function testRegistrationWithHoneyPot()
     $origHoneypot = ForumHolder::$use_honeypot_on_register;
     $origSpamprotection = ForumHolder::$use_spamprotection_on_register;
     ForumHolder::$use_spamprotection_on_register = false;
     ForumHolder::$use_honeypot_on_register = false;
     $response = $this->get('ForumMemberProfile/register');
     $this->assertNotContains('RegistrationForm_username', $response->getBody(), 'Honeypot is disabled by default');
     ForumHolder::$use_honeypot_on_register = true;
     $response = $this->get('ForumMemberProfile/register');
     $this->assertContains('RegistrationForm_username', $response->getBody(), 'Honeypot can be enabled');
     // TODO Will fail if Member is decorated with further *required* fields,
     // through updateForumFields() or updateForumValidator()
     $baseData = array('Password' => array('_Password' => 'text', '_ConfirmPassword' => 'text'), "Nickname" => 'test', "Email" => '*****@*****.**');
     $invalidData = array_merge($baseData, array('action_doregister' => 1, 'username' => 'spamtastic'));
     $response = $this->post('ForumMemberProfile/RegistrationForm', $invalidData);
     $this->assertEquals(403, $response->getStatusCode());
     $validData = array_merge($baseData, array('action_doregister' => 1));
     $response = $this->post('ForumMemberProfile/RegistrationForm', $validData);
     // Weak check (registration might still fail), but good enough to know if the honeypot is working
     $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
     ForumHolder::$use_honeypot_on_register = $origHoneypot;
     ForumHolder::$use_spamprotection_on_register = $origSpamprotection;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Return the url of the avatar or gravatar of the selected user.
  * Checks to see if the current user has an avatar, if they do use it
  * otherwise query
  * @return String
 function getFormattedAvatar()
     $default = "forum/images/forummember_holder.gif";
     $currentTheme = Config::inst()->get('SSViewer', 'theme');
     if (file_exists('themes/' . $currentTheme . '_forum/images/forummember_holder.gif')) {
         $default = 'themes/' . $currentTheme . '_forum/images/forummember_holder.gif';
     // if they have uploaded an image
     if ($this->owner->AvatarID) {
         $avatar = Image::get()->byID($this->owner->AvatarID);
         if (!$avatar) {
             return $default;
         $resizedAvatar = $avatar->SetWidth(80);
         if (!$resizedAvatar) {
             return $default;
         return $resizedAvatar->URL;
     //If Gravatar is enabled, allow the selection of the type of default Gravatar.
     if ($holder = ForumHolder::get()->filter('AllowGravatars', 1)->first()) {
         // If the GravatarType is one of the special types, then set it otherwise use the
         //default image from above forummember_holder.gif
         if ($holder->GravatarType) {
             $default = $holder->GravatarType;
         } else {
             // we need to get the absolute path for the default forum image
             return $default;
         // ok. no image but can we find a gravatar. Will return the default image as defined above if not.
         return "" . md5($this->owner->Email) . "?default=" . urlencode($default) . "&size=80";
     return $default;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Return the GlobalAnnouncements from the individual forums
  * @return DataObjectSet
 function GlobalAnnouncements()
     /*return DataObject::get(
     			"\"ForumThread\".\"IsGlobalSticky\" = 1 AND \"ForumPage\".\"ParentID\"={$this->ID}", 
     			"MAX(\"PostList\".\"Created\") DESC",	
     			"INNER JOIN \"Post\" AS \"PostList\" ON \"PostList\".\"ThreadID\" = \"ForumThread\".\"ID\" 
     		  	 INNER JOIN \"" . ForumHolder::baseForumTable() . "\" \"ForumPage\" ON \"ForumThread\".\"ForumID\"=\"ForumPage\".\"ID\"");
     //Get all the forums with global sticky threads, and then get the most recent post for each of these
     $threads = DataObject::get('ForumThread', "\"ForumThread\".\"IsGlobalSticky\"=1 AND \"ForumPage\".\"ParentID\"={$this->ID}", '', "INNER JOIN \"" . ForumHolder::baseForumTable() . "\" AS \"ForumPage\" ON \"ForumThread\".\"ForumID\"=\"ForumPage\".\"ID\"");
     //Now go and get the most recent post for each of these forum threads
     $trimmed = new DataObjectSet();
     if ($threads) {
         foreach ($threads as $thread) {
             if ($thread->canView()) {
                 $post = DataObject::get_one('Post', "\"Post\".\"ThreadID\"={$thread->ID}", "\"Created\" DESC");
                 $thread->Post = $post;
     return $trimmed;
 public function ListForums()
     $forum_holders = ForumHolder::get();
     return $forum_holders;
  * Get the results from the database
  * @param Int $forumHolderID ForumHolderID to limit it too
  * @param String $query
  * @param String $order
  * @param Int Offset
  * @param Int Limit
  * @return DataObjectSet
 public function getResults($forumHolderID, $query, $order, $offset = 0, $limit = 10)
     // Search for authors
     $SQL_queryParts = split(' +', trim($query));
     foreach ($SQL_queryParts as $SQL_queryPart) {
         $SQL_clauses[] = "\"FirstName\" LIKE '%{$SQL_queryPart}%' OR \"Surname\" LIKE '%{$SQL_queryPart}' OR \"Nickname\" LIKE '%{$SQL_queryPart}'";
     $potentialAuthors = DataObject::get('Member', implode(" OR ", $SQL_clauses), '"ID" ASC');
     $SQL_authorClause = '';
     $SQL_potentialAuthorIDs = array();
     if ($potentialAuthors) {
         foreach ($potentialAuthors as $potentialAuthor) {
             $SQL_potentialAuthorIDs[] = $potentialAuthor->ID;
         $SQL_authorList = implode(", ", $SQL_potentialAuthorIDs);
         $SQL_authorClause = "OR \"Post\".\"AuthorID\" IN ({$SQL_authorList})";
     // Work out what sorting method
     switch ($order) {
         case 'date':
             $sort = "\"Post\".\"Created\" DESC";
         case 'title':
             $sort = "\"ForumThread\".\"Title\" ASC";
             $sort = "\"RelevancyScore\" DESC";
     $baseSelect = "SELECT \"Post\".\"ID\", \"Post\".\"Created\", \"Post\".\"LastEdited\", \"Post\".\"ClassName\", \"ForumThread\".\"Title\", \"Post\".\"Content\", \"Post\".\"ThreadID\", \"Post\".\"AuthorID\", \"ForumThread\".\"ForumID\"";
     $baseFrom = "FROM \"Post\"\n\t\t\tJOIN \"ForumThread\" ON \"Post\".\"ThreadID\" = \"ForumThread\".\"ID\"\n\t\t\tJOIN \"" . ForumHolder::baseForumTable() . "\" \"ForumPage\" ON \"ForumThread\".\"ForumID\"=\"ForumPage\".\"ID\"";
     // each database engine does its own thing
     switch (DB::getConn()->getDatabaseServer()) {
         case 'postgresql':
             $queryString = "\n\t\t\t\t\t{$baseSelect}\n\t\t\t\t\t{$baseFrom}\t\n\t\t\t\t\t, to_tsquery('english', '{$query}') AS q";
             $limitString = "LIMIT {$limit} OFFSET {$offset};";
         case 'mssql':
             $queryString = "\n\t\t\t\t\t{$baseSelect}\n\t\t\t\t\t{$baseFrom}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(CONTAINS(\"ForumThread\".\"Title\", '{$query}') OR CONTAINS(\"Post\".\"Content\", '{$query}')\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND \"ForumPage\".\"ParentID\"='{$forumHolderID}'";
             // @todo fix this to use MSSQL's version of limit/offsetB
             $limitString = false;
             $queryString = "\n\t\t\t\t\t{$baseSelect},\n\t\t\t\t\tMATCH (\"Post\".\"Content\") AGAINST ('{$query}') AS RelevancyScore\n\t\t\t\t\t{$baseFrom}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\tMATCH (\"ForumThread\".\"Title\", \"Post\".\"Content\") AGAINST ('{$query}' IN BOOLEAN MODE)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$SQL_authorClause}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND \"ForumPage\".\"ParentID\"='{$forumHolderID}'\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY {$sort}";
             $limitString = " LIMIT {$offset}, {$limit};";
     // Find out how many posts that match with no limit
     $allPosts = DB::query($queryString);
     // Get the 10 posts from the starting record
     if ($limitString) {
         $query = DB::query("\n\t\t\t\t{$queryString}\n\t\t\t\t{$limitString}\n\t\t\t");
     } else {
         $query = $allPosts;
     $allPostsCount = $allPosts ? $allPosts->numRecords() : 0;
     $baseClass = new Post();
     $postsSet = $baseClass->buildDataObjectSet($query);
     if ($postsSet) {
         $postsSet->setPageLimits($offset, $limit, $allPostsCount);
     return $postsSet ? $postsSet : new DataObjectSet();
  * Register a new member
  * @param array $data User submitted data
  * @param Form $form The used form
 function doregister($data, $form)
     // Check if the honeypot has been filled out
     if (ForumHolder::$use_honeypot_on_register) {
         if (@$data['username']) {
             SS_Log::log(sprintf('Forum honeypot triggered (data: %s)', http_build_query($data)), SS_Log::NOTICE);
             return $this->httpError(403);
     $forumGroup = Group::get()->filter('Code', 'forum-members')->first();
     if ($member = Member::get()->filter('Email', $data['Email'])->first()) {
         if ($member) {
             $form->addErrorMessage("Blurb", _t('ForumMemberProfile.EMAILEXISTS', 'Sorry, that email address already exists. Please choose another.'), "bad");
             // Load errors into session and post back
             Session::set("", $data);
             return $this->redirectBack();
     } elseif ($this->getForumHolder()->OpenIDAvailable() && isset($data['IdentityURL']) && ($member = Member::get()->filter('IdentityURL', $data['IdentityURL'])->first())) {
         $errorMessage = _t('ForumMemberProfile.OPENIDEXISTS', 'Sorry, that OpenID is already registered. Please choose another or register without OpenID.');
         $form->addErrorMessage("Blurb", $errorMessage, "bad");
         // Load errors into session and post back
         Session::set("", $data);
         return $this->redirectBack();
     } elseif ($member = Member::get()->filter('Nickname', $data['Nickname'])->first()) {
         $errorMessage = _t('ForumMemberProfile.NICKNAMEEXISTS', 'Sorry, that nickname already exists. Please choose another.');
         $form->addErrorMessage("Blurb", $errorMessage, "bad");
         // Load errors into session and post back
         Session::set("", $data);
         return $this->redirectBack();
     // create the new member
     $member = Object::create('Member');
     $member->extend('onForumRegister', $this->request);
     if (isset($data['BackURL']) && $data['BackURL']) {
         return $this->redirect($data['BackURL']);
     return array("Form" => ForumHolder::get()->first()->ProfileAdd);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Add default records to database
  * This function is called whenever the database is built, after the
  * database tables have all been created.
 public function requireDefaultRecords()
     $code = "ACCESS_FORUM";
     if (!($forumGroup = DataObject::get_one("Group", "\"Group\".\"Code\" = 'forum-members'"))) {
         $group = new Group();
         $group->Code = 'forum-members';
         $group->Title = "Forum Members";
         Permission::grant($group->ID, $code);
         DB::alteration_message(_t('Forum.GROUPCREATED', 'Forum Members group created'), "created");
     } else {
         if (DB::query("SELECT * FROM \"Permission\" WHERE \"GroupID\" = '{$forumGroup->ID}' AND \"Code\" LIKE '{$code}'")->numRecords() == 0) {
             Permission::grant($forumGroup->ID, $code);
     if (!($category = DataObject::get_one("ForumCategory"))) {
         $category = new ForumCategory();
         $category->Title = _t('Forum.DEFAULTCATEGORY', 'General');
     if (!DataObject::get_one("ForumHolder")) {
         $forumholder = new ForumHolder();
         $forumholder->Title = "Forums";
         $forumholder->URLSegment = "forums";
         $forumholder->Content = "<p>" . _t('Forum.WELCOMEFORUMHOLDER', 'Welcome to SilverStripe Forum Module! This is the default ForumHolder page. You can now add forums.') . "</p>";
         $forumholder->Status = "Published";
         $forumholder->publish("Stage", "Live");
         DB::alteration_message(_t('Forum.FORUMHOLDERCREATED', 'ForumHolder page created'), "created");
         $forum = new Forum();
         $forum->Title = _t('Forum.TITLE', 'General Discussion');
         $forum->URLSegment = "general-discussion";
         $forum->ParentID = $forumholder->ID;
         $forum->Content = "<p>" . _t('Forum.WELCOMEFORUM', 'Welcome to SilverStripe Forum Module! This is the default Forum page. You can now add topics.') . "</p>";
         $forum->Status = "Published";
         $forum->CategoryID = $category->ID;
         $forum->publish("Stage", "Live");
         DB::alteration_message(_t('Forum.FORUMCREATED', 'Forum page created'), "created");
  * Return the GlobalAnnouncements from the individual forums
  * @return DataObjectSet
 function GlobalAnnouncements()
     // Get all the forums with global sticky threads
     return ForumThread::get()->filter('IsGlobalSticky', 1)->innerJoin(ForumHolder::baseForumTable(), '"ForumThread"."ForumID"="ForumPage"."ID"', "ForumPage")->where('"ForumPage"."ParentID" = ' . $this->ID)->filterByCallback(function ($thread) {
         if ($thread->canView()) {
             $post = Post::get()->filter('ThreadID', $thread->ID)->sort('Post.Created DESC');
             $thread->Post = $post;
             return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Add default records to database
  * This function is called whenever the database is built, after the
  * database tables have all been created.
 public function requireDefaultRecords()
     $code = "ACCESS_FORUM";
     if (!($forumGroup = Group::get()->filter('Code', 'forum-members')->first())) {
         $group = new Group();
         $group->Code = 'forum-members';
         $group->Title = "Forum Members";
         Permission::grant($group->ID, $code);
         DB::alteration_message(_t('Forum.GROUPCREATED', 'Forum Members group created'), 'created');
     } else {
         if (!Permission::get()->filter(array('GroupID' => $forumGroup->ID, 'Code' => $code))->exists()) {
             Permission::grant($forumGroup->ID, $code);
     if (!($category = ForumCategory::get()->first())) {
         $category = new ForumCategory();
         $category->Title = _t('Forum.DEFAULTCATEGORY', 'General');
     if (!ForumHolder::get()->exists()) {
         $forumholder = new ForumHolder();
         $forumholder->Title = "Forums";
         $forumholder->URLSegment = "forums";
         $forumholder->Content = "<p>" . _t('Forum.WELCOMEFORUMHOLDER', 'Welcome to SilverStripe Forum Module! This is the default ForumHolder page. You can now add forums.') . "</p>";
         $forumholder->Status = "Published";
         $forumholder->publish("Stage", "Live");
         DB::alteration_message(_t('Forum.FORUMHOLDERCREATED', 'ForumHolder page created'), "created");
         $forum = new Forum();
         $forum->Title = _t('Forum.TITLE', 'General Discussion');
         $forum->URLSegment = "general-discussion";
         $forum->ParentID = $forumholder->ID;
         $forum->Content = "<p>" . _t('Forum.WELCOMEFORUM', 'Welcome to SilverStripe Forum Module! This is the default Forum page. You can now add topics.') . "</p>";
         $forum->Status = "Published";
         $forum->CategoryID = $category->ID;
         $forum->publish("Stage", "Live");
         DB::alteration_message(_t('Forum.FORUMCREATED', 'Forum page created'), "created");
 function testGetNewPostsAvailable()
     $fh = $this->objFromFixture("ForumHolder", "fh");
     // test last visit. we can assume that these tests have been reloaded in the past 24 hours
     $data = array();
     $this->assertTrue(ForumHolder::new_posts_available($fh->ID, $data, date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d') - 1, date('Y')))));
     // set the last post ID (test the first post - so there should be a post, last post (false))
     $fixtureIDs = $this->allFixtureIDs('Post');
     $lastPostID = end($fixtureIDs);
     $this->assertTrue(ForumHolder::new_posts_available($fh->ID, $data, null, 1));
     $this->assertFalse(ForumHolder::new_posts_available($fh->ID, $data, null, $lastPostID));
     // limit to a specific forum
     $forum = $this->objFromFixture("Forum", "general");
     $this->assertTrue(ForumHolder::new_posts_available($fh->ID, $data, null, null, $forum->ID));
     $this->assertFalse(ForumHolder::new_posts_available($fh->ID, $data, null, $lastPostID, $forum->ID));
     // limit to a specific thread
     $thread = $this->objFromFixture("ForumThread", "Thread1");
     $this->assertTrue(ForumHolder::new_posts_available($fh->ID, $data, null, null, null, $thread->ID));
     $this->assertFalse(ForumHolder::new_posts_available($fh->ID, $data, null, $lastPostID, null, $thread->ID));