Exemplo n.º 1
$modx->loadClass('FileHelper', $core_path . 'model/', true, true);
$modx->loadClass('Element', $core_path . 'model/', true, true);
$modx->loadClass('ElementHelper', $core_path . 'model/', true, true);
$modx->loadClass('ElementSync', $core_path . 'model/', true, true);
// Path to the element sync json file
$element_sync_file = MODX_BASE_PATH . $modx->getOption('elementhelper.element_sync_file_path', null, 'site/elements/element_sync.json');
// Initialize the classes
$element_helper = new ElementHelper($modx);
$element_sync = new ElementSync($modx, $element_sync_file);
$element_types = array('modTemplate' => $modx->getOption('elementhelper.template_path', null, 'site/elements/templates/'), 'modChunk' => $modx->getOption('elementhelper.chunk_path', null, 'site/elements/chunks/'), 'modSnippet' => $modx->getOption('elementhelper.snippet_path', null, 'site/elements/snippets/'), 'modPlugin' => $modx->getOption('elementhelper.plugin_path', null, 'site/elements/plugins/'));
$category_whitelist = array_map('trim', explode(',', $modx->getOption('elementhelper.category_whitelist', null, '')));
$element_blacklist = array_map('trim', explode(',', $modx->getOption('elementhelper.element_blacklist', null, '')));
// Loop through the element types
foreach ($element_types as $type => $type_path) {
    $log_prefix = sprintf('[ElementHelper] %s: ', $type);
    $file_list = FileHelper::get_directory_file_list(MODX_BASE_PATH . $type_path);
    // Move onto the next element type if it has no files
    if (empty($file_list)) {
        $modx->log(MODX_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, $log_prefix . 'No files.');
    // Process the files for this element type
    foreach ($file_list as $file_path) {
        $file = FileHelper::get_file_meta($file_path);
        $element = Element::get($modx, $type, $file['name']);
        // If the file is not in the sync
        if (!$element_sync->has_element($type, $file['name'])) {
            // If the element doesn't exist
            if (!$element) {
                // Create the element
                $element = Element::create($modx, $type, $file['name']);