Exemplo n.º 1
 * Set error reporting and display errors settings.  You will want to change these when in production.
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$app_path = rtrim($_SERVER['app_path'], '/') . '/';
$package_path = rtrim($_SERVER['package_path'], '/') . '/';
$vendor_path = rtrim($_SERVER['vendor_path'], '/') . '/';
$core_path = rtrim($_SERVER['core_path'], '/') . '/';
 * Website docroot
define('DOCROOT', realpath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_SERVER['doc_root']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
!is_dir($app_path) and is_dir(DOCROOT . $app_path) and $app_path = DOCROOT . $app_path;
!is_dir($core_path) and is_dir(DOCROOT . $core_path) and $core_path = DOCROOT . $core_path;
!is_dir($vendor_path) and is_dir(DOCROOT . $vendor_path) and $vendor_path = DOCROOT . $vendor_path;
!is_dir($package_path) and is_dir(DOCROOT . $package_path) and $package_path = DOCROOT . $package_path;
define('APPPATH', realpath($app_path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
define('PKGPATH', realpath($package_path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
define('VENDORPATH', realpath($vendor_path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
define('COREPATH', realpath($core_path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
unset($app_path, $core_path, $package_path, $_SERVER['app_path'], $_SERVER['core_path'], $_SERVER['package_path']);
// Get the start time and memory for use later
defined('FUEL_START_TIME') or define('FUEL_START_TIME', microtime(true));
defined('FUEL_START_MEM') or define('FUEL_START_MEM', memory_get_usage());
// Boot the app
require_once APPPATH . 'bootstrap.php';
// Set test mode
Fuel::$is_test = true;
// Import the TestCase class