<?php /* Artists use this script to add connections to social media services. */ /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $view = new GrlxView(); $form = new GrlxForm(); $modal = new GrlxForm_Modal(); $message = new GrlxAlert(); $view->yah = 8; /***** * Updates */ // Reset comment service if (is_numeric($_GET['reset_comments'])) { $service_id = $_GET['reset_comments']; $data = array('user_info' => null); $db->where('id', $service_id); $db->update('third_service', $data); $data = array('active' => 0); $db->where('service_id', $service_id); $db->update('third_match', $data); } // Save edits from the info modal if ($_POST['edit']) { foreach ($_POST['edit'] as $key => $val) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $data = array('user_info' => $val);
<?php /* This script generates a modal that can rename a comic book, chapter, or page. */ /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $modal = new GrlxForm_Modal(); $book_id = $_GET['book_id']; $page_id = $_GET['page_id']; /***** * Display logic */ // PAGE if (is_numeric($page_id) && is_numeric($chapter_id)) { $item = $db->where('id', $page_id)->getOne('book_page', 'title'); $modal->send_to('book.view.php'); $modal->input_hidden('chapter_id'); $modal->value($chapter_id); $form_output = $modal->paint(); $modal->input_hidden('page_id'); $modal->value($page_id); $form_output .= $modal->paint(); $modal->input_title('title'); $modal->name('page_rename'); $modal->value($item['title']); $form_output .= $modal->paint(); } elseif (is_numeric($book_id)) { $item = $db->where('id', $book_id)->getOne('book', 'title'); $modal->send_to('book.view.php');
<?php /* This script is called from the main site menu script. */ /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $modal = new GrlxForm_Modal(); $modal->row_class('widelabel'); $edit_id = $_GET['edit_id']; if (is_numeric($edit_id)) { $cols = array('title', 'url', 'rel_id', 'rel_type', 'edit_path'); $item = $db->where('id', $edit_id)->getOne('path', $cols); } else { $item['rel_type'] = 'external'; } /***** * Display logic */ if ($edit_id == 'new') { $modal->headline('Add <span>external link</span>'); $modal->save_value('add'); } else { $modal->headline('Edit <span>' . $item['title'] . '</span>'); $modal->input_hidden('edit_id'); $modal->value($edit_id); $hidden_output = $modal->paint(); } // Edits based on rel_type if ($item['rel_type'] == 'external') {
<?php /* This script is called from the link list script. */ /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $modal = new GrlxForm_Modal(); /***** * Display logic */ if (is_numeric($_GET['edit_id'])) { $edit_id = $_GET['edit_id']; $cols = array('title', 'img_path', 'url'); $item = $db->where('id', $edit_id)->getOne('link_list', $cols); if ($db->count > 0) { $input = $item; } } $modal->multipart(true); $modal->send_to('site.link-list.php'); $modal->input_hidden('edit_id'); $modal->value($edit_id); $modal_output = $modal->paint(); $modal->input_title('input[title]'); $modal->autofocus(true); $modal->value($input['title']); $modal_output .= $modal->paint(); $modal->input_url('input[url]'); $modal->value($input['url']);
<?php /* This script is called from the static page view. */ /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $modal = new GrlxForm_Modal(); $modal->send_to('sttc.page-list.php'); /***** * Display logic */ // Delete a static page if (is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { $title = urldecode($_GET['title']); if ($title) { $modal->headline('Really delete <span>' . $title . ' ?</span>'); } else { $modal->headline('Are you really, really sure?'); } $modal->instructions('There is no undo.'); $modal->input_hidden('delete_id'); $modal->value($_GET['id']); $modal_output = $modal->paint(); } $modal->contents($modal_output); $modal_output = $modal->paint_confirm_modal(); /***** * Display */
<?php /* This script is called from the extra services script. */ /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $modal = new GrlxForm_Modal(); $modal->row_class('widelabel'); $modal->send_to('xtra.social.php'); $var_list = array('service_id', 'match_id', 'widget_id'); foreach ($var_list as $var_name) { if (is_numeric($_GET[$var_name])) { ${$var_name} = $_GET[$var_name]; } } /***** * Display logic */ // Widgets if ($widget_id) { $cols = array('w.id AS widget_id', 's.id AS service_id', 's.title AS title', 'w.title AS widget', 's.info_title', 's.user_info', 'w.value_title AS widget_info', 'w.value AS widget_value', 'w.description AS description'); $result = $db->join('third_service s', 's.id = w.service_id', 'INNER')->orderBy('s.title', 'ASC')->orderBy('w.title', 'ASC')->where('w.id', $widget_id)->get('third_widget w', null, $cols); } // Everything else if ($service_id) { $cols = array('id AS service_id', 'title', 'user_info', 'info_title', 'description'); $result = $db->where('id', $service_id)->get('third_service', null, $cols); } // Build form
<?php /* This script is called from the theme options script. */ /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $modal = new GrlxForm_Modal(); /***** * Display logic */ if (is_numeric($_GET['theme_id']) && is_numeric($_GET['tone_id'])) { $theme_id = $_GET['theme_id']; $tone_id = $_GET['tone_id']; } else { die('invalid data'); } $result = $db->where('theme_id', $theme_id)->where('id', $tone_id)->orderBy('title', 'ASC')->getOne('theme_tone', 'title'); $tone_title = ucfirst($result['title']); if ($db->count <= 0) { die('invalid ID'); } $modal->send_to('site.theme-options.php'); $modal->input_hidden('theme_id'); $modal->value($theme_id); $form_output = $modal->paint(); $modal->input_hidden('tone_id'); $modal->value($tone_id); $form_output .= $modal->paint(); $modal->input_title('tone_title');
<?php /* This script is called from the extra services script. */ /***** * Setup */ require_once 'panl.init.php'; $modal = new GrlxForm_Modal(); $modal->send_to('xtra.social.php'); $modal->row_class('widelabel'); /***** * Display logic */ if (is_numeric($_GET['service_id'])) { $service_id = $_GET['service_id']; $cols = array('info_title AS label', 'user_info', 'title', 'description'); $result = $db->where('id', $service_id)->getOne('third_service', $cols); } if ($result) { $modal->input_hidden('service_id'); $modal->value($service_id); $modal_output = $modal->paint(); $modal->input_text('comment_info'); $modal->label("Enter your {$result['label']}"); $modal->value($result['user_info']); $modal->autofocus(true); $modal->required(true); $modal->maxlength(32); $modal_output .= $modal->paint(); $modal->headline("Enter your details <span>{$result['title']}</span>");