Exemplo n.º 1
function dispManageTable($arrBoards, $indent = 0)
    global $mysqli, $MAIN_ROOT, $THEME, $cID;
    $boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
    $counter = 0;
    $x = 0;
    foreach ($arrBoards as $boardID) {
        $boardInfo = $boardObj->get_info_filtered();
        $dispUpArrow = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"moveBoard('up', '" . $boardInfo['forumboard_id'] . "')\"><img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/buttons/uparrow.png' width='24' height='24' title='Move Up'></a>";
        $dispDownArrow = "<a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"moveBoard('down', '" . $boardInfo['forumboard_id'] . "')\"><img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/buttons/downarrow.png' width='24' height='24' title='Move Down'></a>";
        if ($x == 0) {
            $dispUpArrow = "<img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "images/transparent.png' width='24' height='24'>";
        if ($boardObj->getHighestSortNum() == $boardInfo['sortnum']) {
            $dispDownArrow = "<img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "images/transparent.png' width='24' height='24'>";
        if ($counter == 1) {
            $addCSS = " alternateBGColor";
            $counter = 0;
        } else {
            $addCSS = "";
            $counter = 1;
        echo "\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='dottedLine main" . $addCSS . "' style='width: 76%; padding-left: 10px'>" . str_repeat("&nbsp;&nbsp;", $indent) . "<b><a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $cID . "&bID=" . $boardInfo['forumboard_id'] . "&action=edit'>" . $boardInfo['name'] . "</a></b></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='dottedLine main" . $addCSS . "' style='width: 6%' align='center'>" . $dispUpArrow . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='dottedLine main" . $addCSS . "' style='width: 6%' align='center'>" . $dispDownArrow . "</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='dottedLine main" . $addCSS . "' style='width: 6%' align='center'><a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $cID . "&bID=" . $boardInfo['forumboard_id'] . "&action=edit'><img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/buttons/edit.png' width='24' height='24' title='Edit Board'></a></td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='dottedLine main" . $addCSS . "' style='width: 6%' align='center'><a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick=\"deleteBoard('" . $boardInfo['forumboard_id'] . "')\"><img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/buttons/delete.png' width='24' height='24' title='Delete Board'></a></td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t";
        $arrSubForums = $boardObj->getSubForums();
        if (count($arrSubForums) > 0) {
            dispManageTable($arrSubForums, $indent + 1);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function delete()
     $returnVal = false;
     if ($this->intTableKeyValue != "") {
         $arrSubForums = $this->getSubForums();
         $result[] = $this->MySQL->query("DELETE FROM " . $this->MySQL->get_tablePrefix() . "forum_post WHERE forumboard_id = '" . $this->intTableKeyValue . "'");
         $result[] = $this->MySQL->query("DELETE FROM " . $this->MySQL->get_tablePrefix() . "forum_topic WHERE forumboard_id = '" . $this->intTableKeyValue . "'");
         $result[] = $this->MySQL->query("DELETE FROM " . $this->MySQL->get_tablePrefix() . "forum_rankaccess WHERE board_id = '" . $this->intTableKeyValue . "'");
         $result[] = $this->MySQL->query("DELETE FROM " . $this->MySQL->get_tablePrefix() . "forum_memberaccess WHERE board_id = '" . $this->intTableKeyValue . "'");
         $result[] = parent::delete();
         if (count($arrSubForums) > 0) {
             $subForumObj = new ForumBoard($this->MySQL);
             $arrColumns = array("sortnum", "subforum_id");
             foreach ($arrSubForums as $subForumID) {
                 $subForumInfo = $subForumObj->get_info();
                 $newSortNum = $subForumInfo['sortnum'] + ($this->arrObjInfo['sortnum'] - 1);
                 $arrValues = array($newSortNum, $this->arrObjInfo['subforum_id']);
                 $subForumObj->update($arrColumns, $arrValues);
         if (!in_array(false, $result)) {
             $returnVal = true;
     return $returnVal;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function getForumActivity($amountToShow = 5)
     $forumObj = new ForumBoard($this->MySQL);
     $arrReturn = array();
     $memberInfo = $this->memberObj->get_info();
     $result = $this->MySQL->query("SELECT forumpost_id FROM " . $this->MySQL->get_tablePrefix() . "forum_post ORDER BY dateposted DESC");
     while (count($arrReturn) < $amountToShow && ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())) {
         $forumPostID = $row['forumpost_id'];
         $topicID = $forumObj->objPost->get_info("forumtopic_id");
         $boardID = $forumObj->objTopic->get_info("forumboard_id");
         $boardAccessType = $forumObj->get_info("accesstype");
         if (!in_array($forumPostID, $arrReturn) && $boardAccessType == 0) {
             $arrReturn[] = $forumPostID;
         } elseif (!in_array($forumPostID, $arrReturn) && $boardAccessType == 1 && $this->blnLoggedIn && $forumObj->memberHasAccess($memberInfo)) {
             $arrReturn[] = $forumPostID;
     return $arrReturn;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function getBoardList($db = DB_SLAVE)
     $boardTitles = $this->getListTitles($db, NS_WIKIA_FORUM_BOARD);
     $titlesBatch = new TitleBatch($boardTitles);
     $orderIndexes = $titlesBatch->getWikiaProperties(WPP_WALL_ORDER_INDEX, $db);
     $boards = array();
     /** @var $title Title */
     foreach ($boardTitles as $title) {
         /** @var $board ForumBoard */
         $board = ForumBoard::newFromTitle($title);
         $title = $board->getTitle();
         $id = $title->getArticleID();
         $boardInfo = $board->getBoardInfo();
         $boardInfo['id'] = $title->getArticleID();
         $boardInfo['name'] = $title->getText();
         $boardInfo['description'] = $board->getDescriptionWithoutTemplates();
         $boardInfo['url'] = $title->getFullURL();
         $orderIndex = $orderIndexes[$id];
         $boards[$orderIndex] = $boardInfo;
     return $boards;
Exemplo n.º 5
function listSubForums($forumID, $filterOut, $indent = 1)
    global $mysqli;
    $boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
    $arrSubForums = $boardObj->getSubForums();
    foreach ($arrSubForums as $value) {
        if ($filterOut != $value) {
            $boardInfo = $boardObj->get_info_filtered();
            echo "<option value='" . $boardInfo['forumboard_id'] . "'>" . str_repeat("&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", $indent) . "&middot; " . $boardInfo['name'] . "</option>";
            $moreSubForums = $boardObj->getSubForums();
            if (count($moreSubForums) > 0) {
                listSubForums($value, $filterOut, $indent + 1);
Exemplo n.º 6
 * E-mail: support@bluethrust.com
 * Website: http://www.bluethrust.com
 * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php
include_once "../classes/forumboard.php";
if (!isset($member) || substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -11) != "console.php") {
} else {
    $memberInfo = $member->get_info();
    if (!$member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
$cID = $_GET['cID'];
$intAddBoardCID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Add Board");
$intEditCatCID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Manage Forum Categories");
$intAddCatCID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Add Forum Category");
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$categoryObj = new BasicOrder($mysqli, "forum_category", "forumcategory_id");
if ($boardObj->select($_GET['bID']) && $_GET['action'] == "edit") {
    include "include/edit_board.php";
} else {
    echo "\n\t\n\t\t<table class='formTable'>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='main' colspan='2' align='right'>\n\t\t\t\t\t&raquo; <a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $intAddBoardCID . "'>Add Board</a> &laquo;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&raquo; <a href='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $intAddCatCID . "'>Add Category</a> &laquo;<br><br>\n\t\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='formTitle' style='width: 76%'>Board Name:</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='formTitle' style='width: 24%'>Actions:</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\t</table>\n\t\n\t\t<div id='loadingSpiral' class='loadingSpiral'>\n\t\t\t<p align='center'>\n\t\t\t\t<img src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/loading-spiral.gif'><br>Loading\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t<div id='boardList'>\n\t\n\t\n\t";
    include "include/main_manageboards.php";
    echo "\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div id='deleteBoardDiv' style='display: none'></div>\n\t\t\n\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\n\t\t\tfunction moveBoard(strDir, intBoardID) {\n\t\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#loadingSpiral').show();\n\t\t\t\t\t\$('#boardList').fadeOut(250);\n\t\t\t\t\t\$.post('" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/include/forum/include/move_board.php', { bID: intBoardID, bDir: strDir }, function(data) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#boardList').html(data);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#loadingSpiral').hide();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#boardList').fadeIn(250);\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t\tfunction deleteBoard(intBoardID) {\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\$(document).ready(function() {\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\$.post('" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/include/forum/include/delete_board.php', { bID: intBoardID }, function(data) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#deleteBoardDiv').html(data);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#deleteBoardDiv').dialog({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: 'Delete Board',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twidth: 400,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmodal: true,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tshow: 'scale',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresizable: false,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tzIndex: 999999,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbuttons: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Yes': function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#loadingSpiral').show();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#boardList').fadeOut(250);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$.post('" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members/include/forum/include/delete_board.php', { bID: intBoardID, confirm: 1 }, function(data1) {\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#boardList').html(data1);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#loadingSpiral').hide();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$('#boardList').fadeIn(250);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).dialog('close');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t'Cancel': function() {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\$(this).dialog('close');\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t</script>\n\t";
Exemplo n.º 7
include_once "../../../../_setup.php";
include_once "../../../../classes/member.php";
include_once "../../../../classes/basicorder.php";
include_once "../../../../classes/forumboard.php";
// Start Page
$consoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
$cID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Manage Moderators");
$consoleInfo = $consoleObj->get_info_filtered();
$member = new Member($mysqli);
$memberModObj = new Member($mysqli);
$categoryObj = new BasicOrder($mysqli, "forum_category", "forumcategory_id");
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
// Check Login
$LOGIN_FAIL = true;
if ($member->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword']) && $member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
    echo "\n\t\n\t\t<table class='formTable' style='margin-bottom: 20px'>\n\t\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='formTitle' style='width: 50%'>Board:</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='formTitle' style='width: 35%'>Date Added:</td>\n\t\t\t\t<td class='formTitle' style='width: 15%'>Actions:</td>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t\n\t";
    if (isset($_POST['mID']) && $memberModObj->select($_POST['mID'])) {
        $memberModInfo = $memberModObj->get_info_filtered();
        if ($_POST['action'] == "add") {
            if (substr($_POST['bID'], 0, 4) == "cat_") {
                $catID = str_replace("cat_", "", $_POST['bID']);
                if ($categoryObj->select($catID)) {
                    $arrBoards = $categoryObj->getAssociateIDs();
                    foreach ($arrBoards as $boardID) {
Exemplo n.º 8

 * Bluethrust Clan Scripts v4
 * Copyright 2014
 * Author: Bluethrust Web Development
 * E-mail: support@bluethrust.com
 * Website: http://www.bluethrust.com
 * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php
include "../../../../_setup.php";
include_once "../../../../classes/member.php";
include_once "../../../../classes/forumboard.php";
$member = new Member($mysqli);
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$consoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
$cID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Manage Boards");
if ($member->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword'])) {
    $memberInfo = $member->get_info_filtered();
    if (($memberInfo['rank_id'] == 1 || $member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) && $boardObj->select($_POST['bID'])) {
        define('MEMBERRANK_ID', $memberInfo['rank_id']);
        include "main_manageboards.php";
Exemplo n.º 9
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getForumBoards()
     return $this->hasMany(ForumBoard::className(), ['forum_id' => 'id']);
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Bluethrust Clan Scripts v4
 * Copyright 2014
 * Author: Bluethrust Web Development
 * E-mail: support@bluethrust.com
 * Website: http://www.bluethrust.com
 * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php
// Config File
$prevFolder = "../";
include $prevFolder . "_setup.php";
$consoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$subForumObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$member = new Member($mysqli);
$postMemberObj = new Member($mysqli);
$categoryObj = new BasicOrder($mysqli, "forum_category", "forumcategory_id");
$ipbanObj = new Basic($mysqli, "ipban", "ipaddress");
if ($ipbanObj->select($IP_ADDRESS, false)) {
    $ipbanInfo = $ipbanObj->get_info();
    if (time() < $ipbanInfo['exptime'] or $ipbanInfo['exptime'] == 0) {
        die("<script type='text/javascript'>window.location = '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "banned.php';</script>");
    } else {
// Start Page
Exemplo n.º 11
 * E-mail: support@bluethrust.com
 * Website: http://www.bluethrust.com
 * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php
if (!isset($member) || substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -11) != "console.php") {
} else {
    $memberInfo = $member->get_info();
    if (!$member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
if (!$boardObj->objTopic->select($_GET['topicID'])) {
    echo "\n\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\twindow.location = '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members'\n\t\t</script>\n\t";
$topicInfo = $boardObj->objTopic->get_info_filtered();
$boardInfo = $boardObj->get_info_filtered();
$forumCatObj = new Basic($mysqli, "forum_category", "forumcategory_id");
$postInfo = $boardObj->objPost->get_info_filtered();
$boardIDs = $boardObj->getAllBoards();
$catName = "";
$nonSelectableItems = array();
foreach ($boardIDs as $id) {
Exemplo n.º 12
    $newestMemberInfo = $menuMemberObj->get_info_filtered();
    $checkURL = parse_url($newestMemberInfo['profilepic']);
    if ((!isset($checkURL['scheme']) || $checkURL['scheme'] == "") && $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] != "") {
        $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] = $MAIN_ROOT . $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'];
    } elseif ($newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] == "") {
        $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/alliancebattle/images/defaultprofile.png";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='float: left; width: 43px'><img src='" . $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] . "' style='width: 40px; height: 53px; border: solid black 1px'></div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='float: left; padding-left: 8px; width: 85px'><div style='font-size: 12px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; width: 85px'>" . $menuMemberObj->getMemberLink() . "</div><div class='main' style=\"font-family: 'Fenix', verdana, sans-serif; width: 85px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis\">" . $menuMemberRankObj->get_info_filtered("name") . "</div></div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='clear: both'></div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "</div>";
$arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='clear: both'></div></div>";
$forumActivityObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$arrSpecialMenuItems['forumactivity'] = "<div style='margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; margin-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 10px'>";
$counter = 0;
$postCount = 0;
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "forum_post ORDER BY dateposted DESC");
$arrShownTopics = array();
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $blnShowPost = false;
    $menuTopicInfo = $forumActivityObj->objTopic->get_info_filtered();
    $menuTopicPostInfo = $forumActivityObj->objPost->get_info_filtered();
    $menuBoardInfo = $forumActivityObj->get_info_filtered();
    if (!in_array($row['forumtopic_id'], $arrShownTopics) && $menuBoardInfo['accesstype'] == 0) {
        $blnShowPost = true;
  * Remove and merge board
  * @request boardId - board to remove
  * @request boardTitle - board Title for validation
  * @request destinationBoardId - board to merge existing threads to
  * @response status - [ok|error|accessdenied]
  * @response errorfield - optional error field.  nullable
  * @response errormsg - optional error message. �nullable
 public function removeBoard()
     $this->status = self::checkAdminAccess();
     if (!empty($this->status)) {
     $boardId = $this->getVal('boardId', '');
     $boardTitle = $this->getVal('boardTitle', '');
     $destinationBoardId = $this->getVal('destinationBoardId', '');
     if ($destinationBoardId == '') {
         $this->status = 'error';
         $this->errormsg = '';
         $this->errorfield = 'destinationBoardId';
         return true;
      * @var ForumBoard $board
      * @var ForumBoard $destinationBoard
     $board = ForumBoard::newFromId($boardId);
     $destinationBoard = ForumBoard::newFromId($destinationBoardId);
     if (empty($boardId) || empty($destinationBoardId)) {
         $this->status = 'error';
         $this->errormsg = '';
         return true;
     if ($boardTitle != $board->getTitle()->getText()) {
         $this->status = 'error';
         $this->errorfield = 'boardTitle';
         $this->errormsg = '';
         return true;
     $forum = new Forum();
     $this->status = 'ok';
     $this->errorfield = '';
     $this->errormsg = '';
Exemplo n.º 14
for ($i = 1; $i <= $NUM_OF_PAGES; $i++) {
    $selectPage = "";
    if ($i == $_GET['pID']) {
        $selectPage = " selected";
    $pageoptions .= "<option value='" . $i . "'" . $selectPage . ">" . $i . "</option>";
$dispPageSelectTop = "";
$dispPageSelectBottom = "";
if ($blnPageSelect) {
    $dispPageSelectTop = "\n\t<p style='margin-top: 0px'><b>Page:</b> <select id='pageSelectTop' class='textBox'>" . $pageoptions . "</select> <input type='button' id='btnPageSelectTop' class='submitButton' value='GO' style='width: 40px'></p>\n\t<p style='margin-top: 0px'>" . $dispPreviousPage . $dispNextPage . "</p>\n\t";
    $dispPageSelectBottom = "\n\t<p style='margin-top: 0px'><b>Page:</b> <select id='pageSelectBottom' class='textBox'>" . $pageoptions . "</select> <input type='button' id='btnPageSelectBottom' class='submitButton' value='GO' style='width: 40px'></p>\n\t<p style='margin-top: 0px'>" . $dispPreviousPage . $dispNextPage . "</p>\n\t";
// Subforums
$subForumObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$arrSubForums = $boardObj->getSubForums();
$dispSubForums = "";
foreach ($arrSubForums as $boardID) {
    if ($subForumObj->memberHasAccess($memberInfo)) {
        $subForumInfo = $subForumObj->get_info_filtered();
        $arrForumTopics = $subForumObj->getForumTopics();
        $newTopicBG = "";
        $dispNewTopicIMG = "";
        if ($LOGGED_IN && $subForumObj->hasNewTopics($memberInfo['member_id'])) {
            $dispNewTopicIMG = " <img style='margin-left: 5px' src='" . $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/" . $THEME . "/images/forum-new.png' title='New Posts!'>";
            $newTopicBG = " boardNewPostBG";
        // Get Last Post Display Info
        if (count($arrForumTopics) > 0) {
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Bluethrust Clan Scripts v4
 * Copyright 2014
 * Author: Bluethrust Web Development
 * E-mail: support@bluethrust.com
 * Website: http://www.bluethrust.com
 * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php
include "../../../../_setup.php";
include_once "../../../../classes/member.php";
include_once "../../../../classes/forumboard.php";
$member = new Member($mysqli);
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$consoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
$cID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Manage Boards");
if ($member->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword']) && $boardObj->select($_POST['bID'])) {
    $boardInfo = $boardObj->get_info_filtered();
    if (isset($_POST['confirm'])) {
        $member->logAction("Deleted Forum Board: " . $boardInfo['name']);
        include "main_manageboards.php";
    } else {
        $addMessage = "";
        if (count($boardObj->getSubForums()) > 0) {
            $addMessage = "<br><br>All sub-forums will be moved to the parent category/sub-forum.";
        echo "\n\t\t\n\t\t\t<p class='main' align='center'>\n\t\t\t\tAre you sure you want to delete the board, <b>" . $boardInfo['name'] . "</b>?<br><br>All posts in this board will also be deleted." . $addMessage . "\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\n\t\t";
Exemplo n.º 16
 public function header()
     $forum = new Forum();
     $this->response->setVal('threads', $forum->getTotalThreads());
     $this->response->setVal('activeThreads', $forum->getTotalActiveThreads());
     $title = $this->wg->Title;
     $pageHeading = wfMessage('forum-specialpage-heading')->escaped();
     $pageDescription = '';
     $this->showStats = true;
     $nameSpace = $title->getNamespace();
     if ($nameSpace === NS_WIKIA_FORUM_BOARD) {
         $this->showStats = false;
         $pageHeading = wfMessage('forum-board-title', $title->getText())->escaped();
         $board = ForumBoard::newFromTitle($title);
         $pageDescription = $board->getDescription();
     } else {
         if ($nameSpace === NS_USER_WALL_MESSAGE) {
             $this->showStats = false;
             $messageKey = $title->getText();
             $message = WallMessage::newFromId($messageKey);
             if (!empty($message)) {
                 $pageHeading = $message->getMetaTitle();
     $this->pageHeading = $pageHeading;
     $this->pageDescription = $pageDescription;
Exemplo n.º 17

 * Bluethrust Clan Scripts v4
 * Copyright 2014
 * Author: Bluethrust Web Development
 * E-mail: support@bluethrust.com
 * Website: http://www.bluethrust.com
 * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php
include_once "../classes/forumboard.php";
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
if (isset($_GET['tID']) && $boardObj->objTopic->select($_GET['tID'])) {
    $boardID = $boardObj->objTopic->get_info("forumboard_id");
} elseif (isset($_GET['pID']) && $boardObj->objPost->select($_GET['pID'])) {
    $topicID = $boardObj->objPost->get_info("forumtopic_id");
    $postMemberID = $boardObj->objPost->get_info("member_id");
    $boardID = $boardObj->objTopic->get_info("forumboard_id");
if (!isset($member) || substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -11) != "console.php") {
} else {
    $memberInfo = $member->get_info();
    if (!$member->hasAccess($consoleObj) && !$boardObj->memberIsMod($memberInfo['member_id']) && $memberInfo['member_id'] != $postMemberID) {
Exemplo n.º 18
  * purge memc and vernish cache for pages releated to this thread
  * in case of edit this hook is run two time before (WallBeforeEdit) edit and after edit (WallAction)
 public static function onWallAction($action, $parent, $comment_id)
     $title = Title::newFromId($comment_id, Title::GAID_FOR_UPDATE);
     if (!empty($title) && MWNamespace::getSubject($title->getNamespace()) == NS_WIKIA_FORUM_BOARD) {
         $threadId = empty($parent) ? $comment_id : $parent;
         //cleare board info
         $commentsIndex = CommentsIndex::newFromId($comment_id);
         if (empty($commentsIndex)) {
             return true;
         $board = ForumBoard::newFromId($commentsIndex->getParentPageId());
         if (empty($board)) {
             return true;
         $thread = WallThread::newFromId($threadId);
         if (!empty($thread)) {
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Bluethrust Clan Scripts v4
 * Copyright 2014
 * Author: Bluethrust Web Development
 * E-mail: support@bluethrust.com
 * Website: http://www.bluethrust.com
 * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php
// Config File
$prevFolder = "../";
include $prevFolder . "_setup.php";
$consoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$subForumObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$member = new Member($mysqli);
$categoryObj = new BasicOrder($mysqli, "forum_category", "forumcategory_id");
define("RESIZE_FORUM_IMAGES", true);
include "forum_image_resize.php";
// Start Page
$PAGE_NAME = "Search Forum - ";
include $prevFolder . "themes/" . $THEME . "/_header.php";
// Check Private Forum
if ($websiteInfo['privateforum'] == 1 && !constant("LOGGED_IN")) {
    die("<script type='text/javascript'>window.location = '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "login.php';</script>");
$LOGGED_IN = false;
Exemplo n.º 20
$cID = $_GET['cID'];
$forumAttachmentsCID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Post Forum Attachments");
$blnCheckForumAttachments = $member->hasAccess($consoleObj);
if ($blnCheckForumAttachments) {
    include_once $prevFolder . "classes/download.php";
    include_once $prevFolder . "classes/downloadcategory.php";
    $attachmentObj = new Download($mysqli);
    $downloadCatObj = new DownloadCategory($mysqli);
    $forumAttachmentCatID = $downloadCatObj->get_info("downloadcategory_id");
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$categoryObj = new BasicOrder($mysqli, "forum_category", "forumcategory_id");
if (!$boardObj->select($_GET['bID']) || $boardObj->select($_GET['bID']) && !$boardObj->memberHasAccess($memberInfo)) {
    echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.location = '" . $MAIN_ROOT . "members'</script>";
$boardInfo = $boardObj->get_info_filtered();
$blnPostReply = false;
$addToForm = "";
if (isset($_GET['tID']) && $boardObj->objTopic->select($_GET['tID'])) {
    $blnPostReply = true;
    $topicInfo = $boardObj->objTopic->get_info();
    // Check if topic is actually in the selected board
    if ($topicInfo['forumboard_id'] != $boardInfo['forumboard_id']) {
Exemplo n.º 21
 public function removeBoardModal()
     if (!$this->wg->User->isAllowed('forumadmin')) {
         return false;
         // skip rendering
     $boardId = $this->getVal('boardId', -1);
     $board = ForumBoard::newFromId($boardId);
     if (empty($board)) {
         WikiaLogger::instance()->error('Error reporter: failed to find board', ['jiraTicket' => 'SOC-590', 'boardId' => $boardId, 'method' => __METHOD__]);
         return true;
     $boardTitle = $board->getTitle()->getText();
     $forum = new Forum();
     $list = $forum->getBoardList();
     $this->destinationBoards = array(array('value' => '', 'content' => wfMessage('forum-board-destination-empty')->escaped()));
     foreach ($list as $value) {
         if ($boardId != $value['id']) {
             $this->destinationBoards[] = array('value' => $value['id'], 'content' => htmlspecialchars($value['name']));
     $this->setVal('title', wfMessage('forum-admin-delete-and-merge-board-modal-heading', $boardTitle)->plain());
     $this->setVal('submitLabel', wfMessage('forum-admin-delete-and-merge-button-label')->plain());
     $form = array('inputs' => array(array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'boardTitle', 'isRequired' => true, 'label' => wfMessage('forum-admin-delete-board-title')->plain()), array('type' => 'custom', 'output' => wfMessage('forum-admin-merge-board-warning')->plain()), array('type' => 'select', 'name' => 'destinationBoardId', 'class' => 'destinationBoardId', 'isRequired' => true, 'label' => wfMessage('forum-admin-merge-board-destination', $boardTitle)->plain(), 'options' => $this->destinationBoards)), 'method' => 'post', 'action' => '');
     $this->setVal('html', $this->app->renderView('WikiaStyleGuideForm', 'index', array('form' => $form)));
Exemplo n.º 22
 * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php
include_once "../classes/forumboard.php";
if (!isset($member) || substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -11) != "console.php") {
} else {
    $memberInfo = $member->get_info();
    if (!$member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
$cID = $_GET['cID'];
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$categoryObj = new BasicOrder($mysqli, "forum_category", "forumcategory_id");
$memberOptions = "<option value='select'>[SELECT]</option>";
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT " . $dbprefix . "members.*, " . $dbprefix . "ranks.ordernum FROM " . $dbprefix . "members, " . $dbprefix . "ranks WHERE " . $dbprefix . "members.rank_id != '1' AND " . $dbprefix . "members.rank_id = " . $dbprefix . "ranks.rank_id ORDER BY " . $dbprefix . "ranks.ordernum DESC");
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $dispRankName = $memberRank->get_info_filtered("name");
    $memberOptions .= "<option value='" . $row['member_id'] . "'>" . $dispRankName . " " . filterText($row['username']) . "</option>";
$boardOptions = "<option value='select'>[SELECT]</option>";
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT forumcategory_id FROM " . $dbprefix . "forum_category ORDER BY ordernum DESC");
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $arrBoards = $categoryObj->getAssociateIDs(" ORDER BY sortnum");
Exemplo n.º 23
 * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php
include_once "../../../../_setup.php";
include_once "../../../../classes/member.php";
include_once "../../../../classes/basicsort.php";
include_once "../../../../classes/forumboard.php";
// Start Page
$consoleObj = new ConsoleOption($mysqli);
$cID = $consoleObj->findConsoleIDByName("Add Board");
$consoleInfo = $consoleObj->get_info_filtered();
$member = new Member($mysqli);
$boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
if ($member->authorizeLogin($_SESSION['btPassword']) && $member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) {
    if (isset($_POST['subforum']) && $boardObj->select($_POST['subforum'])) {
        $arrSubForums = $boardObj->getSubForums();
        $arrSelectBoard = "";
        if (isset($_POST['bID']) && $boardObj->select($_POST['bID'])) {
            $arrSelectBoard = $boardObj->findBeforeAfter();
        } else {
            $_POST['bID'] = "";
        foreach ($arrSubForums as $forumID) {
            if ($forumID != $_POST['bID']) {
                $boardInfo = $boardObj->get_info_filtered();
                $selectBoard = "";
                if ($_POST['bID'] != "" && $arrSelectBoard[0] == $boardInfo['forumboard_id']) {
Exemplo n.º 24
    $newestMemberInfo = $menuMemberObj->get_info_filtered();
    $checkURL = parse_url($newestMemberInfo['profilepic']);
    if ((!isset($checkURL['scheme']) || $checkURL['scheme'] == "") && $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] != "") {
        $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] = $MAIN_ROOT . $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'];
    } elseif ($newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] == "") {
        $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] = $MAIN_ROOT . "themes/orangegrunge/images/defaultprofile.png";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='float: left; width: 43px'><img src='" . $newestMemberInfo['profilepic'] . "' style='width: 40px; height: 53px; border: solid black 1px'></div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='float: left; padding-left: 8px; width: 80px'><div style='font-size: 12px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; width: 80px'>" . $menuMemberObj->getMemberLink() . "</div><div class='main' style='width: 89px; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis'>" . $menuMemberRankObj->get_info_filtered("name") . "</div></div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='clear: both'></div>";
    $arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "</div>";
$arrSpecialMenuItems['newmembers'] .= "<div style='clear: both'></div></div>";
$forumActivityObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
$arrSpecialMenuItems['forumactivity'] = "<div style='margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 20px'>";
$counter = 0;
$postCount = 0;
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM " . $dbprefix . "forum_post ORDER BY dateposted DESC");
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
    $blnShowPost = false;
    $menuTopicInfo = $forumActivityObj->objTopic->get_info_filtered();
    $menuTopicPostInfo = $forumActivityObj->objPost->get_info_filtered();
    $menuBoardInfo = $forumActivityObj->get_info_filtered();
    if ($menuBoardInfo['accesstype'] == 0) {
        $blnShowPost = true;
Exemplo n.º 25
 if (trim($_POST['boardname']) == "") {
     $dispError .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> Board name may not be blank.<br>";
 // Check Category
 if (!$categoryObj->select($_POST['forumcat'])) {
     $dispError .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> You selected an invalid forum category.<br>";
 // Check Subforum
 if ($_POST['subforum'] == 1 && $boardObj->select($_POST['subforumboard'])) {
     $setSubForum = $_POST['subforumboard'];
 } else {
     $setSubForum = 0;
 $boardObj = new ForumBoard($mysqli);
 // Reset boardObj
 // Check Order
 $intNewOrderSpot = $boardObj->validateOrder($_POST['displayorder'], $_POST['beforeafter']);
 if ($intNewOrderSpot === false) {
     $dispError .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>&middot;</b> You selected an invalid display order.<br>";
 // Forum Access
 if ($_POST['accesstype'] != 1) {
     $_POST['accesstype'] = 0;
     $arrRanks = array();
     $arrMembers = array();
 } else {