protected function _setPostVars($post, $trim = true, $merge = false) { if (!$merge || $merge && empty($this->postVars)) { $this->postVars = $trim === true ? Funclib::trimValues($post) : $post; } else { if ($merge && !empty($this->postVars)) { $this->postVars = array_merge($this->postVars, $trim === true ? Funclib::trimValues($post) : $post); } } }
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ /** * @author Ronny Bansemer */ session_start(); if (!empty($_SESSION['unternehmenid'])) { require '../include/constants.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/roh/mailer.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/funclib.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/email.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/querybuild.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/database.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/charhandling.php'; DB::init(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DATABASE); $url = Funclib::trimValues($_GET); if (!empty($url['id'])) { $filename = 'all-statusmessages-from-sensor'; $typ = 1; DB::query('SELECT `sensorid` FROM `sensoren` WHERE `unternehmenid` = ? AND `sensorid` = ?', 2); DB::setParam($_SESSION['unternehmenid'], 'int'); DB::setParam($url['id'], 'str'); DB::exec(); } else {
print $sensor['name']; ?> <br /> <label>device description:</label> <?php print $sensor['beschreibung']; ?> <br /> <label>connect interval:</label> <?php print Funclib::secondsToPeriods($sensor['intervall']); ?> <br /> <label>device data max age:</label> <?php print Funclib::secondsToPeriods($sensor['maxage']); ?> <div class="var"> <table cellpadding="0"> <colgroup> <col width="120"/> <col width="110"/> <col width="300"/> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th>name of variable</th> <th>type of value</th> <th>variable description</th> </tr> </thead>
`d1`.`nummerid` = ? AND `d2`.`unternehmenid` = ?', 2); DB::setParam($this->_post('id'), 'int'); DB::setParam($_SESSION['unternehmenid'], 'int'); DB::exec(); if (DB::numRows() == 0) { $this->_jsonOutput(2, 'the sms account does not exist'); } $allowonid = $this->_post('id'); case 'create_sms': if ($this->_post('name') && strlen($this->_post('name')) > 0) { if ($this->_post('aktion') == 'create_sms') { $allowonid = ''; } if (Funclib::checkAccountName($this->_post('name'), 2, $allowonid)) { if (is_numeric($this->_post('number'))) { DB::query('SELECT `gatewayid` FROM `sms_gateways` WHERE `gatewayid` = ? AND `unternehmenid` = ?', 2); DB::setParam($this->_post('gatewayid'), 'int'); DB::setParam($_SESSION['unternehmenid'], 'int'); DB::exec(); if (DB::numRows() == 1) { if ($this->_post('aktion') == 'create_sms') { DB::query('INSERT INTO `sms`
`connector`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', 5); DB::setParam($id, 'int'); DB::setParam($options['variableids'][$k], 'int'); DB::setParam($options['operatoren'][$k], 'int'); DB::setParam($options['werte'][$k], 'str'); DB::setParam(is_numeric($this->postVars['connectors'][$k]) ? $this->postVars['connectors'][$k] : '-1', 'str'); DB::exec(); $settings .= '#' . $variables[$options['variableids'][$k]] . ' ' . $operators[$options['operatoren'][$k]] . ' ' . $options['werte'][$k] . ' ' . (is_numeric($this->postVars['connectors'][$k]) ? $connectors[$this->postVars['connectors'][$k]] : '') . ' '; } if ($this->postVars['microblogCondition'] == 1 && count($microblogCondition) > 0) { require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/oauth.php'; require INCLUDE_PATH . '/class/streamoauth.php'; foreach ($microblogCondition as $k => $v) { Funclib::sendStreamMessage($data[1][$v]['baseurl'], $data[1][$v]['name'], $data[1][$v]['authurl'], $data[1][$v]['requesturl'], $data[1][$v]['accessurl'], $data[1][$v]['costumerkey'], $data[1][$v]['costumersecret'], $data[1][$v]['oauth_token'], $data[1][$v]['oauth_token_secret'], $data[1][$v]['maxlength'], $_SESSION['unternehmenid'], $settings); } } foreach ($this->postVars['messages'] as $k => $v) { DB::query('INSERT INTO `condition_texts` (`conditionid`, `text`) VALUES (?, ?)', 2); DB::setParam($id, 'int'); DB::setParam($v[0], 'str'); $id2 = DB::exec(true); foreach ($v[1] as $k2 => $v2) { DB::query('INSERT INTO `condition_texts_accounts` (`textid`, `accountid`,
$accid =& $v['text'][$i]['accountids'][$j]; $acc =& $accounts[$type][$accid]; $accName[] = $acc['name']; switch ($type) { case 0: Funclib::sendAlarmMail($acc['email'], $acc['name'], $data['unternehmenid'], $m); break; case 1: Funclib::sendStreamMessage($acc['apibase'], $acc['name'], $acc['authurl'], $acc['requesturl'], $acc['accessurl'], $acc['costumerkey'], $acc['costumersecret'], $acc['oauth_token'], $acc['oauth_token_secret'], $acc['maxlength'], $data['unternehmenid'], $m); break; case 2: Funclib::sendSMS($acc['url'], $acc['nummer'], $acc['name'], $acc['gatewayname'], $acc['maxlength'], $data['unternehmenid'], $m); break; } } Funclib::messageLog($data['unternehmenid'], $m, implode(', ', $accName)); } if ($v['dolock']) { Funclib::lockCondition($data['unternehmenid'], $k); Funclib::insertError($data['unternehmenid'], $signatur, 'now publish condition "' . $v['name'] . '" is locked. Please delete this message to unlock this condition.', 0, $k); } } else { Funclib::insertError($data['unternehmenid'], $signatur, 'couldn\'t execute publish condition "' . $v['name'] . '". Reason: condition is locked', 1); } } } else { Funclib::insertError($data['unternehmenid'], $signatur, 'couldn\'t execute publish condition "' . $v['name'] . '". Reason: not all required variables are set', 1); } } } }
} $sw->reset(); $c = $sw->ge - $sw->a_s * $sw->e_p_s; $search = array('#' . date('d.m.Y') . '#', '#' . date('d.m.Y', time() - 86400) . '#'); $replace = array('Today', 'Yesterday'); while (DB::nextResult()) { ?> <p class="listing"> <span><?php print '#' . $c . ' [' . preg_replace($search, $replace, DB::result('zeit')) . ']'; ?> via <?php print DB::result('accounts'); ?> </span> <?php print Funclib::keywordUrl($keywords, DB::result('text')); ?> </p> <?php $c--; } if ($sw->gs > 1) { print '<p class="seitenwechsel"><strong>page:</strong> ' . $sw->siteChange() . '</p>'; } } else { print '<p class="nonexist">there are still no messages available</p>'; } ?> </div>
switch ($this->_post('aktion')) { case 'delete_fehler': DB::query('SELECT `conditionid` FROM `fehler_log` WHERE `logid` = ? AND `unternehmenid` = ?', 2); DB::setParam($this->_post('logid'), 'int'); DB::setParam($_SESSION['unternehmenid'], 'int'); DB::exec(); if (DB::numRows() == 1) { DB::nextResult(); Funclib::lockCondition($_SESSION['unternehmenid'], DB::result('conditionid'), true); DB::query('DELETE FROM `fehler_log` WHERE `logid` = ?', 1); DB::setParam($this->_post('logid'), 'int'); DB::exec(); } else { $this->_jsonOutput(2, 'the chosen error message does not exist'); } break; case 'delete_event': DB::query('SELECT `logid` FROM `events_log`
<?php /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at */ /** * @author Ronny Bansemer */ if (!$this->_getContentParam('logout')) { if ($this->_postExists()) { switch ($this->_post('aktion')) { case 'login': $login = Funclib::checkLogin($this->_post('unternehmen'), $this->_post('passwort')); switch ($login) { case -1: $this->_setMessage(array(0, 'you have set a wrong password/username')); break; case 0: $this->_setMessage(array(0, 'you have set a wrong password/username')); break; default: $_SESSION['UISauthLevel'] = 0; $_SESSION['unternehmenid'] = $login; $this->_reload(); } break; } } } else { session_destroy(); $this->_reload('/start');
} ?> <div class="pvorlage1" style="position: relative;"> <span class="pheading">Message log (last 20 messages)</span> <?php DB::moveBufferToCurrentResult('messages'); if (DB::numRows() > 0) { $search = array('#' . date('d.m.Y') . '#', '#' . date('d.m.Y', time() - 86400) . '#'); $replace = array('Today', 'Yesterday'); while (DB::nextResult()) { ?> <p class="listing"> <span><?php print '[' . preg_replace($search, $replace, DB::result('zeit')) . ']'; ?> via <?php print DB::result('accounts'); ?> </span> <?php print Funclib::keywordUrl(array(), DB::result('text')); ?> </p> <?php } } else { print '<p class="nonexist">there are still no messages available</p>'; } ?> </div>