Exemplo n.º 1
 public function action_index()
     $this->set_title("module ex3");
     $f = new Form("?module=log&action=valide", "log");
     //Creation du formulaire
     $f->add_text("log", "log", "Login");
     $f->add_password("mdp", "mdp", "Mot de passe");
     $f->add_password("mdp2", "mdp2", "Confirmation");
     $f->add_submit("Valider", "valLog")->set_value('Valider');
     $this->tpl->assign("f_log", $f);
     $this->session->form = $f;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function action_index()
     $this->set_title("Module Inscription");
     /** -- En cas de retour sur action_index() suite à des erreurs on remplie le formulaire avec l'ancienne saisie de l'utilisateur -- **/
     //La saisie est sauvegarde jusqu'a ce qu'il reussise l'inscription : -S'il quitte la page et reviens les données sont conservées
     if (isset($this->session->formIns)) {
         $f = $this->session->formIns;
     } else {
         $dir = "./images/captcha";
         // Ouvre un dossier bien connu, et liste tous les fichiers
         if (is_dir($dir)) {
             if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
                 while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                     //echo "fichier : $file : type : " . filetype($dir . $file) . "\n";
                     $captcha[] = $file;
         $length = 0;
         foreach ($captcha as $cp) {
         $nb = rand(2, $length - 1);
         echo var_dump($length . "ee" . $nb);
         $f = new Form("?module=inscription&action=valide", "f_ins");
         //Creation du formulaire
         $f->add_text("nom", "nom", "Nom");
         $f->add_text("prenom", "prenom", "Prénom");
         $f->add_text("rue", "rue", "Rue");
         $f->add_text("cp", "cp", "Code postal");
         $f->add_text("ville", "ville", "Ville");
         $f->add_text("mail", "mail", "Mail");
         $f->add_password("mdp", "mdp", "Mot de passe");
         $f->add_password("mdp2", "mdp2", "Confirmation");
         $f->add_captcha("cap", "cap", "Code de confirmation")->set_captcha($captcha[$nb]);
         $f->add_hidden("hide", "hide", "")->set_value($captcha[$nb]);
         $f->add_submit("Valider", "valIns")->set_value("Valider");
         $this->session->formIns = $f;
     $this->tpl->assign("f_ins", $f);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function action_logadmin()
     $this->set_title("Connexion Administrateur");
     $this->site->ajouter_message("<span style=\"text-decoration: line-through;\">Login : admin // mdp : admin</span>");
     if (isset($this->session->formlogadm)) {
         $f = $this->session->formlogadm;
     } else {
         $f = new Form("?module=login&action=validelogadm", "f_log");
         //Creation du formulaire
         $f->add_text("log", "log", "Login");
         $f->add_password("mdp", "mdp", "Mot de passe");
         $f->add_submit("Valider", "valLog")->set_value('Valider');
     $this->tpl->assign("f_logadm", $f);
     $this->session->formlogadm = $f;
Exemplo n.º 4
$Base = new Base();
$Base->title("Account Management: {$member['name']}");
print "<div class=\"box clear\">\n";
$Form = new Form();
$Form->values(array_merge($member, $prefs));
$Form->header(url(), "post", FORM_SALT);
$Form->fieldset_open("Account Management");
$Form->add_text("name", "Name:");
$Form->add_text("postalcode", "Postal Code:");
$Form->fieldset_open("Password Management");
print "<div id=\"password\" style=\"display:none\">\n";
$Form->add_password("_current", "Current:");
$Form->add_password("_pass", "New:");
$Form->add_password("_pass_confirm", "Confirm:");
print "</div>\n";
$Form->add_button("_change", "Change Password", "change_password()", "style=\"margin:5px\"");
$DB->query("SELECT\r\n              p.display,\r\n              p.name as field,\r\n              pt.name as type,\r\n              p.width\r\n            FROM\r\n              pref p\r\n            LEFT JOIN\r\n              pref_type pt\r\n            ON\r\n              pt.id = p.pref_type_id\r\n            WHERE\r\n              p.editable IS true\r\n            ORDER BY\r\n              p.ordering");
while ($pref = $DB->load_array()) {
    switch ($pref['type']) {
        case "input":
            $Form->add_text($pref['field'], "{$pref['display']}:", $pref['width']);
        case "textarea":
            $Form->add_textarea($pref['field'], "{$pref['display']}:");
Exemplo n.º 5
    return to_index();
$Base = new Base();
$Base->title("Create Account");
print "<div class=\"box clear\">\n";
print LEGAL;
if (!REGISTRATION_PASSWORD && !session('authorized')) {
    $_SESSION['authorized'] = true;
if (REGISTRATION_PASSWORD && !session('authorized')) {
    $Form = new Form();
    $Form->header(url(0, -2) . "authorize/", "post", FORM_SALT);
    $Form->fieldset_open("Registration Authorization");
    $Form->add_password("password", "Password:"******"Authorize Me");
if (session('authorized')) {
    $Form = new Form();
    $Form->header(url(), "post", FORM_SALT);
    $Form->fieldset_open("Create Account");
    $Form->add_text("account", "Name:", 150);
    $Form->add_text("secret", "Secret Word:", 150, false, "/><span class=\"small\">(to recover forgotten password)</span>");
    $Form->add_text("email_signup", "Email:", 200);
    $Form->add_text("email_confirm", "Email (confirm):", 200);
    $Form->add_text("postalcode", "Postal Code:", 75);
    $Form->add_submit("Create Account");
Exemplo n.º 6
$f->title = _t("Account update");
$f->action = "?action=update&amp;type=account";
$f->method = "POST";
$f->add_text(_t("Firstname"), "firstname", default_value("firstname", format_firstname($user->firstname)), _t("Your Firstname."));
$f->add_text(_t("Lastname"), "lastname", default_value("lastname", format_lastname($user->lastname)), _t("Your Lastname."));
$f->add_email(_t("Email"), "email", default_value("email", $user->email), _t("A valid Email you want to associate to your account."));
$item = $f->add_text(_t("Phone number (optional)"), "phone", default_value("phone", $user->phone), _t("Used only when processing order if we need to contact you quickly."));
$item->is_optional = true;
$item = $f->add_textarea(_t("Address"), "address", default_value("address", $address->address), _t("Your address"));
$item->is_optional = true;
$item->other_attr = 'class="addresspicker" placeholder="{{Street no, Street, Zip City, etc.}}"';
$item = $f->add_text(_t("VAT#"), "vat", default_value("vat", $user->vat), _t("VAT#, for european compagny only."));
$item->is_optional = true;
$item = $f->add_text(_t("Compagny name"), "compagny_name", default_value("compagny_name", $user->compagny_name), _t("VAT#, for european compagny only."));
$item->is_optional = true;
$item = $f->add_password(_t("New Password (optional)"), "clear_new_pass", _t("Leave empty if you do not want to change your password."));
$item->is_optional = true;
$item = $f->add_password(_t("Retype new Password (optional)"), "clear_new_pass2", _t("Retype your new password."));
$item->is_optional = true;
$item = $f->add_hidden("new_pass", "");
$item->is_optional = true;
$item = $f->add_hidden("new_pass2", "");
$item->is_optional = true;
$f->add_hidden("id", $user->id);
echo $f->html();
	var hash_salt = "<?php 
Exemplo n.º 7

require_once BASE_DIR . '/include/recaptcha.inc';
global $g_use_recaptcha;
$f = new Form();
$f->cancel = true;
$f->title = _t("Account creation");
$f->action = "?action=create&amp;type=account";
$f->method = "POST";
$f->add_email(_t("Email"), "email", default_value("email"), _t("A valid Email you want to associate to your account. Will act as your login."));
$f->add_text(_t("Firstname"), "firstname", default_value("firstname"), _t("Your Firstname."));
$f->add_text(_t("Lastname"), "lastname", default_value("lastname"), _t("Your Lastname."));
$item = $f->add_password(_t("Password"), "clear_password", _t("The password you want to associate to your account."));
$item->is_optional = true;
$item = $f->add_password(_t("Retype Password"), "clear_password2", _t("Retype your password."));
$item->is_optional = true;
$f->add_hidden("password", "");
$f->add_hidden("password2", "");
//$f->add_text("Street# and street name", "street", default_value("street"), "Number and street name");
//$f->add_text("ZIP", "zip", default_value("zip"), "ZIP code of your city.");
//$f->add_text("City", "city", default_value("city"), "Your city.");
//$item = $f->add_text("State (Optional)", "state", default_value("state"), "Your state if any");
//$item->is_optional = true;
//$f->add_text("Country", "country", default_value("country"), "Your country");
if ($g_use_recaptcha) {
    $publickey = CAPTCHA_PUB_KEY;
    // you got this from the signup page
$f->add_checkbox(_t("I have read and understood the <a href=\"info/terms\" target=\"_blank\">Terms and Conditions</a> and accept them."), "confirm", "", "");
Exemplo n.º 8

include_once __DIR__ . "/../autoloader.php";
$form = new Form();
$form->add_text("nom", "Votre nom");
$form->add_date("date", "Format JJMMYY");
$form->add_password("passw", "Votre mot de passe ici :");
$form->add_textarea("bio", "Je vis  a Tonneins");
$form->add_checkbox("etudiant", "1", "Etudiant", TRUE);
$form->add_checkbox("bob", "2", "Bob");
$form->display("./../index.php", "get");
Exemplo n.º 9
		<td width="100" align="center">
		<td width="300" class="evt_sign_in_form">
<div class="evt_sign_in_table_title">{{Password connect}}</div>
<div class="form_cancel"><small>{{Not registered? Then}} <a href="index.php?action=get_form&amp;type=account">{{create an account}}</a></small></div>
$f = new Form();
$f->action = "?action=authenticate";
$f->other_attrs = 'id="sign_in"';
$f->method = "POST";
$f->add_text(_t("Email"), "email", default_value("email"), _t("Enter your email"));
$f->add_password(_t("Password"), "clear_password", _t("Enter your password"));
$f->add_hidden("password", "");
$f->add_hidden("cnonce", "");
$f->add_submit(_t("Sign in"));
echo $f->html();
<a href="?action=get_form&type=forgotten_password">{{Forgot your password?}}</a><br/>
	var hash_salt = "<?php 
Exemplo n.º 10

$f = new Form();
$f->title = "{{Reset password}}";
$f->action = "?action=handle_reset_password";
$f->method = "POST";
$f->add_password(_t("New password"), "clear_password1", _t("Choose a new password"));
$f->add_password(_t("Retype new password"), "clear_password2", _t("Confirm the new password"));
$f->add_hidden("password1", "");
$f->add_hidden("password2", "");
$f->add_submit(_t("Reset password"));
echo $f->html();
	var hash_salt = "<?php 
	$(document).ready(function() {
		eb_sync_hash('clear_password1', 'password1');
		eb_sync_hash('clear_password2', 'password2');
	$("form").submit(function() {
		$('input[type=password]').attr('name', '');