Exemplo n.º 1
  * Display formular
 private function displayFormular()
     $this->Formular = new Formular($this->getUrl() . '&form=true');
     $this->Formular->addHiddenValue('configTabKey', $this->key);
  * Init formular
 protected function initFormular()
     $this->Formular = new Formular();
     $this->Formular->addSubmitButton(__('Show prognosis'));
  * Display the content
  * @see PluginPanel::displayContent()
 protected function displayContent()
     if (isset($_GET['delete'])) {
     $Fieldset = new FormularFieldset(__('Empty your cache'));
     $Fieldset->addInfo(self::getActionLink('<strong>' . __('Empty your cache') . '</strong>', 'delete=true'));
     $Formular = new Formular();
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Display files
 private function displayFiles()
     $Formular = new Formular();
     $Formular->addHiddenValue('hash-files', $this->getAdminHash());
  * Display list with files 
 protected function displayList()
     $ListOfFiles = $this->getExistingFiles();
     $Fieldset = new FormularFieldset(__('Export data'));
     if (empty($ListOfFiles)) {
         $Fieldset->addFileBlock('<em>You did not export anything.</em>');
     } else {
         foreach ($ListOfFiles as $File) {
             $String = '';
             $FileNameParts = explode('-', $File);
             $Year = isset($FileNameParts[3]) ? $FileNameParts[3] : '';
             if (strlen($Year) == 8) {
                 $String .= '<strong>' . substr($Year, 6, 2) . '.' . substr($Year, 4, 2) . '.' . substr($Year, 0, 4) . ':</strong> ';
             $String .= $File;
             $String .= ', ' . Filesystem::getFilesize(FRONTEND_PATH . $this->BackupPath . $File);
             $Fieldset->addFileBlock('<a href="inc/' . $this->BackupPath . $File . '" target="_blank">' . $String . '</a>');
     if ($this->importIsOnProgress) {
     $Formular = new Formular();
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Window: explanations for calculations
 * @package Runalyze\Plugins\Panels
require '../../inc/class.Frontend.php';
$Frontend = new Frontend();
<div class="panel-heading">
_e('Explanation: How are these experimental values calculated?');

<div class="panel-content">
$Factory = new PluginFactory();
$Plugin = $Factory->newInstance('RunalyzePluginPanel_Rechenspiele');
$Formular = new Formular();
$Formular->addFieldset($Plugin->getFieldsetTRIMP(), false);
$Formular->addFieldset($Plugin->getFieldsetVDOT(), false);
$Formular->addFieldset($Plugin->getFieldsetPaces(), false);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Display exported files
 protected function displayExportedFiles()
     $ListOfFiles = $this->getExistingFiles();
     $Fieldset = new FormularFieldset(sprintf(__('Up to now you have exported <strong>%d</strong> trainings.'), count($ListOfFiles)));
     if (strlen(Request::param('delete')) > 0) {
         $index = (int) Request::param('delete');
         if (!isset($ListOfFiles[$index - 1])) {
             $Fieldset->addWarning('Don\' do that!');
         } else {
             $Fieldset->addInfo(__('The file has been removed.'));
             Filesystem::deleteFile('export/files/' . $ListOfFiles[$index - 1]);
             unset($ListOfFiles[$index - 1]);
     } else {
     if (empty($ListOfFiles)) {
         $Fieldset->addFileBlock('<em>' . __('You did not export any training.') . '</em>');
     } else {
         foreach ($ListOfFiles as $i => $File) {
             $String = $File . ', ' . Filesystem::getFilesize(FRONTEND_PATH . 'export/files/' . $File);
             $Link = '<a href="inc/export/files/' . $File . '" target="_blank">' . $String . '</a>';
             $Delete = Ajax::window('<a class="right small" href="' . self::$URL . '?id=' . $this->TrainingID . '&delete=' . ($i + 1) . '">[' . __('delete') . ']</a>', 'small');
             $Fieldset->addFileBlock($Delete . $Link);
     $Formular = new Formular();
Exemplo n.º 8
<div class="w50" id="login-window">
$Fieldset = new FormularFieldset(__('Administration'));
$Fieldset->addField(new FormularInput('user', __('Account'), 'admin'));
$Fieldset->addField(new FormularInputPassword('password', __('Password')));
$Formular = new Formular();