protected function slotname_preface() { return parent::slotname_preface() . ".Userid"; }
protected function slotname_preface() { return parent::slotname_preface() . ".Groups"; }
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ require_once "../bootstrap/bootstrap.php"; page_access_level(Filter_Roles::CONSULTANT_LEVEL); $database_config_user = Database_Config_User::getInstance(); $database_config_bible = Database_Config_Bible::getInstance(); $database_search = Database_Search::getInstance(); $database_kjv = Database_Kjv::getInstance(); $ipc_focus = Ipc_Focus::getInstance(); $myIdentifier = Filter_User::myIdentifier(); @($bible = $_GET['b']); if (!isset($bible)) { $bible = $database_config_user->getBible(); } @($load = $_GET['load']); if (isset($load)) { $book = $ipc_focus->getBook(); $chapter = $ipc_focus->getChapter(); $verse = $ipc_focus->getVerse(); // Get Strong's numbers, plus English snippets. $searchtext = ""; $details = $database_kjv->getVerse($book, $chapter, $verse); foreach ($details as $offset => $detail) { if ($offset) { $searchtext .= " ";
protected function slotname_preface() { return parent::slotname_preface() . ".EditCount"; }
protected function slotname_preface() { return parent::slotname_preface() . ".BlockedBy"; }
$session_logic = Session_Logic::getInstance(); $bibles = Access_Bible::bibles(); $book = $ipc_focus->getBook(); $chapter = $ipc_focus->getChapter(); $verse = $ipc_focus->getVerse(); $passage_selector = $database_config_user->getConsultationNotesPassageSelector(); $edit_selector = $database_config_user->getConsultationNotesEditSelector(); $non_edit_selector = $database_config_user->getConsultationNotesNonEditSelector(); $status_selector = $database_config_user->getConsultationNotesStatusSelector(); $bible_selector = $database_config_user->getConsultationNotesBibleSelector(); $assignment_selector = $database_config_user->getConsultationNotesAssignmentSelector(); $subscription_selector = $database_config_user->getConsultationNotesSubscriptionSelector(); $severity_selector = $database_config_user->getConsultationNotesSeveritySelector(); $text_selector = $database_config_user->getConsultationNotesTextSelector(); $search_text = $database_config_user->getConsultationNotesSearchText(); $userid = Filter_User::myIdentifier(); // The admin disables notes selection on Bibles, so the admin sees all notes, even notes referring to non-existing Bibles. if ($session_logic->currentLevel() == Filter_Roles::ADMIN_LEVEL) { $bibles = NULL; } // In case there are no GET variables yet, // assemble the list of identifiers of notes to operate on. // This is done to remember them as long as this page is active. // Thus bulk operations on notes can be rectified somewhat easier. if (count($_GET) == 0) { $identifiers = $database_notes->selectNotes($bibles, $book, $chapter, $verse, $passage_selector, $edit_selector, $non_edit_selector, $status_selector, $bible_selector, $assignment_selector, $subscription_selector, $severity_selector, $text_selector, $search_text, NULL); $database_volatile->setValue($userid, "identifiers", serialize($identifiers)); } // Get the stored note identifiers from the database. $identifiers = unserialize($database_volatile->getValue($userid, "identifiers")); $identifierlist = "";
protected function slotname_preface() { return parent::slotname_preface() . ".Registration"; }
protected function slotname_preface() { return parent::slotname_preface() . ".Gender"; }