Exemplo n.º 1
 public function actionRealizedProd()
     $from = $_POST['from'];
     $to = $_POST['to'];
     $prodCount = array();
     $prodSumm = array();
     $model = Faktura::model()->with('realize')->findAll('date(realize_date) BETWEEN :from AND :to', array(':from' => $from, ':to' => $to));
     foreach ($model as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('realize') as $val) {
             $prodCount[$val->prod_id] = $prodCount[$val->prod_id] + $val->count;
             $prodSumm[$val->prod_id] = $prodSumm[$val->prod_id] + $val->count * $val->price;
     $prodModel = Products::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'name'));
     $this->renderPartial('realizedProd', array('prodSumm' => $prodSumm, 'prodCount' => $prodCount, 'prodModel' => $prodModel));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public function actionToday()
     $dates = date('Y-m-d');
     $startProducts = array();
     $inProducts = array();
     $outProducts = array();
     $inOutProducts = array();
     $endProducts = array();
     $prodModel = Products::model()->findAll();
     $fakturaProd = Faktura::model()->with('realize.products')->findAll('date(realize_date) = :realize_date', array('realize_date' => $dates));
     foreach ($fakturaProd as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('realize') as $key => $val) {
             $inProducts[$val->getRelated('products')->product_id] = $inProducts[$val->getRelated('products')->product_id] + $val->count;
     $Depfaktura = DepFaktura::model()->with('realizedProd')->findAll('date(real_date) = :real_date', array(':real_date' => $dates));
     foreach ($Depfaktura as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('realizedProd') as $val) {
             $outProducts[$val->prod_id] = $outProducts[$val->prod_id] + $val->count;
     $expense = Expense::model()->with('order.products')->findAll('date(order_date) = :dates AND t.kind = :kind', array(':kind' => 1, ':dates' => $dates));
     foreach ($expense as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('order') as $val) {
             $inOutProducts[$val->just_id] = $inOutProducts[$val->just_id] + $val->count;
     $curProd = Balance::model()->with('products')->findAll('b_date = :dates', array(':dates' => $dates), array('order' => 'products.name'));
     foreach ($curProd as $value) {
         $endProducts[$value->prod_id] = $endProducts[$value->prod_id] + $value->startCount + $inProducts[$value->prod_id] - $outProducts[$value->prod_id] - $inOutProducts[$value->prod_id];
     $this->render('today', array('prodModel' => $prodModel, 'model' => $curProd, 'inProducts' => $inProducts, 'outProducts' => $outProducts, 'inOutProducts' => $inOutProducts, 'endProducts' => $endProducts));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function actionAjaxAllProd()
     $halfstuff = new Halfstaff();
     $from = $_POST['from'];
     $to = $_POST['to'];
     $allOutProd = array();
     $products = array();
     $prodCount = array();
     $prodSumm = array();
     $outProdSumm = array();
     for ($i = 0; $i <= date('j', strtotime($to)) - date('j', strtotime($from)); $i++) {
         $dish = new Expense();
         $outProduct = array();
         $model = Expense::model()->with('order.dish.dishStruct')->findAll('date(t.order_date) = :dates', array(':dates' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($from) + $i * 3600 * 24)));
         foreach ($model as $value) {
             foreach ($value->getRelated('order') as $val) {
                 $curDish[$val->getRelated('dish')->dish_id] = $val->getRelated('dish')->name;
                 $dishCount[$val->getRelated('dish')->dish_id] = $dishCount[$val->getRelated('dish')->dish_id] + $val->count;
                 foreach ($val->getRelated('dish')->getRelated('dishStruct') as $vals) {
                     $products[$vals->prod_id] = $products[$vals->prod_id] + $vals->amount / $val->getRelated('dish')->count * $val->count;
         $model2 = Expense::model()->with('order.dish.halfstuff')->findAll('date(t.order_date) = :dates', array(':dates' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($from) + $i * 3600 * 24)));
         foreach ($model2 as $value) {
             foreach ($value->getRelated('order') as $val) {
                 $curDish[$val->getRelated('dish')->dish_id] = $val->getRelated('dish')->name;
                 foreach ($val->getRelated('dish')->getRelated('halfstuff') as $vals) {
                     $stuff[$val->getRelated('dish')->dish_id][$vals->halfstuff_id] = $stuff[$val->getRelated('dish')->dish_id][$vals->halfstuff_id] + $vals->amount / $val->getRelated('dish')->count * $val->count;
         $model3 = Expense::model()->with('order.halfstuff.stuffStruct')->findAll('date(t.order_date) = :dates', array(':dates' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($from) + $i * 3600 * 24)));
         foreach ($model3 as $value) {
             foreach ($value->getRelated('order') as $val) {
                 $curStuff[$val->getRelated('halfstuff')->halfstuff_id] = $val->getRelated('halfstuff')->name;
                 $stuffCount[$val->getRelated('halfstuff')->halfstuff_id] = $dishCount[$val->getRelated('halfstuff')->halfstuff_id] + $val->count;
                 foreach ($val->getRelated('halfstuff')->getRelated('stuffStruct') as $vals) {
                     if ($vals->types == 1) {
                         $products[$vals->prod_id] = $products[$vals->prod_id] + $vals->amount / $val->getRelated('halfstuff')->count * $val->count;
                     } elseif ($vals->types) {
                         $stuff[$val->getRelated('halfstuff')->halfstuff_id][$vals->prod_id] = $stuff[$val->getRelated('halfstuff')->halfstuff_id][$vals->prod_id] + $vals->amount / $val->getRelated('halfstuff')->count * $val->count;
         $model6 = Faktura::model()->with('realize')->findAll('date(realize_date) = :dates', array(':dates' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($from) + $i * 3600 * 24)));
         foreach ($model6 as $value) {
             foreach ($value->getRelated('realize') as $val) {
                 $prodCount[$val->prod_id] = $prodCount[$val->prod_id] + $val->count;
                 $prodSumm[$val->prod_id] = $prodSumm[$val->prod_id] + $val->count * $val->price;
                 $outProdSumm[$val->prod_id] = $outProdSumm[$val->prod_id] + $products[$val->prod_id] * $val->price;
         /*foreach (Department::model()->findAll() as $val) {
                         //echo date('Y-m-d',strtotime($from)+($i*3600*24))."<br>";
                         $outProduct = $halfstuff->sumArray($outProduct,$dish->getDishProd($val->department_id, date('Y-m-d',strtotime($from)+($i*3600*24))));
                         //$outDishStuff = $dish->getDishStuff($depId,$dates);
                     $allOutProd = $halfstuff->sumArray($allOutProd,$outProduct);*/
     $prodModel = Products::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'name'));
     $this->renderPartial('ajaxAllProd', array('prodCount' => $prodCount, 'prodSumm' => $prodSumm, 'prodModel' => $prodModel, 'products' => $products, 'outProdSumm' => $outProdSumm));
Exemplo n.º 4
 public function getRealized($id, $dates)
     $dates = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($dates) + 86400);
     $model = Faktura::model()->with('realize')->find(array('condition' => 't.realize_date < "' . $dates . '"' . ' AND realize.prod_id=' . $id, 'order' => 't.realize_date DESC'));
     if (!empty($model)) {
         foreach ($model->getRelated('realize') as $val) {
             $price = $val->price;
     } else {
         $price = 0;
     return $price;
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionTodayStorage()
     $dates = date('Y:m:d');
     $depId = $_POST['depId'];
     $Products = array();
     /*$model = DepBalance::model()->with('products')->findAll('t.department_id = :depId AND t.type = :type',array(':depId'=>$depId,'type'=>1));
       foreach ($model as $val) {
           $products[$val->prod_id] = $val->getRelated('products')->name;
     //$model = new Products();
     //$products = $model->getProdName($depId);
     $storageModel = Storage::model()->findAll();
     $balanceModel = Balance::model()->with('products')->findAll('b_date = :b_date', array(':b_date' => $dates));
     if (!empty($balanceModel)) {
         foreach ($balanceModel as $val) {
             $products[$val->prod_id] = $val->getRelated('products')->name;
             $Products[$val->prod_id] = $Products[$val->prod_id] + $val->startCount;
     } else {
         foreach ($storageModel as $val) {
             $Products[$val->prod_id] = $Products[$val->prod_id] + $val->curCount;
     $realizedProd = Faktura::model()->with('realize.products')->findAll('date(realize_date) = :realize_date', array('realize_date' => $dates));
     foreach ($realizedProd as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('realize') as $val) {
             $Products[$val->prod_id] = $Products[$val->prod_id] + $val->count;
     $realizeStorageProd = DepFaktura::model()->with('realizedProd')->findAll('date(real_date) = :real_date AND fromDepId = :fromDepId', array(':real_date' => $dates, ':fromDepId' => 0));
     foreach ($realizeStorageProd as $value) {
         foreach ($value->getRelated('realizedProd') as $val) {
             $Products[$val->prod_id] = $Products[$val->prod_id] - $val->count;
     $expBalance = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('ord.just_id,ord.count')->from('expense ex')->join('orders ord', 'ord.expense_id = ex.expense_id')->where('date(ex.order_date) = :dates AND ex.kind = :kind ', array(':dates' => $dates, ':kind' => 1))->queryAll();
     foreach ($expBalance as $val) {
         $Products[$val['just_id']] = $Products[$val['just_id']] - $val['count'];
     $this->renderPartial('todayStorage', array('Products' => $Products, 'products' => $products, 'depId' => $depId));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return Faktura the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Faktura::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;