Exemplo n.º 1
  * Method to render a field
  * @access public
  * @return object
  * @since 1.5
 static function renderField(&$_item, &$_field, &$values, $method = 'display', $view = FLEXI_ITEMVIEW)
     static $_trigger_plgs_ft = array();
     static $_created = array();
     $flexiview = JRequest::getVar('view');
     static $cparams = null;
     if ($cparams === null) {
         $cparams = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_flexicontent');
     static $aid;
     if ($aid === null) {
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
         $aid = FLEXI_J16GE ? JAccess::getAuthorisedViewLevels($user->id) : (int) $user->get('aid');
     if (is_array($_item) && is_string($_field)) {
     } else {
         if (is_object($_item) && is_object($_field)) {
         } else {
             echo "renderField() must be called with: renderField(array of items, 'field_name',...) or  renderField(item object, field object,...)<br/>";
     // If $method (e.g. display method) is already created,
     // then return the field object without recreating the method
     if (is_object($_field) && isset($_field->{$method})) {
         return $_field;
     // Handle multi-item call
     if (!is_array($_item)) {
         $all_items = array(&$_item);
         $field_name = $_field->name;
         $first_item_field =& $_field;
     } else {
         $all_items =& $_item;
         $field_name = $_field;
         $item = reset($_item);
         $first_item_field =& $item->fields[$field_name];
     // Skip items that have already created the given 'method' for this 'field' and for the given view
     // we also use VIEW so that we can reder different displays of the field e.g. item VIEW and module view
     $items = array();
     foreach ($all_items as $_item_) {
         // Commented out, TODO: examine if we can return cached value here !!
         //if (isset($_created[$view][$method][$field_name][$_item_->id])) continue;  // Skip this item
         $items[] = $_item_;
         $_created[$view][$method][$field_name][$_item_->id] = 1;
     // Check if item array is empty (all items already rendered)
     if (empty($items)) {
         return !is_object($_field) ? null : $_field;
     // ***********************************************************************************************************
     // Create field parameters (and values) in an optimized way, and also apply Type Customization for CORE fields
     // ***********************************************************************************************************
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $field = is_object($_field) ? $_field : $item->fields[$field_name];
         // only rendering 1 item the field object was given
         $field->item_id = (int) $item->id;
         // CHECK IF only rendering single field object for a single item  -->  thus we need to use custom values if these were given !
         // NOTE: values are overwritten by onDisplayCoreFieldValue() of CORE fields, and only used by onDisplayFieldValue() of CUSTOM fields
         if (is_object($_field) && $values !== null) {
             // CUSTOM VALUEs give for single field rendering, TODO (maybe): in future we may make values an array indexed by item ID
             $field->value = $values;
         } else {
             // CUSTOM VALUEs not given or rendering multiple items
             $field->value = isset($item->fieldvalues[$field->id]) ? $item->fieldvalues[$field->id] : array();
         FlexicontentFields::loadFieldConfig($field, $item);
     // **********************************************
     // Return no access message if user has no ACCESS
     // **********************************************
     // Calculate has_access flag if it is missing ... FLEXI_ACCESS ... no longer supported here ...
     if (!isset($first_item_field->has_access)) {
         $first_item_field->has_access = FLEXI_J16GE ? in_array($first_item_field->access, $aid) : $first_item_field->access <= $aid;
     if (!$first_item_field->has_access) {
         // Get configuration out of the field of the first item, any CONFIGURATION that is different
         // per content TYPE, must not use this, instead it must be retrieved inside the item loops
         $show_acc_msg = $first_item_field->parameters->get('show_acc_msg', 0);
         $no_acc_msg = $first_item_field->parameters->get('no_acc_msg');
         $no_acc_msg = JText::_($no_acc_msg ? $no_acc_msg : 'FLEXI_FIELD_NO_ACCESS');
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $field = is_object($_field) ? $_field : $item->fields[$field_name];
             // only rendering 1 item the field object was given
             $field->{$method} = $show_acc_msg ? '<span class="fc-noauth fcfield_inaccessible_' . $field->id . '">' . $no_acc_msg . '</span>' : '';
         // Return field only if single item was given (with a field object)
         return !is_object($_field) ? null : $_field;
     // ***************************************************************************************************
     // Create field HTML by calling the appropriate DISPLAY-CREATING field plugin method.
     // NOTE 1: We will not pass the 'values' method parameter to the display-creating field method,
     //         instead we have set it above as the 'value' field property
     // NOTE 2: For CUSTOM fields the 'values' method parameter is prefered over the 'value' field property
     //         For CORE field, both the above ('values' method parameter and 'value' field property) are
     //         ignored and instead the other method parameters are used, along with the ITEM properties
     // ****************************************************************************************************
     // Log content plugin and other performance information
     $print_logging_info = $cparams->get('print_logging_info');
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         global $fc_run_times;
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         $start_microtime = microtime(true);
     if ($first_item_field->iscore == 1) {
         //$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onDisplayCoreFieldValue', array( &$_field, $_item, &$_item->parameters, $_item->tags, $_item->cats, $_item->favs, $_item->fav, $_item->vote ));
         //FLEXIUtilities::call_FC_Field_Func('core', 'onDisplayCoreFieldValue', array( &$_field, & $_item, &$_item->parameters, $_item->tags, $_item->cats, $_item->favs, $_item->fav, $_item->vote, null, $method ) );
         $items_params = null;
         FLEXIUtilities::call_FC_Field_Func('core', 'onDisplayCoreFieldValue', array(&$_field, &$items, &$items_params, false, false, false, false, false, null, $method));
     } else {
         // DOES NOT support multiple items YET, do it 1 at a time
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $field = is_object($_field) ? $_field : $item->fields[$field_name];
             // only rendering 1 item the field object was given
             //$results = $dispatcher->trigger('onDisplayFieldValue', array( &$field, $item ));
             FLEXIUtilities::call_FC_Field_Func($field->field_type, 'onDisplayFieldValue', array(&$field, $item, null, $method));
     if ($print_logging_info) {
         $field_render_time = round(1000000 * 10 * (microtime(true) - $start_microtime)) / 10;
         if (isset($fc_run_times['render_subfields'][$item->id . "_" . $field->id])) {
             $field_render_time = $field_render_time - $fc_run_times['render_subfields'][$item->id . "_" . $field->id];
             @($fc_run_times['render_subfields'][$field->field_type] += $fc_run_times['render_subfields'][$item->id . "_" . $field->id]);
             unset($fc_run_times['render_subfields'][$item->id . "_" . $field->id]);
         @($fc_run_times['render_field'][$field->field_type] += $field_render_time);
     // *****************************************
     // Trigger content plugins on the field text
     // *****************************************
     // Get configuration out of the field of the first item, if this CONFIGURATION was
     // different per content TYPE, then we should move this inside the item loop (below)
     if (!is_array($_item)) {
         $field = $_field;
     } else {
         $item = reset($items);
         $field = $item->fields[$field_name];
     if (!isset($_trigger_plgs_ft[$field_name])) {
         $_t = $field->parameters->get('trigger_onprepare_content', 0);
         if ($flexiview == 'category') {
             $_t = $_t && $field->parameters->get('trigger_plgs_incatview', 1);
         $_trigger_plgs_ft[$field_name] = $_t;
     // DOES NOT support multiple items, do it 1 at a time
     if ($_trigger_plgs_ft[$field_name]) {
         //echo "RENDER: ".$field_name."<br/>";
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             $field = is_object($_field) ? $_field : $item->fields[$field_name];
             // only rendering 1 item the field object was given
             if ($print_logging_info) {
                 $start_microtime = microtime(true);
             FlexicontentFields::triggerContentPlugins($field, $item, $method, $view);
             if ($print_logging_info) {
                 @($fc_run_times['content_plg'] += round(1000000 * 10 * (microtime(true) - $start_microtime)) / 10);
     // Return field only if single item was given (with a field object)
     return !is_object($_field) ? null : $_field;