function FormHandler($tablename = null, $instance_name = null, $action = null, $tablename_count = null)
     Console::log('Construct FormHandler');
     Console::logMemory($this, 'FormHandler Class : Line ' . __LINE__);
     Console::logSpeed('FormHandler Class : Line ' . __LINE__);
     self::$Instance = $this;
     $this->FG_TABLE_NAME = $tablename;
     $this->FG_INSTANCE_NAME = $instance_name;
     $this->FG_TABLE_NAME_COUNT = $tablename_count;
     if ($this->FG_DEBUG) {
         echo "" . $this->Host . "";
     $this->_action = $action ? $action : $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
     $this->_vars = array_merge((array) $_GET, (array) $_POST);
     //initializing variables with gettext
     $this->CV_NO_FIELDS = gettext("No data found!");
     $this->CV_TEXT_TITLE_ABOVE_TABLE = gettext("DIRECTORY");
     $this->CV_TITLE_TEXT = $instance_name . ' ' . gettext("list");
     $this->FG_FILTER_SEARCH_TOP_TEXT = gettext("Define criteria to make a precise search");
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT = gettext("You can browse through our") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME# " . gettext("and modify their different properties") . '<br>';
     $this->FG_DELETE_ALT = gettext("Delete this record");
     $this->FG_EDIT_ALT = gettext("Edit this record");
     $this->FG_ADITION_GO_EDITION_MESSAGE = gettext("The document has been created correctly. Now, you can define the different tariff that you want to associate.");
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT_EDITION = gettext("You can modify, through the following form, the different properties of your") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME#" . '<br>';
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT_ASK_DELETION = gettext("If you really want remove this") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME#, " . gettext("Click on the delete button.");
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT_DELETION = gettext("One") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME# " . gettext("has been deleted!");
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT_ADD = gettext("you can add easily a new") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME#.<br>" . gettext("Fill the following fields and confirm by clicking on the button add.");
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT_ADITION = gettext("Add a") . " \"#FG_INSTANCE_NAME#\" " . gettext("now.");
     $this->FG_TEXT_ADITION_CONFIRMATION = gettext("Your new") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME# " . gettext("has been inserted." . '<br>');
     $this->FG_TEXT_ADITION_ERROR = '<font color="Red">' . gettext("Your new") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME# " . gettext("hasn't been inserted.") . '<br>' . "</font>";
     $this->FG_TEXT_ERROR_DUPLICATION = gettext("You cannot choose more than one !");
     $this->FG_FK_DELETE_MESSAGE = gettext("Are you sure to delete all records connected to this instance.");
     $this->FG_DELETE_PAGE_CONFIRM_BUTTON = gettext('DELETE');
     if ($this->FG_ENABLE_LOG == 1) {
         $this->logger = new Logger();
Exemplo n.º 2
 function FormHandler($tablename = null, $instance_name = null, $action = null, $tablename_count = null)
     Console::log('Construct FormHandler');
     Console::logMemory($this, 'FormHandler Class : Line ' . __LINE__);
     Console::logSpeed('FormHandler Class : Line ' . __LINE__);
     self::$Instance = $this;
     $this->FG_TABLE_NAME = $tablename;
     $this->FG_INSTANCE_NAME = $instance_name;
     $this->FG_TABLE_NAME_COUNT = $tablename_count;
     if ($this->FG_DEBUG) {
         echo "" . $this->Host . "";
     $this->_action = $action ? $action : filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
     // If anti CSRF protection is enabled
     if ($this->FG_CSRF_STATUS == true) {
         // Initializing anti csrf token (Generate a key, concat it with salt and hash it)
         $this->FG_CSRF_TOKEN_KEY = $this->genCsrfTokenKey();
         $this->FG_CSRF_TOKEN = $this->FG_CSRF_TOKEN_SALT . $this->FG_CSRF_TOKEN_KEY;
         $this->FG_CSRF_TOKEN = hash('SHA256', $this->FG_CSRF_TOKEN);
         $this->FG_FORM_UNIQID = uniqid();
         // print $this -> FG_FORM_UNIQID;
         // echo "<br/>------_POST-------<br/>";
         // print_r($_POST);
         // echo "<br/>-------_SESSION------<br/>";
         // print_r($_SESSION);
         $this->FG_FORM_RECEIVED_TOKEN = $_POST[$this->FG_CSRF_FIELD];
         $_SESSION['CSRF_TOKEN'][$this->FG_FORM_UNIQID] = $this->FG_CSRF_TOKEN;
         // echo "<br/>------_SESSION::-------<br/>";
         // print_r($_SESSION);
         if ($this->FG_DEBUG) {
             echo 'FG_FORM_UNIQID : ' . $this->FG_FORM_UNIQID . '<br />';
             echo 'CSRF NEW TOKEN : ' . $this->FG_CSRF_TOKEN . '<br />';
             echo 'CSRF RECEIVED TOKEN : ' . $this->FG_CSRF_RECEIVED_TOKEN . '<br />';
         if (!empty($_POST)) {
             // Check CSRF
             if (!$this->FG_CSRF_RECEIVED_TOKEN or $this->FG_CSRF_RECEIVED_TOKEN != $this->FG_FORM_RECEIVED_TOKEN) {
                 echo "CSRF Error!";
             } else {
                 //Remove key from the session
                 // echo "Remove key from the session";
     $this->_vars = array_merge((array) $_GET, (array) $_POST);
     //initializing variables with gettext
     $this->CV_NO_FIELDS = gettext("No data found!");
     $this->CV_TEXT_TITLE_ABOVE_TABLE = gettext("DIRECTORY");
     $this->CV_TITLE_TEXT = $instance_name . ' ' . gettext("list");
     $this->FG_FILTER_SEARCH_TOP_TEXT = gettext("Define criteria to make a precise search");
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT = gettext("You can browse through our") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME# " . gettext("and modify their different properties") . '<br>';
     $this->FG_DELETE_ALT = gettext("Delete this record");
     $this->FG_EDIT_ALT = gettext("Edit this record");
     $this->FG_ADITION_GO_EDITION_MESSAGE = gettext("The document has been created correctly. Now, you can define the different tariff that you want to associate.");
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT_EDITION = gettext("You can modify, through the following form, the different properties of your") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME#" . '<br>';
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT_ASK_DELETION = gettext("If you really want remove this") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME#, " . gettext("Click on the delete button.");
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT_DELETION = gettext("One") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME# " . gettext("has been deleted!");
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT_ADD = gettext("you can add easily a new") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME#.<br>" . gettext("Fill the following fields and confirm by clicking on the button add.");
     $this->FG_INTRO_TEXT_ADITION = gettext("Add a") . " \"#FG_INSTANCE_NAME#\" " . gettext("now.");
     $this->FG_TEXT_ADITION_CONFIRMATION = gettext("Your new") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME# " . gettext("has been inserted." . '<br>');
     $this->FG_TEXT_ADITION_ERROR = '<font color="Red">' . gettext("Your new") . " #FG_INSTANCE_NAME# " . gettext("hasn't been inserted.") . '<br>' . "</font>";
     $this->FG_TEXT_ERROR_DUPLICATION = gettext("You cannot choose more than one !");
     $this->FG_FK_DELETE_MESSAGE = gettext("Are you sure to delete all records connected to this instance.");
     $this->FG_DELETE_PAGE_CONFIRM_BUTTON = gettext('DELETE');
     if ($this->FG_ENABLE_LOG == 1) {
         $this->logger = new Logger();