Exemplo n.º 1
 protected function customExport()
     $fields = array();
     $query = array();
     $limit = $this->request->getParam('limit');
     $skip = $this->request->getParam('skip');
     $limit = empty($limit) ? false : $limit;
     $skip = empty($skip) ? false : $skip;
     $path = '/tmp/';
     $fileName = $this->request->getParam('file_name');
     $fileName = (empty($fileName) ? $this->collection : $fileName) . '.json';
     $cursor = $this->getModel()->find($this->db, $this->collection, $query, $fields, $limit, $skip);
     $file = new File($path, $fileName);
     $cryptography = new Cryptography();
     while ($cursor->hasNext()) {
         $document = $cursor->getNext();
         $file->write($cryptography->arrayToJSON($document) . "\n");
     if ($this->request->getParam('text_or_save') == 'save') {
         if ($file->success) {
             if ($this->request->getParam('compression') == 'none') {
             } else {
                 $compressFile = $this->createCompress($fileName, $file);
                 if ($compressFile) {
                 } else {
                     $this->message->error = $file->message;
                     return false;
         } else {
             $this->message->error = $file->message;
             return false;
     } else {
         return file_get_contents($path . $fileName);
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Выгрузка файла конфигурации
 public function download_action($themes = array())
     $archive_name = 'config.zip';
     $path = TEMP . DS . $archive_name;
     $zip = new Zip(array('file' => $path, 'create' => TRUE));
     $zip->info(array('type' => 'config'));
     $zip->add(ROOT . DS . 'config' . EXT);
     File::download($path, $archive_name, TRUE);
  * Backup admin
 public static function main()
     $backups_path = ROOT . DS . 'backups';
     // Create backup
     // -------------------------------------
     if (Request::post('create_backup')) {
         if (Security::check(Request::post('csrf'))) {
             @ini_set("memory_limit", "512M");
             $zip = Zip::factory();
             // Add storage folder
             $zip->readDir(STORAGE . DS, false);
             // Add public folder
             $zip->readDir(ROOT . DS . 'public' . DS, false);
             // Add plugins folder
             $zip->readDir(PLUGINS . DS, false, null, array(PLUGINS . DS . 'box'));
             if ($zip->archive($backups_path . DS . Date::format(time(), "Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.zip')) {
                 Notification::set('success', __('Backup was created', 'backup'));
             } else {
                 Notification::set('error', __('Backup was not created', 'backup'));
             Request::redirect(Option::get('siteurl') . '/admin/index.php?id=backup');
         } else {
             die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
     // Delete backup
     // -------------------------------------
     if (Request::get('id') == 'backup' && Request::get('delete_file')) {
         if (Security::check(Request::get('token'))) {
             if (File::delete($backups_path . DS . Request::get('delete_file'))) {
                 Notification::set('success', __('Backup was deleted', 'backup'));
             } else {
                 Notification::set('error', __('Backup was not deleted', 'backup'));
             Request::redirect(Option::get('siteurl') . '/admin/index.php?id=backup');
         } else {
             die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
     // Download backup
     // -------------------------------------
     if (Request::get('download')) {
         if (Security::check(Request::get('token'))) {
             File::download($backups_path . DS . Request::get('download'));
         } else {
             die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
     // Restore backup
     // -------------------------------------
     if (Request::get('restore')) {
         if (Security::check(Request::get('token'))) {
             $tmp_dir = ROOT . DS . 'tmp' . DS . uniqid('backup_');
             if (Dir::create($tmp_dir)) {
                 $file_locations = Zip::factory()->extract($backups_path . DS . Request::get('restore'), $tmp_dir);
                 if (!empty($file_locations)) {
                     Dir::copy($tmp_dir, ROOT . DS);
                     Notification::set('success', __('Backup was restored', 'backup'));
                 } else {
                     Notification::set('error', __('Unzip error', 'backup'));
             } else {
                 Notification::set('error', __('Backup was not restored', 'backup'));
             Request::redirect(Option::get('siteurl') . '/admin/index.php?id=backup');
         } else {
             die('Request was denied because it contained an invalid security token. Please refresh the page and try again.');
     // Display view
     View::factory('box/backup/views/backend/index')->assign('backups_list', File::scan($backups_path, '.zip'))->display();
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Выгрузка индекса в браузер
  * @param type $path
 public function download_action($path)
     if ($path === 'index') {
         $file = $this->prepareFile((array) session('admin.lang.index'));
     } else {
         $file = ROOT . DS . $path . $this->prepareFilePath();
         if (!file_exists($file)) {
             return error(t('Файл <b>%s</b> не существует!', $file));
     File::download($file, $this->lang . EXT);
Exemplo n.º 5
         foreach ($_POST['map'] as $map) {
             $struct[] = $data['mapsDirectoryPath'] . $map;
         $zipError = null;
         $zipFileName = 'maps.zip';
         if (!Zip::create($zipFileName, $struct, $zipError)) {
         } else {
             AdminServLogs::add('action', 'Download packmap (' . $countMaps . ' maps)');
             if ($result = File::delete($zipFileName) !== true) {
     } else {
         File::download($data['mapsDirectoryPath'] . $_POST['map'][0]);
         AdminServLogs::add('action', 'Download map: ' . $_POST['map'][0]);
 } else {
     if (isset($_POST['renameMapValid']) && isset($_POST['map']) && count($_POST['map']) > 0 && isset($_POST['renameMapList']) && count($_POST['renameMapList']) > 0) {
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($_POST['renameMapList'] as $newMapName) {
             $result = File::rename($data['mapsDirectoryPath'] . $_POST['map'][$i], $data['mapsDirectoryPath'] . $args['directory'] . $newMapName);
             if ($result !== true) {
                 AdminServ::error(Utils::t('Unable to rename the map') . ' : ' . $newMapName . ' (' . $result . ')');
             } else {
                 AdminServLogs::add('action', 'Rename map: ' . $_POST['map'][$i] . ' to ' . $newMapName);
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Выгрузка шестерёнок
 public function download_action($gears = array())
     if ($gears = $this->input->get('gears', $gears)) {
         !is_array($gears) && ($gears = explode(',', $gears));
         // Если шестерёнка одна — называем архив её именем
         // Если шестерёнок несколько — называем архив gears
         $archive_name = (1 === sizeof($gears) ? end($gears) : 'gears') . '.zip';
         $path = TEMP . DS . $archive_name;
         $zip = new Zip(array('file' => $path, 'create' => TRUE));
         foreach ($gears as $gear) {
             $dir = GEARS . DS . $gear;
             // Если директория существует и шестерёнка не относится к ядру
             if (is_dir($dir) && !cogear()->site->gears->findByValue($gear)) {
         $zip->info(array('type' => 'gears', 'gears' => $gears));
         File::download($path, $archive_name, TRUE);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function downloadFile()
     $nombre = $_GET['nameFile'];
     $upload = new File();
     return $upload->download($nombre);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Выгрузка тем
 public function download_action($themes = array())
     if ($themes = $this->input->get('themes', $themes)) {
         !is_array($themes) && ($themes = explode(',', $themes));
         // Если тема одна — называем архив её именем
         // Если тем несколько — называем архив gears
         $archive_name = (1 === sizeof($themes) ? end($themes) : 'themes') . '.zip';
         $path = TEMP . DS . $archive_name;
         $zip = new Zip(array('file' => $path, 'create' => TRUE));
         foreach ($themes as $theme) {
             $dir = THEMES . DS . $theme;
             // Если директория существует и шестерёнка не относится к ядру
         $zip->info(array('type' => 'themes', 'themes' => $themes));
         File::download($path, $archive_name, TRUE);