Exemplo n.º 1
 public function create_schema()
     $this->_cli = Garden\Cli\Cli::Create()->command('*')->opt('shopid', 'Specify target shop for multistore installs', false, 'integer')->opt('groupid', 'Specify the target group id in multistore installs', false, 'integer')->opt('verbose', 'Enable verbose mode', false)->opt('lang', 'Set PrestaShop context language to use', false)->opt('global', 'Apply to all shops in multistore context', false)->opt('allow-root', 'Allow running as root user (not recommanded)', false)->opt('porcelain', 'Give porcelain output for scripting', false)->opt('path', 'Specify PrestaShop install path', false);
Exemplo n.º 2

// Grab the startup time.  We'll need it for tracking total time.
define('APP_START', microtime(true));
// Make sure we see everything that might be going awry.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// Load up Composer's autoloader.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
// Initialize CLI interface and configure the options available.
$cli = new Garden\Cli\Cli();
$cli->description('Populate an empty Vanilla forum with fake data')->opt('host:h', 'Connect to host.', true)->opt('port:P', 'Port number to use.', false, 'integer')->opt('user:u', 'User for login if not current user.', true)->opt('password:p', 'Password to use when connecting to server.')->opt('database:d', 'The name of the database to dump.', true)->opt('manifest:m', 'File locaion of the manifest file.');
// Parse the commandline options.
$args = $cli->parse($argv, true);
// Connect to our target database
$db = Initvector\Colonize\Database::connect($args->getOpt('host'), $args->getOpt('user'), $args->getOpt('password', ''), $args->getOpt('database'), $args->getOpt('port', 3306));
$manifest = $args->getOpt('manifest', 'manifest.json');
Initvector\Colonize\Manifest::load($manifest, true);
//@todo Could really use some dba/counts goodness here.
// And we're done.  How'd we do?
echo "\nAll operations completed in " . number_format(microtime(true) - APP_START, 2) . "s\n";