Exemplo n.º 1
  * Inverse calculation
  * Calculation is done for HR in [bpm] and time is transformed from [s] to [min].
  * @param int $bpm [bpm]
  * @param int $trimp value to reach
 protected function calculate($bpm, $trimp)
     $Factor = new Factor($this->Athlete->gender());
     $max = $this->Athlete->knowsMaximalHeartRate() ? $this->Athlete->maximalHR() : Calculator::DEFAULT_HR_MAX;
     $rest = $this->Athlete->knowsRestingHeartRate() ? $this->Athlete->restingHR() : Calculator::DEFAULT_HR_REST;
     $hr = max(0, ($bpm - $rest) / ($max - $rest));
     $sum = $trimp / ($hr * exp($Factor->B() * $hr));
     $this->value = 1 / $Factor->A() * $sum * 60;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Calculate
  * Calculation is done for HR in [bpm] and time is transformed from [s] to [min].
 protected function calculate()
     $Factor = new Factor($this->Athlete->gender());
     $max = $this->Athlete->knowsMaximalHeartRate() ? $this->Athlete->maximalHR() : self::DEFAULT_HR_MAX;
     $rest = $this->Athlete->knowsRestingHeartRate() ? $this->Athlete->restingHR() : self::DEFAULT_HR_REST;
     $sum = 0;
     $B = $Factor->B();
     foreach ($this->Data as $bpm => $t) {
         $hr = max(0, ($bpm - $rest) / ($max - $rest));
         $sum += $t / 60 * $hr * exp($B * $hr);
     $this->value = $Factor->A() * $sum;