  * @param ForecastWorksheet $bean
  * @param string $event
  * @param array $args
  * @return bool
 public static function managerNotifyCommitStage($bean, $event, $args)
      * Always Return false for now as notifications are not setup.
     return false;
      * Only run this logic hook when the following conditions are met
      *  - Bean is not a Draft Record
      *  - Bean is not a new Record
      *  - Forecast is Setup
     if ($bean->draft === 0 && !empty($bean->fetched_row) && static::isForecastSetup()) {
         $forecast_by = self::$settings['forecast_by'];
         // make sure we have a bean of the one that we are forecasting by
         // and it's fetched_row commit_stage is equal to `include`
         // and it's updated commit_stage does not equal `include`
         if ($bean->parent_type === $forecast_by && $bean->fetched_row['commit_stage'] === 'include' && $bean->commit_stage !== 'include') {
             // send a notification to their manager if they have a manager
             /* @var $user User */
             $user = array_shift($bean->assigned_user_link->getBeans());
             if (!empty($user->reports_to_id)) {
                 $worksheet_strings = static::getLanguageStrings($bean->module_name);
                 $mod_strings = static::getLanguageStrings($bean->parent_type);
                 $notifyBean = static::getNotificationBean();
                 $notifyBean->assigned_user_id = $user->reports_to_id;
                 $notifyBean->type = 'information';
                 $notifyBean->created_by = $user->id;
                 $notifyBean->name = string_format($worksheet_strings['LBL_MANAGER_NOTIFY'], array($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME_SINGULAR'], $bean->name));
                 return true;
     return false;