private function _start()
     $goto = $this->apiHandler->initHandshake($this->_getRefererUri());
  * Load session from user
  * At this time here, we can be in two situations. Either we are an
  * anonymous user (user object here has most likely no name set we assume)
  * but we also might happen to just be back from our trip to the OAuth
  * Resource server.
  * Documentation says we should read cookies and just pop in that user object
  * the name coming from the cookies. I expect that just breaks any security
  * steps we’ve taken so far.
  * Since we came from the OAuth Resource server and the user had a successful
  * authentication exchange, the Request URI should have TWO properties
  * - code
  * - state
  * The Code will be used right after to get a bearer token, so, its safe
  * to assume that we can start that validation here instead than later in the
  * execution flow.
  * If that step was successful, we trust that we already saved
  * a state object in the Memcache server. Lets use that as a way to check
  * **before any html has been given to the browser** to validate that user.
  * We already might got cookies:
  * - (.*)Token,
  * - (.*)UserID
  * - (.*)UserName
  * Since we already can know expectable data from the resource server,
  * use this hook as an event handler to actually do the validation.
  * from our OAuth Resource server, and nothing else should be done
  * @param  [type] $user   [description]
  * @param  [type] $result [description]
  * @return [type]         [description]
 public static function onUserLoadFromSession($user, &$result)
     $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'] = array();
     $diagnosis['session'] = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getCookie('_session');
     $diagnosis['username'] = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getCookie('UserName');
     $diagnosis['user_id'] = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getCookie('UserID');
     if (isset($_COOKIE['wpdSsoUsername'])) {
         $diagnosis['wpdSsoUsername'] = $_COOKIE['wpdSsoUsername'];
     if (isset($_POST['recoveryPayload'])) {
         $diagnosis['recoveryPayload'] = $_POST['recoveryPayload'];
     //header("X-WebPlatform-Debug: ".substr(str_replace('"','', json_encode($diagnosis,true)),1,-1));
     //header("X-WebPlatform-Debug-Cookie: ".substr(str_replace('"','', json_encode($_COOKIE,true)),1,-1));
     //  header("X-WebPlatform-Debug-Edgecase2: recoveryPayload is present");
     // Use Native PHP way to check REQUEST params
     $state_key = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : null;
     $code = isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] : null;
     $bearer_token = null;
     $profile = null;
     $site_root = str_replace('$1', '', $GLOBALS['wgArticlePath']);
     //$registeredCookieWithUsername = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getCookie( 'UserName' );
     //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'Registered cookie username: '******'recoveryPayload']) ? $_POST['recoveryPayload'] : null;
     if (is_string($sessionToken)) {
         header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
         // TODO: Do some more validation with this, see
         //   notes at
         try {
             $uri = '';
             $client = new Guzzle\Http\Client();
             $client->setDefaultOption('timeout', 22);
             $subreq = $client->get($uri);
             $subreq->setHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
             $subreq->setHeader('Authorization', 'Session ' . $sessionToken);
             $r = $client->send($subreq);
         } catch (Guzzle\Http\Exception\ClientErrorResponseException $e) {
             $clientErrorStatusCode = $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode();
             $clientErrorReason = $e->getResponse()->getReasonPhrase();
             // We are considering that wgUser id 0 means anonymous
             if ($clientErrorStatusCode === 401 && $GLOBALS['wgUser']->getId() !== 0) {
                 header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized");
                 header("X-WebPlatform-Outcome-1: Session closed, closing local too");
                 // 401 AND uid 0 means we have nothing to do
             } elseif ($clientErrorStatusCode === 401 && $GLOBALS['wgUser']->getId() === 0) {
                 header("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content");
                 header("X-WebPlatform-Outcome-2: Session closed both local and accounts");
             return true;
         } catch (Guzzle\Http\Exception\CurlException $e) {
             header("X-WebPlatform-Outcome-3: CurlException");
             header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
             echo $e->getMessage();
             return true;
         try {
             $data = $r->json();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");
             header("X-WebPlatform-Outcome-4: Profile refused communication");
             echo "Profile server refused communication";
             return true;
         # 20140807
         $wgUserName = is_object($GLOBALS['wgUser']) ? $GLOBALS['wgUser']->getName() : null;
         if (isset($data['username']) && strtolower($wgUserName) === strtolower($data['username'])) {
             header("X-WebPlatform-Outcome-5: " . strtolower($wgUserName) . " is " . strtolower($data['username']));
             header("HTTP/1.1 204 No Content");
             return true;
             // All is good
         $tempUser = WebPlatformAuthUserFactory::prepareUser($data);
         if ($tempUser->getId() === 0) {
             // No user exists whatsoever, create and make current user
             $tempUser->setOption("rememberpassword", 0);
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = sprintf('User %s created', $tempUser->getName());
         } else {
             // User exist in database, load it
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = sprintf('Session for %s started', $tempUser->getName());
         $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $tempUser->getId();
         $GLOBALS['wgUser'] = $tempUser;
         // Ideally, the first false below should be true! But we need SSL at the top level domain
         setcookie('wpdSsoUsername', $data['username'], time() + 60 * 60 * 7, '/', '', false, true);
         if (isset($_GET['username'])) {
             header("X-WebPlatform-Username: "******"X-WebPlatform-Recovery: " . urlencode(json_encode($data)) );
         header("HTTP/1.0 201 Created");
         return true;
     if (is_string($state_key) && is_string($code)) {
         //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'About to retrieve data: '.(($user->isLoggedIn())?'logged in':'not logged in'); // DEBUG
         // Since we DO have what we need to get
         // to our validation server, please do not cache.
         // ... and since WE DIDN’t send any HTML, yet (good boy)
         // we can actually do that.
         header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
         try {
             $apiHandler = new FirefoxAccountsManager($GLOBALS['wgWebPlatformAuth']);
             // $code can be used ONLY ONCE!
             //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'Code: '.print_r($code,1); // DEBUG
             $bearer_token = $apiHandler->getBearerToken($code);
         } catch (ClientErrorResponseException $e) {
             $msg = 'Could not get authorization token';
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $msg;
             $msg .= ', returned after FirefoxAccountsManager::getBearerToken(), it said:' . $e->getMessage();
             $obj = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody(true), true);
             $msg .= isset($obj['reason']) ? ', reason: ' . $obj['reason'] : null;
             $msg .= isset($obj['message']) ? ', message: ' . $obj['message'] : null;
             //header('Location: '.$site_root);
             return true;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             // Other error: e.g. config, or other Guzzle call not expected.
             $msg = 'Unknown error, Could not get authorization token';
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $msg;
             $msg .= ', returned a "' . get_class($e);
             $msg .= '" after FirefoxAccountsManager::getBearerToken(), it said: ' . $e->getMessage();
             //header('Location: '.$site_root);
             return true;
         //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'Bearer token: '.print_r($bearer_token,1); // DEBUG
         // FirefoxAccountsManager::getBearerToken()
         // returns an array.
         if (is_array($bearer_token)) {
             try {
                 $profile = $apiHandler->getProfile($bearer_token);
                 //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'Profile: '.print_r($profile,1); // DEBUG
                 $tempUser = WebPlatformAuthUserFactory::prepareUser($profile);
             } catch (ClientErrorResponseException $e) {
                 $msg = 'Could not retrieve profile data';
                 $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $msg;
                 $msg .= ', returned a "' . get_class($e);
                 $msg .= '" after calling getProfile(), it said: ' . $e->getMessage();
                 $obj = json_decode($e->getResponse()->getBody(true), true);
                 $msg .= isset($obj['reason']) ? ', with reason: ' . $obj['reason'] : null;
                 $msg .= isset($obj['message']) ? ', message: ' . $obj['message'] : null;
                 return true;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $msg = 'Unknown error, Could not get profile data or create new user';
                 $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $msg;
                 $msg .= ', returned a "' . get_class($e);
                 $msg .= '" after FirefoxAccountsManager::getProfile(), it said: ' . $e->getMessage();
                 return true;
             // Note that, HERE, whether we use $GLOBALS['wgUser']
             // or $user (passed in this function call from the hook)
             // or EVEN the one passed to WebPlatformAuthUserFactory::prepareUser()
             // it should be the same. It is assumed that in prepareUser() it the call
             // to MW User::loadDefaults($username) makes that binding.
             // #DOUBLECHECKLATER
             // Let’s be EXPLICIT
             // Note that MW User::isLoggedIn() is not **only** checking
             // whether the user is logged in per se. But rather do both;
             // checking if the user exists in the database. Doesn’t mean
             // the session is bound, yet.
             if ($tempUser->getId() === 0) {
                 // No user exists whatsoever, create and make current user
                 $tempUser->setOption("rememberpassword", 0);
                 $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = sprintf('User %s created', $tempUser->getName());
             } else {
                 // User exist in database, load it
                 $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = sprintf('Session for %s started', $tempUser->getName());
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $tempUser->getId();
             $GLOBALS['wgUser'] = $tempUser;
             //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = ($GLOBALS['wgUser']->isLoggedIn())?'logged in':'not logged in'; // DEBUG
             //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = $tempUser->getId(); // DEBUG
             $state_data = $apiHandler->stateRetrieve($state_key);
             if (is_array($state_data) && isset($state_data['return_to'])) {
                 $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'State data: ' . print_r($state_data, 1);
                 header('Location: ' . $state_data['return_to']);
                 return true;
                 // Even though it might just be sent elsewhere, making sure.
         } else {
             $GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = 'No bearer tokens';
             header('Location: ' . $site_root);
     //$GLOBALS['poorman_logging'][] = ($GLOBALS['wgUser']->isLoggedIn())?'logged in':'not logged in';
      * I can put true or false because we wont be using local authentication
      * whatsoever. Hopefully that’s the way to do.
      * Quoting the doc
      *   "When the authentication should continue undisturbed
      *    after the hook was executed, do not touch $result. When
      *    the normal authentication should not happen
      *    (e.g., because $user is completely initialized),
      *    set $result to any boolean value."
      *    -- 2014-05-22
      * But, if I set $result to either true or false, it doesn’t make the UI to
      * act as if you are logged in, AT ALL. Even though I created
      * the user and set it to the global object. I’d like to investigate on why we cannot
      * set either true or false here because it is unclear what it means undisturbed... we are
      * creating local users, based on remote data, but authentication implies password, we arent using
      * local ones, what gives? #DOUBLECHECKLATER
     //$result = false; // Doesn’t matter true or false, and its passed here by-reference.
     return true;
     // Hook MUST return true if it was as intended, was it? (hopefully so far)