/** * Prepare a cache library for use, either by loading it from file, filling it with * pre existing data in array form, or leaving it empty and waiting for new entries. * * @param string $CacheName name of cache library * @param array $ExistingCacheArray optional array containing an initial seed cache * @param string $CacheMode optional mode of the cache... defaults to flat * @return void */ public static function PrepareCache($CacheName, $ExistingCacheArray = NULL, $CacheMode = 'flat') { // Onetime initialization of in-memory file cache if (!is_array(self::$_Caches)) { self::$_Caches = array(); } if ($CacheName != 'locale') { return; } if (!array_key_exists($CacheName, self::$_Caches)) { $OnDiskCacheName = sprintf(self::DISK_CACHE_NAME_FORMAT, strtolower($CacheName)); self::$_Caches[$CacheName] = array('ondisk' => $OnDiskCacheName, 'cache' => array(), 'mode' => $CacheMode); // Loading cache for the first time by name+path only... import data now. if (file_exists(PATH_LOCAL_CACHE . DS . $OnDiskCacheName)) { $CacheContents = parse_ini_file(PATH_LOCAL_CACHE . DS . $OnDiskCacheName, TRUE); if ($CacheContents != FALSE && is_array($CacheContents)) { self::Import($CacheName, $CacheContents); } else { @unlink(PATH_LOCAL_CACHE . DS . $OnDiskCacheName); } } } // If cache data array is passed in, merge it with our existing cache if (is_array($ExistingCacheArray)) { self::Import($CacheName, $ExistingCacheArray, TRUE); } }
public function SettingsController_ProxyConnect_Create($Sender) { $Sender->Permission('Garden.Settings.Manage'); $Sender->Title('Proxy Connect SSO'); $Sender->Form = new Gdn_Form(); $this->Provider = $this->LoadProviderData($Sender); // Load internal Integration Manager list $this->IntegrationManagers = array(); $InternalPath = $this->GetResource('internal'); try { // 2.0.18+ // New PluginManager Code $IntegrationManagers = Gdn::PluginManager()->AvailablePluginFolders($InternalPath); $IntegrationList = array(); foreach ($IntegrationManagers as $Integration) { $this->IntegrationManagers[$Integration] = Gdn::PluginManager()->GetPluginInfo($Integration); } } catch (Exception $e) { // 2.0.17.x and below // Old PluginManager Code if ($FolderHandle = opendir($InternalPath)) { // Loop through subfolders (ie. the actual plugin folders) while ($FolderHandle !== FALSE && ($Item = readdir($FolderHandle)) !== FALSE) { if (in_array($Item, array('.', '..'))) { continue; } $PluginPaths = SafeGlob($InternalPath . DS . $Item . DS . '*plugin.php'); $PluginPaths[] = $InternalPath . DS . $Item . DS . 'default.php'; foreach ($PluginPaths as $i => $PluginFile) { if (file_exists($PluginFile)) { $PluginInfo = Gdn::PluginManager()->ScanPluginFile($PluginFile); if (!is_null($PluginInfo)) { Gdn_LibraryMap::SafeCache('plugin', $PluginInfo['ClassName'], $PluginInfo['PluginFilePath']); $Index = strtolower($PluginInfo['Index']); $this->IntegrationManagers[$Index] = $PluginInfo; } } } } closedir($FolderHandle); } } $this->IntegrationManager = C('Plugin.ProxyConnect.IntegrationManager', NULL); if (is_null($this->IntegrationManager)) { $this->SetIntegrationManager('proxyconnectmanual'); } $this->EnableSlicing($Sender); $this->Dispatch($Sender, $Sender->RequestArgs); }
/** * Prepare a cache library for use, either by loading it from file, filling it with * pre existing data in array form, or leaving it empty and waiting for new entries. * * @param string $CacheName The name of cache library. * @param array|null $ExistingCacheArray An optional array containing an initial seed cache. * @param string $CacheMode An optional mode of the cache. Defaults to flat. * @return void */ public static function prepareCache($CacheName, $ExistingCacheArray = null, $CacheMode = 'flat') { // Onetime initialization of in-memory file cache if (!is_array(self::$Caches)) { self::$Caches = array(); } if ($CacheName != 'locale') { return; } if (!array_key_exists($CacheName, self::$Caches)) { self::$Caches[$CacheName] = array('cache' => array(), 'mode' => $CacheMode); $UseCache = Gdn::cache()->type() == Gdn_Cache::CACHE_TYPE_MEMORY && Gdn::cache()->activeEnabled(); if ($UseCache) { $CacheKey = sprintf(Gdn_LibraryMap::CACHE_CACHE_NAME_FORMAT, $CacheName); $CacheContents = Gdn::cache()->get($CacheKey); $LoadedFromCache = $CacheContents !== Gdn_Cache::CACHEOP_FAILURE; if ($LoadedFromCache && is_array($CacheContents)) { self::import($CacheName, $CacheContents); } } else { $OnDiskCacheName = sprintf(self::DISK_CACHE_NAME_FORMAT, strtolower($CacheName)); self::$Caches[$CacheName]['ondisk'] = $OnDiskCacheName; // Loading cache for the first time by name+path only... import data now. if (file_exists(PATH_CACHE . DS . $OnDiskCacheName)) { $CacheContents = parse_ini_file(PATH_CACHE . DS . $OnDiskCacheName, true); if ($CacheContents != false && is_array($CacheContents)) { self::import($CacheName, $CacheContents); } else { @unlink(PATH_CACHE . DS . $OnDiskCacheName); } } } } // If cache data array is passed in, merge it with our existing cache if (is_array($ExistingCacheArray)) { self::import($CacheName, $ExistingCacheArray, true); } }
/** * Manage list of plugins. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public * @param string $Filter 'enabled', 'disabled', or 'all' (default) * @param string $PluginName Unique ID of plugin to be modified. * @param string $TransientKey Security token. */ public function Plugins($Filter = '', $PluginName = '', $TransientKey = '') { $this->Permission('Garden.Settings.Manage'); // Page setup $this->AddJsFile('addons.js'); $this->Title(T('Plugins')); $this->AddSideMenu('dashboard/settings/plugins'); // Validate and set properties $Session = Gdn::Session(); $PluginName = $Session->ValidateTransientKey($TransientKey) ? $PluginName : ''; if (!in_array($Filter, array('enabled', 'disabled'))) { $Filter = 'all'; } $this->Filter = $Filter; // Retrieve all available plugins from the plugins directory $this->EnabledPlugins = Gdn::PluginManager()->EnabledPlugins(); self::SortAddons($this->EnabledPlugins); $this->AvailablePlugins = Gdn::PluginManager()->AvailablePlugins(); self::SortAddons($this->AvailablePlugins); // Loop through all of the available plugins and mark them if they have an update available // Retrieve the list of plugins that require updates from the config file $RequiredUpdates = Gdn_Format::Unserialize(Gdn::Config('Garden.RequiredUpdates', '')); if (is_array($RequiredUpdates)) { foreach ($RequiredUpdates as $UpdateInfo) { if (is_object($UpdateInfo)) { $UpdateInfo = Gdn_Format::ObjectAsArray($UpdateInfo); } $NewVersion = ArrayValue('Version', $UpdateInfo, ''); $Name = ArrayValue('Name', $UpdateInfo, ''); $Type = ArrayValue('Type', $UpdateInfo, ''); foreach ($this->AvailablePlugins as $Plugin => $Info) { $CurrentName = ArrayValue('Name', $Info, $Plugin); if ($CurrentName == $Name && $Type == 'Plugin') { $Info['NewVersion'] = $NewVersion; $this->AvailablePlugins[$Plugin] = $Info; } } } } if ($PluginName != '') { try { $this->EventArguments['PluginName'] = $PluginName; if (array_key_exists($PluginName, $this->EnabledPlugins) === TRUE) { Gdn::PluginManager()->DisablePlugin($PluginName); Gdn_LibraryMap::ClearCache(); $this->FireEvent('AfterDisablePlugin'); } else { $Validation = new Gdn_Validation(); if (!Gdn::PluginManager()->EnablePlugin($PluginName, $Validation)) { $this->Form->SetValidationResults($Validation->Results()); } else { Gdn_LibraryMap::ClearCache(); } $this->EventArguments['Validation'] = $Validation; $this->FireEvent('AfterEnablePlugin'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->Form->AddError($e); } if ($this->Form->ErrorCount() == 0) { Redirect('/settings/plugins/' . $this->Filter); } } $this->Render(); }
/** * Gets the locale sources for a given locale. * * @param string $locale The name of the locale. * @param string[] $applicationWhiteList An array of enabled application folders. * @param string[] $pluginWhiteList An array of enabled plugin folders. * @param bool $forceRemapping Whether or not to force a rebuild of the cache. * @return array Returns an array of paths to the translations for the locale. */ public function getLocaleSources($locale, $applicationWhiteList, $pluginWhiteList, $forceRemapping = false) { $safeLocale = static::canonicalize($locale); // First try and grab the locale sources from the cache. Gdn_LibraryMap::prepareCache('locale', null, 'tree'); $allLocaleSources = Gdn_LibraryMap::getCache('locale'); if ($forceRemapping || !Gdn_LibraryMap::cacheReady('locale') || $allLocaleSources === null) { // Build the entire locale sources array and cache it. $allLocaleSources = $this->crawlAllLocaleSources($applicationWhiteList, $pluginWhiteList); Gdn_LibraryMap::prepareCache('locale', $allLocaleSources); } $localeSources = val($safeLocale, $allLocaleSources, array()); return $localeSources; }
/** * Manage list of plugins. * * @since 2.0.0 * @access public * @param string $Filter 'enabled', 'disabled', or 'all' (default) * @param string $PluginName Unique ID of plugin to be modified. * @param string $TransientKey Security token. */ public function plugins($Filter = '', $PluginName = '', $TransientKey = '') { $this->permission('Garden.Settings.Manage'); // Page setup $this->addJsFile('addons.js'); $this->title(t('Plugins')); $this->addSideMenu('dashboard/settings/plugins'); // Validate and set properties $Session = Gdn::session(); if ($PluginName && !$Session->validateTransientKey($TransientKey)) { $PluginName = ''; } if (!in_array($Filter, array('enabled', 'disabled'))) { $Filter = 'all'; } $this->Filter = $Filter; // Retrieve all available plugins from the plugins directory $this->EnabledPlugins = Gdn::pluginManager()->enabledPlugins(); self::sortAddons($this->EnabledPlugins); $this->AvailablePlugins = Gdn::pluginManager()->availablePlugins(); self::sortAddons($this->AvailablePlugins); if ($PluginName != '') { try { $this->EventArguments['PluginName'] = $PluginName; if (array_key_exists($PluginName, $this->EnabledPlugins) === true) { Gdn::pluginManager()->disablePlugin($PluginName); Gdn_LibraryMap::clearCache(); $this->fireEvent('AfterDisablePlugin'); } else { $Validation = new Gdn_Validation(); if (!Gdn::pluginManager()->enablePlugin($PluginName, $Validation)) { $this->Form->setValidationResults($Validation->results()); } else { Gdn_LibraryMap::ClearCache(); } $this->EventArguments['Validation'] = $Validation; $this->fireEvent('AfterEnablePlugin'); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->Form->addError($e); } if ($this->Form->errorCount() == 0) { redirect('/settings/plugins/' . $this->Filter); } } $this->render(); }
/** * Recursively convert the provided array to a string, suitable for storage on disk * * @param string $RootCacheKey if not null, the name of the key fr this iteration * @param array $Cache cache data * @param ref $CacheStr reference to the destination string * @param int $FormatIndentLevel depth of indentation for pretty data files * @return string innards of cache data array */ public static function RecurseArrayStr($RootCacheKey, $Cache, &$CacheStr, $FormatIndentLevel = 0) { if ($RootCacheKey !== NULL) { $CacheStr .= str_repeat(' ', $FormatIndentLevel) . "'{$RootCacheKey}' => "; } if (is_array($Cache)) { $CacheStr .= "array(\n"; } $First = TRUE; foreach ($Cache as $CacheKey => $CacheValue) { if (!$First) { $CacheStr .= ",\n"; } if ($First) { $First = FALSE; } if (!is_array($CacheValue)) { $CacheStr .= str_repeat(' ', $FormatIndentLevel + 1); if (!is_numeric($CacheKey)) { $CacheStr .= "'{$CacheKey}' => "; } $CacheStr .= "'{$CacheValue}'"; } else { Gdn_LibraryMap::RecurseArrayStr($CacheKey, $CacheValue, $CacheStr, $FormatIndentLevel + 1); } } if (is_array($Cache)) { $CacheStr .= "\n" . str_repeat(' ', $FormatIndentLevel) . ")"; } }
/** * Searches in the specified mapping cache for $LibraryName. If a mapping is * found, it returns it. If not, it searches through the application * directories $Depth levels deep looking for $LibraryName. Returns FALSE * if not found. * * @param string $MappingsFileName The name of the mappings file to look in for library mappings. These * files are contained in the application's /cache folder. * @param string $SourceFolders The path to the folders that should be considered the "root" of this search. * @param mixed $FolderWhiteList A white-list array of sub-folders within $SourceFolder in which the * search can be performed. If FALSE is specified instead, the search will * only be performed in $SourceFolders. * @param string $LibraryName The name of the library to search for. This is a valid file name. * ie. "class.database.php" */ public static function findByMapping($MappingCacheName, $SourceFolders, $FolderWhiteList, $LibraryName) { // If the application folder was provided, it will be the only entry in the whitelist, so prepend it. if (is_array($FolderWhiteList) && count($FolderWhiteList) == 1) { $LibraryName = combinePaths(array($FolderWhiteList[0], $LibraryName)); } $LibraryKey = str_replace('.', '__', $LibraryName); Gdn_LibraryMap::prepareCache($MappingCacheName); $LibraryPath = Gdn_LibraryMap::getCache($MappingCacheName, $LibraryKey); if ($LibraryPath === null) { // $LibraryName wasn't contained in the mappings array. // I need to look through the folders in this application for the requested file. // Once I find it, I need to save the mapping so we don't have to search for it again. // Attempt to find the file directly off the root (if the app folder was provided in the querystring) /*if ($FolderWhiteList !== FALSE && count($FolderWhiteList) == 1) { $LibraryPath = self::Find($SourceFolders, $LibraryName); } else { $LibraryPath = self::Find($SourceFolders, $LibraryName, $FolderWhiteList); }*/ $LibraryPath = self::find($SourceFolders, $LibraryName, $FolderWhiteList); // If the mapping was found if ($LibraryPath !== false) { Gdn_LibraryMap::cache($MappingCacheName, $LibraryKey, $LibraryPath); } } return $LibraryPath; }
public function enablePlugin($pluginName, $filter = 'all') { if (!Gdn::request()->isAuthenticatedPostBack(true)) { throw new Exception('Requires POST', 405); } $this->permission('Garden.Settings.Manage'); $action = 'none'; if ($filter == 'disabled') { $action = 'SlideUp'; } $addon = Gdn::addonManager()->lookupAddon($pluginName); try { $validation = new Gdn_Validation(); if (!Gdn::pluginManager()->enablePlugin($pluginName, $validation)) { $this->Form->setValidationResults($validation->results()); } else { Gdn_LibraryMap::ClearCache(); $this->informMessage(sprintf(t('%s Enabled.'), val('name', $addon->getInfo(), t('Plugin')))); } $this->EventArguments['PluginName'] = $pluginName; $this->EventArguments['Validation'] = $validation; $this->fireEvent('AfterEnablePlugin'); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->Form->addError($e); } $this->handleAddonToggle($pluginName, $addon->getInfo(), 'plugins', true, $filter, $action); }
public function GetLocaleSources($LocaleName, $ApplicationWhiteList, $PluginWhiteList, $ForceRemapping = FALSE) { $SafeLocaleName = preg_replace('/([^\\w\\d_-])/', '', $LocaleName); // Removes everything from the string except letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores $LocaleSources = array(); if (!is_array($ApplicationWhiteList)) { $ApplicationWhiteList = array(); } if (!is_array($PluginWhiteList)) { $PluginWhiteList = array(); } Gdn_LibraryMap::PrepareCache('locale', NULL, 'tree'); $LocaleSources = Gdn_LibraryMap::GetCache('locale', $SafeLocaleName); if ($ForceRemapping === TRUE || !Gdn_LibraryMap::CacheReady('locale') || $LocaleSources === NULL) { $LocaleSources = array(); // Get application-based locale definition files $ApplicationLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_APPLICATIONS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName . '.php')), $ApplicationWhiteList); if ($ApplicationLocaleSources !== FALSE) { $LocaleSources = array_merge($LocaleSources, $ApplicationLocaleSources); } $ApplicationLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_APPLICATIONS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName, 'definitions.php')), $ApplicationWhiteList); if ($ApplicationLocaleSources !== FALSE) { $LocaleSources = array_merge($LocaleSources, $ApplicationLocaleSources); } // Get locale-based locale definition files. $EnabledLocales = C('EnabledLocales'); if (is_array($EnabledLocales)) { foreach ($EnabledLocales as $Key => $Locale) { if ($Locale != $LocaleName) { continue; } // skip locales that aren't in effect. // Grab all of the files in the locale's folder. $Paths = SafeGlob(PATH_ROOT . "/locales/{$Key}/*.php"); if (is_array($Paths)) { foreach ($Paths as $Path) { $LocaleSources[] = $Path; } } } } // Get plugin-based locale definition files $PluginLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_PLUGINS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName . '.php')), $PluginWhiteList); if ($PluginLocaleSources !== FALSE) { $LocaleSources = array_merge($LocaleSources, $PluginLocaleSources); } $PluginLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_PLUGINS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName, 'definitions.php')), $PluginWhiteList); if ($PluginLocaleSources !== FALSE) { $LocaleSources = array_merge($LocaleSources, $PluginLocaleSources); } // Get theme-based locale definition files. $Theme = C('Garden.Theme'); if ($Theme) { $ThemeLocalePath = PATH_THEMES . "/{$Theme}/locale/{$LocaleName}.php"; if (file_exists($ThemeLocalePath)) { $LocaleSources[] = $ThemeLocalePath; } } // Save the mappings $FileContents = array(); $Count = count($LocaleSources); for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; ++$i) { $FileContents[$SafeLocaleName][] = Gdn_Format::ArrayValueForPhp($LocaleSources[$i]); } // Look for a global locale. $ConfigLocale = PATH_CONF . '/locale.php'; if (file_exists($ConfigLocale)) { $FileContents[$SafeLocaleName][] = $ConfigLocale; } // Look for a config locale that is locale-specific. $ConfigLocale = PATH_CONF . "/locale-{$LocaleName}.php"; if (file_exists($ConfigLocale)) { $FileContents[$SafeLocaleName][] = $ConfigLocale; } Gdn_LibraryMap::PrepareCache('locale', $FileContents); } return $LocaleSources; }
/** * Defines and loads the locale. * * @param string $LocaleName The name of the locale to load. Locale definitions are kept in each * application's locale folder. For example: * /dashboard/locale/$LocaleName.php * /vanilla/locale/$LocaleName.php * @param array $ApplicationWhiteList An array of application folders that are safe to examine for locale * definitions. * @param array $PluginWhiteList An array of plugin folders that are safe to examine for locale * definitions. * @param bool $ForceRemapping For speed purposes, the application folders are crawled for locale * sources. Once sources are found, they are saved in the * cache/locale_mapppings.php file. If ForceRemapping is true, this file will * be ignored and the folders will be recrawled and the mapping file will be * re-generated. You can also simply delete the file and it will * automatically force a remapping. */ public function Set($LocaleName, $ApplicationWhiteList, $PluginWhiteList, $ForceRemapping = FALSE) { $SafeLocaleName = preg_replace('/([^\\w\\d_-])/', '', $LocaleName); // Removes everything from the string except letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores $LocaleSources = array(); if (!is_array($ApplicationWhiteList)) { $ApplicationWhiteList = array(); } if (!is_array($PluginWhiteList)) { $PluginWhiteList = array(); } Gdn_LibraryMap::PrepareCache('locale'); if ($ForceRemapping === TRUE || !Gdn_LibraryMap::CacheReady('locale')) { $LocaleSources = array(); // Get application-based locale definition files $ApplicationLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_APPLICATIONS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName, 'definitions.php')), $ApplicationWhiteList); if ($ApplicationLocaleSources !== FALSE) { $LocaleSources = $ApplicationLocaleSources; } // Get plugin-based locale definition files $PluginLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_PLUGINS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName, 'definitions.php')), $PluginWhiteList); if ($PluginLocaleSources !== FALSE) { $LocaleSources = array_merge($LocaleSources, $PluginLocaleSources); } // Get theme-based locale definition files. $Theme = C('Garden.Theme'); if ($Theme) { $ThemeLocalePath = PATH_THEMES . "/{$Theme}/locale/{$LocaleName}.php"; if (file_exists($ThemeLocalePath)) { $LocaleSources[] = $ThemeLocalePath; } } // Save the mappings $FileContents = array(); $Count = count($LocaleSources); for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; ++$i) { $FileContents[$SafeLocaleName][] = Gdn_Format::ArrayValueForPhp($LocaleSources[$i]); } // Add the config locale if it exists $ConfigLocale = PATH_CONF . DS . 'locale.php'; if (file_exists($ConfigLocale)) { $FileContents[$SafeLocaleName][] = $ConfigLocale; } Gdn_LibraryMap::Import('locale', $FileContents); } // Set up defaults $Definition = array(); $this->_Definition = array(); // Now set the locale name and import all of the sources. $this->_Locale = $LocaleName; $LocaleSources = Gdn_LibraryMap::GetCache('locale', $SafeLocaleName); if (is_null($SafeLocaleName)) { $LocaleSources = array(); } $ConfLocaleOverride = PATH_CONF . DS . 'locale.php'; $Count = count($LocaleSources); for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; ++$i) { if ($ConfLocaleOverride != $LocaleSources[$i] && file_exists($LocaleSources[$i])) { // Don't double include the conf override file... and make sure it comes last include_once $LocaleSources[$i]; } } // Also load any custom defined definitions from the conf directory if (file_exists($ConfLocaleOverride)) { include_once $ConfLocaleOverride; } // All of the included files should have contained // $Definition['Code'] = 'Definition'; assignments. The overwrote each // other in the order they were included. Now assign the $Definition array // to the local private _Definition property. $this->_Definition = $Definition; }
'Description' => 'This plugin enables SingleSignOn (SSO) between your forum and other authorized consumers on the same domain, via cookie sharing.', 'Version' => '1.9.7', 'MobileFriendly' => TRUE, 'RequiredApplications' => array('Vanilla' => ''), 'RequiredTheme' => FALSE, 'RequiredPlugins' => FALSE, 'SettingsUrl' => '/dashboard/authentication/proxy', 'SettingsPermission' => 'Garden.Settings.Manage', 'HasLocale' => TRUE, 'RegisterPermissions' => FALSE, 'Author' => "Tim Gunter", 'AuthorEmail' => '*****@*****.**', 'AuthorUrl' => 'http://www.vanillaforums.com' ); Gdn_LibraryMap::SafeCache('library','class.proxyauthenticator.php',dirname(__FILE__).DS.'class.proxyauthenticator.php'); class ProxyConnectPlugin extends Gdn_Plugin { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // 2.0.18+ // Ensure that when ProxyConnect is turned on, we always have its SearchPath indexed try { $ProxyConnectSearchPathName = 'ProxyConnect RIMs'; $CustomSearchPaths = Gdn::PluginManager()->SearchPaths(TRUE); if (!in_array($ProxyConnectSearchPathName, $CustomSearchPaths)) { $InternalPluginFolder = $this->GetResource('internal'); Gdn::PluginManager()->AddSearchPath($InternalPluginFolder, 'ProxyConnect RIMs'); }
public function EnablePlugin($PluginName, $Validation, $Setup = FALSE, $EnabledPluginValueIndex = 'Folder') { // Check that the plugin is in AvailablePlugins... $Plugin = $this->GetPluginInfo($PluginName, self::ACCESS_PLUGINNAME); // If not, we're dealing with a special case. Enabling with a classname... if (!$Plugin) { $ClassName = $PluginName; $PluginFile = Gdn_LibraryMap::GetCache('plugin', $ClassName); if ($PluginFile) { $Plugin = $this->PluginAvailable($PluginFile); $PluginName = $Plugin['Index']; } } // Couldn't load the plugin info. if (!$Plugin) { return; } $PluginName = $Plugin['Index']; $this->TestPlugin($PluginName, $Validation, $Setup); if (is_object($Validation) && count($Validation->Results()) > 0) { return FALSE; } // If everything succeeded, add the plugin to the $EnabledPlugins array in conf/config.php // $EnabledPlugins['PluginClassName'] = 'Plugin Folder Name'; // $PluginInfo = ArrayValue($PluginName, $this->AvailablePlugins(), FALSE); $PluginInfo = $this->GetPluginInfo($PluginName); $PluginFolder = ArrayValue('Folder', $PluginInfo); $PluginEnabledValue = ArrayValue($EnabledPluginValueIndex, $PluginInfo, $PluginFolder); SaveToConfig('EnabledPlugins.' . $PluginName, $PluginEnabledValue); $this->EnabledPlugins[$PluginName] = $PluginInfo; $this->RegisterPlugin($PluginInfo['ClassName'], $PluginInfo); $ApplicationManager = new Gdn_ApplicationManager(); $Locale = Gdn::Locale(); $Locale->Set($Locale->Current(), $ApplicationManager->EnabledApplicationFolders(), $this->EnabledPluginFolders(), TRUE); return TRUE; }
/** * Defines and loads the locale. * * @param string $LocaleName The name of the locale to load. Locale definitions are kept in each * application's locale folder. For example: * /dashboard/locale/$LocaleName.php * /vanilla/locale/$LocaleName.php * @param array $ApplicationWhiteList An array of application folders that are safe to examine for locale * definitions. * @param array $PluginWhiteList An array of plugin folders that are safe to examine for locale * definitions. * @param bool $ForceRemapping For speed purposes, the application folders are crawled for locale * sources. Once sources are found, they are saved in the * cache/locale_mapppings.php file. If ForceRemapping is true, this file will * be ignored and the folders will be recrawled and the mapping file will be * re-generated. You can also simply delete the file and it will * automatically force a remapping. */ public function Set($LocaleName, $ApplicationWhiteList, $PluginWhiteList, $ForceRemapping = FALSE) { $SafeLocaleName = preg_replace('/([^\w\d_-])/', '', $LocaleName); // Removes everything from the string except letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores $LocaleSources = array(); if(!is_array($ApplicationWhiteList)) $ApplicationWhiteList = array(); if(!is_array($PluginWhiteList)) $PluginWhiteList = array(); Gdn_LibraryMap::PrepareCache('locale', NULL, 'tree'); $LocaleSources = Gdn_LibraryMap::GetCache('locale',$SafeLocaleName); if ($ForceRemapping === TRUE || !Gdn_LibraryMap::CacheReady('locale') || $LocaleSources === NULL) { $LocaleSources = array(); // Get application-based locale definition files $ApplicationLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_APPLICATIONS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName.'.php')), $ApplicationWhiteList); if ($ApplicationLocaleSources !== FALSE) $LocaleSources = array_merge($LocaleSources, $ApplicationLocaleSources); $ApplicationLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_APPLICATIONS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName, 'definitions.php')), $ApplicationWhiteList); if ($ApplicationLocaleSources !== FALSE) $LocaleSources = array_merge($LocaleSources, $ApplicationLocaleSources); // Get plugin-based locale definition files $PluginLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_PLUGINS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName.'.php')), $PluginWhiteList); if ($PluginLocaleSources !== FALSE) $LocaleSources = array_merge($LocaleSources, $PluginLocaleSources); $PluginLocaleSources = Gdn_FileSystem::FindAll(PATH_PLUGINS, CombinePaths(array('locale', $LocaleName, 'definitions.php')), $PluginWhiteList); if ($PluginLocaleSources !== FALSE) $LocaleSources = array_merge($LocaleSources, $PluginLocaleSources); // Get theme-based locale definition files. $Theme = C('Garden.Theme'); if($Theme) { $ThemeLocalePath = PATH_THEMES."/$Theme/locale/$LocaleName.php"; if(file_exists($ThemeLocalePath)) $LocaleSources[] = $ThemeLocalePath; } // Get locale-based locale definition files. $EnabledLocales = C('EnabledLocales'); if (is_array($EnabledLocales)) { foreach ($EnabledLocales as $Key => $Locale) { if ($Locale != $LocaleName) continue; // skip locales that aren't in effect. // Grab all of the files in the locale's folder. $Paths = SafeGlob(PATH_ROOT."/locales/$Key/*.php"); if (is_array($Paths)) { foreach($Paths as $Path) { $LocaleSources[] = $Path; } } } } // Save the mappings $FileContents = array(); $Count = count($LocaleSources); for($i = 0; $i < $Count; ++$i) { $FileContents[$SafeLocaleName][] = Gdn_Format::ArrayValueForPhp($LocaleSources[$i]); } // Look for a global locale. $ConfigLocale = PATH_LOCAL_CONF.'/locale.php'; if (file_exists($ConfigLocale)) $FileContents[$SafeLocaleName][] = $ConfigLocale; // Look for a config locale that is locale-specific. $ConfigLocale = PATH_LOCAL_CONF."/locale-$LocaleName.php"; if (file_exists($ConfigLocale)) $FileContents[$SafeLocaleName][] = $ConfigLocale; Gdn_LibraryMap::PrepareCache('locale', $FileContents); } // Set up defaults $Definition = array(); $this->_Definition = array(); // Now set the locale name and import all of the sources. $this->_Locale = $LocaleName; $LocaleSources = Gdn_LibraryMap::GetCache('locale', $SafeLocaleName); if (is_null($SafeLocaleName)) $LocaleSources = array(); $ConfLocaleOverride = PATH_LOCAL_CONF . DS . 'locale.php'; $Count = count($LocaleSources); for($i = 0; $i < $Count; ++$i) { if ($ConfLocaleOverride != $LocaleSources[$i] && file_exists($LocaleSources[$i])) // Don't double include the conf override file... and make sure it comes last include($LocaleSources[$i]); } // Also load any custom defined definitions from the conf directory if (file_exists($ConfLocaleOverride)) include($ConfLocaleOverride); // All of the included files should have contained // $Definition['Code'] = 'Definition'; assignments. The overwrote each // other in the order they were included. Now assign the $Definition array // to the local private _Definition property. $this->_Definition = $Definition; }
/** * This method is deprecated, but since cache files call it there will be low-level crashes without it. */ public static function PrepareCache($CacheName, $ExistingCacheArray = NULL) { Gdn_LibraryMap::PrepareCache($CacheName, $ExistingCacheArray); }
/** * This method is deprecated, but since cache files call it there will be low-level crashes without it. */ public static function prepareCache($CacheName, $ExistingCacheArray = null) { Gdn_LibraryMap::prepareCache($CacheName, $ExistingCacheArray); }