Exemplo n.º 1
 public function getView($params, $synchrone)
     try {
         $game = new Game($params['game']);
         if (!$game->isIn(F::i('Session')->getMid())) {
             throw new Exception('Not In');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Get Out!
         die('Oust !');
     $view = View::setFile('map', View::HTML_FILE);
      * Links
     $result = F::i(_DBMS_SYS)->query('SELECT cou1.cou_name AS cou1, cou2.cou_name AS cou2 FROM !prefix_adjacent a, !prefix_countries cou1, !prefix_countries cou2 WHERE a.cou_id1 = cou1.cou_id AND a.cou_id2 = cou2.cou_id');
     while (($obj = $result->getObject()) != NULL) {
         $view->setGroupValues('adjacents', array('from' => $obj->cou1, 'to' => $obj->cou2));
     $view->setValue('game', $game->g_id);
     $view->setValue('mode', isset($params['mode']) ? $params['mode'] : 'owner');
     $view->setValue('confirmed', $game->getPlayer(F::i('Session')->getMid())->p_ready);
     $view->setValue('step', $game->g_step);
     $view->setValue('m_id', F::i('Session')->getMid());
     return parent::setBody($view, '', TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function getView($params, $synchrone)
     try {
         $game = new Game($params['game']);
         if ($game->g_step > 0) {
             throw new Exception('Game already launched');
         if (!$game->isIn(F::i('Session')->getMid())) {
             throw new Exception('You are not in this game');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Get Out!
         die('Oust ! : ' . $e);
     if ($synchrone) {
         $view = View::setFile('wait_game', View::HTML_FILE);
         $view->setValue('u_js', '?action=wait_game&game=' . $game->g_id);
         $view->setValue('u_leave', '?action=leave_game&game=' . $game->g_id);
         $view->setValue('game', stripslashes($game->g_name));
         if ($game->m_id == F::i('Session')->getMid()) {
             $view->setSwitch('creator', TRUE);
             $view->setValue('u_launch', '?action=launch_game&game=' . $game->g_id);
         return parent::setBody($view, F::i('Lang')->getKey('title_wait_game'));
     } else {
         $view = View::setFile('wait_game', View::JSON_FILE);
         $players = $game->getPlayers();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($players); $i++) {
             $view->setGroupValues('players', array('name' => $players[$i]->m_login, 'color' => $players[$i]->col_code, 'col_name' => $players[$i]->col_name));
         return $view->getContent();
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getView($params, $synchrone)
     try {
         $game = new Game($params['game']);
         if (!$game->isIn(F::i('Session')->getMid())) {
             throw new Exception('You are not part of this Game');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Get Out!
         die('Oust !');
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function getView($params, $synchrone)
     try {
         if (!isset($params['game'])) {
             throw new Exception('No Game given');
         $game = new Game($params['game']);
         if ($game->g_step == 0) {
             throw new ModelException('Game not launched');
         if (!$game->isIn(F::i('Session')->getMid())) {
             throw new ModelException('You can\'t play : you are not in the game !');
         $sql = array();
         // Check all the actions
         $params['act'] = isset($params['act']) ? $params['act'] : array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($params['act']); $i++) {
             list($from, $to, $strength, $priority) = explode(';', $params['act'][$i]);
             if ($strength <= 0) {
                 throw new ModelException('Strength positive !');
             if (!in_array($priority, $GLOBALS['priorities'])) {
                 throw new ModelException('Priority Unavailble !');
             // Check actions
             $result = F::i(_DBMS_SYS)->query('SELECT c1.cou_id AS cou_id1, c1.cou_name AS cou_from, c2.cou_id AS cou_id2, c2.cou_name AS cou_to FROM !prefix_adjacent a LEFT JOIN !prefix_countries c1 ON a.cou_id1 = c1.cou_id LEFT JOIN !prefix_countries c2 ON a.cou_id2 = c2.cou_id WHERE (c1.cou_name = ? AND c2.cou_name = ?) OR (c1.cou_name = ? AND c2.cou_name = ?)', array($from, $to, $to, $from));
             if ($result->getNumRows() != 0) {
                 $obj = $result->getObject();
                 // Check capacity...
                 // TODO
                 $from_id = $obj->cou_from == $from ? $obj->cou_id1 : $obj->cou_id2;
                 $to_id = $obj->cou_to == $to ? $obj->cou_id2 : $obj->cou_id1;
                 $sql[] = array('INSERT INTO !prefix_actions (g_id, cou_from, cou_to, a_strength, a_priority) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', array($game->g_id, $from_id, $to_id, $strength, $priority));
         // Confirm the player
         F::i(_DBMS_SYS)->exec('UPDATE !prefix_players SET p_ready=1 WHERE m_id=? AND g_id=?', array(F::i('Session')->getMid(), $game->g_id));
         // Insert Actions
     } catch (ModelException $e) {
         // Get Out!
         die('Oust ! : ' . $e->getMessage());
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function getView($params, $synchrone)
     try {
         if (!isset($params['game'])) {
             throw new Exception('No Game given');
         $game = new Game($params['game']);
         if (!$game->isIn(F::i('Session')->getMid())) {
             throw new Exception('Not In');
         if (!isset($params['step']) || empty($params['step'])) {
             throw new Exception('Need step');
         $view = View::setFile('confirm', View::JSON_FILE);
         if ($params['step'] == $game->g_step + 1) {
             // If all players ready
             $result = F::i(_DBMS_SYS)->query('SELECT m_id FROM !prefix_players WHERE g_id=? AND p_ready=0', array($game->g_id));
             if ($result->getNumRows() == 0) {
                 // If somebody is solving the game
                 // Dangerous Part so ask the database to have the LAST info
                 $result = F::i(_DBMS_SYS)->query('SELECT g_resolving FROM !prefix_games WHERE g_id=?', array($game->g_id));
                 if ($result->getObject()->g_resolving == 0) {
                     // Let's Solve !
                     F::i(_DBMS_SYS)->mexec(array(array('UPDATE !prefix_games SET g_resolving=1 WHERE g_id=?', array($game->g_id)), array('CALL PROC_SOLVE_ATTACKS(?)', array($game->g_id)), array('UPDATE !prefix_players SET p_ready=0 WHERE g_id=?', array($game->g_id)), array('UPDATE !prefix_games SET g_step=g_step+1 WHERE g_id=?', array($game->g_id)), array('UPDATE !prefix_games SET g_resolving=0 WHERE g_id=?', array($game->g_id))));
                 $view->setValue('confirm', 1);
             } else {
                 $view->setValue('confirm', 0);
         } else {
             if ($params['step'] == $game->g_step) {
                 $view->setValue('confirm', 1);
             } else {
                 throw new Exception('Not a valid step');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Get Out!
         die('Oust ! : ' . $e->getMessage());
     return $view->getContent();
Exemplo n.º 6
    public function getView($params, $synchrone)
        $search_form = new Form($this->search_fields, $params);
        $access_form = new Form($this->access_fields, $params);
        $title = '';
        $insert = TRUE;
        try {
            if (!isset($params['game'])) {
                throw new Exception('No Game given');
            $game = new Game($params['game']);
            if ($game->isIn(F::i('Session')->getMid())) {
                throw new Exception('Already In');
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $insert = FALSE;
        if ($insert) {
            if ($game->g_access_key == 'NULL' || $access_form->isSubmitting() && Tools::isEmpty($access_form->getErrors()) && $game->g_access_key == Tools::saltHash($params['access_key'])) {
                Tools::redirect('?action=wait_game&game=' . $game->g_id);
            } else {
                // CHECK
                if ($access_form->isSubmitting()) {
                    // Error
                    die('bad access key');
                } else {
                    $view = View::setFile('formular', View::HTML_FILE);
                    $errors = $access_form->getErrors();
                    // Errors in the filling
                    if (!empty($errors)) {
                        $view->setSwitch('form_errors', TRUE);
                        foreach ($errors as $field => $error) {
                            $view->setGroupValues('form_errors', array('error' => F::i('Lang')->getKey('error_' . $field . '_' . $error)));
                    $view->setValue('form', $access_form->getHTML(F::i('Lang')->getKey('access_key'), '#', 'POST', 'tabbed_form'));
        } else {
            $sql = 'SELECT g.g_id, g_name, TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, g_start, NOW()) AS lifetime, COUNT(*) AS g_total_players, m_login AS g_owner 
					FROM !prefix_members m, !prefix_games AS g, !prefix_players AS p 
					WHERE g.m_id = m.m_id 
						AND p.g_id = g.g_id 
						AND g.g_id NOT IN (
							SELECT g_id FROM !prefix_players WHERE m_id = ?
            $array = array(F::i('Session')->getMid());
            // If search is defined, add condition
            if (isset($params['search'])) {
                $sql .= ' AND g_name LIKE ?';
                $array[] = '%' . $params['search'] . '%';
            $sql .= ' GROUP BY g.g_id ORDER BY g_start DESC';
            // Get all the games
            $result = F::i(_DBMS_SYS)->query($sql, $array);
            $view = View::setFile('list_games', View::HTML_FILE);
            $view->setValue('form', $search_form->getHTML('', '#', 'POST', 'inline'));
            if ($result->getNumRows() == 0) {
                $view->setSwitch('no_games', TRUE);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $result->getNumRows(); $i++) {
                $obj = $result->getObject();
                $view->setGroupValues('games', array('link' => '?action=join_game&game=' . $obj->g_id, 'name' => stripslashes($obj->g_name), 'total_players' => $obj->g_total_players, 'owner' => $obj->g_owner, 'lifetime' => $obj->lifetime));
            $title = F::i('Lang')->getKey('title_join_game');
        return parent::setBody($view);