public function run() { $params = M::getRoot(); //组装参数 $params["scope"] = "sliderbar"; //指定定查询范围 //获取菜单数组 $navarr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); $this->render('navbar', array('nav' => $navarr)); }
public function run() { //获取 $params = M::getRoot(); //组装参数 $params["scope"] = "sliderbar"; //指定定查询范围 //获取菜单数组 $navarr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); $service_arr = array('orders' => '订单管理', 'quos' => '查看报价单', 'returns' => '退货管理'); $dealer_arr = array('orders' => '订单管理', 'quos' => '管理报价单', 'returns' => '退货管理'); foreach ($navarr as $key => $val) { if (Yii::app()->user->isServicer()) { if ($val['name'] != '采购管理') { unset($navarr[$key]); continue; } foreach ($navarr[$key]['children'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['name'] == $service_arr['orders']) { $data['order'] = $v['name']; } else { if ($v['name'] == $service_arr['quos']) { $data['quo'] = $v['name']; } else { if ($v['name'] == $service_arr['returns']) { $data['return'] = $v['name']; } } } } } if (Yii::app()->user->isDealer()) { if ($val['name'] != '销售管理') { unset($navarr[$key]); continue; } foreach ($navarr[$key]['children'] as $k => $v) { if ($v['name'] == $dealer_arr['orders']) { $data['order'] = $v['name']; } else { if ($v['name'] == $dealer_arr['quos']) { $data['quo'] = $v['name']; } else { if ($v['name'] == $dealer_arr['returns']) { $data['return'] = $v['name']; } } } } } } $this->render('topnews', array('mesmenu' => $data)); }
public function run() { //获取是经销商还是服务店菜单 $params = M::getRoot(); //组装参数 $params["scope"] = "sliderbar"; //指定定查询范围 //获取菜单数组 $navarr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); foreach ($navarr as $key => $val) { if ($val['name'] != '信息管理') { unset($navarr[$key]); continue; } } $this->render('topNav', array('permenu' => $navarr)); }
public function actionIndex() { $this->pageTitle = Yii::app()->name . '-商城首页'; if (Yii::app()->user->isServicer()) { $menu = DefaultService::getmenu('修理厂菜单'); $params['rootID'] = $menu['ID']; $navparams['rootID'] = $menu['ID']; } else { $this->redirect(array('/pap/sellerorder/index')); } $params["scope"] = "sliderbar"; //指定定查询范围 //获取菜单数组 $menuArr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); // $navparams['scope']='sliderbar'; // $navArr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($navparams); $this->render("index", array('menuArr' => $menuArr)); }
public function run() { //大类子类数据源 $main = DefaultService::getMainCategorys(0); $main = DefaultService::findChild($main, 0); $maincate = DefaultService::findsub($main); //获取是经销商还是服务店菜单 $params = M::getRoot(); //组装参数 $params["scope"] = "sliderbar"; //指定定查询范围 //获取菜单数组 $navarr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); foreach ($navarr as $key => $val) { if ($val['name'] != '信息管理') { unset($navarr[$key]); continue; } } $this->render('topNav', array('MainCategory' => $maincate, 'permenu' => $navarr)); }
public function run() { //定义参数数组 $params = array("rootID" => 0); //根据用户的角色选择根节点 if (Yii::app()->user->isMaker()) { $params["rootID"] = 1; } else { if (Yii::app()->user->isDealer()) { $params["rootID"] = 2; } else { if (Yii::app()->user->isServicer()) { $params["rootID"] = 3; } } } //组装参数 $params["scope"] = "stage"; //制定查询范围 //获取菜单数组 $menuArr = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); $this->render('stage', array("menu" => $menuArr)); }
public function actionGetChildMenu() { if (!Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) { exit; } $parentId = 'null'; if (isset($_POST['ID'])) { $parentId = (int) $_POST['ID']; $children = FrontMenu::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("ParentID" => $parentId)); } $dropDownCities = "<option value=''>选择菜单</option>"; if (is_array($children)) { foreach ($children as $key => $val) { $dropDownCities .= CHtml::tag('option', array('value' => $val->ID), CHtml::encode($val->Name), true); } } echo $dropDownCities; exit; }
protected static function getmenu($name) { return FrontMenu::model()->find('Name=:name', array(":name" => $name)); }
$menuurl = F::uploadUrl() . 'common/frontmenu/'; ?> <p class="help-block">Fields with <span class="required">*</span> are required.</p> <?php echo $form->errorSummary($model); ?> <?php echo CHtml::dropDownList('mainMenu', $model->RootID, CHtml::listData(CActiveRecord::model('FrontMenu')->findAllByAttributes(array("ParentID" => 0)), 'ID', 'Name'), array('prompt' => '选择主菜单', 'ajax' => array('type' => 'POST', 'url' => $this->createUrl('getChildMenu'), 'data' => array('ID' => 'js:this.value', 'YII_CSRF_TOKEN' => Yii::app()->request->csrfToken), 'success' => 'function(data) { $("#secondMenu").html(data); $("#secondMenu").show(); }'))); if ($model->RootID && $model->ParentID != $model->RootID) { $sonmenu = FrontMenu::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("ParentID" => $model->RootID)); $sonmenu = CHtml::listData($sonmenu, 'ID', 'Name'); } else { $sonmenu = array(); } echo CHtml::dropDownList('secondMenu', $model->ParentID, $sonmenu, array('prompt' => '选择菜单', 'ajax' => array('type' => 'POST', 'url' => $this->createUrl('getChildMenu'), 'update' => '#thirdMenu', 'data' => array('ID' => 'js:this.value', 'YII_CSRF_TOKEN' => Yii::app()->request->csrfToken), 'success' => 'function(data) { $("#thirdMenu").html(data); $("#thirdMenu").show(); }'))); echo CHtml::dropDownList('thirdMenu', '', array(), array('prompt' => '选择菜单')); ?> <?php echo $form->textFieldRow($model, 'Name', array('class' => 'span5', 'maxlength' => 100)); ?>
} } ?> <div class="clear"></div> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php $route = Yii::app()->controller->getRoute(); if ($route == 'jpdata/vehicle/code') { $route = 'jpdata/vehicle/index'; } $rootID = F::getroot(); $activeMenu = FrontMenu::getMenuIDByRoute($route, $rootID); ?> <script> var curid='<?php echo $activeMenu['ID']; ?> '; $('.second-icon').each(function(){ var menuid=$(this).attr('key'); if(curid==menuid){ var current=$(this).parent().parent(); current.addClass('sj'); } }) </script>
/** * Performs the pre-action filtering. * @param CFilterChain $filterChain the filter chain that the filter is on. * @return boolean whether the filtering process should continue and the action should be executed. * @throws CHttpException if the user is denied access. */ protected function preFilter($filterChain) { $itemName = ''; $controller = $filterChain->controller; $action = $filterChain->action; /* @var $user CWebUser */ $user = Yii::app()->getUser(); //未登陆可访问页面:帮助中心 $controllerId = strtolower($controller->getId()); $actionId = strtolower($action->getId()); if (in_array($controllerId, array('page', 'pay'))) { return true; } //判断用户是否过期 $ExpirationTime = Yii::app()->user->getExpirationTime(); if ($ExpirationTime && $ExpirationTime < $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) { Yii::app()->user->logout(); } // 是否登录 if ($user->isGuest) { $user->loginRequired(); } //用户配额管理 $this->operatequota(); if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]) && strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH"]) == "xmlhttprequest") { return true; // ajax 请求的处理方式 } else { //self::updatelasttime(); //判断机构是否登记 $organID = Yii::app()->user->getOrganID(); $organ = Organ::model()->findByPk($organID); if ($organ->Status == 0) { Yii::app()->controller->redirect(array('/user/activation/index')); } else { if ($organ->Status == 2) { Yii::app()->controller->redirect(array('/user/activecompany/index')); } } // $identityorganID = Commonmodel::getAuthOrgan(); // if (empty($identityorganID['ID']) || empty($identityorganID['OrganName']) || empty($identityorganID['Phone']) || empty($identityorganID['Email'])) { // if (!($controllerId == 'company' && $actionId == 'index')) { // Yii::app()->controller->redirect(array("/member/company/index")); // } // if ($identityorganID['Identity'] == 1) { //// Yii::app()->controller->red("//site/nopower"); // if (!($controllerId == 'makecompany' && ($actionId == 'index' || $actionId == 'Savedealerorgan'))) { // Yii::app()->controller->redirect(array("/maker/makecompany/index")); // } // } elseif ($identityorganID['Identity'] == 2) { // if (!($controllerId == 'dealercompany' && ($actionId == 'index' || $actionId == 'Savedealerorgan'))) { // Yii::app()->controller->redirect(array("/dealer/dealercompany/index")); // } // } elseif ($identityorganID['Identity'] == 3) { // if (!($controllerId == 'servicecompany' && ($actionId == 'index' || $actionId == 'Saveserviceorgan'))) { // Yii::app()->controller->redirect(array("/servicer/servicecompany/index")); // } // } // } $route = $controller->getRoute(); $rootID = F::getroot(); $activeMenu = FrontMenu::getMenuIDByRoute($route, $rootID); //url参数 $urlparams = $_GET; $urlparams = array_filter($urlparams); if ($activeMenu) { //用户日志 $infos = $this->recordlog($activeMenu['Name']); //MongoDB用户操作详细日志 $oper = F::getoperation($activeMenu['Url'], $info == null, $urlparams); if (($mod = $controller->getModule()) !== null) { $item .= strtolower($mod->getId()); $cont = strtolower($controller->getId()); $item .= "-" . $cont; if (!in_array($item, array('maker-default', 'dealer-default', 'servicer-default'))) { if (Yii::app()->user->isEmploye() && !Yii::app()->user->checkAccess($activeMenu['ID'])) { Yii::app()->controller->render("//site/nopower"); Yii::app()->end(); } } } } else { $route = $controller->getRoute(); $urlparams = $_GET; $oper = F::getoperation($route, $info == null, $urlparams); if (Yii::app()->user->isEmploye() && !Yii::app()->user->checkAccess($activeMenu['ID'])) { Yii::app()->controller->render("//site/nopower"); Yii::app()->end(); } // 正常请求的处理方式 } } // Module if (($module = $controller->getModule()) !== null) { $itemName .= strtolower($module->getId()); $controllerId = strtolower($controller->getId()); if (!in_array($itemName, array('maker', 'dealer', 'servicer', 'mall', 'cim'))) { return true; } else { if (Yii::app()->user->isMaker()) { if (in_array($itemName, array('maker'))) { return true; } else { $itemName .= "-" . $controllerId; if (in_array($itemName, array('mall-makeorder', 'cim-contact', 'mall-makecount'))) { return true; } Yii::app()->controller->redirect(array('/maker')); } } else { if (Yii::app()->user->isDealer()) { if (in_array($itemName, array('dealer'))) { return true; } else { $itemName .= "-" . $controllerId; if (in_array($itemName, array('mall-order', 'mall-goods', 'mall-quotationbuy', 'mall-quotationsell', 'mall-myaddress', 'mall-querygoods', 'mall-payment', 'mall-quotations', 'mall-sellcount', 'mall-quotationorder', 'mall-sell', 'mall-jporder', 'dealer-makequery', 'cim-businessshare', 'cim-contact', 'cim-pricemanage', 'cim-logistics', 'cim-discountset'))) { return true; } Yii::app()->controller->redirect(array('/dealer')); } } else { if (Yii::app()->user->isServicer()) { if (in_array($itemName, array('servicer'))) { return true; } else { $itemName .= "-" . $controllerId; if (in_array($itemName, array('mall-quotationbuy', 'mall-payment', 'mall-querygoods', 'mall-jporder', 'mall-buy', 'mall-myaddress', 'mall-inquiry', 'mall-quotation', 'cim-contact'))) { return true; } Yii::app()->controller->redirect(array('/servicer')); } } else { Yii::app()->controller->redirect(array('/site/index')); } } } } } return true; }
public function actionUserinfo() { $data = array(); $empid = Yii::app()->request->getParam('empid'); $emp = JpdOrganEmployees::model()->findByPk($empid)->attributes; if ($emp) { $per = JpdOrganRoleEmployees::model()->findAll('EmployeeID=:emp and Status=:sta ', array(':emp' => $emp['ID'], ':sta' => '0')); if ($per) { foreach ($per as $k => $v) { $data[$k] = $v->attributes; $data[$k]['empname'] = $emp['Name']; $data[$k]['empID'] = $emp['ID']; $data[$k]['role'] = JpdOrganRoles::model()->findByPk($v['RoleID'])->attributes; $ress = JpdOrganRoles::model()->findByPk($v['RoleID']); $rootID = F::getroot(); $per = $ress->attributes; if ($per['Jurisdiction']) { $params['role'] = $per['Jurisdiction']; $params["scope"] = "stage"; //制定查询范围 $params["scope"] = "sliderbar"; $params['rootID'] = $rootID; if ($params["rootID"]) { //获取菜单模型 $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition('ID=' . $params["rootID"]); // $criteria->addCondition('IsRoot=1'); $criteria->addCondition('IsShow=1'); $firstmenu = FrontMenu::model()->find($criteria); } $data[$k]['root'] = $firstmenu['Name']; $res = FrontMenu::getChildMenu($params); $rs = array(); $data[$k]['per'] = $res; } } } else { $data['empname'] = $emp['Name']; $data['empID'] = $emp['ID']; } } echo json_encode($data); }
/** * 根据当前url查询menuID * @param type $params * @return boolean */ public static function getMenuIDByRoute($route, $rootID) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->addCondition("(Url ='{$route}' Or ExtraUrl like '%{$route}%') and RootID={$rootID}"); return FrontMenu::model()->find($criteria); }
public function getFootMenu() { return FrontMenu::getChild(array("rootID" => 73, "scope" => "sliderbar")); }