Exemplo n.º 1
 function flights(Pilot $pilot)
     $flights = Flight::whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->with('departureCountry', 'arrivalCountry', 'departure', 'arrival', 'pilot')->where('departure_time', '!=', '')->orderBy('startdate', 'desc')->orderBy('departure_time', 'desc')->orderBy('callsign')->paginate(50);
     $this->autoRender(compact('flights', 'pilot'), 'Flights');
Exemplo n.º 2
 function fire($job, $vatsim_id)
     $pilot = Pilot::whereVatsimId($vatsim_id)->first();
     if ($pilot->processing == 1) {
     try {
         $it = new XmlIterator\XmlIterator('https://cert.vatsim.net/vatsimnet/idstatusint.php?cid=' . $vatsim_id, 'user');
         $official = iterator_to_array($it)[0];
         $pilot->name = $official['name_first'] . ' ' . $official['name_last'];
         $pilot->rating_id = $official['rating'];
     } catch (ErrorException $e) {
     $newFlights = array();
     $flights = Flight::whereVatsimId($pilot->vatsim_id)->whereState(2)->get();
     $totalDistance = 0;
     $totalDuration = 0;
     $totalFlights = $flights->count();
     foreach ($flights as $flight) {
         if ($flight->processed == 1) {
             $totalDistance += $flight->distance;
             $totalDuration += $flight->duration;
         } else {
             $callsign = str_replace('-', '', strtoupper($flight->callsign));
             if (!is_null($airline = $this->getAirlines($callsign))) {
                 // Airline
             } elseif (!is_null($registration = $this->getRegistrations($callsign))) {
             if (!is_null($flight->departure_time) && !is_null($flight->arrival_time)) {
                 $duration = $this->duration($flight->departure_time, $flight->arrival_time);
                 $flight->duration = $duration;
                 $totalDuration += $duration;
             $distance = 0;
             foreach ($flight->positions as $key => $position) {
                 if ($key > 0) {
                     $distance += $this->distance($position->lat, $position->lon, $previous->lat, $previous->lon);
                 $previous = $position;
             $flight->distance = $distance;
             // $flight->processed = true;
             // $flight->save();
             if (!is_nan($distance)) {
                 $totalDistance += $distance;
             unset($distance, $previous);
         $newFlights[] = array('id' => $flight->id, 'duration' => $flight->duration, 'distance' => $flight->distance, 'airline_id' => $flight->airline_id, 'callsign_type' => $flight->callsign_type);
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - processed flights');
     DB::statement("create temporary table if not exists flights_temp (\n\t\t\t`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`callsign_type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t`airline_id` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t`duration` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t`distance` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n\t\t)");
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - created temp table flights');
     $remaining = count($newFlights);
     $step = 0;
     do {
         Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted flights - ' . $remaining);
         DB::table('flights_temp')->insert(array_slice($newFlights, 100 * $step, 100));
         $remaining -= 100;
     } while ($remaining > 0);
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted flights - done');
     DB::statement("update flights dest, flights_temp src set\n\t\t\tdest.callsign_type = src.callsign_type,\n\t\t\tdest.airline_id = src.airline_id,\n\t\t\tdest.duration = src.duration,\n\t\t\tdest.distance = src.distance,\n\t\t\tdest.processed = 1\n\t\twhere dest.id = src.id\n\t\t");
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - updated flights');
     $atcs = ATC::whereVatsimId($vatsim_id)->whereNotNull('end')->get();
     $totalDurationAtc = 0;
     $totalAtc = $atcs->count();
     $newAtc = array();
     foreach ($atcs as $atc) {
         if ($atc->processed) {
             if ($atc->facility_id != 99) {
                 $totalDurationAtc += $atc->duration;
             } else {
         } else {
             $atc->facility_id = ends_with($atc->callsign, '_ATIS') ? 99 : $atc->facility_id;
             $duration = $this->duration($atc->start, $atc->end);
             $atc->duration = $duration;
             if ($atc->facility_id != 99) {
                 $totalDurationAtc += $duration;
             if ($atc->facility_id < 6) {
                 $airport = Airport::select('icao')->whereIcao(explode('_', $atc->callsign)[0])->orWhere('iata', '=', explode('_', $atc->callsign)[0])->pluck('icao');
                 $atc->airport_id = is_null($airport) ? null : $airport;
             } elseif ($atc->facility_id == 6) {
                 $sector = SectorAlias::select('sectors.code')->where('sector_aliases.code', '=', explode('_', $atc->callsign)[0])->join('sectors', 'sector_aliases.sector_id', '=', 'sectors.id')->pluck('code');
                 $atc->sector_id = is_null($sector) ? null : $sector;
             } else {
             // $atc->processed = true;
             // $atc->save();
         $newAtc[] = array('id' => $atc->id, 'airport_id' => $atc->airport_id, 'sector_id' => $atc->sector_id, 'duration' => $atc->duration, 'facility_id' => $atc->facility_id);
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - processed atc');
     DB::statement("create temporary table if not exists atc_temp (\n\t\t\t`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`facility_id` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`airport_id` varchar(6) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t`sector_id` varchar(10) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t`duration` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n\t\t)");
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - created temp table atc');
     $remaining = count($newAtc);
     $step = 0;
     do {
         Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted atc - ' . $remaining);
         DB::table('atc_temp')->insert(array_slice($newAtc, 100 * $step, 100));
         $remaining -= 100;
     } while ($remaining > 0);
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - inserted atc - done');
     DB::statement("update atc dest, atc_temp src set\n\t\t\tdest.duration = src.duration,\n\t\t\tdest.facility_id = src.facility_id,\n\t\t\tdest.airport_id = src.airport_id,\n\t\t\tdest.sector_id = src.sector_id,\n\t\t\tdest.processed = 1\n\t\twhere dest.id = src.id\n\t\t");
     Log::info('queue:legacy[' . $job->getJobId() . '] - updated atc');
     $pilot->processing = 1;
     $pilot->distance = $totalDistance;
     $pilot->duration = $totalDuration;
     $pilot->counter = $totalFlights;
     $pilot->counter_atc = $totalAtc;
     $pilot->duration_atc = $totalDurationAtc;
Exemplo n.º 3
    if (!Input::has('from') || !Input::has('to')) {
        return App::abort(404);
    return Redirect::route('citypair', array('departure' => strtoupper(Input::get('from')), 'arrival' => strtoupper(Input::get('to'))), 301);
Route::get('routes.cfm', function () {
    if (!Input::has('from') || !Input::has('to')) {
        return App::abort(404);
    return Redirect::route('citypair', array('departure' => strtoupper(Input::get('from')), 'arrival' => strtoupper(Input::get('to'))), 301);
Route::get('pilotredir.cfm', function () {
    if (!Input::has('cid')) {
        return Redirect::route('pilot.index');
    $latestFlight = Flight::whereVatsimId(Input::get('cid'))->orderBy('id', 'desc')->first();
    // Redirect to pilot page is last flight cannot be found
    if (is_null($latestFlight)) {
        return Redirect::route('pilot.show', array('pilot' => Input::get('cid')));
    // Redirect to flight page when flight is found
    return Redirect::route('flight.show', array('flight' => $latestFlight->id));
| Push Queue Handler
| The route that received the jobs from the push queue should be here.