Exemplo n.º 1
  * Handle GET requests for /admin/tags to display the tags.
 public function get_tags()
     $this->theme->wsse = Utils::WSSE();
     $this->theme->tags = Tags::vocabulary()->get_tree('term_display asc');
     $this->theme->max = Tags::vocabulary()->max_count();
     $this->theme->min = Tags::vocabulary()->min_count();
     $form = new FormUI('tags');
     $form->append(FormControlFacet::create('search')->set_property('data-facet-config', array('onsearch' => 'deselect_all(); $("#tag_collection").manager("update", self.data("visualsearch").searchQuery.facets());', 'facetsURL' => URL::get('admin_ajax_facets', array('context' => 'facets', 'page' => 'tags', 'component' => 'facets')), 'valuesURL' => URL::get('admin_ajax_facets', array('context' => 'facets', 'page' => 'tags', 'component' => 'values')))));
     $aggregate = FormControlAggregate::create('selected_items')->set_selector("#tag_collection input")->label('0 Selected');
     $aggr_wrap = FormControlWrapper::create('tag_controls_aggregate')->add_class('aggregate_wrapper');
     $delete = FormControlDropbutton::create('delete_dropbutton');
     $delete->append(FormControlButton::create('action')->set_caption(_t('Delete selected'))->set_properties(array('title' => _t('Delete selected'), 'value' => 'delete')));
     $rename_text = FormControlText::create('rename_text');
     $rename = FormControlDropbutton::create('rename_dropbutton');
     $rename->append(FormControlButton::create('action')->set_caption(_t('Rename selected'))->set_properties(array('title' => _t('Rename selected'), 'value' => 'rename')));
     $tag_controls = $form->append(FormControlWrapper::create('tag_controls'))->add_class("container tag_controls");
     $tag_controls->append(FormControlWrapper::create('selected_tags')->set_setting('wrap_element', 'ul')->set_property('id', 'selected_tags'));
     if (count($this->theme->tags) > 0) {
         $tag_collection = $form->append(FormControlWrapper::create('tag_collection')->add_class('container items')->set_setting('wrap_element', 'ul')->set_property('id', 'tag_collection'));
         $listitems = $this->get_tag_listitems();
         foreach ($listitems as $item) {
     } else {
         $tag_collection = $form->append(FormControlStatic::create('<p>' . _t('No tags could be found to match the query criteria.') . '</p>'));
     $form->on_success(array($this, 'process_tags'));
     $this->theme->form = $form;
     Stack::add('admin_header_javascript', 'visualsearch');
     Stack::add('admin_header_javascript', 'manage-js');
     Stack::add('admin_stylesheet', 'visualsearch-css');
     Stack::add('admin_stylesheet', 'visualsearch-datauri-css');
Exemplo n.º 2
        _e('Search for other items from %s', array($post->pubdate->get('M, Y')));
			<span class="time"><?php 
			<div class="actions">
        $post_actions = FormControlDropbutton::create('post' . $post->id . '_postactions');
        $post_actions->append(FormControlSubmit::create('edit')->set_caption(_t('Edit'))->set_url(URL::get('display_publish', $post, false))->set_property('title', _t('Edit \'%s\'', array($post->title)))->set_enable(function ($control) use($post) {
            return ACL::access_check($post->get_access(), 'edit');
        $post_actions->append(FormControlSubmit::create('view')->set_caption(_t('View'))->set_url($post->permalink . '?preview=1')->set_property('title', _t('View \'%s\'', array($post->title))));
        $post_actions->append(FormControlSubmit::create('delete')->set_caption(_t('Delete'))->set_url('javascript:itemManage.remove(' . $post->id . ', \'post\');')->set_property('title', _t('Delete \'%s\'', array($post->title)))->set_enable(function ($control) use($post) {
            return ACL::access_check($post->get_access(), 'delete');
        Plugins::act('post_actions', $post_actions, $post);
        echo $post_actions->pre_out();
        echo $post_actions->get($theme);
	<div class="content">
Exemplo n.º 3
 private function fetch_logs()
     // load all the values for our filter drop-downs
     $dates = $this->fetch_log_dates();
     $users = $this->fetch_log_users();
     $ips = $this->fetch_log_ips();
     // $modules and $types
     $severities = LogEntry::list_severities();
     // parse out the arguments we'll fetch logs for
     // the initial arguments
     $arguments = array('limit' => Controller::get_var('limit', 20), 'offset' => Controller::get_var('offset', 0));
     // filter for the search field
     $search = Controller::get_var('search', '');
     if ($search != '') {
         $arguments['criteria'] = $search;
     // filter by date
     $date = Controller::get_var('date', 'any');
     if ($date != 'any') {
         $d = DateTime::create($date);
         // ! means fill any non-specified pieces with default Unix Epoch ones
         $arguments['year'] = $d->format('Y');
         $arguments['month'] = $d->format('m');
     // filter by user
     $user = Controller::get_var('user', 'any');
     if ($user != 'any') {
         $arguments['user_id'] = $user;
     // filter by ip
     $ip = Controller::get_var('address', 'any');
     if ($ip != 'any') {
         $arguments['ip'] = $ip;
     // filter modules and types
     // @todo get events of a specific type in a specific module, instead of either of the two
     // the interface doesn't currently make any link between module and type, so we won't worry about it for now
     $module = Controller::get_var('module', 'any');
     $type = Controller::get_var('type', 'any');
     if ($module != 'any') {
         // we get a slugified key back, get the actual module name
         $arguments['module'] = $modules[$module];
     if ($type != 'any') {
         // we get a slugified key back, get the actual type name
         $arguments['type'] = $types[$type];
     // filter by severity
     $severity = Controller::get_var('severity', 0);
     if ($severity != 0) {
         $arguments['severity'] = $severity;
     // get the logs!
     $logs = EventLog::get($arguments);
     // last, but not least, generate the list of years used for the timeline
     $months = EventLog::get(array_merge($arguments, array('month_cts' => true)));
     $years = array();
     foreach ($months as $m) {
         $years[$m->year][] = $m;
     // assign all our theme values in one spot
     // first the filter options
     $this->theme->dates = $dates;
     $this->theme->users = $users;
     $this->theme->addresses = $ips;
     $this->theme->modules = $modules;
     $this->theme->types = $types;
     $this->theme->severities = $severities;
     // next the filter criteria we used
     $this->theme->search_args = $search;
     $this->theme->date = $date;
     $this->theme->user = $user;
     $this->theme->address = $ip;
     $this->theme->module = $module;
     $this->theme->type = $type;
     $this->theme->severity = $severity;
     $this->theme->logs = $logs;
     $this->theme->years = $years;
     $form = new FormUI('logs_batch', 'logs_batch');
     $form->append(FormControlAggregate::create('entries')->set_selector('.log_entry')->set_value(array())->label('None Selected'));
     $form->append($actions = FormControlDropbutton::create('actions'));
     $actions->append(FormControlSubmit::create('delete_selected')->on_success(function (FormUI $form) {
         $ids = $form->entries->value;
         $count = 0;
         /** @var LogEntry $log */
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             $logs = EventLog::get(array('id' => $id));
             foreach ($logs as $log) {
         Session::notice(_t('Deleted %d logs.', array($count)));
     })->set_caption(_t('Delete Selected')));
     $actions->append(FormControlSubmit::create('purge_logs')->on_success(function (FormUI $form) {
         if (EventLog::purge()) {
             Session::notice(_t('Logs purged.'));
         } else {
             Session::notice(_t('There was a problem purging the event logs.'));
     })->set_caption(_t('Purge Logs')));
     $this->theme->form = $form;
     $this->theme->wsse = Utils::WSSE();
     // prepare a WSSE token for any ajax calls
Exemplo n.º 4
echo $group->id;
		<h4><a href="<?php 
echo URL::get('display_group', 'id=' . $group->id);
" title="<?php 
_e('Edit group');
echo $group->name;
$group_actions = FormControlDropbutton::create('group_actions');
$group_actions->append(FormControlSubmit::create('edit')->set_caption(_t('Edit'))->set_url(URL::get('display_group', 'id=' . $group->id))->set_property('title', _t('Edit \'%s\'', array($group->title)))->set_enable(function ($control) {
    return User::identify()->can('manage_groups');
$group_actions->append(FormControlSubmit::create('delete')->set_caption(_t('Delete'))->set_url('javascript:itemManage.remove(' . $group->id . ', \'group\');')->set_property('title', _t('Delete \'%s\'', array($group->name)))->set_enable(function ($control) {
    return User::identify()->can('manage_groups');
echo $group_actions->pre_out();
echo $group_actions->get($theme);
// @todo Add back in filtering of group actions
// $actions = Plugins::filter('group_actions', $actions);
if (count($users) > 0) {
Exemplo n.º 5
			<p class="legacy"><?php 
            _e('Legacy theme.');
        } elseif (isset($inactive_theme['req_parent'])) {
			<p class="legacy"><?php 
            _e('This theme requires the parent theme named "%s".', array($inactive_theme['req_parent']));
        } else {
            $dbtn = FormControlDropbutton::create('actions');
            $dbtn->append(FormControlSubmit::create('activate')->set_url(URL::get('activate_theme', 'theme_dir=' . $inactive_theme['dir'] . '&theme_name=' . $inactive_theme['info']->name))->set_caption(_t('Activate')));
            if ($previewed == $inactive_theme['dir']) {
                $dbtn->append(FormControlSubmit::create('end_preview')->set_url(URL::get('preview_theme', 'theme_dir=' . $inactive_theme['dir'] . '&theme_name=' . $inactive_theme['info']->name))->set_caption(_t('End Preview')));
            } else {
                $dbtn->append(FormControlSubmit::create('preview')->set_url(URL::get('preview_theme', 'theme_dir=' . $inactive_theme['dir'] . '&theme_name=' . $inactive_theme['info']->name))->set_caption(_t('Preview')));
            echo $dbtn->pre_out();
            echo $dbtn->get($theme);
		<div class="clearfix">
		    <div class="thumb columns four">
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Display the login form
  * @param string $name Pre-fill the name field with this name
 protected function login_form()
     // Build theme and login page template
     if (!$this->theme->template_exists('login')) {
         $this->theme = Themes::create('admin', 'RawPHPEngine', Site::get_dir('admin_theme', true));
         $this->theme->assign('admin_page', 'login');
     // Build the login form
     $form = new FormUI('habari_login');
     //$form->on_success( array( $this, 'loginform_success' ) );
     $login_form_title = _t('<h1><a href="%1$s" title="%2$s"><img alt="%2$s" src="%3$s" style="height:1em;margin-right:10px;vertical-align:top;">%4$s</a></h1>', array(Site::get_url('site'), _t('Go to Site'), Site::get_url('habari', '/system/admin/images/habari.logo.png'), Options::get('title')));
     $form->append(FormControlStatic::create('reset_message')->set_static('<p id="reset_message" class="on_reset">' . _t('Please enter the username you wish to reset the password for.  A unique password reset link will be emailed to that user.') . '</p>'));
     $form->append(FormControlLabel::wrap(_t('Name'), FormControlText::create('habari_username')->set_property('autofocus', 'autofocus'))->set_template('control.label.outsideleft'));
     $form->append(FormControlLabel::wrap(_t('Password'), FormControlPassword::create('habari_password', null, array('class' => 'off_reset')))->set_template('control.label.outsideleft')->set_properties(array('class' => 'off_reset')));
     $form->append($drop_button = FormControlDropbutton::create('submit_button')->add_template_class('ul', 'off_reset'));
     $drop_button->append(FormControlSubmit::create('login')->on_success(array($this, 'loginform_do_login'))->set_caption(_t('Login')));
     $form->append(FormControlStatic::create('reset_link')->set_static('<a href="#" class="off_reset reset_link">' . _t('Reset password') . '</a>'));
     $form->append(FormControlStatic::create('login_link')->set_static('<a href="#" class="on_reset reset_link">' . _t('Login') . '</a>'));
     $form->append(FormControlSubmit::create('reset_button')->set_caption(_t('Reset password'))->set_properties(array('class' => 'on_reset'))->on_success(array($this, 'loginform_do_reset')));
     // Use the dropbutton's visualizer to select the primary action for form submission upon pressing enter
     $form->set_settings(array('prefix_html' => '<script>$(function(){$("body").on("keypress", "form[name=' . $form->input_name() . ']", function(e){if(e.which==13){$(this).find("#' . $form->submit_button->get_visualizer() . ' .primary").click();return e.preventDefault()&&false;}});})</script>'));
     // Let plugins alter this form
     Plugins::act('form_login', $form);
     // Assign login form and display the page
     $this->theme->form = $form;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Retrieve comments.
 public function fetch_comments($params = array())
     // Make certain handler_vars local with defaults, and add them to the theme output
     $locals = array('do_delete' => false, 'do_spam' => false, 'do_approve' => false, 'do_unapprove' => false, 'comment_ids' => null, 'nonce' => '', 'timestamp' => '', 'password_digest' => '', 'mass_spam_delete' => null, 'mass_delete' => null, 'type' => 'All', 'limit' => 20, 'offset' => 0, 'search' => '', 'status' => 'All', 'orderby' => 'date DESC');
     foreach ($locals as $varname => $default) {
         ${$varname} = isset($this->handler_vars[$varname]) ? $this->handler_vars[$varname] : (isset($params[$varname]) ? $params[$varname] : $default);
         $this->theme->{$varname} = ${$varname};
     // Setting these mass_delete options prevents any other processing.  Desired?
     if (isset($mass_spam_delete) && $status == 'spam') {
         // Delete all comments that have the spam status.
         // let's optimize the table
         $result = DB::query('OPTIMIZE TABLE {comments}');
         Session::notice(_t('Deleted all spam comments'));
         EventLog::log(_t('Deleted all spam comments'), 'info');
     } elseif (isset($mass_delete) && $status == 'unapproved') {
         // Delete all comments that are unapproved.
         Session::notice(_t('Deleted all unapproved comments'));
         EventLog::log(_t('Deleted all unapproved comments'), 'info');
     } elseif (($do_delete || $do_spam || $do_approve || $do_unapprove) && isset($comment_ids)) {
         $okay = true;
         if (empty($nonce) || empty($timestamp) || empty($password_digest)) {
             $okay = false;
         $wsse = Utils::WSSE($nonce, $timestamp);
         if ($password_digest != $wsse['digest']) {
             $okay = false;
         if ($okay) {
             if ($do_delete) {
                 $action = 'delete';
             } elseif ($do_spam) {
                 $action = 'spam';
             } elseif ($do_approve) {
                 $action = 'approve';
             } elseif ($do_unapprove) {
                 $action = 'unapprove';
             $ids = array();
             foreach ($comment_ids as $id => $id_value) {
                 if (!isset(${'$comment_ids[' . $id . ']'})) {
                     // Skip unmoderated submitted comment_ids
                     $ids[] = $id;
             $to_update = Comments::get(array('id' => $ids));
             $modstatus = array(_t('Deleted %d comments') => 0, _t('Marked %d comments as spam') => 0, _t('Approved %d comments') => 0, _t('Unapproved %d comments') => 0, _t('Edited %d comments') => 0);
             Plugins::act('admin_moderate_comments', $action, $to_update, $this);
             switch ($action) {
                 case 'delete':
                     // This comment was marked for deletion
                     $to_update = $this->comment_access_filter($to_update, 'delete');
                     $modstatus[_t('Deleted %d comments')] = count($to_update);
                 case 'spam':
                     // This comment was marked as spam
                     $to_update = $this->comment_access_filter($to_update, 'edit');
                     Comments::moderate_these($to_update, 'spam');
                     $modstatus[_t('Marked %d comments as spam')] = count($to_update);
                 case 'approve':
                 case 'approved':
                     // Comments marked for approval
                     $to_update = $this->comment_access_filter($to_update, 'edit');
                     Comments::moderate_these($to_update, 'approved');
                     $modstatus[_t('Approved %d comments')] = count($to_update);
                     foreach ($to_update as $comment) {
                         $modstatus[_t('Approved comments on these posts: %s')] = (isset($modstatus[_t('Approved comments on these posts: %s')]) ? $modstatus[_t('Approved comments on these posts: %s')] . ' &middot; ' : '') . '<a href="' . $comment->post->permalink . '">' . $comment->post->title . '</a> ';
                 case 'unapprove':
                 case 'unapproved':
                     // This comment was marked for unapproval
                     $to_update = $this->comment_access_filter($to_update, 'edit');
                     Comments::moderate_these($to_update, 'unapproved');
                     $modstatus[_t('Unapproved %d comments')] = count($to_update);
                 case 'edit':
                     $to_update = $this->comment_access_filter($to_update, 'edit');
                     foreach ($to_update as $comment) {
                         // This comment was edited
                         if ($_POST['name_' . $comment->id] != null) {
                             $comment->name = $_POST['name_' . $comment->id];
                         if ($_POST['email_' . $comment->id] != null) {
                             $comment->email = $_POST['email_' . $comment->id];
                         if ($_POST['url_' . $comment->id] != null) {
                             $comment->url = $_POST['url_' . $comment->id];
                         if ($_POST['content_' . $comment->id] != null) {
                             $comment->content = $_POST['content_' . $comment->id];
                     $modstatus[_t('Edited %d comments')] = count($to_update);
             foreach ($modstatus as $key => $value) {
                 if ($value) {
                     Session::notice(sprintf($key, $value));
     // we load the WSSE tokens
     // for use in the delete button
     $this->theme->wsse = Utils::WSSE();
     $arguments = array('type' => $type, 'status' => $status, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'orderby' => $orderby);
     // only get comments the user is allowed to manage
     if (!User::identify()->can('manage_all_comments')) {
         $arguments['post_author'] = User::identify()->id;
     // there is no explicit 'all' type/status for comments, so we need to unset these arguments
     // if that's what we want. At the same time we can set up the search field
     $this->theme->search_args = '';
     if ($type == 'All') {
     } else {
         $this->theme->search_args = 'type:' . Comment::type_name($type) . ' ';
     if ($status == 'All') {
     } else {
         $this->theme->search_args .= 'status:' . Comment::status_name($status);
     if ('' != $search) {
         $arguments = array_merge($arguments, Comments::search_to_get($search));
     $this->theme->comments = Comments::get($arguments);
     $monthcts = Comments::get(array_merge($arguments, array('month_cts' => 1)));
     $years = array();
     foreach ($monthcts as $month) {
         if (isset($years[$month->year])) {
             $years[$month->year][] = $month;
         } else {
             $years[$month->year] = array($month);
     $this->theme->years = $years;
     $baseactions = array();
     $statuses = Comment::list_comment_statuses();
     foreach ($statuses as $statusid => $statusname) {
         $baseactions[$statusname] = array('url' => 'javascript:itemManage.update(\'' . $statusname . '\',__commentid__);', 'title' => _t('Change this comment\'s status to %s', array($statusname)), 'label' => Comment::status_action($statusid), 'access' => 'edit');
     /* Standard actions */
     $baseactions['delete'] = array('url' => 'javascript:itemManage.update(\'delete\',__commentid__);', 'title' => _t('Delete this comment'), 'label' => _t('Delete'), 'access' => 'delete');
     $baseactions['edit'] = array('url' => URL::get('edit_comment', 'id=__commentid__'), 'title' => _t('Edit this comment'), 'label' => _t('Edit'), 'access' => 'edit');
     /* Allow plugins to apply actions */
     $actions = Plugins::filter('comments_actions', $baseactions, $this->theme->comments);
     foreach ($this->theme->comments as $comment) {
         // filter the actions based on the user's permissions
         $comment_access = $comment->get_access();
         $menu = FormControlDropbutton::create('comment' . $comment->id . '_commentactions');
         foreach ($actions as $name => $action) {
             if ($name == Comment::status_name($comment->status)) {
                 // skip current status
             if (!isset($action['label']) || empty($action['label'])) {
                 // just grab something so the thing is labeled
                 $action['label'] = _t($name);
             // replace constants/placeholders
             $action['url'] = str_replace('__commentid__', $comment->id, $action['url']);
             $entry = FormControlSubmit::create($name)->set_caption($action['label'])->set_url($action['url'])->set_property('title', $action['title']);
             if (!isset($action['access']) || ACL::access_check($comment_access, $action['access'])) {
         $comment->menu = Plugins::filter('comment_actions', $menu, $comment);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Handles POST values from /manage/posts.
  * Used to control what content to show / manage.
 public function post_posts()
     // Simply pass $_GET to the function, it's save as only values we understand will be read
     // Check which values have been passed and translate them for the faceted seach
     $search_values = array();
     foreach ($this->locals as $varname => $default) {
         if (isset($_GET[$varname])) {
             switch ($varname) {
                 case 'type':
                     $search_values[] = 'type: ' . Post::type_name($_GET['type']);
                 case 'status':
                     $search_values[] = 'status: ' . Post::status_name($_GET['status']);
                 case 'tag':
                     $tags = explode(',', $_GET['tag']);
                     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                         $search_values[] = 'tag: ' . $tag;
                 case 'author':
                     $search_values[] = 'author: ' . User::get($_GET['author'])->username;
                     $search_values[] = $varname . ': ' . $_GET[$varname];
     if (count($search_values) > 0) {
         $search_value = implode(' ', $search_values);
     } else {
         $search_value = '';
     // Create search controls and global buttons for the manage page
     $search = FormControlFacet::create('search');
     $search->set_value($search_value)->set_property('data-facet-config', array('onsearch' => '$(".posts").manager("update", self.data("visualsearch").searchQuery.facets());', 'facetsURL' => URL::get('admin_ajax_facets', array('context' => 'facets', 'page' => 'manage', 'component' => 'facets')), 'valuesURL' => URL::get('admin_ajax_facets', array('context' => 'facets', 'page' => 'manage', 'component' => 'values'))));
     $navigation = FormControlStatic::create('navigation')->set_static('<a href="" id="nav_prev" class="navigation">' . _t('Previous page') . '</a>' . '<a href="" id="nav_next" class="navigation">' . _t('Next page') . '</a>');
     $aggregate = FormControlAggregate::create('selected_items')->set_selector('.post_item')->label('None Selected');
     $page_actions = FormControlDropbutton::create('page_actions');
     $page_actions->append(FormControlSubmit::create('delete')->set_caption(_t('Delete Selected'))->set_properties(array('onclick' => 'itemManage.update(\'delete\');return false;', 'title' => _t('Delete Selected'))));
     Plugins::act('posts_manage_actions', $page_actions);
     $form = new FormUI('manage');
     $this->theme->form = $form;
     $this->theme->admin_page = _t('Manage Posts');
     $this->theme->admin_title = _t('Manage Posts');
     Stack::add('admin_header_javascript', 'visualsearch');
     Stack::add('admin_header_javascript', 'manage-js');
     Stack::add('admin_stylesheet', 'visualsearch-css');
     Stack::add('admin_stylesheet', 'visualsearch-datauri-css');