Exemplo n.º 1
 public function BuildCategorySiteMap($UrlCode, &$Urls)
     $Category = CategoryModel::Categories($UrlCode);
     if (!$Category) {
         throw NotFoundException();
     // Get the min/max dates for the sitemap.
     $Row = Gdn::SQL()->Select('DateInserted', 'min', 'MinDate')->Select('DateInserted', 'max', 'MaxDate')->From('Discussion')->Where('CategoryID', $Category['CategoryID'])->Get()->FirstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
     if ($Row) {
         $From = strtotime('first day of this month 00:00:00', strtotime($Row['MaxDate']));
         $To = strtotime('first day of this month 00:00:00', strtotime($Row['MinDate']));
         if (!$From || !$To) {
             $From = -1;
             $To = 0;
     } else {
         $From = -1;
         $To = 0;
     $Now = time();
     for ($i = $From; $i >= $To; $i = strtotime('-1 month', $i)) {
         $Url = array('Loc' => Url('/categories/archives/' . rawurlencode($Category['UrlCode'] ? $Category['UrlCode'] : $Category['CategoryID']) . '/' . gmdate('Y-m', $i), TRUE), 'LastMod' => '', 'ChangeFreq' => '');
         $LastMod = strtotime('last day of this month', $i);
         if ($LastMod > $Now) {
             $LastMod = $Now;
         $Url['LastMod'] = gmdate('c', $LastMod);
         $Urls[] = $Url;
     // If there are no links then just link to the category.
     if (count($Urls) === 0) {
         $Url = array('Loc' => CategoryUrl($Category), 'LastMode' => '', 'ChangeFreq' => '');
         $Urls[] = $Url;
 private function _GenerateConfContent($Template)
     $SQLSock = '';
     if ('' != trim(ini_get('mysql.default_socket'))) {
         $SQLSock = 'sql_sock = ' . ini_get('mysql.default_socket');
     //Check to see if grabing any of the tags
     ///@todo fix this stopgap solution with something more robust
     //Get list of tags
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     if (Gdn::Structure()->TableExists('TagDiscussion')) {
         $Tags = TRUE;
     } else {
         $Tags = FALSE;
     $DBPrefix = C('Database.Name') . '.' . C('Database.DatabasePrefix', 'GDN_');
     //join these 2
     $Search = array('{sql_sock}' => $SQLSock, '{sql_host}' => $this->Settings['Install']->Host, '{sql_user}' => C('Database.User'), '{sql_pass}' => C('Database.Password'), '{sql_db}' => C('Database.Name'), '{charset_type}' => C('Garden.Charset', 'utf-8'), '{charset_type_mysql}' => C('Database.CharacterEncoding', 'utf8'), '{install_path}' => $this->Settings['Install']->InstallPath, '{assests_path}' => PATH_PLUGINS . DS . 'SphinxSearchLite' . DS . 'assests' . DS, '{searchd_port}' => $this->Settings['Install']->Port, '{log_path}' => $this->Settings['Install']->LogPath, '{query_path}' => $this->Settings['Install']->QueryPath, '{PID_path}' => $this->Settings['Install']->PIDPath, '{data_path}' => $this->Settings['Install']->DataPath, '{db_prefix}' => $DBPrefix, '{ss_prefix}' => $this->Settings['Install']->Prefix);
     /* '{tag_select}' => $Tags == TRUE ? '(SELECT td.TagID as TagName\
        FROM '.$DBPrefix.'TagDiscussion td\
        WHERE pic.GDN_Comment.DiscussionID = td.DiscussionID),\\' : '\\',*/
     $ReWritedContent = str_replace(array_keys($Search), $Search, $Template);
     //echo nl2br($ReWritedContent); die;
     return $ReWritedContent;
 public function GetAll($ForeignType, $ForeignIDs = array())
     if (count($ForeignIDs) == 0) {
         return new Gdn_DataSet(array());
     return Gdn::SQL()->Select('*')->From('Regarding')->Where('ForeignType', $ForeignType)->WhereIn('ForeignID', $ForeignIDs)->Get();
Exemplo n.º 4
 protected function _CacheOnlineUserss(&$Sender)
     //logic taken from Who's Online plugin
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     // $this->_OnlineUsers = $SQL
     // insert or update entry into table
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     $Invisible = $Invisible ? 1 : 0;
     if ($Session->UserID) {
         $SQL->Replace('Whosonline', array('UserID' => $Session->UserID, 'Timestamp' => Gdn_Format::ToDateTime(), 'Invisible' => $Invisible), array('UserID' => $Session->UserID));
     $Frequency = C('WhosOnline.Frequency', 4);
     $History = time() - $Frequency;
     $SQL->Select('u.UserID, u.Name, w.Timestamp, w.Invisible')->From('Whosonline w')->Join('User u', 'w.UserID = u.UserID')->Where('w.Timestamp >=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $History))->OrderBy('u.Name');
     if (!$Session->CheckPermission('Plugins.WhosOnline.ViewHidden')) {
         $SQL->Where('w.Invisible', 0);
     $OnlineUsers = $SQL->Get();
     $arrOnline = array();
     if ($OnlineUsers->NumRows() > 0) {
         foreach ($OnlineUsers->Result() as $User) {
             $arrOnline[] = $User->UserID;
     $Sender->SetData('Plugin-OnlineUsers-Marker', $arrOnline);
   public function GetData($Limit = 10) {
      $this->Data = FALSE;
      if (Gdn::Session()->IsValid() && C('Vanilla.Modules.ShowBookmarkedModule', TRUE)) {
         $BookmarkIDs = Gdn::SQL()
            ->Where('UserID', Gdn::Session()->UserID)
            ->Where('Bookmarked', 1)
         $BookmarkIDs = ConsolidateArrayValuesByKey($BookmarkIDs, 'DiscussionID');

         if (count($BookmarkIDs)) {
            $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();

            $DiscussionModel->SQL->WhereIn('d.DiscussionID', $BookmarkIDs);
            $this->Data = $DiscussionModel->Get(
         } else {
            $this->Data = FALSE;
 public function GetData($FingerprintUserID, $Fingerprint)
     if (!Gdn::Session()->CheckPermission('Garden.Users.Edit')) {
     $this->_Data = Gdn::SQL()->Select()->From('User')->Where('Fingerprint', $Fingerprint)->Where('UserID <>', $FingerprintUserID)->Get();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function GetData()
     $TagQuery = Gdn::SQL();
     $TagCacheKey = "TagModule-{$this->ParentType}-{$this->ParentID}";
     switch ($this->ParentType) {
         case 'Discussion':
             $Tags = TagModel::instance()->getDiscussionTags($this->ParentID, false);
         case 'Category':
             $TagQuery->Join('TagDiscussion td', 't.TagID = td.TagID')->Select('COUNT(DISTINCT td.TagID)', '', 'NumTags')->Where('td.CategoryID', $this->ParentID)->GroupBy('td.TagID')->Cache($TagCacheKey, 'get', array(Gdn_Cache::FEATURE_EXPIRY => 120));
         case 'Global':
             $TagCacheKey = 'TagModule-Global';
             $TagQuery->Where('t.CountDiscussions >', 0, FALSE)->Cache($TagCacheKey, 'get', array(Gdn_Cache::FEATURE_EXPIRY => 120));
             if ($this->CategorySearch) {
                 $TagQuery->Where('t.CategoryID', '-1');
     if (isset($Tags)) {
         $this->_TagData = new Gdn_DataSet($Tags, DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
     } else {
         $this->_TagData = $TagQuery->Select('t.*')->From('Tag t')->OrderBy('t.CountDiscussions', 'desc')->Limit(25)->Get();
Exemplo n.º 8
 public function Expire()
     $ExpireBans = Gdn::SQL()->Select('Count(UserID)')->From('User')->Where(array('Banned' => TRUE, 'BanExpire<' => Gdn_Format::ToDateTime()))->Get()->Result();
     if ($ExpireBans) {
         Gdn::SQL()->Put('User', array('Banned' => FALSE, 'BanExpire' => NULL), array('Banned' => TRUE, 'BanExpire<' => Gdn_Format::ToDateTime()));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public function GetData($DiscussionID = '')
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     if (is_numeric($DiscussionID) && $DiscussionID > 0) {
         $this->_DiscussionID = $DiscussionID;
         $SQL->Join('TagDiscussion td', 't.TagID = td.TagID')->Where('td.DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
     $this->_TagData = $SQL->Select('t.*')->From('Tag t')->Where('t.CountDiscussions >', 0, FALSE)->OrderBy('t.CountDiscussions', 'desc')->Limit(25)->Get();
Exemplo n.º 10
 public function Structure()
     // Get a user for operations.
     $UserID = Gdn::SQL()->GetWhere('User', array('Name' => 'Mollom', 'Admin' => 2))->Value('UserID');
     if (!$UserID) {
         $UserID = Gdn::SQL()->Insert('User', array('Name' => 'Mollom', 'Password' => RandomString('20'), 'HashMethod' => 'Random', 'Email' => '*****@*****.**', 'DateInserted' => Gdn_Format::ToDateTime(), 'Admin' => '2'));
     SaveToConfig('Plugins.Mollom.UserID', $UserID);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public static function DeleteRoute($URI, $RequestUri = Null)
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     $Where = array();
     if ($RequestUri !== Null) {
         $Where['RequestUri'] = $RequestUri;
     } else {
         $Where = array('URI' => $URI);
     $SQL->Delete('Route', $Where);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public function Award($Sender, $User, $Criteria)
     $Target = $Criteria->Target;
     $TargetDate = date(DATE_ISO8601, strtotime($Criteria->Duration . ' ' . $Criteria->Period . ' ago'));
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     $Count = $SQL->Select('count(CommentID) as Count')->From('Comment')->Where('InsertUserID', $User->UserID)->Where('DateInserted >=', $TargetDate)->Get()->FirstRow();
     if ($Count->Count >= $Target) {
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public function DiscussionModel_GetCountParticipated_Create(&$Sender)
     $UserID = GetValue(0, $Sender->EventArguments);
     if (is_null($UserID)) {
         if (!Gdn::Session()->IsValid()) {
             throw new Exception(T("Could not get participated discussions for non logged-in user."));
         $UserID = Gdn::Session()->UserID;
     $Count = Gdn::SQL()->Select('c.DiscussionID', 'DISTINCT', 'NumDiscussions')->From('Comment c')->Where('c.InsertUserID', $UserID)->GroupBy('c.DiscussionID')->Get();
     return $Count instanceof Gdn_Dataset ? $Count->NumRows() : FALSE;
 public function GetProviderByScheme($AuthenticationSchemeAlias, $UserID = NULL)
     $ProviderQuery = Gdn::SQL()->Select('uap.*')->From('UserAuthenticationProvider uap')->Where('uap.AuthenticationSchemeAlias', $AuthenticationSchemeAlias);
     if (!is_null($UserID) && $UserID) {
         $ProviderQuery->Join('UserAuthentication ua', 'ua.ProviderKey = uap.AuthenticationKey', 'left')->Where('ua.UserID', $UserID);
     $ProviderData = $ProviderQuery->Get();
     if ($ProviderData->NumRows()) {
         return $ProviderData->FirstRow(DATASET_TYPE_ARRAY);
     return FALSE;
  * @param Gdn_Controller $Sender
  * @param array $Args
 public function EntryController_Render_Before($Sender, $Args)
     if ($Sender->RequestMethod != 'passwordreset') {
     if (isset($Sender->Data['User'])) {
         // Get all of the users with the same email.
         $Email = $Sender->Data('User.Email');
         $Users = Gdn::SQL()->Select('Name')->From('User')->Where('Email', $Email)->Get()->ResultArray();
         $Names = array_column($Users, 'Name');
         SetValue('Name', $Sender->Data['User'], implode(', ', $Names));
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function GetData()
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     $Limit = Gdn::Config('LatestComment.Limit');
     $LatestOrMost = Gdn::Config('LatestComment.LatestOrMost');
     $Limit = !$Limit || $Limit == 0 ? 10 : $Limit;
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     if ($LatestOrMost == "YES") {
         $this->_LatestComments = $SQL->Query('SELECT DiscussionID, CategoryID, Name, Body, DateLastComment, LastCommentUserID, CountComments From ' . $SQL->Database->DatabasePrefix . 'Discussion order by DateLastComment desc LIMIT ' . $Limit);
     } else {
         $this->_LatestComments = $SQL->Query('SELECT DiscussionID, CategoryID, Name, Body, DateLastComment, LastCommentUserID, CountComments From ' . $SQL->Database->DatabasePrefix . 'Discussion order by DateLastComment desc LIMIT ' . $Limit);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public function SaveMetaData($RowID, $OtherTable, $Values)
     $TableName = $this->Name . $OtherTable;
     $OtherField = $OtherTable . 'ID';
     $Where = array($this->PrimaryKey => $RowID);
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     $DataInsert = array();
     foreach ($Values as $Value) {
         $DataInsert[] = array_merge($Where, array($OtherField => $Value));
     return $SQL->Insert($TableName, $DataInsert);
 protected function GetCount($Table)
     // Try and get the count from the cache.
     $Key = "{$Table}.CountRows";
     $Count = Gdn::Cache()->Get($Key);
     if ($Count !== Gdn_Cache::CACHEOP_FAILURE) {
         return $Count;
     // The count wasn't in the cache so grab it from the table.
     $Count = Gdn::SQL()->Select($Table . 'ID', 'count', 'CountRows')->From($Table)->Get()->Value('CountRows');
     // Save the value to the cache.
     Gdn::Cache()->Store($Key, $Count, array(Gdn_Cache::FEATURE_EXPIRY => 5 * 60 + mt_rand(0, 30)));
     return $Count;
Exemplo n.º 19
 protected function PrepareClassic($Matches)
     // print_r($Matches); die;
     $SQL = clone Gdn::SQL();
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     $WhereIn = $this->WhereIn('c.CommentID', $Matches['Comment']);
     //only retrieving comments and the title of the discussion
     $Comment = $SQL->Select('c.DiscussionID, c.InsertUserID, c.Body, c.DateInserted, c.CommentID as CommentID, 1 as IsComment')->Select('d.CountComments, d.CountViews, d.Name as Title,d.Body as DiscussionBody')->Select('u.Name as UserName, u.Photo as UserPhoto, u.UserID')->Select('cat.Name as CatName, cat.UrlCode as CatUrlCode')->From('Comment as c')->Join('Discussion as d', 'c.DiscussionID = d.DiscussionID')->Join('User as u', 'c.InsertUserID = u.UserID')->Join('Category as cat', 'd.CategoryID = cat.CategoryID')->WhereIn('c.CommentID', $Matches['Comment'])->Get()->Result();
     $SQL = clone Gdn::SQL();
     $Discussion = $SQL->Select('d.DiscussionID, d.InsertUserID, d.Body, d.DateInserted, d.LastCommentUserID, d.DiscussionID as CommentID, 0 as IsComment')->Select('d.CountComments, d.CountViews, d.Name as Title, d.Body as DiscussionBody')->Select('u.Name as UserName, u.Photo as UserPhoto, u.UserID')->Select('cat.Name as CatName, cat.UrlCode as CatUrlCode')->From('Discussion as d')->Join('User as u', 'd.InsertUserID = u.UserID')->Join('Category as cat', 'd.CategoryID = cat.CategoryID')->WhereIn('d.DiscussionID', $Matches['Discussion'])->Get()->Result();
     return $this->SortTableResults($Matches, $Comment, $Discussion);
Exemplo n.º 20
 function GetData()
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     $id = $this->ID;
     $this->_PollData = $SQL->Select('t.*')->From('Poll t')->Where('discussion_id', $id)->Get()->FirstRow();
     if (!empty($this->_PollData)) {
         $poll_id = $this->_PollData->id;
         $this->_PollAnswers = $SQL->Select('t.*')->From('PollAnswers t')->Where('poll_id', $poll_id)->OrderBy('id', 'asc')->Get();
         foreach ($this->_PollAnswers->Result() as $Answer) {
             $this->_PollVotes += $Answer->votes;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function GetFacebookIDs($Datas, $UserIDColumn)
     $UserIDs = array();
     foreach ($Datas as $Data) {
         if ($UserID = GetValue($UserIDColumn, $Data)) {
             $UserIDs[] = $UserID;
         } else {
             $IDs = ConsolidateArrayValuesByKey($Data, $UserIDColumn);
             $UserIDs = array_merge($UserIDs, $IDs);
     $FbIDs = Gdn::SQL()->WhereIn('UserID', array_unique($UserIDs))->GetWhere('UserAuthentication', array('ProviderKey' => 'facebook'))->ResultArray();
     $Result = ConsolidateArrayValuesByKey($FbIDs, 'UserID', 'ForeignUserKey');
     return $Result;
Exemplo n.º 22
 public function GetData($DiscussionID = '')
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     if (!$DiscussionID) {
         $SQL->Cache('TagModule', 'get', array(Gdn_Cache::FEATURE_EXPIRY => 120));
     if (is_numeric($DiscussionID) && $DiscussionID > 0) {
         $this->_DiscussionID = $DiscussionID;
         $SQL->Join('TagDiscussion td', 't.TagID = td.TagID')->Where('td.DiscussionID', $DiscussionID);
     } else {
         $SQL->Where('t.CountDiscussions >', 0, FALSE);
     $this->_TagData = $SQL->Select('t.*')->From('Tag t')->OrderBy('t.CountDiscussions', 'desc')->Limit(25)->Get();
 public function GetData($time_threshold = false)
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     // insert or update into table
     if ($Session->UserID) {
         $SQL->Replace('CountriesOnline', array('UserID' => $Session->UserID, 'CountryCode' => $this->user_country, 'Timestamp' => $this->time_now), array('UserID' => $Session->UserID));
         // How many minutes back to display country stats? Default is 5
         $this->time_threshold = !$time_threshold ? C('Plugin.CountriesOnline.TimeThreshold') : $time_threshold;
         $threshold_candidates = $this->time_now - $this->time_threshold;
         // Grab relevant data, then pass to grouping method
         $SQL->Select('CountryCode, Timestamp')->From('CountriesOnline')->Where('Timestamp >=', $threshold_candidates);
         $this->db_data = $SQL->Get();
         $this->grouped_data = $this->groupCountryData();
 public function GetData()
     if (Gdn::Session()->IsValid()) {
         $BookmarkIDs = Gdn::SQL()->Select('DiscussionID')->From('UserDiscussion')->Where('UserID', Gdn::Session()->UserID)->Where('Bookmarked', 1)->Get()->ResultArray();
         $BookmarkIDs = ConsolidateArrayValuesByKey($BookmarkIDs, 'DiscussionID');
         if (count($BookmarkIDs)) {
             $DiscussionModel = new DiscussionModel();
             $DiscussionModel->SQL->WhereIn('d.DiscussionID', $BookmarkIDs);
             $Bookmarks = $DiscussionModel->Get(0, $this->Limit, array('w.Bookmarked' => '1'));
             $this->SetData('Bookmarks', $Bookmarks);
         } else {
             $this->SetData('Bookmarks', new Gdn_DataSet());
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Delete all of the Vanilla related information for a specific user.
  * @param int $UserID The ID of the user to delete.
  * @param array $Options An array of options:
  *  - DeleteMethod: One of delete, wipe, or NULL
  * @since 2.1
 public function DeleteUserData($UserID, $Options = array(), &$Data = NULL)
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     // Remove discussion watch records and drafts.
     $SQL->Delete('UserDiscussion', array('UserID' => $UserID));
     Gdn::UserModel()->GetDelete('Draft', array('InsertUserID' => $UserID), $Data);
     // Comment deletion depends on method selected
     $DeleteMethod = GetValue('DeleteMethod', $Options, 'delete');
     if ($DeleteMethod == 'delete') {
         // Clear out the last posts to the categories.
         $SQL->Update('Category c')->Join('Discussion d', 'd.DiscussionID = c.LastDiscussionID')->Where('d.InsertUserID', $UserID)->Set('c.LastDiscussionID', NULL)->Set('c.LastCommentID', NULL)->Put();
         $SQL->Update('Category c')->Join('Comment d', 'd.CommentID = c.LastCommentID')->Where('d.InsertUserID', $UserID)->Set('c.LastDiscussionID', NULL)->Set('c.LastCommentID', NULL)->Put();
         // Grab all of the discussions that the user has engaged in.
         $DiscussionIDs = $SQL->Select('DiscussionID')->From('Comment')->Where('InsertUserID', $UserID)->GroupBy('DiscussionID')->Get()->ResultArray();
         $DiscussionIDs = ConsolidateArrayValuesByKey($DiscussionIDs, 'DiscussionID');
         Gdn::UserModel()->GetDelete('Comment', array('InsertUserID' => $UserID), $Data);
         // Update the comment counts.
         $CommentCounts = $SQL->Select('DiscussionID')->Select('CommentID', 'count', 'CountComments')->Select('CommentID', 'max', 'LastCommentID')->WhereIn('DiscussionID', $DiscussionIDs)->GroupBy('DiscussionID')->Get('Comment')->ResultArray();
         foreach ($CommentCounts as $Row) {
             $SQL->Put('Discussion', array('CountComments' => $Row['CountComments'] + 1, 'LastCommentID' => $Row['LastCommentID']), array('DiscussionID' => $Row['DiscussionID']));
         // Update the last user IDs.
         $SQL->Update('Discussion d')->Join('Comment c', 'd.LastCommentID = c.CommentID', 'left')->Set('d.LastCommentUserID', 'c.InsertUserID', FALSE, FALSE)->Set('d.DateLastComment', 'c.DateInserted', FALSE, FALSE)->WhereIn('d.DiscussionID', $DiscussionIDs)->Put();
         // Update the last posts.
         $Discussions = $SQL->WhereIn('DiscussionID', $DiscussionIDs)->Where('LastCommentUserID', $UserID)->Get('Discussion');
         // Delete the user's dicussions
         Gdn::UserModel()->GetDelete('Discussion', array('InsertUserID' => $UserID), $Data);
         // Update the appropriat recent posts in the categories.
         $CategoryModel = new CategoryModel();
         $Categories = $CategoryModel->GetWhere(array('LastDiscussionID' => NULL))->ResultArray();
         foreach ($Categories as $Category) {
     } else {
         if ($DeleteMethod == 'wipe') {
             // Erase the user's dicussions
             $SQL->Update('Discussion')->Set('Body', T('The user and all related content has been deleted.'))->Set('Format', 'Deleted')->Where('InsertUserID', $UserID)->Put();
             // Erase the user's comments
             $SQL->From('Comment')->Join('Discussion d', 'c.DiscussionID = d.DiscussionID')->Delete('Comment c', array('d.InsertUserID' => $UserID));
             $SQL->Update('Comment')->Set('Body', T('The user and all related content has been deleted.'))->Set('Format', 'Deleted')->Where('InsertUserID', $UserID)->Put();
         } else {
             // Leave comments
     // Remove the user's profile information related to this application
     $SQL->Update('User')->Set(array('CountDiscussions' => 0, 'CountUnreadDiscussions' => 0, 'CountComments' => 0, 'CountDrafts' => 0, 'CountBookmarks' => 0))->Where('UserID', $UserID)->Put();
 public function SettingsController_RefreshTagCounts_Create($Sender)
     $Px = $Sender->Database->DatabasePrefix;
     $SqlDriver = Gdn::SQL();
     // Delete all the orphaned tagdiscussion records
     $Sql = 'delete td.* ' . "from {$Px}TagDiscussion as td " . "left join {$Px}Discussion as d ON td.DiscussionID = d.DiscussionID " . 'where d.DiscussionID is null';
     // refresh the countdiscussions on all tags
     $Sql = "update {$Px}Tag as t " . 'set CountDiscussions = ( ' . 'select count(td.TagID) ' . "from {$Px}TagDiscussion as td " . 'where td.TagID = t.TagID group by t.TagID)';
     // stash the inform message for later
     Gdn::Session()->Stash('RefreshCountsMessage', T('RefreshCounts.TagComplete'));
Exemplo n.º 27
 public function DiscussionController_BeforeDiscussionRender_Handler($Sender, $Args)
     if (!isset($_GET['noiseless'])) {
     $Discussion = $Sender->Data('Discussion');
     $Sql = Gdn::SQL();
     $Sql->Select('*')->From('Comment c')->Where('c.DiscussionID', $Discussion->DiscussionID, TRUE, FALSE)->Where('c.InsertUserID', $Discussion->InsertUserID, TRUE, FALSE)->OrderBy('c.DateInserted', 'asc');
     $Result = $Sql->Get();
     Gdn::UserModel()->JoinUsers($Result, array('InsertUserID', 'UpdateUserID'));
     if (self::checkVersion('2.0')) {
         $Sender->SetData('CommentData', $Result, TRUE);
     $Sender->SetData('Comments', $Result);
     $Sender->Pager->Configure(0, 0, 0, '', TRUE);
     $Sender->Offset = 0;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public function GetData($Invisible = FALSE)
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     // $this->_OnlineUsers = $SQL
     // insert or update entry into table
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     $Invisible = $Invisible ? 1 : 0;
     if ($Session->UserID) {
         $SQL->Replace('Whosonline', array('UserID' => $Session->UserID, 'Timestamp' => Gdn_Format::ToDateTime(), 'Invisible' => $Invisible), array('UserID' => $Session->UserID));
     $Frequency = C('WhosOnline.Frequency', 4);
     $History = time() - $Frequency;
     $SQL->Select('u.UserID, u.Name, w.Timestamp, w.Invisible')->From('Whosonline w')->Join('User u', 'w.UserID = u.UserID')->Where('w.Timestamp >=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $History))->OrderBy('u.Name');
     if (!$Session->CheckPermission('Plugins.WhosOnline.ViewHidden')) {
         $SQL->Where('w.Invisible', 0);
     $this->_OnlineUsers = $SQL->Get();
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Fetches the schema for the requested table. If it does not exist yet, it
  * will connect to the database and define it.
  * @param string The name of the table schema to fetch from the database (or cache?).
  * @param Gdn_Database
  * @return array
 public function Fetch($Table = FALSE, $Database = NULL)
     if ($Table !== FALSE) {
         $this->CurrentTable = $Table;
     if (!is_array($this->_Schema)) {
         $this->_Schema = array();
     if (!array_key_exists($this->CurrentTable, $this->_Schema)) {
         if ($Database !== NULL) {
             $SQL = $Database->SQL();
         } else {
             $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
         $this->_Schema[$this->CurrentTable] = $SQL->FetchTableSchema($this->CurrentTable);
     return $this->_Schema[$this->CurrentTable];
Exemplo n.º 30
 public function GetData()
     $SQL = Gdn::SQL();
     $Limit = Gdn::Config('TopPosters.Limit');
     $Limit = !$Limit || $Limit == 0 ? 10 : $Limit;
     $Session = Gdn::Session();
     			->Select('u.Name, u.CountComments, u.CountDiscussions')
     			->From('User u')			
     			->Where('u.CountComments >','0')
     			->Where('u.CountComments is not null') 
     $arrExcludedUsers = Gdn::Config('TopPosters.Excluded');
     $usersExcluded = is_array($arrExcludedUsers) ? ' AND UserID not in (' . Implode(',', $arrExcludedUsers) . ')' : "";
     $this->_TopPosters = $SQL->Query('SELECT UserID, Name, if(CountDiscussions is NULL,0,CountDiscussions) + if(CountComments is NULL,0,CountComments) as AllPosted FROM ' . $SQL->Database->DatabasePrefix . 'User WHERE 1 ' . $usersExcluded . ' HAVING AllPosted > 0  order by AllPosted desc, Name asc LIMIT ' . $Limit);