public function executeAcquireLease(DrydockResource $resource, DrydockLease $lease)
        $key = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(12);
        $ports = $resource->getAttribute('ports', array());
        for ($ii = 2000;; $ii++) {
            if (empty($ports[$ii])) {
                $ports[$ii] = $lease->getID();
                $port = $ii;
        $resource->setAttribute('ports', $ports);
        $host = $resource->getAttribute('host');
        $lease->setAttribute('port', $port);
        $lease->setAttribute('key', $key);
        $config = <<<EOCONFIG

Listen *:{$port}
<VirtualHost *:{$port}>
  DocumentRoot  /opt/drydock/webroot/{$key}/
  ServerName {$host}
        $cmd = $this->getInterface($resource, $lease, 'command');
sudo mkdir -p %s &&
sudo sh -c %s &&
sudo /etc/init.d/httpd restart
, "/opt/drydock/webroot/{$key}/", csprintf('echo %s > %s', $config, "/etc/httpd/conf.d/drydock-{$key}.conf"));
        $lease->setAttribute('uri', "http://{$host}:{$port}/");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function save()
     if (!$this->verificationCode) {
     return parent::save();
 public function save()
     if (!$this->mailKey) {
         $this->mailKey = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20);
     return parent::save();
  * Writes file data into Amazon S3.
 public function writeFile($data, array $params)
     $s3 = $this->newS3API();
     // Generate a random name for this file. We add some directories to it
     // (e.g. 'abcdef123456' becomes 'ab/cd/ef123456') to make large numbers of
     // files more browsable with web/debugging tools like the S3 administration
     // tool.
     $seed = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20);
     $parts = array();
     $parts[] = 'phabricator';
     $instance_name = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('cluster.instance');
     if (strlen($instance_name)) {
         $parts[] = $instance_name;
     $parts[] = substr($seed, 0, 2);
     $parts[] = substr($seed, 2, 2);
     $parts[] = substr($seed, 4);
     $name = implode('/', $parts);
     $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
     $call_id = $profiler->beginServiceCall(array('type' => 's3', 'method' => 'putObject'));
     $s3->setParametersForPutObject($name, $data)->resolve();
     $profiler->endServiceCall($call_id, array());
     return $name;
 public function save()
     if (!$this->getAccountSecret()) {
     return parent::save();
 public function save()
     if (!$this->getMailKey()) {
     return parent::save();
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static function initializeNewSMS($body)
     // NOTE: these values will be updated to correct values when the
     // SMS is sent for the first time. In particular, the ProviderShortName
     // and ProviderSMSID are totally garbage data before a send it attempted.
     return id(new PhabricatorSMS())->setBody($body)->setSendStatus(PhabricatorSMS::STATUS_UNSENT)->setProviderShortName(PhabricatorSMS::SHORTNAME_PLACEHOLDER)->setProviderSMSID(Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(40));
 public function handleRequest(AphrontRequest $request)
     $viewer = $request->getViewer();
     id(new PhabricatorAuthSessionEngine())->requireHighSecuritySession($viewer, $this->getRequest(), '/');
     // Ideally we'd like to verify this, but it's fine to leave it unguarded
     // for now and verifying it would need some Ajax junk or for the user to
     // click a button or similar.
     $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites();
     $old_token = id(new PhabricatorConduitCertificateToken())->loadOneWhere('userPHID = %s', $viewer->getPHID());
     if ($old_token) {
     $token = id(new PhabricatorConduitCertificateToken())->setUserPHID($viewer->getPHID())->setToken(Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(40))->save();
     $pre_instructions = pht('Copy and paste this token into the prompt given to you by ' . '`arc install-certificate`');
     $post_instructions = pht('After you copy and paste this token, `arc` will complete ' . 'the certificate install process for you.');
     $form = id(new AphrontFormView())->setUser($viewer)->appendRemarkupInstructions($pre_instructions)->appendChild(id(new AphrontFormTextAreaControl())->setLabel(pht('Token'))->setHeight(AphrontFormTextAreaControl::HEIGHT_VERY_SHORT)->setReadonly(true)->setSigil('select-on-click')->setValue($token->getToken()))->appendRemarkupInstructions($post_instructions);
     $crumbs = $this->buildApplicationCrumbs();
     $crumbs->addTextCrumb(pht('Install Certificate'));
     $object_box = id(new PHUIObjectBoxView())->setHeaderText(pht('Certificate Token'))->setBackground(PHUIObjectBoxView::BLUE_PROPERTY)->setForm($form);
     $title = pht('Certificate Install Token');
     $header = id(new PHUIHeaderView())->setHeader($title);
     $view = id(new PHUITwoColumnView())->setHeader($header)->setFooter($object_box);
     return $this->newPage()->setTitle($title)->setCrumbs($crumbs)->appendChild($view);
  * Write file data into S3.
  * @task impl
 public function writeFile($data, array $params)
     $s3 = $this->newS3API();
     $name = 'phabricator/' . Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20);
     $s3->putObject($data, $this->getBucketName(), $name, $acl = 'private');
     return $name;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public static function generateNewPHID($type)
     if (!$type) {
         throw new Exception("Can not generate PHID with no type.");
     $uniq = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20);
     return 'PHID-' . $type . '-' . $uniq;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public function save()
     $this->nameIndex = PhabricatorHash::digestForIndex($this->getName());
     if (!$this->mailKey) {
         $this->mailKey = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20);
     return parent::save();
Exemplo n.º 12
 private function generateTestFile(PhabricatorUser $actor)
     $engine = new PhabricatorTestStorageEngine();
     $data = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(64);
     $params = array('name' => 'test.' . $actor->getPHID(), 'viewPolicy' => $actor->getPHID(), 'authorPHID' => $actor->getPHID(), 'storageEngines' => array($engine));
     $file = PhabricatorFile::newFromFileData($data, $params);
     return $file;
 public static function newHTTPAuthorization(PhabricatorRepository $repository, PhabricatorUser $viewer, $operation)
     $lfs_user = self::HTTP_USERNAME;
     $lfs_pass = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(32);
     $lfs_hash = PhabricatorHash::digest($lfs_pass);
     $ttl = PhabricatorTime::getNow() + phutil_units('1 day in seconds');
     $token = id(new PhabricatorAuthTemporaryToken())->setTokenResource($repository->getPHID())->setTokenType(self::TOKENTYPE)->setTokenCode($lfs_hash)->setUserPHID($viewer->getPHID())->setTemporaryTokenProperty('lfs.operation', $operation)->setTokenExpires($ttl)->save();
     $authorization_header = base64_encode($lfs_user . ':' . $lfs_pass);
     return 'Basic ' . $authorization_header;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * Set the client ID cookie. This is a random cookie used like a CSRF value
  * during authentication workflows.
  * @param AphrontRequest  Request to modify.
  * @return void
  * @task clientid
 public static function setClientIDCookie(AphrontRequest $request)
     // NOTE: See T3471 for some discussion. Some browsers and browser extensions
     // can make duplicate requests, so we overwrite this cookie only if it is
     // not present in the request. The cookie lifetime is limited by making it
     // temporary and clearing it when users log out.
     $value = $request->getCookie(self::COOKIE_CLIENTID);
     if (!strlen($value)) {
         $request->setTemporaryCookie(self::COOKIE_CLIENTID, Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(16));
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static function initializeNewToken($object_phid, $token_type)
     $token = new PhabricatorConduitToken();
     $token->objectPHID = $object_phid;
     $token->tokenType = $token_type;
     $token->expires = $token->getTokenExpires($token_type);
     $secret = $token_type . '-' . Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(32);
     $secret = substr($secret, 0, 32);
     $token->token = $secret;
     return $token;
 protected function getExprGrammarSet()
     $expr = parent::getExprGrammarSet();
     $expr['expr'][] = 'new [classname]([funccallparam])';
     $expr['expr'][] = '[methodcall]';
     $expr['expr'][] = '[methodcall]';
     $expr['expr'][] = '[methodcall]';
     $expr['expr'][] = '[methodcall]';
     // Add some 'char's
     for ($ii = 0; $ii < 2; $ii++) {
         $expr['expr'][] = "'" . Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(1) . "'";
     return $expr;
 public function testIsolation()
     $conn = $this->newIsolatedConnection();
     $test_phid = 'PHID-TEST-' . Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20);
     queryfx($conn, 'INSERT INTO phabricator_phid.phid (phid) VALUES (%s)', $test_phid);
     try {
         $real_phid = id(new PhabricatorPHID())->loadOneWhere('phid = %s', $test_phid);
         $this->assertEqual(null, $real_phid, 'Expect fake PHID to exist only in isolation.');
     } catch (AphrontQueryConnectionException $ex) {
         // If we can't connect to the database, conclude that the isolated
         // connection actually is isolated. Philosophically, this perhaps allows
         // us to claim this test does not depend on the database?
Exemplo n.º 18
 public static function generateNewPHID($type, $subtype = null)
     if (!$type) {
         throw new Exception(pht('Can not generate PHID with no type.'));
     if ($subtype === null) {
         $uniq_len = 20;
         $type_str = "{$type}";
     } else {
         $uniq_len = 15;
         $type_str = "{$type}-{$subtype}";
     $uniq = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters($uniq_len);
     return "PHID-{$type_str}-{$uniq}";
  * Writes file data into Amazon S3.
 public function writeFile($data, array $params)
     $s3 = $this->newS3API();
     // Generate a random name for this file. We add some directories to it
     // (e.g. 'abcdef123456' becomes 'ab/cd/ef123456') to make large numbers of
     // files more browsable with web/debugging tools like the S3 administration
     // tool.
     $seed = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20);
     $parts = array(substr($seed, 0, 2), substr($seed, 2, 2), substr($seed, 4));
     $name = 'phabricator/' . implode('/', $parts);
     $profiler = PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance();
     $call_id = $profiler->beginServiceCall(array('type' => 's3', 'method' => 'putObject'));
     $s3->putObject($data, $this->getBucketName(), $name, $acl = 'private');
     $profiler->endServiceCall($call_id, array());
     return $name;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public static function generateNewPHID($type, array $config = array())
     $owner = idx($config, 'owner');
     $parent = idx($config, 'parent');
     if (!$type) {
         throw new Exception("Can not generate PHID with no type.");
     $uniq = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20);
     $phid = 'PHID-' . $type . '-' . $uniq;
     $phid_rec = new PhabricatorPHID();
     return $phid;
 public function processRequest()
     $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser();
     // Ideally we'd like to verify this, but it's fine to leave it unguarded
     // for now and verifying it would need some Ajax junk or for the user to
     // click a button or similar.
     $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites();
     $old_token = id(new PhabricatorConduitCertificateToken())->loadOneWhere('userPHID = %s', $user->getPHID());
     if ($old_token) {
     $token = id(new PhabricatorConduitCertificateToken())->setUserPHID($user->getPHID())->setToken(Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(40))->save();
     $panel = new AphrontPanelView();
     $panel->setHeader('Certificate Install Token');
     $panel->appendChild('<p class="aphront-form-instructions">Copy and paste this token into ' . 'the prompt given to you by "arc install-certificate":</p>' . '<p style="padding: 0 0 1em 4em;">' . '<strong>' . phutil_escape_html($token->getToken()) . '</strong>' . '</p>' . '<p class="aphront-form-instructions">arc will then complete the ' . 'install process for you.</p>');
     return $this->buildStandardPageResponse($panel, array('title' => 'Certificate Install Token'));
 public function execute(PhutilArgumentParser $args)
     $type = $args->getArg('type');
     if (!strlen($type)) {
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Specify the type of key to generate with --type.'));
     $format = PhabricatorFileStorageFormat::getFormat($type);
     if (!$format) {
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('No key type "%s" exists.', $type));
     if (!$format->canGenerateNewKeyMaterial()) {
         throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException(pht('Storage format "%s" can not generate keys.', $format->getStorageFormatName()));
     $material = $format->generateNewKeyMaterial();
     $structure = array('name' => 'generated-key-' . Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(12), 'type' => $type, 'material.base64' => $material);
     $json = id(new PhutilJSON())->encodeFormatted($structure);
     echo tsprintf("%s: %s\n\n%B\n", pht('Key Material'), $format->getStorageFormatName(), $json);
     return 0;
 public function testRequestCache()
     $cache = PhabricatorCaches::getRequestCache();
     $test_key = 'unit.' . Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(8);
     $default_value = pht('Default');
     $new_value = pht('New Value');
     $this->assertEqual($default_value, $cache->getKey($test_key, $default_value));
     // Set a key, verify it persists.
     $cache = PhabricatorCaches::getRequestCache();
     $cache->setKey($test_key, $new_value);
     $this->assertEqual($new_value, $cache->getKey($test_key, $default_value));
     // Refetch the cache, verify it's really a cache.
     $cache = PhabricatorCaches::getRequestCache();
     $this->assertEqual($new_value, $cache->getKey($test_key, $default_value));
     // Destroy the cache.
     // Now, the value should be missing again.
     $cache = PhabricatorCaches::getRequestCache();
     $this->assertEqual($default_value, $cache->getKey($test_key, $default_value));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function testReadableTransactions()
     // TODO: When we have semi-durable fixtures, use those instead. This is
     // extremely hacky.
     try {
         $data = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(32);
         $obj = new HarbormasterScratchTable();
         $loaded = id(new HarbormasterScratchTable())->loadOneWhere('data = %s', $data);
         $this->assertTrue($loaded !== null, 'Reads inside transactions should have transaction visibility.');
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * Overridden version of `buildTestFuture` so that the unit test can be run
  * via `cscover`, which instruments assemblies and reports on code coverage.
  * @param  string  Name of the test assembly.
  * @return array   The future, output filename and coverage filename
  *                 stored in an array.
 protected function buildTestFuture($test_assembly)
     if ($this->getEnableCoverage() === false) {
         return parent::buildTestFuture($test_assembly);
     // FIXME: Can't use TempFile here as xUnit doesn't like
     // UNIX-style full paths. It sees the leading / as the
     // start of an option flag, even when quoted.
     $xunit_temp = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(10) . '.results.xml';
     if (file_exists($xunit_temp)) {
     $cover_temp = new TempFile();
     $xunit_cmd = $this->runtimeEngine;
     $xunit_args = null;
     if ($xunit_cmd === '') {
         $xunit_cmd = $this->testEngine;
         $xunit_args = csprintf('%s /xml %s', $test_assembly, $xunit_temp);
     } else {
         $xunit_args = csprintf('%s %s /xml %s', $this->testEngine, $test_assembly, $xunit_temp);
     $assembly_dir = dirname($test_assembly);
     $assemblies_to_instrument = array();
     foreach (Filesystem::listDirectory($assembly_dir) as $file) {
         if (substr($file, -4) == '.dll' || substr($file, -4) == '.exe') {
             if ($this->assemblyShouldBeInstrumented($file)) {
                 $assemblies_to_instrument[] = $assembly_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
     if (count($assemblies_to_instrument) === 0) {
         return parent::buildTestFuture($test_assembly);
     $future = new ExecFuture('%C -o %s -c %s -a %s -w %s %Ls', trim($this->runtimeEngine . ' ' . $this->coverEngine), $cover_temp, $xunit_cmd, $xunit_args, $assembly_dir, $assemblies_to_instrument);
     return array($future, $assembly_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $xunit_temp, $cover_temp);
Exemplo n.º 26
 public function getKey(AphrontRequest $request)
     $plugins = $this->getPlugins();
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
     $plugins = msort($plugins, 'getOrderKey');
     $key = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(24);
     $tabs = array();
     $data = array();
     foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
         $class = get_class($plugin);
         $tabs[] = array('class' => $class, 'name' => $plugin->getName(), 'color' => $plugin->getColor());
         $data[$class] = $this->sanitizeForJSON($plugin->getData());
     $storage = array('vers' => self::STORAGE_VERSION, 'tabs' => $tabs, 'data' => $data, 'user' => $request->getUser() ? $request->getUser()->getPHID() : null);
     $cache = new PhabricatorKeyValueDatabaseCache();
     $cache = new PhutilKeyValueCacheProfiler($cache);
     // This encoding may fail if there are, e.g., database queries which
     // include binary data. It would be a little cleaner to try to strip these,
     // but just do something non-broken here if we end up with unrepresentable
     // data.
     $json = @json_encode($storage);
     if (!$json) {
         $json = '{}';
     $cache->setKeys(array('darkconsole:' . $key => $json), $ttl = 60 * 60 * 6);
     return $key;
Exemplo n.º 27
 protected function newStorageFixture()
     $bytes = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(24);
     $name = self::NAMESPACE_PREFIX . $bytes;
     return new PhabricatorStorageFixtureScopeGuard($name);
  * @task token
 public function generateAccessToken()
     $token = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(32);
     $access_token = new PhabricatorOAuthServerAccessToken();
     return $access_token;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Generate a unique ID for this daemon.
  * @return string A unique daemon ID.
 private function generateDaemonID()
     return substr(getmypid() . ':' . Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(12), 0, 12);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public function save()
     if (!$this->mailKey) {
         $this->mailKey = Filesystem::readRandomCharacters(20);
     $result = parent::save();
     if ($this->projectsNeedUpdate) {
         // If we've changed the project PHIDs for this task, update the link
         // table.
         $this->projectsNeedUpdate = false;
     if ($this->subscribersNeedUpdate) {
         // If we've changed the subscriber PHIDs for this task, update the link
         // table.
         $this->subscribersNeedUpdate = false;
     if ($this->auxiliaryDirty) {
         $this->auxiliaryDirty = array();
     return $result;