Exemplo n.º 1
  * @see File_Archive_Reader::next()
 function next()
     if (!parent::next()) {
         return false;
     $this->filePos = 0;
     if ($this->nbRead > 1) {
         return false;
     $dataFilename = $this->source->getDataFilename();
     if ($dataFilename !== null) {
         $this->tmpName = null;
         $this->gzfile = gzopen($dataFilename, 'r');
     } else {
         $this->tmpName = tempnam(File_Archive::getOption('tmpDirectory'), 'far');
         //Generate the tmp data
         $dest = new File_Archive_Writer_Files();
         $this->gzfile = gzopen($this->tmpName, 'r');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * @see File_Archive_Reader::next()
 function next()
     if (!parent::next()) {
         return false;
     if ($this->nbRead > 1) {
         return false;
     $dataFilename = $this->source->getDataFilename();
     if ($dataFilename !== null) {
         $this->tmpName = null;
         $this->bzfile = @bzopen($dataFilename, 'r');
         if ($this->bzfile === false) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("bzopen failed to open {$dataFilename}");
     } else {
         $this->tmpName = tempnam(File_Archive::getOption('tmpDirectory'), 'far');
         //Generate the tmp data
         $dest = new File_Archive_Writer_Files();
         $this->bzfile = bzopen($this->tmpName, 'r');
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * @see File_Archive_Writer::newFile()
  * Check that one single file is written in the GZip archive
 function newFile($filename, $stat = array(), $mime = "application/octet-stream")
     if ($this->nbFiles > 1) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("A Gz archive can only contain one single file." . "Use Tgz archive to be able to write several files");
     $this->tmpName = tempnam(File_Archive::getOption('tmpDirectory'), 'far');
     $this->gzfile = gzopen($this->tmpName, 'w' . $this->compressionLevel);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * @see File_Archive_Reader::getData()
 function getData($length = -1)
     if ($this->fromSource) {
         $data = $this->source->getData($length);
         if (PEAR::isError($data)) {
             return $data;
         fwrite($this->tmpFile, $data);
         return $data;
     } else {
         if ($length == 0) {
             return '';
         if ($length > 0 && $this->pos + 1 < count($this->files)) {
             $maxSize = $this->files[$this->pos + 1]['pos'] - ftell($this->tmpFile);
             if ($maxSize == 0) {
                 return null;
             if ($length > $maxSize) {
                 $length = $maxSize;
             return fread($this->tmpFile, $length);
         } else {
             $contents = '';
             $blockSize = File_Archive::getOption('blockSize');
             while (!feof($this->tmpFile)) {
                 $contents .= fread($this->tmpFile, $blockSize);
             return $contents == '' ? null : $contents;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Sends the current file to the Writer $writer
  * The data will be sent by chunks of at most $bufferSize bytes
  * If $bufferSize <= 0 (default), the blockSize option is used
 function sendData(&$writer, $bufferSize = 0)
     if (PEAR::isError($writer)) {
         return $writer;
     if ($bufferSize <= 0) {
         $bufferSize = File_Archive::getOption('blockSize');
     $filename = $this->getDataFilename();
     if ($filename !== null) {
         $error = $writer->writeFile($filename);
         if (PEAR::isError($error)) {
             return $error;
     } else {
         while (($data = $this->getData($bufferSize)) !== null) {
             if (PEAR::isError($data)) {
                 return $data;
             $error = $writer->writeData($data);
             if (PEAR::isError($error)) {
                 return $error;
Exemplo n.º 6
 function appendFile($filename, $dataFilename)
     //Try to read from the cache
     $cache = File_Archive::getOption('cache', null);
     if ($cache !== null && $this->compressionLevel > 0) {
         $id = realpath($dataFilename);
         $id = urlencode($id);
         $id = str_replace('_', '%5F', $id);
         $group = 'FileArchiveZip' . $this->compressionLevel;
         $mtime = filemtime($dataFilename);
         //Tries to read from cache
         if (($data = $cache->get($id, $group)) !== false) {
             $info = unpack('Vmtime/Vcrc/Vnlength', substr($data, 0, 12));
             $data = substr($data, 12);
         //If cache failed or file modified since then
         if ($data === false || $info['mtime'] != $mtime) {
             $data = file_get_contents($dataFilename);
             $info = array('crc' => crc32($data), 'nlength' => strlen($data), 'mtime' => $mtime);
             $data = gzcompress($data, $this->compressionLevel);
             $data = substr($data, 2, strlen($data) - 6);
             $data = pack('VVV', $info['mtime'], $info['crc'], $info['nlength']) . $data;
             $cache->save($data, $id, $group);
         return $this->appendCompressedData($filename, stat($dataFilename), $data, $info['crc'], $info['nlength']);
     //If no cache system, use the standard way
     return parent::appendFile($filename, $dataFilename);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Create a writer that can be used to append files to an archive inside a source
  * If the archive can't be found in the source, it will be created
  * If source is set to null, File_Archive::toFiles will be assumed
  * If type is set to null, the type of the archive will be determined looking at
  * the extension in the URL
  * stat is the array of stat (returned by stat() PHP function of Reader getStat())
  * to use if the archive must be created
  * This function allows to create or append data to nested archives. Only one
  * archive will be created and if your creation requires creating several nested
  * archives, a PEAR error will be returned
  * After this call, $source will be closed and should not be used until the
  * returned writer is closed.
  * @param File_Archive_Reader $source A reader where some files will be appended
  * @param string $URL URL to reach the archive in the source.
  *        if $URL is null, a writer to append files to the $source reader will
  *        be returned
  * @param bool $unique If true, the duplicate files will be deleted on close
  *        Default is false (and setting it to true may have some performance
  *        consequences)
  * @param string $type Extension of the archive (or null to use the one in the URL)
  * @param array $stat Used only if archive is created, array of stat as returned
  *        by PHP stat function or Reader getStat function: stats of the archive)
  *        Time (index 9) will be overwritten to current time
  * @return File_Archive_Writer a writer that you can use to append files to the reader
 function appenderFromSource(&$toConvert, $URL = null, $unique = null, $type = null, $stat = array())
     $source =& File_Archive::_convertToReader($toConvert);
     if (PEAR::isError($source)) {
         return $source;
     if ($unique == null) {
         $unique = File_Archive::getOption("appendRemoveDuplicates");
     //Do not report the fact that the archive does not exist as an error
     if ($URL === null) {
         $result =& $source;
     } else {
         if ($type === null) {
             $result = File_Archive::_readSource($source, $URL . '/', $reachable, $baseDir);
         } else {
             $result = File_Archive::readArchive($type, File_Archive::_readSource($source, $URL, $reachable, $baseDir));
     if (!PEAR::isError($result)) {
         if ($unique) {
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/Archive/Writer/UniqueAppender.php";
             return new File_Archive_Writer_UniqueAppender($result);
         } else {
             return $result->makeAppendWriter();
     //The source can't be found and has to be created
     $stat[9] = $stat['mtime'] = time();
     if (empty($baseDir)) {
         if ($source !== null) {
             $writer =& $source->makeWriter();
         } else {
             $writer =& File_Archive::toFiles();
         if (PEAR::isError($writer)) {
             return $writer;
         $result = File_Archive::toArchive($reachable, $writer, $type);
         if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             $result = File_Archive::toFiles($reachable);
     } else {
         $reachedSource = File_Archive::readSource($source, $reachable);
         if (PEAR::isError($reachedSource)) {
             return $reachedSource;
         $writer = $reachedSource->makeWriter();
         if (PEAR::isError($writer)) {
             return $writer;
         $result = File_Archive::toArchive($baseDir, $writer, $type);
         if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/Archive/Writer/AddBaseName.php";
             $result = new File_Archive_Writer_AddBaseName($baseDir, $writer);
             if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                 return $result;
     return $result;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * @see File_Archive_Reader::getData()
 function getData($length = -1)
     $error = $this->_ensureFileOpened();
     if (PEAR::isError($error)) {
         return $error;
     if (feof($this->handle)) {
         return null;
     if ($length == -1) {
         $contents = '';
         $blockSize = File_Archive::getOption('blockSize');
         while (!feof($this->handle)) {
             $contents .= fread($this->handle, $blockSize);
         return $contents;
     } else {
         if ($length == 0) {
             return "";
         } else {
             return fread($this->handle, $length);
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Ensure data has been extracted to $this->entryTmpName
 function ensureDataExtracted()
     if ($this->fileReader !== null) {
     if ($this->entryTmpName === null) {
         $this->entryTmpName = tempnam(File_Archive::getOption('tmpDirectory'), 'far');
     $this->rarEntry->extract(false, $this->entryTmpName);
     $this->fileReader = new File_Archive_Reader_File($this->entryTmpName, $this->rarEntry->getName());
Exemplo n.º 10
  * @see File_Archive_Reader::getData()
 function getData($length = -1)
     $error = $this->_ensureFileOpened();
     if (PEAR::isError($error)) {
         return $error;
     if (feof($this->handle)) {
         return null;
     if ($length == -1) {
         $contents = '';
         $blockSize = File_Archive::getOption('blockSize');
         // Ensure that magic_quote_runtime isn't set,
         // if we don't want to have corrupted archives.
         $saveMagicQuotes = get_magic_quotes_runtime();
         while (!feof($this->handle)) {
             $contents .= fread($this->handle, $blockSize);
         return $contents;
     } else {
         if ($length == 0) {
             return "";
         } else {
             return fread($this->handle, $length);