function handle_uploaded_avatar_pic()
     if (isset($_POST['user_filename'])) {
         $_POST['user_filename'] = Storage::validateFileId($_POST['user_filename']);
     if (!empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
         // process uploaded image file
         $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
         $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'userfile', true, true, 'image');
         if (!$file) {
             throw new PAException(FILE_NOT_UPLOADED, $myUploadobj->error);
     } else {
         // download given image url
         $avatar_url = trim(@$_REQUEST['avatar_url']);
         if (!empty($avatar_url) && preg_match("|http://(.*?)/(.*)|", $avatar_url, $m)) {
             list(, $uf_server, $uf_path) = $m;
             $file = Storage::save($avatar_url, basename($uf_path), "critical", "image");
             if (!$file) {
                 throw new PAException(FILE_NOT_UPLOADED, sprintf(__("Could not retrieve file from URL: %s"), $avatar_url));
     if (@$file) {
         $_POST['user_filename'] = $file;
         $_POST['avatar_url'] = '';
function header_image()
    $header_image_action = $_POST['header_image_option'];
    $display_header_image = $_POST['desktop_image_display'];
    if (!empty($_FILES['headerphoto']['name']) && empty($_POST['restore_default'])) {
        $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES['headerphoto']['name']);
        $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
        //creating instance of file.
        $image_type = 'image';
        $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'headerphoto', true, true, $image_type);
        if ($file == false) {
            throw new PAException(GROUP_PARAMETER_ERROR, "File upload error: " . $myUploadobj->error);
        $header_image = $file;
        $header_img = array('display_header_image' => $display_header_image, 'header_image_action' => $header_image_action, 'header_image' => $header_image);
        return $header_img;
    if (isset($_POST['restore_default'])) {
        $header_image = NULL;
        $header_img = array('display_header_image' => $display_header_image, 'header_image_action' => $header_image_action, 'header_image' => $header_image);
        return $header_img;
    $header_img = array('display_header_image' => $display_header_image, 'header_image_action' => $header_image_action);
    return $header_img;
Exemplo n.º 3
 function handle_uploaded_avatar_pic()
     if (!empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
         $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
         $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
         //creating instance of file.
         $image_type = 'image';
         $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'userfile', true, true, $image_type);
         if ($file == false) {
             $this->reg_user->msg = $myUploadobj->error;
             $this->reg_user->error = TRUE;
         } else {
             $_POST['user_filename'] = $file;
     } else {
         $avatar_url = trim(@$_REQUEST['avatar_url']);
         if (!empty($avatar_url) && preg_match("|http://(.*?)/(.*)|", $avatar_url, $m)) {
             //TODO: change to use FileUploader or new storage code.
             list(, $uf_server, $uf_path) = $m;
             $uf_basename = preg_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9\\-_\\.]", "_", basename($uf_path));
             $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . $uf_basename;
             if ($this->reg_user->download($avatar_url, $uploadfile)) {
                 $_POST['user_filename'] = $uf_basename;
                 $_POST['avatar_url'] = '';
             } else {
                 $this->reg_user->msg = "Could not retrieve file from URL:" . $avatar_url;
                 $this->reg_user->error = TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 4
function do_file_upload()
    $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES['network_image']['name']);
    $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
    //creating instance of file.
    $image_type = 'image';
    $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'network_image', true, true, $image_type);
    if ($file == false) {
        $r = array('error' => TRUE, 'error_msg' => $myUploadobj->error);
    } else {
        $r = array('error' => FALSE, 'file' => $file);
    return $r;
require_once "api/Tag/Tag.php";
require_once "web/includes/";
require_once "api/ModuleData/ModuleData.php";
include_once "web/languages/english/MessagesHandler.php";
$authorization_required = TRUE;
$error = FALSE;
$msg = NULL;
if (@$_POST['submit'] == 'Submit') {
    $data = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_FILES); $i++) {
        if (!empty($_FILES['userfile_' . $i]['name'])) {
            $file_name = $_FILES['userfile_' . $i]['name'];
            $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
            //creating instance of file.
            $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'userfile_' . $i, TRUE);
            if ($file == false) {
                $msg = $myUploadobj->error;
                $error = TRUE;
            } else {
                $error_file = FALSE;
                $msg = 'successfully updated';
        if ($_POST["userfile_url_{$i}"]) {
            $data[$i]['url'] = $_POST["userfile_url_{$i}"];
        if ($_POST['caption'][$i]) {
            $data[$i]['title'] = $_POST['caption'][$i];
        if (!empty($_FILES['userfile_' . $i]['name'])) {
     $skip_check = array('address');
 $error_post = check_error($skip_check);
 //validation check
 if ($error_post['error'] == TRUE) {
     $error = TRUE;
     $error_msg = $error_post['error_msg'];
 if (!$error_post) {
     //code to upload the icon image
     if (!empty($_FILES['inner_logo_image']['name'])) {
         $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES['inner_logo_image']['name']);
         $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
         //creating instance of file.
         $image_type = 'image';
         $file = $new_inner_logo_image = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'inner_logo_image', true, true, $image_type);
         if ($file == false) {
             $error = TRUE;
             $error_msg = $file_upload_result['error_msg'];
         } else {
             $data_icon_image = array('inner_logo_image' => $file);
     } else {
     //...code to upload the icon image
     $network_basic_controls = $extra;
     $network_basic_controls['network_group_title'] = $_POST['network_group_title'];
     if (!empty($_POST['reciprocated_relationship'])) {
         $network_basic_controls['reciprocated_relationship'] = NET_YES;
Exemplo n.º 7
    array('caption'=>'Stretch to fit', 'value'=>DESKTOP_IMAGE_ACTION_STRETCH);
  $image_actions[1] = 
    array('caption'=>'Crop', 'value'=>DESKTOP_IMAGE_ACTION_CROP);
  $image_actions[2] = 
    array('caption'=>'Tile', 'value'=>DESKTOP_IMAGE_ACTION_TILE);
  $image_actions[3] = 
    array('caption'=>'Leave it alone', 'value'=>DESKTOP_IMAGE_ACTION_LEAVE);

  $profile = &$data_var['user_data_general'];

  if (!empty($_FILES['user_caption_image']['name'])) {
    $uploadfile = $uploaddir.basename($_FILES['user_caption_image']['name']);
    $myUploadobj = new FileUploader; //creating instance of file.
    $image_type = 'image';
    $file =
    if($file == false) {
       $msg = $myUploadobj->error;
       $error = TRUE;
    } else {
      $user_caption_image = $file;
  } else {
    $user_caption_image = @$profile['user_caption_image'];

if (@$_POST['profile_type'] == 'general') {

  $user = get_login_user();

  if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
function create_new_network($_form)
    // function checks initial settings for network creation
    $can_network_be_created = Network::can_network_be_created();
    if ($can_network_be_created['error'] == TRUE) {
        $config_error = TRUE;
        $error = TRUE;
        $error_msg = $can_network_be_created['error_msg'];
    } else {
        if (!PA::$login_uid) {
            $config_error = TRUE;
    //form_data is array used for form fields
    // its initialized by $_form
    $temp_data['action'] = 'add';
    $vartoset = array('address', 'name', 'tagline', 'category', 'desc', 'header_image', 'header_image_option', 'action', 'type', 'network_group_title', 'network_content_moderation');
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($vartoset); $i += 1) {
        $var = $vartoset[$i];
        if (!empty($_form[$var])) {
            $temp_data[$var] = trim($_form[$var]);
        if ($var == 'type') {
            if (isset($_form[$var])) {
                $temp_data[$var] = $_form[$var];
    if (empty($config_error)) {
        //filters all data of html
        $error_post = check_error();
        //validation check
        if ($error_post['error'] == TRUE) {
            $error = TRUE;
            $error_msg = $error_post['error_msg'];
        if (!$error_post) {
            //upload file
            if (!empty($_FILES['network_image']['name'])) {
                $file_upload_result = do_file_upload();
                if ($file_upload_result['error']) {
                    $error = TRUE;
                    $error_msg = $file_upload_result['error_msg'];
                } else {
                    $header_image = $network_image = $file_upload_result['file'];
            } else {
                //image hidden
                $header_image = $network_image = @$temp_data['header_image'];
            //code to upload the icon image
            if (!empty($_FILES['inner_logo_image']['name'])) {
                $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES['inner_logo_image']['name']);
                $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
                //creating instance of file.
                $image_type = 'image';
                $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'inner_logo_image', true, true, $image_type);
                if ($file == false) {
                    $error = TRUE;
                    $error_msg = $file_upload_result['error_msg'];
                } else {
                    $data_icon_image = array('inner_logo_image' => $file);
            } else {
            //...code to upload the icon image
            $network_basic_controls = PA::$network_defaults;
            $network_basic_controls['basic']['header_image']['name'] = $header_image;
            $network_basic_controls['basic']['header_image']['option'] = @$_form['header_image_option'] ? $_form['header_image_option'] : DESKTOP_IMAGE_ACTION_STRETCH;
            // for title of network group
            $network_basic_controls['network_group_title'] = '';
            $network_basic_controls['network_group_title'] = $_form['network_group_title'];
            $network_basic_controls['network_content_moderation'] = @$_form['network_content_moderation'];
            $temp_data['address'] = strtolower($temp_data['address']);
            $data = array('user_id' => $_SESSION['user']['id'], 'name' => strip_tags($temp_data['name']), 'address' => $temp_data['address'], 'tagline' => strip_tags($temp_data['tagline']), 'category_id' => $temp_data['category'], 'type' => $temp_data['type'], 'description' => $temp_data['desc'], 'extra' => serialize($network_basic_controls), 'created' => time(), 'changed' => time());
            //add icon image
            if (!empty($data_icon_image['inner_logo_image'])) {
                $data = array_merge($data, $data_icon_image);
                $temp_data['inner_logo_image'] = $data_icon_image['inner_logo_image'];
            $network = new Network();
            try {
                $nid = $network->save();
                //default_page_setting($network->address); // populate page_default setting
            } catch (PAException $e) {
                $error = TRUE;
                $error_msg = "{$e->message}";
            if (!empty($nid)) {
                $_extra = serialize(array('user' => true, 'network' => true, 'groups' => array()));
                Roles::set_user_role_for_network($network->user_id, ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE, $network->address, $_extra);
                $location = "http://" . $temp_data['address'] . '.' . PA::$domain_suffix . BASE_URL_REL . PA_ROUTE_CONFIGURE_NETWORK;
        $msg_array = array();
        $msg_array['failure_msg'] = @$error_msg;
        $msg_array['success_msg'] = 7006;
        $return_array = @array('msg' => $msg_array, 'redirection_url' => $location, 'query_str' => $query_str);
    return $return_array;
     $skip_check = array('address');
 $error_post = check_error($skip_check);
 //validation check
 if ($error_post['error'] == TRUE) {
     $error = TRUE;
     $error_msg = $error_post['error_msg'];
 if (!$error_post) {
     //code to upload the icon image
     if (!empty($_FILES['inner_logo_image']['name'])) {
         $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['inner_logo_image']['name']);
         $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
         //creating instance of file.
         $image_type = 'image';
         $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file($uploaddir, 'inner_logo_image', true, true, $image_type);
         if ($file == false) {
             $error = TRUE;
             $error_msg = $file_upload_result['error_msg'];
         } else {
             $data_icon_image = array('inner_logo_image' => $file);
     } else {
     //...code to upload the icon image
     $network_basic_controls = $extra;
     $network_basic_controls['network_group_title'] = $_POST['network_group_title'];
     if (!empty($_POST['reciprocated_relationship'])) {
         $network_basic_controls['reciprocated_relationship'] = NET_YES;
Exemplo n.º 10
     $image_type = 'image';
     $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file($uploaddir, 'groupphoto', true, true, $image_type);
     if ($file == false) {
         throw new PAException(GROUP_PARAMETER_ERROR, "File upload error: " . $myUploadobj->error);
     $upfile = $file;
 if (empty($_form['deafult_headerphoto'])) {
     if (empty($_FILES['headerphoto']['name'])) {
         $header_image = $_form['header_file'];
     } else {
         $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['headerphoto']['name']);
         $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
         //creating instance of file.
         $image_type = 'image';
         $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file($uploaddir, 'headerphoto', true, true, $image_type);
         if ($file == false) {
             throw new PAException(GROUP_PARAMETER_ERROR, "File upload error: " . $myUploadobj->error);
         $header_image = $file;
 } else {
     $header_image = null;
 $result = Group::save_new_group($collection_id, $_SESSION['user']['id'], $groupname, $body, $upfile, $group_tags, $group_category, $access, $reg_type, $is_moderated, $header_image, $header_image_action, $display_header_image);
 $ccid = $result;
 if (!is_numeric($result)) {
     throw new PAException(GROUP_CREATION_FAILED, "Group creation failed: " . $result);
 } else {
     if (!$_REQUEST['gid']) {
         //auto email is sent, when a new group is created
 private function handleEdit($request_data)
     $this->err = '';
     $data = $this->filter($request_data);
     // handle photo upload
     if (!empty($_FILES)) {
         foreach ($_FILES as $field_name => $file_info) {
             if (!empty($file_info['name'])) {
                 $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES[$field_name]['name']);
                 $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
                 $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, $field_name, true, true, 'image');
                 if ($file == false) {
                     $msg = $myUploadobj->error;
                     $this->err .= sprintf(__('Please upload a valid Game Image in %s'), ucfirst($field_name)) . "<br/>";
                 } else {
                     Storage::link($file, array("role" => "game_image", "user" => PA::$login_user->user_id));
                     $data[$field_name] = $file;
             } else {
                 if (!empty($this->entity->attributes[$field_name])) {
                     $data[$field_name] = $this->entity->attributes[$field_name];
     if (empty($data['name'])) {
         $this->err .= __("Please supply a name.") . "<br/>";
     if (empty($this->err)) {
         // sync it
function image_uploaded()
    if (empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
        return false;
    } else {
        $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
        $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
        // creating instance of file.
        $image_type = 'image';
        $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'userfile', true, true, $image_type);
        if ($file == false) {
            throw new CNException(INVALID_ID, "Error uploading image " . $myUploadobj->error);
        } else {
            Storage::link($file, array("role" => "event_banner", "user" => PA::$login_user->user_id));
            return $file;
Exemplo n.º 13
$error = FALSE;
if (!$configure_permission) {
    $error = TRUE;
    $permission_denied_msg = "Sorry! you are not authorized to view content of this page";
if (@$_GET['msg_id']) {
    $error_msg = MessagesHandler::get_message($_GET['msg_id']);
if (@$_POST['submit'] == 'Submit') {
    if (!empty($_FILES['userfile_0']['name'])) {
        $file_name = $_FILES['userfile_0']['name'];
        $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($file_name);
        $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
        //creating instance of file.
        $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file($uploaddir, 'userfile_0' . $i, TRUE);
        if ($file == false) {
            $msg = $myUploadobj->error;
            $error = TRUE;
        } else {
            $error_file = FALSE;
            $msg = 'successfully updated';
    $data = array();
    if ($_POST["userfile_url_0"]) {
        $data[0]['url'] = $_POST["userfile_url_0"];
    if ($_POST['caption'][0]) {
        $data[0]['title'] = $_POST['caption'][0];
 private function handlePOST_addChild($request_data)
     global $error_msg;
     $error = FALSE;
     $login_name = trim($_POST['login_name']);
     $first_name = stripslashes(trim($_POST['first_name']));
     $last_name = stripslashes(trim($_POST['last_name']));
     $email = trim($_POST['email']);
     $password = trim($_POST['password']);
     $use_parent_email = $_POST['use_parent_email'];
     //echo "<pre>".print_r($_POST, 1)."</pre>"; die();
     if (!isset($_POST['state'])) {
         if (isset($_POST['stateOther'])) {
             $_POST['state'] = $_POST['stateOther'];
     if (isset($_POST['stateOther'])) {
     $msg = NULL;
     if (!Validation::validate_email($email) && !empty($_POST['email'])) {
         $email_invalid = TRUE;
         $error = TRUE;
         $msg .= '<br> Email address is not valid';
     if (User::user_exist($login_name)) {
         $msg = "Username {$login_name} is already taken";
         $error = TRUE;
     if ($error == FALSE) {
         $newuser = new User();
         $newuser->login_name = $login_name;
         $newuser->password = $password;
         $newuser->first_name = $first_name;
         $newuser->last_name = $last_name;
         $newuser->email = $email;
         $newuser->is_active = ACTIVE;
         if (!empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
             $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
             //creating instance of file.
             $image_type = 'image';
             $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'userfile', true, true, $image_type);
             if ($file == false) {
                 $msg = $myUploadobj->error;
                 $error = TRUE;
             } else {
                 $newuser->picture = $file;
         if ($error == FALSE) {
             try {
                 if ($use_parent_email) {
                     $newuser->save($check_unique_email = false);
                 } else {
                     $newuser->save($check_unique_email = true);
                 if (!empty($file)) {
                     Storage::link($file, array("role" => "avatar", "user" => $newuser->user_id));
                 // creating message basic folders
                 // adding default relation
                 if ($newuser->user_id != SUPER_USER_ID) {
                     User_Registration::add_default_relation($newuser->user_id, PA::$network_info);
                 // adding default media as well as album
                 User_Registration::add_default_media($newuser->user_id, '', PA::$network_info);
                 User_Registration::add_default_media($newuser->user_id, '_audio', PA::$network_info);
                 User_Registration::add_default_media($newuser->user_id, '_video', PA::$network_info);
                 //adding default link categories & links
                 // code for adding default desktop image for user
                 $desk_img = uihelper_add_default_desktopimage($newuser->user_id);
                 if (empty($desk_img)) {
                     $desktop_images = array('bay.jpg', 'everglade.jpg', 'bay_boat.jpg', 'delhi.jpg');
                     $rand_key = array_rand($desktop_images);
                     $desk_img = $desktop_images[$rand_key];
                 $states = array_values(PA::getStatesList());
                 $countries = array_values(PA::getCountryList());
                 $profile_keys = array('dob_day', 'dob_month', 'dob_year', 'homeAddress1', 'homeAddress2', 'city', 'state', 'country', 'postal_code', 'phone', 'use_parent_email');
                 $profile_data = array();
                 //filters all data of html
                 foreach ($profile_keys as $k => $pkey) {
                     if (!empty($_POST[$pkey])) {
                         if ($pkey == 'state' && $_POST[$pkey] >= 0) {
                             $prof_rec = array('uid' => $newuser->user_id, 'name' => $pkey, 'value' => $states[$_POST[$pkey]], 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => 1);
                         } else {
                             if ($pkey == 'country' && $_POST[$pkey] >= 0) {
                                 $prof_rec = array('uid' => $newuser->user_id, 'name' => $pkey, 'value' => $countries[$_POST[$pkey]], 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => 1);
                             } else {
                                 $prof_rec = array('uid' => $newuser->user_id, 'name' => $pkey, 'value' => $_POST[$pkey], 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => 1);
                         $profile_data[] = $prof_rec;
                 $profile_data[] = array('uid' => $newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'user_caption_image', 'value' => $desk_img, 'type' => GENERAL, 'perm' => 1);
                 //     echo "<pre>".print_r($profile_data,1)."</pre>";
                 $newuser->save_user_profile($profile_data, GENERAL);
                 //if new user is created in a network then he must set as a joined user
                 if (!empty(PA::$network_info)) {
                     $by_admin = true;
                     Network::join(PA::$network_info->network_id, $newuser->user_id, NETWORK_MEMBER, $by_admin);
                     // $by_admin = true overrides the
                     // user_waiting status if it would get set
                     // this is an admin action, so we want it to happen in any case
                 $user_joined = $this->family->join((int) $newuser->user_id, $newuser->email, null);
                 if ($user_joined) {
                     // deal with TypedGroup Relations
                     require_once "api/Entity/TypedGroupEntityRelation.php";
                     $type = 'child';
                     TypedGroupEntityRelation::set_relation($newuser->user_id, $this->family->collection_id, $type);
                     if ($type == 'child') {
                         // if user type == child remove LoginUser and GroupMember roles
                         // then assign 'Child' role only
                         $_extra = serialize(array('user' => false, 'network' => false, 'groups' => array($this->family->collection_id)));
                         $user_roles[] = array('role_id' => CHILD_MEMBER_ROLE, 'extra' => $_extra);
                 $msg = __("Child's account was successfully created");
             } catch (PAException $e) {
                 $msg = $e->message;
         // end if
     //end if
     $error_msg = $msg;
 /** !!
  * The following methods take the request data, validate it, parse it,
  * and store it if there were no previous errors.
 public function basicProfileSave($request_data)
     global $error_msg;
     $this->isError = TRUE;
     if (empty($request_data['first_name'])) {
         $this->message = __('Fields marked with * can not be empty, First name can not be empty.');
     } else {
         if (empty($request_data['email_address'])) {
             $this->message = __('Fields marked with * can not be empty, Email field is mandatory.');
         } else {
             if (!empty($request_data['pass']) || !empty($request_data['conpass'])) {
                 $set_new_password = true;
                 $new_password_ok = false;
                 if ($request_data['pass'] != $request_data['conpass']) {
                     $this->message = __('Password and confirm password should match.');
                 } else {
                     if (strlen($request_data['pass']) < PA::$password_min_length) {
                         $this->message = sprintf(__('Password should be of %s characters or more.'), PA::$password_min_length);
                     } else {
                         if (strlen($request_data['pass']) > PA::$password_max_length) {
                             $this->message = sprintf(__('Password should be less than %s charcaters.'), PA::$password_max_length);
                         } else {
                             // all is good
                             $new_password_ok = true;
     if ($request_data['deletepicture'] == "true") {
     if (empty($this->message) && !empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
         $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
         $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
         $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'userfile', true, true, 'image');
         if ($file == false) {
             $this->message = $myUploadobj->error;
             $error = TRUE;
         } else {
             $this->user_info->picture = $file;
             Storage::link($file, array("role" => "avatar", "user" => $user->user_id));
     if (empty($this->message)) {
         //If there is no error message then try saving the user information.
         $this->user_info->first_name = $request_data['first_name'];
         $this->user_info->last_name = $request_data['last_name'];
         $this->user_info->email = $request_data['email_address'];
         if (!empty($request_data['pass'])) {
             $this->user_info->password = md5($request_data['pass']);
         try {
             $dynProf = new DynamicProfile(PA::$login_user);
             $this->message = __('Profile updated successfully.');
             //        $this->redirect2 = PA_ROUTE_EDIT_PROFILE;
             //        $this->queryString = '?type='.$this->profile_type;
             $this->isError = FALSE;
         } catch (PAException $e) {
             $this->message = $e->message;
     $error_msg = $this->message;
         $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['user_friends'] = $comma_separated;
     } else {
         $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['user_friends'] = $related;
 //.. end of  $_POST['user_friends']
 // if nothing is supplied
 if (empty($_POST['relate_me']) && empty($_POST['user_friends'])) {
     $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['user_friends'] = '';
 //user's default desktop image start
 if (!empty($_FILES['desktop_image']['name'])) {
     $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
     //creating instance of file.
     $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'desktop_image', true, true, 'image');
     if (!$file) {
         $error_msg = $myUploadobj->error;
         $error = TRUE;
     } else {
         $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['desktop_image']['name'] = $file;
 //image options stretch, crop or tile
 $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['desktop_image']['option'] = $_POST['header_image_option'] ? $_POST['header_image_option'] : DESKTOP_IMAGE_ACTION_STRETCH;
 $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['desktop_image']['display'] = $_POST['desktop_image_display'];
 //image album
 if (isset($_POST['multiple_images'])) {
     $image_albums[] = $_POST['multiple_images'];
     foreach ($image_albums as $image) {
         $comma_separated_image = implode(',', $image);
Exemplo n.º 17
function uihelper_upload_gallery_for_group($uid, $type, $k = 0)
    require_once "api/User/User.php";
    require_once "api/Tag/Tag.php";
    require_once "api/Album/Album.php";
    require_once "api/Image/Image.php";
    require_once "api/Audio/Audio.php";
    require_once "api/Video/Video.php";
    require_once "web/includes/classes/CNFileUploader.php";
    $logged_in_user = get_login_user();
    $user = new User();
    $media_count_no = $k;
    $error_file = NULL;
    $uploaded = False;
    if ($type == '') {
        $file_type = "image";
        $alb_type = IMAGE_ALBUM;
        $new_img = new Image();
        $new_img->file_perm = @$_POST['image_perm'];
    } elseif ($type == '_audio') {
        $file_type = "audio";
        $alb_type = AUDIO_ALBUM;
        $new_img = new Audio();
        $new_img->file_perm = @$_POST['audio_perm'];
    } elseif ($type == '_video') {
        $file_type = "video";
        $alb_type = VIDEO_ALBUM;
        $new_img = new Video();
        $new_img->file_perm = @$_POST['video_perm'];
    //file uploading start
    $file_name_dynamic = "userfile{$type}" . "_" . "{$k}";
    $file_name_dynamic_type = $file_name_dynamic;
    $newname = $_FILES[$file_name_dynamic_type]['name'];
    $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES[$file_name_dynamic_type]['name']);
    $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
    //creating instance of file.
    $image_type = "{$file_type}";
    $value = $file_name_dynamic_type;
    $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, $value, true, true, $image_type);
    if ($file == false) {
        $msg = $myUploadobj->error;
        $error = TRUE;
    } else {
        $new_img->file_name = "{$file}";
        $error_file = FALSE;
    // file uploading end
    if (empty($error)) {
        try {
            $user->load((int) $uid);
            $action = !empty($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'upload';
            $colls = Album::load_all($uid, $alb_type);
            if (isset($_POST['submit' . $type]) && $action != 'delete' && $error_file == FALSE) {
                $new_img->author_id = $uid;
                if ($type == '_audio') {
                    $new_img->type = AUDIO;
                } elseif ($type == '_video') {
                    $new_img->type = VIDEO;
                } else {
                    $new_img->type = IMAGE;
                if (empty($_POST['caption' . $type][$k])) {
                    $ext = explode(".", $newname);
                    $_POST['caption' . $type][$k] = $ext[0];
                $new_img->title = stripslashes(trim($_POST['caption' . $type][$k]));
                $new_img->title = strip_tags($new_img->title);
                $new_img->file_perm = ANYONE;
                $new_img->excerpt = stripslashes(trim($_POST['caption' . $type][$k]));
                $new_img->excerpt = strip_tags($new_img->excerpt);
                if (empty($_POST['body' . $type][$k])) {
                    $new_img->body = '';
                    $new_img->body = strip_tags($new_img->body);
                } else {
                    $new_img->body = stripslashes(trim($_POST['body' . $type][$k]));
                    $new_img->body = strip_tags($new_img->body);
                $new_img->allow_comments = 1;
                $new_img->parent_collection_id = $_POST['group_id'];
                if (!empty($_POST['tags' . $type][$media_count_no])) {
                    $tag_array = Tag::split_tags($_POST['tags' . $type][$media_count_no]);
                    Tag::add_tags_to_content($new_img->content_id, $tag_array);
            } else {
                throw new CNException(USER_NOT_FOUND, 'unable to upload file.');
            if (!empty($msg)) {
                $uploaded = FALSE;
            } else {
                $uploaded = TRUE;
                if (isset($_REQUEST['gid'])) {
                    $mail_type = "group_media_uploaded";
                    $new_img->group_id = $_REQUEST['gid'];
                } else {
                    $mail_type = "media_uploaded";
                PANotify::send($mail_type, PA::$network_info, PA::$login_user, $new_img);
        } catch (CNException $e) {
            $msg = "{$e->message}";
            $error = TRUE;
    $array_of_error_message = array(@$error, @$msg, @$error_file, @$uploaded, 'collection_id' => $new_img->parent_collection_id, 'content_id' => $new_img->content_id);
    return $array_of_error_message;
 function initializeModule($request_method, $request_data)
     global $error_msg;
     $error = false;
     $msg = array();
     $form_data = NULL;
     $edit = false;
     $message = NULL;
     // check permissions!
     $user_may = false;
     $user_may = PermissionsHandler::can_user(PA::$login_uid, array('permissions' => 'manage_ads'));
     // check for manageads of group permissions
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['gid']) && !$user_may) {
         // we do this checl only if the user is not already permitted to manage ads
         $gp_access = PermissionsHandler::can_group_user(PA::$login_uid, $_REQUEST['gid'], array('permissions' => 'manage_ads'));
         $user_may = $gp_access;
     if (!$user_may) {
         $error_msg = __("You do not have permission to manage Ads.");
         return "skip";
     // paging
     if (!empty($request_data['page'])) {
         $this->Paging["page"] = (int) $request_data['page'];
     if (!empty($request_data['action']) && $request_data['action'] == 'edit' && !empty($request_data['ad_id'])) {
         $edit = TRUE;
         $res = Advertisement::get($params = NULL, $condition = array('ad_id' => (int) $request_data['ad_id']));
         if (!empty($res)) {
             $form_data['ad_id'] = $res[0]->ad_id;
             $form_data['ad_image'] = $res[0]->ad_image;
             $form_data['ad_script'] = $res[0]->ad_script;
             $form_data['ad_url'] = $res[0]->url;
             $form_data['ad_title'] = $res[0]->title;
             $form_data['ad_description'] = $res[0]->description;
             $form_data['ad_page_id'] = $res[0]->page_id;
             $form_data['orientation'] = $res[0]->orientation;
             $form_data['created'] = $res[0]->created;
     } else {
         if (!empty($request_data['action']) && $request_data['action'] == 'delete' && !empty($request_data['ad_id'])) {
             if (!empty($request_data['ad_id'])) {
                 try {
                     Advertisement::delete((int) $request_data['ad_id']);
                     $error_msg = 19013;
                 } catch (CNException $e) {
                     $msg[] = $e->message;
         } else {
             if (!empty($request_data['action']) && !empty($request_data['ad_id'])) {
                 $update = false;
                 switch ($request_data['action']) {
                     case 'disable':
                         $field_value = DELETED;
                         $msg_id = 19010;
                         $update = true;
                     case 'enable':
                         $field_value = ACTIVE;
                         $msg_id = 19011;
                         $update = true;
                 if ($update) {
                     $update_fields = array('is_active' => $field_value);
                     $condition = array('ad_id' => $request_data['ad_id']);
                     try {
                         Advertisement::update($update_fields, $condition);
                         $error_msg = $msg_id;
                     } catch (CNException $e) {
                         $msg[] = $e->message;
     $advertisement = new Advertisement();
     if (!$error && $request_method == 'POST' && $request_data['btn_apply_name']) {
         // if page is submitted
         if (!empty($request_data['ad_id'])) {
             $advertisement->ad_id = $request_data['ad_id'];
             $advertisement->created = $request_data['created'];
             $msg_id = 19007;
         } else {
             $msg_id = 19008;
             $advertisement->created = time();
         if (!empty($_FILES['ad_image']['name'])) {
             $filename = $_FILES['ad_image']['name'];
             $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($filename);
             $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
             $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'ad_image', TRUE, TRUE, 'image');
             $advertisement->ad_image = $form_data['ad_image'] = $file;
             if ($file == FALSE) {
                 $error = TRUE;
                 $msg[] = $myUploadobj->error;
         } else {
             if (!empty($request_data['ad_id'])) {
                 $advertisement->ad_image = $request_data['edit_image'];
         if (empty($request_data['ad_url']) && empty($request_data['ad_script'])) {
             $error = TRUE;
             $msg[] = MessagesHandler::get_message(19012);
         if (!empty($request_data['ad_url'])) {
             // if url is given then validate
             $request_data['ad_url'] = Validation::validate_url($request_data['ad_url']);
             if (!Validation::isValidURL($request_data['ad_url'])) {
                 $error = TRUE;
                 $msg[] = MessagesHandler::get_message(19009);
         $advertisement->user_id = PA::$login_uid;
         $advertisement->url = $form_data['ad_url'] = $request_data['ad_url'];
         $advertisement->ad_script = $form_data['ad_script'] = $request_data['ad_script'];
         $advertisement->title = $form_data['ad_title'] = $request_data['ad_title'];
         $advertisement->description = $form_data['ad_description'] = $request_data['ad_description'];
         $advertisement->page_id = $form_data['ad_page_id'] = $request_data['ad_page_id'];
         $advertisement->orientation = $form_data['orientation'] = $request_data['x_loc'] . ',' . $request_data['y_loc'];
         $advertisement->changed = time();
         $advertisement->is_active = ACTIVE;
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['gid'])) {
             $advertisement->group_id = (int) $_REQUEST['gid'];
         if (!$error) {
             try {
                 $ad_id = $advertisement->save();
                 if (!empty($file)) {
                     Storage::link($file, array("role" => "ad", "ad" => $ad_id));
                 $error_msg = $msg_id;
             } catch (CNException $e) {
                 $error_msg = $e->message;
         } else {
             $error_msg = implode("<br/>", $msg);
     $this->form_data = $form_data;
     $this->edit = $edit;
     $this->message = $message;
Exemplo n.º 19
$advertisement = new Advertisement();
if (!$error && !empty($_POST) && $_POST['btn_apply_name']) {
    // if page is submitted
    if (!empty($_POST['ad_id'])) {
        $advertisement->ad_id = $_POST['ad_id'];
        $advertisement->created = $_POST['created'];
        $msg_id = 19007;
    } else {
        $msg_id = 19008;
        $advertisement->created = time();
    if (!empty($_FILES['ad_image']['name'])) {
        $filename = $_FILES['ad_image']['name'];
        $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($file_name);
        $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
        $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file($uploaddir, 'ad_image', TRUE, TRUE, 'image');
        $advertisement->ad_image = $form_data['ad_image'] = $file;
        if ($file == FALSE) {
            $error = TRUE;
            $msg[] = $myUploadobj->error;
    } else {
        if (!empty($_POST['ad_id'])) {
            $advertisement->ad_image = $_POST['edit_image'];
    if (empty($_POST['ad_url']) && empty($_POST['ad_script'])) {
        $error = TRUE;
        $msg[] = MessagesHandler::get_message(19012);
    if (!empty($_POST['ad_url'])) {
 //code for fields which are common to some sections like description, image
 if ($section == 'video_tours' || $section == 'register_today' || $section == 'network_of_moment' || $section == 'server_announcement' || $section == 'showcase') {
     if (empty($_POST['description'])) {
         $message[] = __('No description provided for network of moment');
     } else {
         $networks_data['description'] = $_POST['description'];
     $image_file = 'network_image';
     if (!empty($_FILES[$image_file]['name'])) {
         //validating and then uploading the network image.
         $uploader = new FileUploader();
         //creating instance of file.
         $file = $uploader->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, $image_file, true, true, 'image');
         if ($file == false) {
             $message[] = __(' For network of moment, ') . $uploader->error;
             $networks_data['network_image'] = null;
         } else {
             $networks_data['network_image'] = $file;
     } else {
         if (!empty($_POST['current_network_image'])) {
             //getting the previously added image from the hidden form field.
             $networks_data['network_image'] = $_POST['current_network_image'];
         } else {
             //setting the image to null.
             $networks_data['network_image'] = null;
     } else {
         $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['user_friends'] = $related;
 //.. end of  $_POST['user_friends']
 // if nothing is supplied
 if ($_POST['relate_me'] != 1 && $_POST['user_friends'] == '') {
     $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['user_friends'] = '';
 //user's default desktop image start
 if (!empty($_FILES['desktop_image']['name'])) {
     $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['desktop_image']['name']);
     $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
     //creating instance of file.
     $file_type = 'image';
     $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file($uploaddir, 'desktop_image', true, true, $file_type);
     if ($file == false) {
         $msg_pro = $myUploadobj->error;
         $error = TRUE;
     } else {
         $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['desktop_image']['name'] = $file;
 //image options stretch, crop or tile
 $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['desktop_image']['option'] = $_POST['header_image_option'] ? $_POST['header_image_option'] : DESKTOP_IMAGE_ACTION_STRETCH;
 $form_data['extra']['user_defaults']['desktop_image']['display'] = $_POST['desktop_image_display'];
 //image album
 if ($_POST['multiple_images']) {
     $image_albums[] = $_POST['multiple_images'];
     foreach ($image_albums as $image) {
         $comma_separated_image = implode(',', $image);
            case '7':
                $error = 'Failed to write file to disk';
            case '8':
                $error = 'File upload stopped by extension';
            case '999':
                $error = 'No error code avaiable';
    } elseif (empty($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']) || $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'] == 'none') {
        $error = 'No file was uploaded..';
    } else {
        try {
            $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
            $image_file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'userfile', true, true, 'image');
            if (!$image_file) {
                $error = $myUploadobj->error;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $error = $e->getMessage();
        $img_resized = uihelper_resize_mk_img($image_file, 200, 200, NULL, 'style="margin-left: 10px"');
    echo "{";
    echo "error: '" . $error . "',\n";
    echo "image: '" . htmlspecialchars($img_resized) . "',\n";
    echo "image_file: '" . $image_file . "'\n";
    echo "}";
} else {
    if (preg_match("|http://(.*?)/(.*)|", $img_url, $m)) {
Exemplo n.º 23
         $form_data[$var] = $_POST[$var];
 if ($error == FALSE) {
     $newuser->login_name = $login_name;
     $newuser->password = $password;
     $newuser->first_name = $first_name;
     $newuser->last_name = $last_name;
     $newuser->email = $email;
     $newuser->is_active = ACTIVE;
     if (!empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
         $uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']);
         $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
         //creating instance of file.
         $image_type = 'image';
         $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file($uploaddir, 'userfile', true, true, $image_type);
         if ($file == false) {
             $msg = $myUploadobj->error;
             $error = TRUE;
         } else {
             $newuser->picture = $file;
     if ($error == FALSE) {
         try {
             // saving data in user profile data also -- for searching making more easier
             $data_array = array(0 => array('uid' => $newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'first_name', 'value' => "{$newuser->first_name}", 'type' => BASIC, 'perm' => 1), 1 => array('uid' => $newuser->user_id, 'name' => 'last_name', 'value' => "{$newuser->last_name}", 'type' => BASIC, 'perm' => 1));
             $newuser->save_user_profile($data_array, BASIC);
             // creating message basic folders
     if (!empty($_POST[$var])) {
         $form_data[$var] = $_POST[$var];
 if ($error == FALSE) {
     $newuser->login_name = $login_name;
     $newuser->password = $password;
     $newuser->first_name = $first_name;
     $newuser->last_name = $last_name;
     $newuser->email = $email;
     $newuser->is_active = ACTIVE;
     if (!empty($_FILES['userfile']['name'])) {
         $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
         //creating instance of file.
         $image_type = 'image';
         $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'userfile', true, true, $image_type);
         if ($file == false) {
             $msg = $myUploadobj->error;
             $error = TRUE;
         } else {
             $newuser->picture = $file;
     if ($error == FALSE) {
         try {
             if (!empty($file)) {
                 Storage::link($file, array("role" => "avatar", "user" => $newuser->user_id));
             // creating message basic folders
 /** !!
  * Get the uploaded image, giving an error if it is empty.  The switch
  * statement is left empty for user and group as background image is a
  * feature of neither.  Redirect to the same url at the end to refresh
  * the page.
  * Finally redirct the page to the same url to refresh it with the changes.
  * @param string $request_data contains the from with the image information
 private function handlePOST_applyBackgroundImage($request_data)
     global $error, $error_msg;
     $form_data = $request_data['form_data'];
     if (!empty($_FILES['network_image']['name'])) {
         $uploadfile = PA::$upload_path . basename($_FILES['network_image']['name']);
         $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
         //creating instance of file.
         $image_type = 'image';
         $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'network_image', true, true, $image_type);
         if ($file == false) {
             $error_msg = $myUploadobj->error;
             $error = TRUE;
         } else {
             $backgr_image = $file;
             //        Storage::link($header_image, array("role" => "header", "user" => PA::$login_user->user_id));
     } else {
         $backgr_image = isset($form_data['backgr_image_name']) ? $form_data['backgr_image_name'] : null;
     switch ($this->settings_type) {
         case 'user':
         case 'group':
         case 'network':
             $network =& $this->shared_data['network_info'];
             $extra =& $this->shared_data['extra'];
             $extra['basic']['background_image']['name'] = $backgr_image;
             $data = array('extra' => serialize($extra), 'network_id' => $network->network_id, 'changed' => time());
             try {
                 $nid = $network->save();
                 $network = get_network_info();
                 // refreshing the network info
             } catch (PAException $e) {
                 $error_msg = "{$e->message}";
 /** !!
  * This handles the data that is POSTed back to the page upon
  * submission of the form. There is a lot happening in here,
  * but it basically looks at the submitted data, figures out
  * what it is supposed to do with it (based on if the group is
  * being created or modified), then creates a new group or
  * updates the current data using the {@link handle_entity() } method.
  * @param array $request_data  All of the data POSTed back to the form.
 public function handlePOST($request_data)
     require_once "web/includes/classes/CNFileUploader.php";
     require_once "api/CNActivities/CNActivities.php";
     require_once "api/cnapi_constants.php";
     if ($request_data['addgroup']) {
         $groupname = trim($request_data['groupname']);
         $body = trim($request_data['groupdesc']);
         $tag_entry = trim($request_data['group_tags']);
         $group_category = $request_data['group_category'];
         $header_image = NULL;
         $header_image_action = @$request_data['header_image_action'];
         $display_header_image = @$request_data['display_header_image'];
         $collection_id = NULL;
         $this->extra = NULL;
         if ($request_data['ccid']) {
             $collection_id = (int) $request_data['ccid'];
             $group = new Group();
             // preserve group info we are not editing in this module
             // load group extra
             $extra = $group->extra;
             if (!empty($extra)) {
                 $this->extra = unserialize($extra);
             $header_image = $group->header_image;
             $header_image_action = $group->header_image_action;
             $display_header_image = $group->display_header_image;
         $access = 0;
         // default access is 0 means public
         $reg_type = $request_data['reg_type'];
         if ($reg_type == REG_INVITE) {
             // if reg. type = "Invite" access is PRIVATE
             $access = ACCESS_PRIVATE;
         $is_moderated = 0;
         // is moderated is 0 means contents appear immediately
         $group_tags = $request_data['group_tags'];
         if (empty($request_data['groupname'])) {
             $error_msg = 90222;
         } else {
             if (empty($group_category) && empty($error_msg)) {
                 $error_msg = 90224;
             } else {
                 if (empty($error_msg)) {
                     try {
                         if (empty($_FILES['groupphoto']['name'])) {
                             $upfile = $request_data['file'];
                         } else {
                             $myUploadobj = new FileUploader();
                             //creating instance of file.
                             $image_type = 'image';
                             $file = $myUploadobj->upload_file(PA::$upload_path, 'groupphoto', true, true, $image_type);
                             if ($file == false) {
                                 throw new CNException(GROUP_PARAMETER_ERROR, __("File upload error: ") . $myUploadobj->error);
                             $upfile = $file;
                             $avatar_uploaded = TRUE;
                         $exception_message = NULL;
                         $result = Group::save_new_group($collection_id, $_SESSION['user']['id'], $groupname, $body, $upfile, $group_tags, $group_category, $access, $reg_type, $is_moderated, $header_image, $header_image_action, $display_header_image, $this->extra);
                         $ccid = $result;
                         $exception_message = 'Group creation failed: ' . $result;
                         if (!is_numeric($result)) {
                             throw new CNException(GROUP_CREATION_FAILED, $exception_message);
                         } else {
                             if (@$avatar_uploaded) {
                                 Storage::link($upfile, array("role" => "avatar", "group" => (int) $result));
                             if (@$header_uploaded) {
                                 Storage::link($header_image, array("role" => "header", "group" => (int) $result));
                             $this->gid = $this->id = $result;
                             if (empty($request_data['gid'])) {
                                 $mail_type = $activity = 'group_created';
                                 $act_text = ' created a new group';
                             } else {
                                 $mail_type = $activity = 'group_settings_updated';
                                 $act_text = ' changed group settings ';
                             $group = new Group();
                             $group->load((int) $this->gid);
                             PANotify::send($mail_type, PA::$network_info, PA::$login_user, $group);
                             // notify network onwer
                             $_group_url = PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_GROUP . '/gid=' . $result;
                             $group_owner = new User();
                             $group_owner->load((int) $_SESSION['user']['id']);
                             $activity_extra['info'] = $group_owner->first_name . $act_text;
                             $activity_extra['group_name'] = $groupname;
                             $activity_extra['group_id'] = $result;
                             $activity_extra['group_url'] = $_group_url;
                             $extra = serialize($activity_extra);
                             $object = $result;
                             if ($reg_type != REG_INVITE) {
                                 Activities::save($group_owner->user_id, $activity, $object, $extra);
                             // if we reached here than the group is created
                             if (empty($request_data['gid'])) {
                                 // when a new group is created
                                 // so, we need to assign group admin role to group owner now:
                                 $role_extra = array('user' => false, 'network' => false, 'groups' => array($this->gid));
                                 $user_roles[] = array('role_id' => GROUP_ADMIN_ROLE, 'extra' => serialize($role_extra));
                             if (!empty(PA::$config->useTypedGroups) && !empty($request_data['type'])) {
                                 $this->gid = $this->id;
                                 switch ($request_data['op']) {
                                     case 'create_entity':
                                     case 'edit_entity':
                     } catch (CNException $e) {
                         if ($e->code == GROUP_PARAMETER_ERROR) {
                             $error_msg = $e->message;
                             if (empty($groupname)) {
                                 $error_msg = 90222;
                             } else {
                                 if (empty($group_category)) {
                                     $error_msg = 90224;
                         } else {
                             $error_msg = $e->message;
     //if form is posted
     $msg_array = array();
     $msg_array['failure_msg'] = @$error_msg;
     $msg_array['success_msg'] = !empty($this->id) ? 90231 : 90221;
     $redirect_url = PA::$url . PA_ROUTE_GROUP;
     $query_str = "?gid=" . @$result;
     set_web_variables($msg_array, $redirect_url, $query_str);
 //code for fields which are common to some sections like description, image
 if ($section == 'video_tours' || $section == 'register_today' || $section == 'network_of_moment' || $section == 'server_announcement') {
     if (empty($_POST['description'])) {
         $message[] = 'No description provided for network of moment';
     } else {
         $networks_data['description'] = $_POST['description'];
     $image_file = 'network_image';
     if (!empty($_FILES[$image_file]['name'])) {
         //validating and then uploading the network image.
         $uploader = new FileUploader();
         //creating instance of file.
         $file = $uploader->upload_file($uploaddir, $image_file, true, true, 'image');
         if ($file == false) {
             $message[] = ' For network of moment, ' . $uploader->error;
             $networks_data['network_image'] = null;
         } else {
             $networks_data['network_image'] = $file;
     } else {
         if (!empty($_POST['current_network_image'])) {
             //getting the previously added image from the hidden form field.
             $networks_data['network_image'] = $_POST['current_network_image'];
         } else {
             //setting the image to null.
             $networks_data['network_image'] = null;