Exemplo n.º 1
  * Edits the task in $task using the parameters in $args
  * @param array $task a task array
  * @param array $args usually $_POST
  * @access public
  * @return array array(STATUS_CODE, msg)
 function edit_task($task, $args)
     global $user, $db, $fs, $proj;
     if ($proj->id != Post::val('project_id', $task['project_id'])) {
         $proj = new Project(Post::val('project_id', $task['project_id']));
     if (!$proj->id) {
         return array(ERROR_INPUT, L('cannotedittaskglobally'));
     if (!$user->can_edit_task($task) && !$user->can_correct_task($task)) {
         return array(ERROR_PERMS);
     // check missing fields
     if (!array_get($args, 'item_summary') || !array_get($args, 'detailed_desc')) {
         return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('summaryanddetails'));
     foreach ($proj->fields as $field) {
         if ($field->prefs['value_required'] && !array_get($args, 'field' . $field->id) && !($field->prefs['force_default'] && !$user->perms('modify_all_tasks'))) {
             return array(ERROR_RECOVER, L('missingrequired') . ' (' . $field->prefs['field_name'] . ')');
     $time = time();
     $plugins = trim(implode(' ', array_get($args, 'detailed_desc_syntax_plugins', array())));
     if (!$plugins) {
         $plugins = $proj->prefs['syntax_plugins'];
     $db->x->autoExecute('{tasks}', array('project_id' => $proj->id, 'item_summary' => array_get($args, 'item_summary'), 'detailed_desc' => array_get($args, 'detailed_desc'), 'mark_private' => intval($user->can_change_private($task) && array_get($args, 'mark_private')), 'last_edited_by' => intval($user->id), 'last_edited_time' => $time, 'syntax_plugins' => $plugins, 'percent_complete' => array_get($args, 'percent_complete')), MDB2_AUTOQUERY_UPDATE, sprintf('task_id = %d', $task['task_id']));
     // Now the custom fields
     foreach ($proj->fields as $field) {
         $field_value = $field->read(array_get($args, 'field' . $field->id));
         $fields = array('field_id' => array('value' => $field->id, 'key' => true), 'task_id' => array('value' => $task['task_id'], 'key' => true), 'field_value' => array('value' => $field_value));
         $db->Replace('{field_values}', $fields);
     // [RED] Update last changed date and user
     $db->x->execParam('UPDATE {redundant} SET last_changed_time = ?,
                               last_changed_by_real_name = ?, last_changed_by_user_name = ?,
                               last_edited_by_real_name = ?, last_edited_by_user_name = ?
                         WHERE task_id = ?', array($time, $user->infos['real_name'], $user->infos['user_name'], $user->infos['real_name'], $user->infos['user_name'], $task['task_id']));
     // Prepare assignee list
     $assignees = explode(';', trim(array_get($args, 'assigned_to')));
     $assignees = array_map(array('Flyspray', 'UserNameToId'), $assignees);
     $assignees = array_filter($assignees, create_function('$x', 'return ($x > 0);'));
     // Update the list of users assigned this task, if changed
     if ($user->perms('edit_assignments') && count(array_diff($task['assigned_to'], $assignees)) + count(array_diff($assignees, $task['assigned_to']))) {
         // Delete the current assignees for this task
         $db->x->execParam('DELETE FROM {assigned}
                             WHERE task_id = ?', $task['task_id']);
         // Store them in the 'assigned' table
         foreach ($assignees as $val) {
             $fields = array('user_id' => array('value' => $val, 'key' => true), 'task_id' => array('value' => $task['task_id'], 'key' => true));
             $db->Replace('{assigned}', $fields);
         // Log to task history
         Flyspray::logEvent($task['task_id'], 14, implode(' ', $assignees), implode(' ', $task['assigned_to']), '', $time);
         // Notify the new assignees what happened.  This obviously won't happen if the task is now assigned to no-one.
         if (count($assignees)) {
             $new_assignees = array_diff($assignees, $task['assigned_to']);
             // Remove current user from notification list
             if (!$user->infos['notify_own']) {
                 $new_assignees = array_filter($new_assignees, create_function('$u', 'global $user; return $user->id != $u;'));
             if (count($new_assignees)) {
                 Notifications::send($new_assignees, ADDRESS_USER, NOTIFY_NEW_ASSIGNEE, array('task_id' => $task['task_id']));
     // Get the details of the task we just updated
     // To generate the changed-task message
     $new_details_full = Flyspray::GetTaskDetails($task['task_id']);
     $changes = Flyspray::compare_tasks($task, $new_details_full);
     foreach ($changes as $change) {
         if ($change[4] == 'assigned_to_name') {
         Flyspray::logEvent($task['task_id'], 3, $change[6], $change[5], $change[4], $time);
     if (count($changes) > 0) {
         Notifications::send($task['task_id'], ADDRESS_TASK, NOTIFY_TASK_CHANGED, array('changes' => $changes));
     Backend::add_comment($task, array_get($args, 'comment_text'), $time);
     Backend::delete_files(array_get($args, 'delete_att'));
     Backend::upload_files($task['task_id'], '0', 'usertaskfile');
     return array(SUBMIT_OK, L('taskupdated'));
Exemplo n.º 2
 // Get the details of the task we just updated
 // To generate the changed-task message
 $new_details_full = Flyspray::GetTaskDetails($task['task_id']);
 // Not very nice...maybe combine compare_tasks() and logEvent() ?
 $result = $db->Query("SELECT * FROM {tasks} WHERE task_id = ?", array($task['task_id']));
 $new_details = $db->FetchRow($result);
 foreach ($new_details as $key => $val) {
     if (strstr($key, 'last_edited_') || $key == 'assigned_to' || is_numeric($key)) {
     if ($val != $task[$key]) {
         // Log the changed fields in the task history
         Flyspray::logEvent($task['task_id'], 3, $val, $task[$key], $key, $time);
 $changes = Flyspray::compare_tasks($task, $new_details_full);
 if (count($changes) > 0) {
     $notify->Create(NOTIFY_TASK_CHANGED, $task['task_id'], $changes, null, NOTIFY_BOTH, $proj->prefs['lang_code']);
 if ($assignees_changed) {
     // Log to task history
     Flyspray::logEvent($task['task_id'], 14, implode(' ', $assignees), implode(' ', $task['assigned_to']), '', $time);
     // Notify the new assignees what happened.  This obviously won't happen if the task is now assigned to no-one.
     if (count($assignees)) {
         $new_assignees = array_diff($task['assigned_to'], $assignees);
         // Remove current user from notification list
         if (!$user->infos['notify_own']) {
             $new_assignees = array_filter($new_assignees, create_function('$u', 'global $user; return $user->id != $u;'));
         if (count($new_assignees)) {
             $notify->Create(NOTIFY_NEW_ASSIGNEE, $task['task_id'], null, $notify->SpecificAddresses($new_assignees), NOTIFY_BOTH, $proj->prefs['lang_code']);