);
     $table->attach($option_menu, 1, 2, $row, $row + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
function get_data($title, $field_labels)
    $dialog = new GtkDialog($title, null, Gtk::DIALOG_MODAL);
    // create a new dialog
    $top_area = $dialog->vbox;
    // get the top area
    $top_area->pack_start($hbox = new GtkHBox());
    $stock = GtkImage::new_from_stock(Gtk::STOCK_DIALOG_QUESTION, Gtk::ICON_SIZE_DIALOG);
    $hbox->pack_start($stock, 0, 0);
    // stuff in the icon
    // display the data entry form as table
    $table = new GtkTable();
    // create a new table
    $row = 0;
    $input = array();
    // holds the ID of each GtkEntry
    foreach ($field_labels as $field_label) {
        $label = new GtkLabel($field_label);
        $label->set_alignment(0, 0);
        // left-justify the label
        $table->attach($label, 0, 1, $row, $row + 1);
        // insert the label into table
        $input[$row] = new GtkEntry();
        // create a new input field
        $table->attach($input[$row], 1, 2, $row, $row + 1);
        // add this besides the label
        if (eregi("password", $field_label)) {
        // show password entry as '*'
    $dialog->add_button(Gtk::STOCK_OK, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK);
    // add an OK button
    // don't display the set_has_separator
    // show the dialog
    // the dialog in action
    // grab the user input before destroying the dialog - note 1
    $data = array();
    // put user input in an array
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($input); ++$i) {
        $data[] = $input[$i]->get_text();
    // done. close the dialog box.
    return $data;
    // returns the user input as array
 public function __construct()
     $this->frame = new GtkFrame();
     $frameBox = new GtkVBox(false, 10);
     $titleBox = new GtkHBox(false, 10);
     $titleLabel = new GtkLabel("User Roles");
     $titleLabel->set_markup("<span weight='bold'>User Roles</span>");
     $titleLabel->set_alignment(0, 0.5);
     $this->statusLabel = new GtkLabel("");
     $this->statusLabel->set_alignment(1, 0.5);
     $titleBox->pack_start($titleLabel, true, true, 0);
     $titleBox->pack_end($this->statusLabel, true, true, 0);
     $frameBox->pack_start($titleBox, false, false, 0);
     $this->roleListStore = new GtkRefListStore(Gobject::TYPE_STRING);
     $this->roleListTree = new GtkRefTreeView($this->roleListStore);
     $roleListSelection = $this->roleListTree->get_selection();
     $roleListSelection->connect('changed', array($this, 'selectRoleToRemove'));
     $rolesWindow = new GtkScrolledWindow();
     $rolesWindow->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
     $frameBox->pack_start($rolesWindow, true, true, 0);
     $renderer = new GtkCellRendererText();
     $renderer->set_property("editable", false);
     $column = new GtkTreeViewColumn('Role', $renderer, "text", 0);
     $this->roleComboStore = new GtkRefListStore(Gobject::TYPE_STRING);
     $this->roleCombo = new GtkRefComboBox($this->roleComboStore);
     $roleCell = new GtkCellRendererText();
     $roleCell->set_property('ellipsize', Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END);
     $this->roleCombo->set_attributes($roleCell, 'text', 0);
     $this->roleCombo->connect('changed', array($this, 'selectRoleToAdd'));
     $this->addButton = new GtkButton("Add");
     $this->removeButton = new GtkButton("Remove");
     $buttonBox = new GtkHBox(false, 8);
     $buttonBox->pack_end($this->removeButton, false, false, 0);
     $buttonBox->pack_end($this->addButton, false, false, 0);
     $buttonBox->pack_end($this->roleCombo, true, true, 0);
     $frameBox->pack_end($buttonBox, false, false, 0);
 public function __construct()
     $this->frame = new GtkFrame();
     $frameBox = new GtkVBox(false, 10);
     $titleBox = new GtkHBox(false, 10);
     $titleLabel = new GtkLabel("Users");
     $titleLabel->set_markup("<span weight='bold'>Users</span>");
     $titleLabel->set_alignment(0, 0.5);
     $this->statusLabel = new GtkLabel("");
     $this->statusLabel->set_alignment(1, 0.5);
     $titleBox->pack_start($titleLabel, true, true, 0);
     $titleBox->pack_end($this->statusLabel, true, true, 0);
     $frameBox->pack_start($titleBox, false, false, 0);
     $this->userListStore = new GtkRefListStore(Gobject::TYPE_STRING, Gobject::TYPE_STRING, Gobject::TYPE_STRING, Gobject::TYPE_STRING, Gobject::TYPE_STRING);
     $this->userListTree = new GtkRefTreeView($this->userListStore);
     $usersWindow = new GtkScrolledWindow();
     $usersWindow->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
     $frameBox->pack_start($usersWindow, true, true, 0);
     $cols = array('Username', 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'Email', 'Department');
     foreach ($cols as $num => $item) {
         $renderer = new GtkCellRendererText();
         $renderer->set_property("editable", false);
         $column = new GtkTreeViewColumn($item, $renderer, "text", $num);
     $userSelection = $this->userListTree->get_selection();
     $userSelection->connect('changed', array($this, 'isSelected'));
     $this->newButton = new GtkButton("New");
     $this->newButton->connect('clicked', array($this, 'deSelect'));
     $this->delButton = new GtkButton("Delete");
     $this->delButton->connect('clicked', array($this, 'confirmDeletion'));
     $buttonBox = new GtkHBox(false, 8);
     $buttonBox->pack_end($this->newButton, false, false, 0);
     $buttonBox->pack_end($this->delButton, false, false, 0);
     $frameBox->pack_end($buttonBox, false, false, 0);
 private function createLabelText($label, $entryVisible = true)
     $labelObj = new GtkLabel($label);
     $labelObj->set_alignment(1, 0.5);
     $entryObj = new GtkEntry();
     return array($labelObj, $entryObj);
Exemplo n.º 6
$title->modify_font(new PangoFontDescription("Times New Roman Italic 10"));
$title->modify_fg(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL, GdkColor::parse("#0000ff"));
$title->set_size_request(-1, 40);
$vbox->pack_start($title, 0, 0);
$vbox->pack_start(new GtkLabel(''));
// create the clickable label
$clickable_label = new GtkHBox();
$clickable_label->set_size_request(-1, 24);
$vbox->pack_start($clickable_label, 0, 0);
$clickable_label->pack_start(new GtkLabel("reference: php-gtk2 "), 0, 0);
$clickable_label->pack_start(link("manual", "http://gtk.php.net/manual/en/gtkclasses.php"), 0, 0);
$clickable_label->pack_start(new GtkLabel(" and "), 0, 0);
$clickable_label->pack_start(link("mailing list", "http://www.nabble.com/Php---GTK---General-f171.html"), 0, 0);
//$vbox->pack_start(new GtkLabel(''));
$status = new GtkLabel('');
$status->set_alignment(0, 0);
$vbox->pack_start($status, 0, 0);
// function to setup the link
function link($title, $url)
    $label = new GtkLabel($title);
    $label->set_markup('<span color="blue"><u>' . $title . "</u></span>");
    $eventbox = new GtkEventBox();
    $eventbox->connect('button-press-event', 'on_click', $title, $url);
    $eventbox->connect('enter-notify-event', 'on_enter', $title, $url);
    $eventbox->connect('leave-notify-event', 'on_leave', $title, $url);
    return $eventbox;
function on_click($widget, $event, $title, $url)
  * @name __construct($text) 
  * @param string $text Texto à ser mostrado no GtkLabel
  * @return GtkLabel
 public function __construct($text)
     // Alinha o texto ao meio e à esquerda
     parent::set_alignment(0, 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Show a popup with information about the application.
  * The popup should show information about the version,
  * the author, the license, where to get the latest
  * version and a short description.
  * @access public
  * @param  none
  * @return void
 function about()
     // Create the new window.
     $about = new GtkWindow();
     $about->set_title('About PHPUnit GUI Gtk');
     $about->set_usize(250, -1);
     // Put two vboxes in the hbox.
     $vBox = new GtkVBox();
     // Create the labels.
     $version = new GtkLabel(" Version: 1.0");
     $license = new GtkLabel(" License: PHP License v3.0");
     $where = new GtkLabel(" Download from: http://pear.php.net/PHPUnit/");
     $unitAuth = new GtkLabel(" PHPUnit Author: Sebastian Bergman");
     $gtkAuth = new GtkLabel(" Gtk GUI Author: Scott Mattocks");
     // Align everything to the left
     $where->set_alignment(0, 0.5);
     $version->set_alignment(0, 0.5);
     $license->set_alignment(0, 0.5);
     $gtkAuth->set_alignment(0, 0.5);
     $unitAuth->set_alignment(0, 0.5);
     // Pack everything into the vBox;
     // Connect the destroy signal.
     $about->connect('destroy', array('gtk', 'true'));
     // Show the goods.