Exemplo n.º 1
 function popup_elements()
     $choices = FusionHelper::get_shortcode_choices();
     $choices_with_default = FusionHelper::get_shortcode_choices_with_default();
     $leftright = FusionHelper::get_left_right_data();
     $animation_speed = FusionHelper::get_animation_speed_data();
     $animation_direction = FusionHelper::get_animation_direction_data();
     $animation_type = FusionHelper::get_animation_type_data();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Button URL', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the button\'s url ex: http://example.com', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_url", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Button Style', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the button\'s color. Select default or color name for theme options, or select custom to use advanced color options below.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_style", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "default", "allowedValues" => array('default' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'custom' => __('Custom', 'fusion-core'), 'green' => __('Green', 'fusion-core'), 'darkgreen' => __('Dark Green', 'fusion-core'), 'orange' => __('Orange', 'fusion-core'), 'blue' => __('Blue', 'fusion-core'), 'red' => __('Red', 'fusion-core'), 'pink' => __('Pink', 'fusion-core'), 'darkgray' => __('Dark Gray', 'fusion-core'), 'lightgray' => __('Light Gray', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Button Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the button\'s size. Choose default for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_size", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'small' => __('Small', 'fusion-core'), 'medium' => __('Medium', 'fusion-core'), 'large' => __('Large', 'fusion-core'), 'xlarge' => __('XLarge', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Button Span', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to have the button span the full width of its container.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_button_span", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "default", "allowedValues" => $choices_with_default), array("name" => __('Button Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the button\'s type. Choose default for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'flat' => __('Flat', 'fusion-core'), '3d' => '3D')), array("name" => __('Button Shape', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the button\'s shape. Choose default for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_shape", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'square' => __('Square', 'fusion-core'), 'pill' => __('Pill', 'fusion-core'), 'round' => __('Round', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Button Target', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('_self = open in same window<br>_blank = open in new window', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_target", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "_self", "allowedValues" => array('_self' => '_self', '_blank' => '_blank')), array("name" => __('Button Title attribute', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Set a title attribute for the button link.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_title", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Button\'s Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the text that will display on button', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "Button Text"), array("name" => __('Button Gradient Top Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom setting only. Set the top color of the button background.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_gradtopcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Button Gradient Bottom Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom setting only. Set the bottom color of the button background or leave empty for solid color.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_gradbottomcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Button Gradient Top Color Hover', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom setting only. Set the top hover color of the button background.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_gradtopcolorhover", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Button Gradient Bottom Color Hover', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom setting only. Set the bottom hover color of the button background or leave empty for solid color.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_gradbottomcolorhover", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Accent Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom setting only. This option controls the color of the button border, divider, text and icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordercolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Accent Hover Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom setting only. This option controls the hover color of the button border, divider, text and icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_borderhovercolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Bevel Color (3D Mode only)', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom setting. Set the bevel color of 3D buttons.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bevelcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Border Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Custom setting only. In pixels (px), ex: 1px. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bordersize", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Select Custom Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Click an icon to select, click again to deselect', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "icon", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => "", "list" => FusionHelper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Icon Position', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the position of the icon on the button.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconposition", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $leftright), array("name" => __('Icon Divider', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to display a divider between icon and text.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_icondivider", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Modal Window Anchor', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the class name of the modal window you want to open on button click.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_modal", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Animation Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the type of animation to use on the shortcode', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_type), array("name" => __('Direction of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the incoming direction for the animation', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_direction", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "left", "allowedValues" => $animation_direction), array("name" => __('Speed of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Type in speed of animation in seconds (0.1 - 1)', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_speed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $animation_speed), array("name" => __('Offset of Animation', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose when the animation should start.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_animation_offset", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'top-into-view' => __('Top of element hits bottom of viewport', 'fusion-core'), 'top-mid-of-view' => __('Top of element hits middle of viewport', 'fusion-core'), 'bottom-in-view' => __('Bottom of element enters viewport', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Alignment', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the button\'s alignment.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_alignment", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'center' => __('Center', 'fusion-core'), 'right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
 function popup_elements($am_elements)
     $choices = FusionHelper::get_shortcode_choices_with_default();
     $am_array = array();
     $am_array[] = array(array("name" => __('Select Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('This setting will override the global setting above. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_icon[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => array(""), "list" => FusionHelper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('List Item Content', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add list item content', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content_wp[0]", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::HTML_EDITOR, "value" => array('')));
     $this->config['defaults'] = $am_array[0];
     if ($am_elements) {
         $am_array_copy = $am_array[0];
         $am_array = array();
         foreach ($am_elements as $key => $am_element) {
             $build_am = $am_array_copy;
             foreach ($build_am as $build_am_key => $build_am_element) {
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['value'] = $am_elements[$key][$build_am_key];
                 $build_am[$build_am_key]['id'] = str_replace('[0]', '[' . $key . ']', $build_am_element['id']);
             $am_array[] = $build_am;
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Select Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Global setting for all list items, this can be overridden individually below. Click an icon to select, click again to deselect.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "icon", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => "fa-check", "list" => FusionHelper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Icon Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Global setting for all list items. Leave blank for theme option selection. Defines the icon color.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ''), array("name" => __('Icon in Circle', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Global setting for all list items. Set to default for theme option selection. Choose to have icons in circles.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circle", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Circle Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Global setting for all list items. Leave blank for theme option selection. Defines the circle color.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlecolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ''), array("name" => __('Item Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the list item\'s size. In pixels (px), ex: 13px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_size", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "13px"), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("type" => ElementTypeEnum::ADDMORE, "buttonText" => __('Add New List Item', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "am_fusion_content", "elements" => $am_array));
Exemplo n.º 3
 function popup_elements()
     $reverse_choices = FusionHelper::get_shortcode_choices_with_default();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Name', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the name of the person.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_name", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Title', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert the title of the person', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_title", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Profile Description', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Enter the content to be displayed', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_content_wp", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Picture', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Upload an image to display.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_picture", "upid" => "1", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Picture Link URL', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the URL the picture will link to, ex: http://example.com.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_piclink", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link Target', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('_self = open in same window<br>_blank = open in new window', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_target", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "_self", "allowedValues" => array('_self' => '_self', '_blank' => '_blank')), array("name" => __('Picture Style Type', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Selected the style type for the picture.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_picstyle", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('none' => __('None', 'fusion-core'), 'glow' => __('Glow', 'fusion-core'), 'dropshadow' => __('Drop Shadow', 'fusion-core'), 'bottomshadow' => __('Bottom Shadow', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Picture Style Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('For all style types except border. Controls the style color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_picstylecolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Picture Border Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px), ex: 1px. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_picborder", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0"), array("name" => __('Picture Border Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the picture\'s border color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_picbordercolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Picture Border Radius', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the border radius of the person image. In pixels (px), ex: 1px, or "round".  Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_picborderradius", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "0"), array("name" => __('Boxed Social Icons', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to get a boxed icons. Choose default for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconboxed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Social Icon Box Radius', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the border radius of the boxed icons. In pixels (px), ex: 1px, or "round". Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconboxedradius", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "4px"), array("name" => __('Social Icon Custom Colors', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Specify the color of social icons. Use one for all or separate by | symbol. ex: #AA0000|#00AA00|#0000AA. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Social Icon Custom Box Colors', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Specify the box color of social icons. Use one for all or separate by | symbol. ex: #AA0000|#00AA00|#0000AA. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_boxcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Social Icon Tooltip Position', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the display position for tooltips. Choose default for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_icontooltip", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array(' ' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'top' => __('Top', 'fusion-core'), 'bottom' => __('Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'Right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Email Address', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert an email address to display the email icon', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_email", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Facebook Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Facebook link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_facebook", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Twitter Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Twitter link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_twitter", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Instagram Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Instagram link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_instagram", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Dribbble Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Dribbble link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_dribbble", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Google+ Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Google+ link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_google", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('LinkedIn Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom LinkedIn link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_linkedin", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Blogger Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Blogger link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_blogger", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Tumblr Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Tumblr link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_tumblr", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Reddit Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Reddit link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_reddit", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Yahoo Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Yahoo link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_yahoo", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Deviantart Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Deviantart link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_deviantart", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Vimeo Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Vimeo link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_vimeo", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Youtube Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Youtube link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_youtube", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Pinterst Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Pinterest link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_pinterest", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('RSS Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom RSS link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_rss", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Digg Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Digg link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_digg", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Flickr Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Flickr link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_flickr", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Forrst Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Forrst link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_forrst", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Myspace Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Myspace link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_myspace", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Skype Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Skype link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_skype", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('PayPal Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom PayPal link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paypal", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Dropbox Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Dropbox link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_dropbox", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('SoundCloud Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom SoundCloud link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_soundcloud", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('VK Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom VK link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_vk", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemplo n.º 4
 function popup_elements()
     $reverse_choices = FusionHelper::get_shortcode_choices_with_default();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Tagline', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('The title tagline that will display', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_tagline", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => __('Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!', 'fusion-core')), array("name" => __('Tagline Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the text color. Leave blank for theme option selection', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_taglinecolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Background Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the background color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_backgroundcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Title', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('The post title that will be shared', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_title", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link to Share', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => "", "id" => "fusion_link", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Description', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('The description that will be shared', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_description", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Boxed Social Icons', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to get a boxed icons. Choose default for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconboxed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Social Icon Box Radius', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the radius of the boxed icons. In pixels (px), ex: 1px, or "round". Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconboxedradius", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "4px"), array("name" => __('Social Icon Custom Colors', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Specify the color of social icons. Use one for all or separate by | symbol. ex: #AA0000|#00AA00|#0000AA. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Social Icon Custom Box Colors', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Specify the box color of social icons. Use one for all or separate by | symbol. ex: #AA0000|#00AA00|#0000AA. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_boxcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Social Icon Tooltip Position', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the display position for tooltips. Choose default for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_icontooltip", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => 'Default', 'top' => __('Top', 'fusion-core'), 'bottom' => __('Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'Right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Choose Image to Share on Pinterest', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => "", "id" => "fusion_pinterest_image", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => "1", "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemplo n.º 5
 function popup_elements()
     $choices_with_default = FusionHelper::get_shortcode_choices_with_default();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Login Elements', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the login element you want to use.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_login_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "fusion1_login", "allowedValues" => array('fusion_fusion_login' => __('Login Element', 'fusion-core'), 'fusion_fusion_register' => __('Register Element', 'fusion-core'), 'fusion_fusion_lost_password' => __('Lost Password Element', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Text Align', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the alignment of all content parts. "Text Flow" follows the default text align of the site. "Center" will center all elements.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_textflow", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "fusion_login", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'textflow' => __('Text Flow', 'fusion-core'), 'center' => __('Center', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Heading', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a heading text.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_heading_text", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Caption', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a caption text.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_caption_text", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Button Span', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to have the button span the full width.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_button_span", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "default", "allowedValues" => $choices_with_default), array("name" => __('Form Backgound Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a background color for the form wrapping box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_background_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Heading Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a heading color. Leave empty for Theme Option default.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_heading_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Caption Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a caption color. Leave empty for Theme Option default.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_caption_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a link color. Leave empty for Theme Option default.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_link_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Redirection Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the url to which a user should redirected after form submission. Leave empty to use the same page.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_redirection", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Register Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the url the "Register" link should open.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_register", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Lost Password Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add the url the "Lost Password" link should open.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_lost_password", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemplo n.º 6
 function popup_elements()
     $margin_data = FusionHelper::fusion_create_dropdown_data(1, 100);
     $choices = FusionHelper::get_shortcode_choices_with_default();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Style', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the separator line style', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_style", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "none", "allowedValues" => array('none' => __('No Style', 'fusion-core'), 'single' => __('Single Border Solid', 'fusion-core'), 'double' => __('Double Border Solid', 'fusion-core'), 'single|dashed' => __('Single Border Dashed', 'fusion-core'), 'double|dashed' => __('Double Border Dashed', 'fusion-core'), 'single|dotted' => __('Single Border Dotted', 'fusion-core'), 'double|dotted' => __('Double Border Dotted', 'fusion-core'), 'shadow' => __('Shadow', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Margin Top', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Spacing above the separator. In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_top", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Margin Bottom', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Spacing below the separator. In pixels or percentage, ex: 10px or 10%.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_bottom", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Separator Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the separator color. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_sepcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Border Size', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px), ex: 1px. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_border_size", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Select Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Click an icon to select, click again to deselect', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "icon", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::ICON_BOX, "value" => "", "list" => FusionHelper::GET_ICONS_LIST()), array("name" => __('Circled Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to have a circle in separator color around the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circle", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $choices), array("name" => __('Circle Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Controls the background color of the circle around the icon.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_circlecolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Separator Width', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('In pixels (px or %), ex: 1px, ex: 50%. Leave blank for full width.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_width", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Alignment', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the separator alignment; only works when a width is specified.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_alignment", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('center' => __('Center', 'fusion-core'), 'left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemplo n.º 7
 function popup_elements()
     $reverse_choices = FusionHelper::get_shortcode_choices_with_default();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Boxed Social Icons', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose to get a boxed icons. Choose default for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconboxed", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Social Icon Box Radius', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the radius of the boxed icons. In pixels (px), ex: 1px, or "round". Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconboxedradius", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => "4px"), array("name" => __('Social Icon Custom Colors', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Specify the color of social icons. Use one for all or separate by | symbol. ex: #AA0000|#00AA00|#0000AA. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_iconcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Social Icon Custom Box Colors', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Specify the box color of social icons. Use one for all or separate by | symbol. ex: #AA0000|#00AA00|#0000AA. Leave blank for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_boxcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::TEXTAREA, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Social Icon Tooltip Position', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the display position for tooltips. Choose default for theme option selection.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_icontooltip", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => 'Default', 'top' => __('Top', 'fusion-core'), 'bottom' => __('Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'Right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Facebook Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Facebook link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_facebook", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Twitter Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Twitter link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_twitter", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Instagram Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Instagram link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_instagram", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Dribbble Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Dribbble link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_dribbble", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Google+ Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Google+ link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_google", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('LinkedIn Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom LinkedIn link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_linkedin", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Blogger Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Blogger link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_blogger", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Tumblr Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Tumblr link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_tumblr", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Reddit Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Reddit link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_reddit", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Yahoo Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Yahoo link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_yahoo", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Deviantart Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Deviantart link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_deviantart", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Vimeo Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Vimeo link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_vimeo", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Youtube Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Youtube link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_youtube", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Pinterest Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Pinterest link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_pinterest", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('RSS Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom RSS link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_rss", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Digg Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Digg link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_digg", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Flickr Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Flickr link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_flickr", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Forrst Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Forrst link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_forrst", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Myspace Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Myspace link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_myspace", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Skype Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Skype link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_skype", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('PayPal Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom PayPal link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_paypal", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Dropbox Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Dropbox link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_dropbox", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('SoundCloud Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom Soundcloud link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_soundcloud", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('VK Link', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert your custom VK link', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_vk", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Email Address', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Insert an email address to display the email icon', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_email", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Show Custom Social Icon', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Show the custom social icon specified in Theme Options', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_show_custom", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "no", "allowedValues" => $reverse_choices), array("name" => __('Alignment', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select the icon\'s alignment.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_alignment", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'left' => __('Left', 'fusion-core'), 'center' => __('Center', 'fusion-core'), 'right' => __('Right', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));
Exemplo n.º 8
 function popup_elements()
     $choices_width_default = FusionHelper::get_shortcode_choices_with_default();
     $this->config['subElements'] = array(array("name" => __('Countdown Timer End', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Set the end date and time for the countdown time. Use SQL time format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. E.g: 2016-05-10 12:30:00.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_type", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Timezone', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose which timezone should be used for the countdown calculation.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_timezone", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'site_time' => __('Timezone of Site', 'fusion-core'), 'user_time' => __('Timezone of User', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Show Weeks', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Select "yes" to show weeks for longer countdowns.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_show_weeks", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => $choices_width_default), array("name" => __('Backgound Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a background color for the countdown wrapping box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_background_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Background Image', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Upload an image to display in the background of the countdown wrapping box.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "background_image", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::UPLOAD, "upid" => "1", "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Background Repeat', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose how the background image repeats.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "background_repeat", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'no-repeat' => __('No Repeat', 'fusion-core'), 'repeat' => __('Repeat Vertically and Horizontally', 'fusion-core'), 'repeat-x' => __('Repeat Horizontally', 'fusion-core'), 'repeat-y' => __('Repeat Vertically', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Background Position', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the postion of the background image.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "background_position", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "", "allowedValues" => array('' => __('Default', 'fusion-core'), 'left top' => __('Left Top', 'fusion-core'), 'left center' => __('Left Center', 'fusion-core'), 'left bottom' => __('Left Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'right top' => __('Right Top', 'fusion-core'), 'right center' => __('Right Center', 'fusion-core'), 'right bottom' => __('Right Bottom', 'fusion-core'), 'center top' => __('Center Top', 'fusion-core'), 'center center' => __('Center Center', 'fusion-core'), 'center bottom' => __('Center Bottom', 'fusion-core'))), array("name" => __('Border Radius', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose the radius of outer box and also the counter boxes. In pixels (px), ex: 1px.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_borderradius", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Counter Boxes Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a background color for the counter boxes.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_counterboxes_color", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Counter Boxes Text Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a text color for the countdown timer.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_counterboxes_textcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Heading Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a heading text for the countdown.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_heading_text.", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Heading Text Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a text color for the countdown heading.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_heading_textcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Subheading Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a subheading text for the countdown.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_subheading_text.", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Subheading Text Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a text color for the countdown subheading.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_subheading_textcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link Text', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a link text for the countdown.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_link_text.", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link Text Color', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Choose a text color for the countdown link.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_link_textcolor", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::COLOR, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link URL', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a url for the link. E.g: http://example.com.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_url", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('Link Target', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('_self = open in same window<br>_blank = open in new window', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_target", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::SELECT, "value" => "_self", "allowedValues" => array('default' => 'Default', '_self' => '_self', '_blank' => '_blank')), array("name" => __('CSS Class', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add a class to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_class", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""), array("name" => __('CSS ID', 'fusion-core'), "desc" => __('Add an ID to the wrapping HTML element.', 'fusion-core'), "id" => "fusion_id", "type" => ElementTypeEnum::INPUT, "value" => ""));