 * Request FEDEX shippings
 * @author Oleg D.
 function fedexReuest($ship_country, $ship_state, $ship_zip, $ship_company, $sender_state, $sender_zip, $sender_country, $package_weight)
     App::import('Vendor', 'Fedex', array('file' => 'class.Fedex.php'));
     $Fedex = new Fedex();
     //$pounds = sprintf("%d", round($package_weight/16));
     $pounds = ceil($package_weight / 16);
     if (FEDEX_TEST_MODE) {
         $Fedex->testing = 1;
         $Fedex->meter = FEDEX_TEST_METER;
         $Fedex->account = FEDEX_TEST_ACCOUNT;
     } else {
         $Fedex->testing = 0;
         $Fedex->meter = FEDEX_METER;
         $Fedex->account = FEDEX_ACCOUNT;
     $Fedex->dest_state = $ship_state;
     $Fedex->dest_zip = $ship_zip;
     $Fedex->dest_country = $ship_country;
     $Fedex->dest_company = $ship_company;
     $Fedex->sender_state = $sender_state;
     $Fedex->sender_zip = $sender_zip;
     $Fedex->sender_country = $sender_country;
     $Fedex->total_weight = $pounds;
     $myFedexQuote = array();
     $fedex_error = 0;
     $fedexGet = 0;
     $fedexIteration = 0;
     $iterationsNum = 2;
     // Numbe of trying to ger request
     while ($fedexGet == 0) {
         $fedexQuote = $Fedex->quote();
         //echo "<pre/>"; print_r($fedexQuote);
         if (!empty($fedexQuote)) {
             foreach ($fedexQuote as $this_code => $this_price) {
                 $myFedexQuote[substr($this_code, 0, 2)] = $this_price;
         if (isset($myFedexQuote['90']) || isset($myFedexQuote['01']) || $fedexIteration > $iterationsNum) {
             $fedexGet = 1;
     if (isset($myFedexQuote['error'])) {
         $fedex_error = 1;
     if (!$fedex_error) {
         $result = $myFedexQuote;
     } else {
         $result = 0;
     // show FEDEX quote info !!!!!!
     //echo 'pounds:' . $pounds; echo "<pre>"; print_r($myFedexQuote);
     return $result;