Exemplo n.º 1
  * Can the row be edited
  * @param   object  $params     plugin params
  * @param   object  $listModel  list model
  * @param   object  $row        current row to test
  * @return boolean
 public function onCanEdit($params, $listModel, $row)
     // If $row is null, we were called from the table's canEdit() in a per-table rather than per-row context,
     // and we don't have an opinion on per-table edit permissions, so just return true.
     if (is_null($row) || is_null($row[0])) {
         return true;
     if (is_array($row[0])) {
         $data = JArrayHelper::toObject($row[0]);
     } else {
         $data = $row[0];
     $field = str_replace('.', '___', $params->get('caneditrow_field'));
     // If they provided some PHP to eval, we ignore the other settings and just run their code
     $caneditrow_eval = $params->get('caneditrow_eval', '');
     // $$$ rob if no can edit field selected in admin return true
     if (trim($field) == '' && trim($caneditrow_eval) == '') {
         return true;
     if (!empty($caneditrow_eval)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $data = JArrayHelper::fromObject($data);
         $caneditrow_eval = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($caneditrow_eval, $data);
         $caneditrow_eval = @eval($caneditrow_eval);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($caneditrow_eval, 'Caught exception on eval in can edit row : %s');
         return $caneditrow_eval;
     } else {
         // No PHP given, so just do a simple match on the specified element and value settings.
         if ($params->get('caneditrow_useraw', '0') == '1') {
             $field .= '_raw';
         $value = $params->get('caneditrow_value');
         return $data->{$field} == $value;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * looks at the validation condition & evaulates it
  * if evaulation is true then the validation rule is applied
  *@return bol apply validation
 function shouldValidate($data, $c)
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     $post = JRequest::get('post');
     $v = $params->get($this->_pluginName . '-validation_condition', '', '_default', 'array', $c);
     if (!array_key_exists($c, $v)) {
         return true;
     $condition = $v[$c];
     if ($condition == '') {
         return true;
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     // $$$ rob merge join data into main array so we can access them in parseMessageForPlaceHolder()
     $joindata = JArrayHelper::getValue($post, 'join', array());
     foreach ($joindata as $joinid => $joind) {
         foreach ($joind as $k => $v) {
             if ($k !== 'rowid') {
                 $post[$k] = $v;
     $condition = trim($w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($condition, $post));
     $res = @eval($condition);
     FabrikWorker::logEval($res, 'Caught exception on eval in validation::shouldValidate() ' . $this->_pluginName . ': %s');
     if (is_null($res)) {
         return true;
     return $res;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Can the row be edited
  * @param   object  $row  Current row to test
  * @return boolean
 public function onCanEdit($row)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     // If $row is null, we were called from the list's canEdit() in a per-table rather than per-row context,
     // and we don't have an opinion on per-table edit permissions, so just return true.
     if (is_null($row) || is_null($row[0])) {
         return true;
     if (is_array($row[0])) {
         $data = ArrayHelper::toObject($row[0]);
     } else {
         $data = $row[0];
      * If __pk_val is not set or empty, then we've probably been called from somewhere in form processing,
      * and this is a new row.  In which case this plugin cannot offer any opinion!
     if (!isset($data->__pk_val) || empty($data->__pk_val)) {
         return true;
     $field = str_replace('.', '___', $params->get('caneditrow_field'));
     // If they provided some PHP to eval, we ignore the other settings and just run their code
     $caneditrow_eval = $params->get('caneditrow_eval', '');
     // $$$ rob if no can edit field selected in admin return true
     if (trim($field) == '' && trim($caneditrow_eval) == '') {
         $this->acl[$data->__pk_val] = true;
         return true;
     if (!empty($caneditrow_eval)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $data = ArrayHelper::fromObject($data);
         $caneditrow_eval = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($caneditrow_eval, $data);
         $caneditrow_eval = @eval($caneditrow_eval);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($caneditrow_eval, 'Caught exception on eval in can edit row : %s');
         $this->acl[$data['__pk_val']] = $caneditrow_eval;
         return $caneditrow_eval;
     } else {
         // No PHP given, so just do a simple match on the specified element and value settings.
         if ($params->get('caneditrow_useraw', '0') == '1') {
             $field .= '_raw';
         $value = $params->get('caneditrow_value');
         $operator = $params->get('operator', '=');
         if (is_object($data->{$field})) {
             $data->{$field} = ArrayHelper::fromObject($data->{$field});
         switch ($operator) {
             case '=':
                 $return = is_array($data->{$field}) ? in_array($value, $data->{$field}) : $data->{$field} == $value;
             case "!=":
                 $return = is_array($data->{$field}) ? !in_array($value, $data->{$field}) : $data->{$field} != $value;
         $this->acl[$data->__pk_val] = $return;
         return $return;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * shows the data formatted for the table view
  * @param string data
  * @param object all the data in the tables current row
  * @return string formatted value
 function renderTableData($data, $oAllRowsData)
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     $format = $params->get('text_format_string');
     if ($format != '') {
         $data = @eval(sprintf($format, $data));
         FabrikWorker::logEval($data, 'Caught exception on eval in ' . $this->getElement()->name . '::renderTableData() : %s');
     return parent::renderTableData($data, $oAllRowsData);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public function onImportCSVRow(&$params, &$listModel)
     $file = JFilterInput::clean($params->get('listcsv_import_php_file'), 'CMD');
     if ($file == -1 || $file == '') {
         $code = @eval($params->get('listcsv_import_php_code'));
         FabrikWorker::logEval($code, 'Caught exception on eval in onImportCSVRow : %s');
     } else {
         @(require JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/fabrik_list/listcsv/scripts/' . $file);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public function onImportCSVRow(&$params, &$tableModel)
     $file = JFilterInput::clean($params->get('tablecsv_import_php_file'), 'CMD');
     if ($file == -1 || $file == '') {
         $code = @eval($params->get('tablecsv_import_php_code'));
         FabrikWorker::logEval($code, 'Caught exception on eval in onImportCSVRow : %s');
     } else {
         @(require COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'table' . DS . 'tablecsv' . DS . 'scripts' . DS . $file);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * do the plug-in action
  * @param object parameters
  * @param object table model
  * @param array custom options
 function process(&$params, &$model, $opts = array())
     $file = JFilterInput::clean($params->get('table_php_file'), 'CMD');
     if ($file == -1 || $file == '') {
         $code = $params->get('table_php_code');
         $code = @eval($code);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($code, 'Caught exception on eval in tablephp::process() : %s');
     } else {
         require_once COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'table' . DS . 'tablephp' . DS . 'scripts' . DS . $file;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * checks if the validation should replace the submitted element data
  * if so then the replaced data is returned otherwise original data returned
  * @param string original data
  * @param model $element
  * @param int $c validation plugin counter
  * @param int repeat group count
  * @return string original or replaced data
 function replace($data, &$element, $c, $repeat_count = 0)
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     $domatch = $params->get('php-match', '_default', 'array', $c);
     $domatch = $domatch[$c];
     if (!$domatch) {
         $php_code = $params->get('php-code', '_default', 'array', $c);
         $php_code = @eval($php_code[$c]);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($php_code, 'Caught exception on eval in php validation::replace() : %s');
         return $php_code;
     return $data;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * this really does get just the default value (as defined in the element's settings)
  * @return unknown_type
 function getDefaultValue($data = array())
     if (!isset($this->_default)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $element =& $this->getElement();
         if ($element->eval) {
             //strip html tags
             $element->label = preg_replace('/<[^>]+>/i', '', $element->label);
             //change htmlencoded chars back
             $element->label = htmlspecialchars_decode($element->label);
             $this->_default = @eval($this->_default);
             FabrikWorker::logEval($this->_default, 'Caught exception on eval in ' . $element->name . '::getDefaultValue() : %s');
         } else {
             $this->_default = $element->label;
         $this->_default = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($this->_default, $data);
     return $this->_default;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * this really does get just the default value (as defined in the element's settings)
  * @return unknown_type
 function getDefaultValue($data = array())
     if (!isset($this->_default)) {
         $params =& $this->getParams();
         $element = $this->getElement();
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $this->_default = $params->get('imagefile');
         // $$$ hugh - this gets us the default image, with the root folder prepended.
         // But ... if the root folder option is set, we need to strip it.
         $rootFolder = $params->get('selectImage_root_folder', '/');
         $rootFolder = ltrim($rootFolder, '/');
         $this->_default = preg_replace("#^{$rootFolder}#", '', $this->_default);
         $this->_default = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($this->_default, $data);
         if ($element->eval == "1") {
             $this->_default = @eval(stripslashes($this->_default));
             FabrikWorker::logEval($this->_default, 'Caught exception on eval in ' . $element->name . '::getDefaultValue() : %s');
     return $this->_default;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Run right at the end of the form processing
  * form needs to be set to record in database for this to hook to be called
  * @throws Exception
  * @return	bool
 public function onAfterProcess()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $api_AUP = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_alphauserpoints/helper.php';
     if (JFile::exists($api_AUP)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $this->data = $this->getProcessData();
         require_once $api_AUP;
         $aup = new AlphaUserPointsHelper();
         // Define which user will receive the points.
         $userId = $params->get('user_id', '');
         $userId = (int) $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($userId, $this->data, false);
         $aupId = $aup->getAnyUserReferreID($userId);
         // Replace these if you want to show a specific reference for the attributed points - doesn't seem to effect anything
         $keyReference = '';
         // Shown in the user details page - description of what the point is for
         $dataReference = $params->get('data_reference', '');
         $dataReference = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($dataReference, $this->data, false);
         // Override the plugin default points
         $randomPoints = $params->get('random_points', 0);
         if ($params->get('random_points_eval', '0') == '1') {
             if (!empty($randomPoints)) {
                 $randomPoints = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($randomPoints, $this->data, false);
                 $randomPoints = @eval($randomPoints);
                 FabrikWorker::logEval($randomPoints, 'Caught exception on eval in aup plugin : %s');
             $randomPoints = (double) $randomPoints;
         } else {
             $randomPoints = (double) $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($randomPoints, $this->data, false);
         // If set to be greater than $randompoints then this is the # of points assigned (not sure when this would be used - commenting out for now)
         $referralUserPoints = 0;
         $aupPlugin = $params->get('aup_plugin', 'plgaup_fabrik');
         $aupPlugin = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($aupPlugin, $this->data, false);
         if (!$aup->checkRuleEnabled($aupPlugin, 0, $aupId)) {
             throw new Exception('Alpha User Points plugin not published');
         $aup->userpoints($aupPlugin, $aupId, $referralUserPoints, $keyReference, $dataReference, $randomPoints);
Exemplo n.º 12
  * this really does get just the default value (as defined in the element's settings)
  * @param array data to use as parsemessage for placeholder
  * @return unknown}_type
 function getDefaultValue($data = array())
     if (!isset($this->_default)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $params =& $this->getParams();
         $element =& $this->getElement();
         $default = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($element->default, $data);
         if ($element->eval == "1") {
             $default = @eval(stripslashes($default));
             FabrikWorker::logEval($default, 'Caught exception on eval in ' . $element->name . '::getDefaultValue() : %s');
         $this->_default = $default;
     return $this->_default;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Called before import is started
  * @return boolean
 public function onStartImportCSV()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $filter = JFilterInput::getInstance();
     $file = $params->get('listcsv_import_start_php_file');
     $file = $filter->clean($file, 'CMD');
     if ($file != -1 && $file != '') {
         require JPATH_ROOT . '/plugins/fabrik_list/listcsv/scripts/' . $file;
     $code = trim($params->get('listcsv_import_start_php_code', ''));
     if (!empty($code)) {
         $ret = @eval($code);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($ret, 'Caught exception on eval in onStartImportCSV : %s');
         if ($ret === false) {
             return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
  * creates filter array (return existing if exists)
  *@return array filters
 function &getFilterArray()
     if (isset($this->filters)) {
         return $this->filters;
     $filterModel =& $this->getFilterModel();
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
     $this->filters = array();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $request = $this->getRequestData();
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug($request, 'filter:request');
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     $elements =& $this->getElements('id');
     // $$$ rob prefilters loaded before anything to avoid issues where you filter on something and
     // you have 2 prefilters with joined by an OR - this was incorrectly giving SQL of
     // WHERE normal filter = x OR ( prefilter1 = y OR prefilter2 = x)
     // this change changes the SQL to
     // WHERE ( prefilter1 = y OR prefilter2 = x) AND normal filter = x
     // these are filters created from a search form or normal search
     $keys = array_keys($request);
     $indexStep = count(JArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters, 'key', array()));
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug($keys, 'filter:request keys');
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         if (is_array($request[$key])) {
             foreach ($request[$key] as $kk => $v) {
                 if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->filters) || !is_array($this->filters[$key])) {
                     $this->filters[$key] = array();
                 $this->filters[$key][$kk + $indexStep] = $v;
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug($this->filters, 'tablemodel::getFilterArray middle');
     $readOnlyValues = array();
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $noFiltersSetup = JArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters, 'no-filter-setup', array());
     if (count($this->filters) == 0) {
         $this->getPluginManager()->runPlugins('onFiltersGot', $this, 'list');
         return $this->filters;
     //get a list of plugins
     $pluginKeys = $filterModel->getPluginFilterKeys();
     $elementids = JArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters, 'elementid', array());
     $sqlCond = JArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters, 'sqlCond', array());
     $raws = JArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters, 'raw', array());
     //for ($i=0; $i < count($this->filters['key']); $i++) {
     foreach ($this->filters['key'] as $i => $keyval) {
         $value = $this->filters['value'][$i];
         $condition = strtolower($this->filters['condition'][$i]);
         $key = $this->filters['key'][$i];
         $filterEval = $this->filters['eval'][$i];
         $elid = JArrayHelper::getValue($elementids, $i);
         $key2 = array_key_exists('key2', $this->filters) ? JArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters['key2'], $i, '') : '';
         // $$$ rob see if the key is a raw filter
         // 20/12/2010 - think $key is never with _raw now as it is unset in tablefilter::getQuerystringFilters() although may  be set elsewhere
         // - if it is make a note and remove the _raw from the name
         $raw = JArrayHelper::getValue($raws, $i, false);
         if (substr($key, -5, 5) == '_raw`') {
             $key = substr($key, 0, strlen($key) - 5) . '`';
             $raw = true;
         if ($elid == -1) {
             //bool match
             $this->filters['origvalue'][$i] = $value;
             $this->filters['sqlCond'][$i] = $key . ' ' . $condition . ' (' . $db->Quote($value) . ' IN BOOLEAN MODE)';
         //table plug-in filter found - it should have set its own sql in onGetPostFilter();
         if (in_array($elid, $pluginKeys)) {
             $this->filters['origvalue'][$i] = $value;
             $this->filters['sqlCond'][$i] = $this->filters['sqlCond'][$i];
         $elementModel = JArrayHelper::getValue($elements, $elid);
         // $$$ rob key2 if set is in format  `countries_0`.`label` rather than  `countries`.`label`
         // used for search all filter on 2nd db join element pointing to the same table
         if (strval($key2) !== '') {
             $key = $key2;
         $eval = $this->filters['eval'][$i];
         $fullWordsOnly = $this->filters['full_words_only'][$i];
         $exactMatch = $this->filters['match'][$i];
         if (!is_a($elementModel, 'plgFabrik_Element')) {
         $elementModel->_rawFilter = $raw;
         // $$ hugh - testing allowing {QS} replacements in pre-filter values
         $value = $this->_prefilterParse($value);
         $value = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($value);
         if ($filterEval == '1') {
             // $$$ rob hehe if you set $i in the eval'd code all sorts of chaos ensues
             $origi = $i;
             $value = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES));
             $value = @eval($value);
             FabrikWorker::logEval($value, 'Caught exception on eval of tableModel::getFilterArray() ' . $key . ': %s');
             $i = $origi;
         if ($condition == 'regexp') {
             $condition = 'REGEXP';
             // $$$ 30/06/2011 rob dont escape the search as it may contain \\\ from preg_escape (e.g. search all on 'c+b)
             $value = $db->quote($value, false);
         } else {
             if ($condition == 'like') {
                 $condition = 'LIKE';
                 $value = $db->Quote($value);
             } else {
                 if ($condition == 'laterthisyear' || $condition == 'earlierthisyear') {
                     $value = $db->Quote($value);
         if ($fullWordsOnly == '1') {
             $condition = 'REGEXP';
         $originalValue = $this->filters['value'][$i];
         list($value, $condition) = $elementModel->getFilterValue($value, $condition, $eval);
         if ($fullWordsOnly == '1') {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 foreach ($value as &$v) {
                     $v = "\"[[:<:]]" . $v . "[[:>:]]\"";
             } else {
                 $value = "\"[[:<:]]" . $value . "[[:>:]]\"";
         if (!array_key_exists($i, $sqlCond) || $sqlCond[$i] == '') {
             $query = $elementModel->getFilterQuery($key, $condition, $value, $originalValue, $this->filters['search_type'][$i]);
             $this->filters['sqlCond'][$i] = $query;
         $this->filters['condition'][$i] = $condition;
         $this->filters['origvalue'][$i] = $originalValue;
         //used when getting the selected dropdown filter value
         $this->filters['value'][$i] = $value;
         if (!array_key_exists($i, $noFiltersSetup)) {
             $this->filters['no-filter-setup'][$i] = 0;
         if ($this->filters['no-filter-setup'][$i] == 1) {
             $tmpName = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
             $tmpData = array($tmpName => $originalValue, $tmpName . "_raw" => $originalValue);
             //set defaults to null to ensure we get correct value for 2nd dropdown search value (mutli dropdown from search form)
             $elementModel->defaults = null;
             if (array_key_exists($key, $readOnlyValues)) {
                 $readOnlyValues[$key][] = $elementModel->_getROElement($tmpData);
             } else {
                 $readOnlyValues[$key] = array($elementModel->_getROElement($tmpData));
             //set it back to null again so that in form view we dont return this value.
             $elementModel->defaults = null;
             // filter value assinged in readOnlyValues foreach loop towards end of this function
             $this->filters['filter'][$i] = '';
         } else {
             //$$$rob not sure $value is the right var to put in here - or if its acutally used
             // but without this line you get warnings about missing variable in the filter array
             $this->filters['filter'][$i] = $value;
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug($this->filters, 'end filters');
     foreach ($readOnlyValues as $key => $val) {
         foreach ($this->filters['key'] as $i => $fkey) {
             if ($fkey === $key) {
                 $this->filters['filter'][$i] = implode("<br>", $val);
     $this->getPluginManager()->runPlugins('onFiltersGot', $this, 'list');
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug($this->filters, 'after plugins:onFiltersGot');
     return $this->filters;
Exemplo n.º 15
  * process the plugin, called at end of form submission
  * @param object $params
  * @param object form model
 function onAfterProcess(&$params, &$formModel)
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $data =& $formModel->_fullFormData;
     $this->data = $data;
     if (!$this->shouldProcess('paypal_conditon')) {
         return true;
     $this->formModel = $formModel;
     $emailData =& $this->getEmailData();
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $userid = $user->get('id');
     $ipn = $this->getIPNHandler($params);
     if ($ipn !== false) {
         if (method_exists($ipn, 'createInvoice')) {
     $paypal_testmode = $params->get('paypal_testmode', false);
     $url = $paypal_testmode == 1 ? 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?' : 'https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?';
     $opts = array();
     $opts['cmd'] = $params->get('paypal_cmd', "_xclick");
     $opts['business'] = $this->getAccountEmail($params);
     $amount = $params->get('paypal_cost');
     $amount = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($amount, $data);
     //@TODO Hugh/Rob check $$$tom: Adding eval option on cost field
     // Useful if you use a cart system which will calculate on total shipping or tax fee and apply it. You can return it in the Cost field.
     if ($params->get('paypal_cost_eval', 0) == 1) {
         $amount = @eval($amount);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($amount, 'Caught exception on eval in paypal cost_eval : %s');
     if (trim($amount) == '') {
         $amount = JArrayHelper::getValue($emailData, FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_cost_element')));
         if (is_array($amount)) {
             $amount = array_shift($amount);
     $opts['amount'] = "{$amount}";
     //$$$tom added Shipping Cost params
     $shipping_amount = $params->get('paypal_shipping_cost');
     if ($params->get('paypal_shipping_cost_eval', 0) == 1) {
         $shipping_amount = @eval($shipping_amount);
     if (trim($shipping_amount) == '') {
         $shipping_amount = JArrayHelper::getValue($emailData, FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_shipping_cost_element')));
         if (is_array($shipping_amount)) {
             $shipping_amount = array_shift($shipping_amount);
     $opts['shipping'] = "{$shipping_amount}";
     $item = $params->get('paypal_item');
     if ($params->get('paypal_item_eval', 0) == 1) {
         $item = @eval($item);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($item, 'Caught exception on eval in paypal item_eval : %s');
         $item_raw = $item;
     if (trim($item) == '') {
         $item_raw = JArrayHelper::getValue($emailData, FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_item_element') . '_raw'));
         $item = $emailData[FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_item_element'))];
         if (is_array($item)) {
             $item = array_shift($item);
     $opts['item_name'] = "{$item}";
     //$$$ rob add in subscription variables
     if ($opts['cmd'] === '_xclick-subscriptions') {
         $subTable = JModel::getInstance('Table', 'FabrikModel');
         $subTable->setId((int) $params->get('paypal_subs_table'));
         $idEl = FabrikString::safeColName($params->get('paypal_subs_id', ''));
         $durationEl = FabrikString::safeColName($params->get('paypal_subs_duration', ''));
         $durationPerEl = FabrikString::safeColName($params->get('paypal_subs_duration_period', ''));
         $name = $params->get('paypal_subs_name', '');
         $subDb =& $subTable->getDb();
         $subDb->setQuery("SELECT *, {$durationEl} AS p3, {$durationPerEl} AS t3, " . $subDb->Quote($item_raw) . " AS item_number  FROM " . $subTable->getTable()->db_table_name . " WHERE {$idEl} = " . $subDb->Quote($item_raw));
         $sub = $subDb->loadObject();
         if (is_object($sub)) {
             $opts['p3'] = $sub->p3;
             $opts['t3'] = $sub->t3;
             $opts['a3'] = $amount;
             //$opts['src'] = 1;
             $opts['no_note'] = 1;
             $opts['custom'] = '';
             $tmp = array_merge(JRequest::get('data'), JArrayHelper::fromObject($sub));
             $opts['item_name'] = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($name, $tmp);
             //'http://fabrikar.com/ '.$sub->item_name.' - User: subtest26012010 (subtest26012010)';
             $opts['invoice'] = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('paypal_subs_invoice'), $tmp, false);
             if ($opts['invoice'] == '') {
                 $opts['invoice'] = uniqid('', true);
             $opts['src'] = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('paypal_subs_recurring'), $tmp);
             $amount = $opts['amount'];
         } else {
             JError::raiseError(500, 'Could not determine subscription period, please check your settings');
     // $$$ rob 03/02/2011
     // check if we have a gateway subscription switch set up. This is for sites where
     // you can toggle between a subscription or a single payment. E.g. fabrikar com
     // if 'paypal_subscription_switch' is blank then use the $opts['cmd'] setting
     // if not empty it should be some eval'd PHP which needs to return true for the payment
     // to be treated as a subscription
     // We want to do this so that single payments can make use of Paypals option to pay via credit card
     // without a paypal account (subscriptions require a Paypal account)
     // We do this after the subscription code has been run as this code is still needed to look up the correct item_name
     $subSwitch = $params->get('paypal_subscription_switch');
     if (trim($subSwitch) !== '') {
         $subSwitch = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($subSwitch);
         $isSub = @eval($subSwitch);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($isSub, 'Caught exception on eval in paypal subscription_switch : %s');
         if (!$isSub) {
             //reset the amount which was unset during subscription code
             $opts['amount'] = $amount;
             $opts['cmd'] = '_xclick';
             //unset any subscription options we may have set
             //$opts['src'] = 0;
     //@TODO Hugh/Rob check $$$tom: Adding shipping options
     // Currently the admin select a user element on the form to compare it to the user id on the custom user table
     // Should we just make it to get the current user ID and use that?
     // $shipping_userid = $data[FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($params->get('paypal_shipping_userelement') )];
     // if (is_array($shipping_userid)) {
     //	$shipping_userid = array_shift($shipping_userid);
     $shipping_userid = $userid;
     if ($shipping_userid > 0) {
         $shipping_select = array();
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         //$$$tom Surely there's a better Fabrik way of getting the table name...
         $db->setQuery("SELECT db_table_name\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  FROM #__fabrik_tables\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE id = " . $params->get('paypal_shippingdata_table') . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  LIMIT 1");
         $shipping_table = $db->loadResult();
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_firstname')) {
             $shipping_first_name = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_firstname'));
             $shipping_select['first_name'] = $shipping_first_name;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_lastname')) {
             $shipping_last_name = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_lastname'));
             $shipping_select['last_name'] = $shipping_last_name;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_address1')) {
             $shipping_address1 = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_address1'));
             $shipping_select['address1'] = $shipping_address1;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_address2')) {
             $shipping_address2 = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_address2'));
             $shipping_select['address2'] = $shipping_address2;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_zip')) {
             $shipping_zip = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_zip'));
             $shipping_select['zip'] = $shipping_zip;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_state')) {
             $shipping_state = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_state'));
             $shipping_select['state'] = $shipping_state;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_city')) {
             $shipping_city = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_city'));
             $shipping_select['city'] = $shipping_city;
         if ($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_country')) {
             $shipping_country = FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_country'));
             $shipping_select['country'] = $shipping_country;
         $db->setQuery("SELECT " . implode(',', $shipping_select) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$shipping_table}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE " . FabrikString::shortColName($params->get('paypal_shippingdata_id')) . " = " . $db->Quote($shipping_userid) . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1");
         $user_shippingdata = $db->loadObject();
         foreach ($shipping_select as $opt => $val) {
             //$$$tom Since we test on the current userid, it always adds the &name=&street=....
             //even if those vars are empty...
             if ($val) {
                 $opts[$opt] = $user_shippingdata->{$val};
     if ($params->get('paypal_shipping_address_override', 0)) {
         $opts['address_override'] = 1;
     $paypal_currency_code = $params->get('paypal_currencycode', 'USD');
     $paypal_currency_code = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($paypal_currency_code, $data);
     $opts['currency_code'] = $paypal_currency_code;
     $paypal_test_site = $params->get('paypal_test_site', '');
     if ($paypal_testmode == 1 && !empty($paypal_test_site)) {
         $ppurl = $paypal_test_site . '/index.php?option=com_fabrik&c=plugin&controller=plugin&task=pluginAjax&formid=' . $formModel->_id . '&g=form&plugin=fabrikpaypal&method=ipn';
     } else {
         $ppurl = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . 'index.php?option=com_fabrik&c=plugin&controller=plugin&task=pluginAjax&formid=' . $formModel->_id . '&g=form&plugin=fabrikpaypal&method=ipn';
     $paypal_test_site_qs = $params->get('paypal_test_site_qs', '');
     if ($paypal_testmode == 1 && !empty($paypal_test_site_qs)) {
         $ppurl .= $paypal_test_site_qs;
     $ppurl .= '&renderOrder=' . $this->renderOrder;
     $ppurl = urlencode($ppurl);
     $opts['notify_url'] = "{$ppurl}";
     $paypal_return_url = $params->get('paypal_return_url', '');
     $paypal_return_url = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($paypal_return_url, $data);
     if ($paypal_testmode == 1 && !empty($paypal_return_url)) {
         if (preg_match('#^http:\\/\\/#', $paypal_return_url)) {
             $opts['return'] = $paypal_return_url;
         } else {
             if (!empty($paypal_test_site)) {
                 $opts['return'] = $paypal_test_site . '/' . $paypal_return_url;
             } else {
                 $opts['return'] = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . $paypal_return_url;
         if (!empty($paypal_test_site_qs)) {
             $opts['return'] .= $paypal_test_site_qs;
     } else {
         if (!empty($paypal_return_url)) {
             if (preg_match('#^http:\\/\\/#', $paypal_return_url)) {
                 $opts['return'] = $paypal_return_url;
             } else {
                 $opts['return'] = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . $paypal_return_url;
         } else {
             // using default thanks() method so don't forget to add renderOrder
             if ($paypal_testmode == '1' && !empty($paypal_test_site)) {
                 $opts['return'] = $paypal_test_site . '/index.php?option=com_fabrik&c=plugin&controller=plugin&task=pluginAjax&formid=' . $formModel->_id . '&g=form&plugin=fabrikpaypal&method=thanks&rowid=' . $data['rowid'] . '&renderOrder=' . $this->renderOrder;
             } else {
                 $opts['return'] = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . 'index.php?option=com_fabrik&c=plugin&controller=plugin&task=pluginAjax&formid=' . $formModel->_id . '&g=form&plugin=fabrikpaypal&method=thanks&rowid=' . $data['rowid'] . '&renderOrder=' . $this->renderOrder;
     $opts['return'] = urlencode($opts['return']);
     $ipn_value = $params->get('paypal_ipn_value', '');
     $ipn_value = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($ipn_value, $data);
     $ipn_value = str_replace(':', ';', $ipn_value);
     // extra :'s will break parsing during IPN notify phase
     // $$$ hugh - thinking about putting in a call to a generic method in custom script
     // here and passing it a reference to $opts.
     $opts['custom'] = $data['form_id'] . ':' . $data['rowid'] . ':' . $ipn_value;
     $opts['cbt'] = urlencode($params->get('paypal_cbt', ''));
     if ($ipn !== false) {
         if (method_exists($ipn, 'checkOpts')) {
             if ($ipn->checkOpts($opts, $formModel) === false) {
                 /// log the info
                 JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fabrik' . DS . 'tables');
                 $log =& JTable::getInstance('log', 'Table');
                 $log->message_type = 'fabrik.paypal.onAfterProcess';
                 $msg = new stdClass();
                 $msg->opt = $opts;
                 $msg->data = $data;
                 $msg->msg = "Submission cancelled by checkOpts!";
                 $log->message = json_encode($msg);
                 return true;
     $qs = array();
     foreach ($opts as $k => $v) {
         $qs[] = "{$k}={$v}";
     $url .= implode('&', $qs);
     // $$$ rob 04/02/2011 no longer doing redirect from ANY plugin EXCEPT the redirect plugin
     // - instead a session var is set (com_fabrik.form.X.redirect.url)
     // as the preferred redirect url
     $session =& JFactory::getSession();
     $context = 'com_fabrik.form.' . $formModel->_id . '.redirect.';
     // $$$ hugh - fixing issue with new redirect, which now needs to be an array.
     // Not sure if we need to preserve existing session data, or just create a new surl array,
     // to force ONLY recirect to PayPal?
     $surl = (array) $session->get($context . 'url', array());
     $surl[$this->renderOrder] = $url;
     $session->set($context . 'url', $surl);
     /// log the info
     JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fabrik' . DS . 'tables');
     $log =& JTable::getInstance('log', 'Table');
     $log->message_type = 'fabrik.paypal.onAfterProcess';
     $msg = new stdClass();
     $msg->opt = $opts;
     $msg->data = $data;
     $log->message = json_encode($msg);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
  * Do the plug-in action
  * @param   object  $params  plugin parameters
  * @param   object  &$model  list model
  * @param   array   $opts    custom options
  * @return  bool
 public function process($params, &$model, $opts = array())
     $db = $model->getDb();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $update = json_decode($params->get('update_col_updates'));
     if (!$update) {
         return false;
     // $$$ rob moved here from bottom of func see http://fabrikar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15920&page=7
     $dateCol = $params->get('update_date_element');
     $userCol = $params->get('update_user_element');
     $item = $model->getTable();
     // Array_unique for left joined table data
     $ids = array_unique(JRequest::getVar('ids', array(), 'method', 'array'));
     $this->_row_count = count($ids);
     $ids = implode(',', $ids);
     $model->_pluginQueryWhere[] = $item->db_primary_key . ' IN ( ' . $ids . ')';
     $data = $model->getData();
     // $$$servantek reordered the update process in case the email routine wants to kill the updates
     $emailColID = $params->get('update_email_element', '');
     if (!empty($emailColID)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $message = $params->get('update_email_msg');
         $subject = $params->get('update_email_subject');
         $eval = $params->get('eval', 0);
         $config = JFactory::getConfig();
         $from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
         $fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');
         $elementModel = FabrikWorker::getPluginManager()->getElementPlugin($emailColID);
         $emailElement = $elementModel->getElement(true);
         $emailField = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
         $emailColumn = $elementModel->getFullName(false, false, false);
         $emailFieldRaw = $emailField . '_raw';
         $emailWhich = $emailElement->plugin == 'user' ? 'user' : 'field';
         $tbl = array_shift(explode('.', $emailColumn));
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $aids = explode(',', $ids);
         // If using a user element, build a lookup list of emails from #__users,
         // so we're only doing one query to grab all involved emails.
         if ($emailWhich == 'user') {
             $userids_emails = array();
             $query = $db->getQuery();
             $query->select('#__users.id AS id, #__users.email AS email')->from('#__users')->join('LEFT', $tbl . ' ON #__users.id = ' . $emailColumn)->where(_primary_key . ' IN (' . $ids . ')');
             $results = $db->loadObjectList();
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $userids_emails[(int) $result->id] = $result->email;
         foreach ($aids as $id) {
             $row = $model->getRow($id);
             if ($emailWhich == 'user') {
                 $userid = (int) $row->{$emailFieldRaw};
                 $to = JArrayHelper::getValue($userids_emails, $userid);
             } else {
                 $to = $row->{$emailField};
             if (JMailHelper::cleanAddress($to) && JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($to)) {
                 // $tofull = '"' . JMailHelper::cleanLine($toname) . '" <' . $to . '>';
                 // $$$servantek added an eval option and rearranged placeholder call
                 $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
                 $thismessage = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $row);
                 if ($eval) {
                     $thismessage = @eval($thismessage);
                     FabrikWorker::logEval($thismessage, 'Caught exception on eval in updatecol::process() : %s');
                 $res = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $to, $thissubject, $thismessage, true);
                 if ($res) {
                 } else {
             } else {
     // $$$servantek reordered the update process in case the email routine wants to kill the updates
     if (!empty($dateCol)) {
         $date = JFactory::getDate();
         $this->_process($model, $dateCol, $date->toSql());
     if (!empty($userCol)) {
         $this->_process($model, $userCol, (int) $user->get('id'));
     foreach ($update->coltoupdate as $i => $col) {
         $this->_process($model, $col, $update->update_value[$i]);
     $this->msg = $params->get('update_message', '');
     if (empty($this->msg)) {
         $this->msg = JText::sprintf('PLG_LIST_UPDATE_COL_UPDATE_MESSAGE', $this->_row_count, $this->_sent);
     } else {
         $this->msg = JText::sprintf($this->msg, $this->_row_count, $this->_sent);
     // Clean the cache.
     $cache = JFactory::getCache(JRequest::getCmd('option'));
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 17
  * Run eval
  * @param   string  $data  Original data
  * @param   int     $repeatCounter  Repeat group counter
  * @return  string	Evaluated PHP function
 private function _eval($data, $repeatCounter = 0)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $elementModel = $this->elementModel;
     $formModel = $elementModel->getFormModel();
     $formData = $formModel->formData;
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $phpCode = $params->get('php-code');
     $phpCode = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($phpCode, $formData, true, true);
      * $$$ hugh - added trigger_error(""), which will "clear" any existing errors,
      * otherwise logEval will pick up and report notices and warnings generated
      * by the rest of our code, which can be VERY confusing.  Note that this required a tweak
      * to logEval, as error_get_last won't be null after doing this, but $error['message'] will
      * be empty.
      * $$$ hugh - moved the $trigger_error() into a helper func
     $return = @eval($phpCode);
     FabrikWorker::logEval($return, 'Caught exception on php validation of ' . $elementModel->getFullName(true, false) . ': %s');
     return $return;
Exemplo n.º 18
  * @param $key
  * @param $condition
  * @param $originalValue
  * @param $evalFilter
  * @return string
 protected function filterQueryMultiValues($key, $condition, $originalValue, $evalFilter)
     $str = array();
     if ($evalFilter) {
         $originalValue = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($originalValue, ENT_QUOTES));
         $originalValue = @eval($originalValue);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($originalValue, 'Caught exception on eval of elementList::filterQueryMultiValues() ' . $key . ': %s');
     if ($condition === 'NOT IN') {
         $partialComparison = ' NOT LIKE ';
         $comparison = ' <> ';
         $glue = ' AND ';
     } else {
         $partialComparison = ' LIKE ';
         $comparison = ' = ';
         $glue = ' OR ';
     switch ($condition) {
         case 'IN':
         case 'NOT IN':
              * Split out 1,2,3 into an array to iterate over.
              * It's a string if pre-filter, array if element filter
             if (!is_array($originalValue)) {
                 $originalValue = explode(',', $originalValue);
             foreach ($originalValue as &$v) {
                 $v = trim($v);
                 $v = FabrikString::ltrimword($v, '"');
                 $v = FabrikString::ltrimword($v, "'");
                 $v = FabrikString::rtrimword($v, '"');
                 $v = FabrikString::rtrimword($v, "'");
             $originalValue = (array) $originalValue;
     foreach ($originalValue as $v2) {
         $v2 = str_replace("/", "\\\\/", $v2);
         $str[] = '(' . $key . $partialComparison . $this->_db->q('%"' . $v2 . '"%') . $glue . $key . $comparison . $this->_db->q($v2) . ') ';
     return '(' . implode($glue, $str) . ')';
Exemplo n.º 19
  * Creates filter array (return existing if exists)
  * @return  array	filters
 public function &getFilterArray()
     if (isset($this->filters)) {
         return $this->filters;
     $filterModel = $this->getFilterModel();
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDbo();
     $this->filters = array();
     $request = $this->getRequestData();
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug($request, 'filter:request');
     $elements = $this->getElements('id');
     /* $$$ rob prefilters loaded before anything to avoid issues where you filter on something and
      * you have 2 prefilters with joined by an OR - this was incorrectly giving SQL of
      * WHERE normal filter = x OR ( prefilter1 = y OR prefilter2 = x)
      * this change changes the SQL to
      * WHERE ( prefilter1 = y OR prefilter2 = x) AND normal filter = x
     // These are filters created from a search form or normal search, assign them to the filters array
     $keys = array_keys($request);
     $indexStep = count(FArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters, 'key', array()));
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug($keys, 'filter:request keys');
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         if (is_array($request[$key])) {
             foreach ($request[$key] as $kk => $v) {
                 if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->filters) || !is_array($this->filters[$key])) {
                     $this->filters[$key] = array();
                 $this->filters[$key][$kk + $indexStep] = $v;
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug($this->filters, 'listmodel::getFilterArray middle');
     $readOnlyValues = array();
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $noFiltersSetup = FArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters, 'no-filter-setup', array());
     if (count($this->filters) == 0) {
         FabrikWorker::getPluginManager()->runPlugins('onFiltersGot', $this, 'list');
         return $this->filters;
     // Get a list of plugins
     $pluginKeys = $filterModel->getPluginFilterKeys();
     $elementIds = FArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters, 'elementid', array());
     $sqlCond = FArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters, 'sqlCond', array());
     $raws = FArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters, 'raw', array());
     foreach ($this->filters['key'] as $i => $keyval) {
         $value = $this->filters['value'][$i];
         $condition = JString::strtoupper($this->filters['condition'][$i]);
         $key = $this->filters['key'][$i];
         $filterEval = $this->filters['eval'][$i];
         $elid = FArrayHelper::getValue($elementIds, $i);
         $key2 = array_key_exists('key2', $this->filters) ? FArrayHelper::getValue($this->filters['key2'], $i, '') : '';
         /* $$$ rob see if the key is a raw filter
          * 20/12/2010 - think $key is never with _raw now as it is unset in tablefilter::getQuerystringFilters() although may  be set elsewhere
          * - if it is make a note and remove the _raw from the name
         $raw = FArrayHelper::getValue($raws, $i, false);
         if (JString::substr($key, -5, 5) == '_raw`') {
             $key = JString::substr($key, 0, JString::strlen($key) - 5) . '`';
             $raw = true;
         if ($elid == -1) {
             // Bool match
             $this->filters['origvalue'][$i] = $value;
             $this->filters['sqlCond'][$i] = $key . ' ' . $condition . ' (' . $db->q($value) . ' IN BOOLEAN MODE)';
         // List plug-in filter found - it should have set its own sql in onGetPostFilter();
         if (!empty($elid) && in_array($elid, $pluginKeys)) {
             $this->filters['origvalue'][$i] = $value;
             $this->filters['sqlCond'][$i] = $this->filters['sqlCond'][$i];
         $elementModel = FArrayHelper::getValue($elements, $elid);
         // $$$ rob key2 if set is in format  `countries_0`.`label` rather than  `countries`.`label`
         // used for search all filter on 2nd db join element pointing to the same table
         if (strval($key2) !== '') {
             $key = $key2;
         $eval = $this->filters['eval'][$i];
         $fullWordsOnly = $this->filters['full_words_only'][$i];
         // $$ hugh - testing allowing {QS} replacements in pre-filter values
         $value = $this->prefilterParse($value);
         $value = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($value);
         if (!is_a($elementModel, 'PlgFabrik_Element')) {
             if ($this->filters['condition'][$i] == 'exists') {
                 $this->filters['sqlCond'][$i] = 'EXISTS (' . $value . ')';
         $elementModel->_rawFilter = $raw;
         if ($filterEval == '1') {
             // $$$ rob hehe if you set $i in the eval'd code all sorts of chaos ensues
             $origi = $i;
             $value = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($value, ENT_QUOTES));
             $value = @eval($value);
             FabrikWorker::logEval($value, 'Caught exception on eval of tableModel::getFilterArray() ' . $key . ': %s');
             $i = $origi;
         if ($condition == 'LATERTHISYEAR' || $condition == 'EARLIERTHISYEAR') {
             $value = $db->q($value);
         if ($fullWordsOnly == '1') {
             $condition = 'REGEXP';
         $originalValue = $this->filters['value'][$i];
         if ($value == '' && $eval == FABRIKFILTER_QUERY) {
             throw new RuntimeException(FText::_('COM_FABRIK_QUERY_PREFILTER_WITH_NO_VALUE'), 500);
         list($value, $condition) = $elementModel->getFilterValue($value, $condition, $eval);
          *  $$$ hugh - this chunk got fugly, as we wound up with too many quotes with whole words on
          *  and exact match off, like ...
          *  LOWER('"[[:<:]]Brose[[:>:]]"')
          *  ... so I fixed it the long handed way ... could prolly be done more elegantly, but this should work!
         if ($fullWordsOnly == '1') {
             if (is_array($value)) {
                 foreach ($value as &$v) {
                     $v = "\"[[:<:]]" . $v . "[[:>:]]\"";
                 if (strtoupper($condition) === 'REGEXP') {
                     // $$$ 15/11/2012 - moved from before getFilterValue() to after as otherwise date filters in querystrings created wonky query
                     $v = 'LOWER(' . $v . ')';
             } else {
                 $value = "\"[[:<:]]" . $value . "[[:>:]]\"";
                 if (strtoupper($condition) === 'REGEXP') {
                     // $$$ 15/11/2012 - moved from before getFilterValue() to after as otherwise date filters in querystrings created wonky query
                     $value = 'LOWER(' . $value . ')';
         } else {
             if (strtoupper($condition) === 'REGEXP') {
                 // $$$ 15/11/2012 - moved from before getFilterValue() to after as otherwise date filters in querystrings created wonky query
                 $value = 'LOWER(' . $db->q($value, false) . ')';
         if (!array_key_exists($i, $sqlCond) || $sqlCond[$i] == '') {
             // Will produce an SQL error - but is equivalent to 'show no records' so set to where 3 = -3
             if ($condition === 'IN' && $value === '()') {
                 $query = '3 = -3';
             } else {
                 $query = $elementModel->getFilterQuery($key, $condition, $value, $originalValue, $this->filters['search_type'][$i], $filterEval);
             $this->filters['sqlCond'][$i] = $query;
         $this->filters['condition'][$i] = $condition;
         // Used when getting the selected dropdown filter value
         $this->filters['origvalue'][$i] = $originalValue;
         $this->filters['value'][$i] = $value;
         if (!array_key_exists($i, $noFiltersSetup)) {
             $this->filters['no-filter-setup'][$i] = 0;
         if ($this->filters['no-filter-setup'][$i] == 1) {
             $tmpName = $elementModel->getFullName(true, false);
             $tmpData = array($tmpName => $originalValue, $tmpName . '_raw' => $originalValue);
             // Set defaults to null to ensure we get correct value for 2nd drop-down search value (multi drop-down from search form)
             $elementModel->defaults = null;
             if (!array_key_exists($key, $readOnlyValues)) {
                 $readOnlyValues[$key] = array();
             $readOnlyValues[$key][] = $elementModel->getFilterRO($tmpData);
             // Set it back to null again so that in form view we dont return this value.
             $elementModel->defaults = null;
             // Filter value assigned in readOnlyValues foreach loop towards end of this function
             $this->filters['filter'][$i] = '';
         } else {
             /*$$$rob not sure $value is the right var to put in here - or if its actually used
              * but without this line you get warnings about missing variable in the filter array
             $this->filters['filter'][$i] = $value;
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug($this->filters, 'end filters');
     foreach ($readOnlyValues as $key => $val) {
         foreach ($this->filters['key'] as $i => $fKey) {
             if ($fKey === $key) {
                 $this->filters['filter'][$i] = implode("<br>", $val);
     FabrikWorker::getPluginManager()->runPlugins('onFiltersGot', $this, 'list');
     FabrikHelperHTML::debug($this->filters, 'after plugins:onFiltersGot');
     return $this->filters;
Exemplo n.º 20
  * @private
  * run plugins php code/script
  * @param object $params
  * @param object $formModel
  * @return bool false if error running php code
 private function _runPHP(&$params, &$formModel)
      * if you want to modify the submitted form data
      * $formModel->updateFormData('tablename___elementname', $newvalue);
     //set so we can use $this->getEmailData() in php code
     $this->formModel =& $formModel;
     $emaildata = $this->getEmailData();
     // $$$ rob this is poor when submitting the form the data is stored in _formData, when editing its stored in _data -
     // as this method can run on render or on submit we have to do a little check to see which one we should use.
     // really we should use the same form property to store the data regardless of form state
     if (!empty($formModel->_formData)) {
         $this->_data = $formModel->_formData;
     } else {
         $this->_data = $formModel->_data;
     if ($params->get('form_php_file') == -1) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $code = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('curl_code', ''), $this->_data, true, true);
         $code = @eval($code);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($code, 'Caught exception on eval in php::_runPHP() : %s');
         return $code;
     } else {
         // $$$ hugh - give them some way of getting at form data
         // (I'm never sure if $_REQUEST is 'safe', i.e. if it has post-validation data)
         global $fabrikFormData, $fabrikFormDataWithTableName;
         // for some reason, =& wasn't working??
         $fabrikFormData = $this->_data;
         $this->data =& $this->_data;
         $fabrikFormDataWithTableName = $formModel->_formDataWithTableName;
         $php_file = JFilterInput::clean($params->get('form_php_file'), 'CMD');
         $php_file = COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'form' . DS . 'fabrikphp' . DS . 'scripts' . DS . $php_file;
         if (!JFile::exists($php_file)) {
             JError::raiseNotice(500, 'Mssing PHP form plugin file');
         $method = $params->get('only_process_curl');
         if ($method == 'getBottomContent' || $method == 'getTopContent' || $method == 'getEndContent') {
             //for these types of scripts any out put you want to inject into the form should be echo'd out
             // @TODO - shouldn't we apply this logic above as well (direct eval)?
             require $php_file;
             $output = ob_get_contents();
             return $output;
         } else {
             $php_result = (require $php_file);
         if ($php_result === false) {
             return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 21
  * Get the allowed dates based on evaluated PHP code
  * @return multitype:|array
 protected function getAllowedPHPDates()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $data = $this->getFormModel()->data;
     $php = $params->get('date_allow_php_func', '');
     $dates = array();
     if ($php === '') {
         return $dates;
     $dates = FabrikHelperHTML::isDebug() ? eval($php) : @eval($php);
     FabrikWorker::logEval($dates, 'Eval exception : ' . $this->getElement()->name . '::getAllowedPHPDates() : %s');
     return (array) $dates;
Exemplo n.º 22
  * this really does get just the default value (as defined in the element's settings)
  * @param array data to use as parsemessage for placeholder
  * @return unknown_type
 function getDefaultValue($data = array())
     if (!isset($this->_default)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $element = $this->getElement();
         $default = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($element->default, $data);
         if ($element->eval == "1") {
             FabrikHelperHTML::debug($default, 'element eval default:' . $element->label);
             $default = @eval(stripslashes($default));
             FabrikWorker::logEval($default, 'Caught exception on eval of ' . $element->name . ': %s');
         $this->_default = $default;
     return $this->_default;
Exemplo n.º 23
  * Allows the element to pre-process a rows data before and join mergeing of rows
  * occurs. Used in calc element to do cals on actual row rather than merged row
  * @param   string  $element_data  elements data for the current row
  * @param   object  $row           current row's data
  * @since	3.0.5
  * @return  string	formatted value
 public function preFormatFormJoins($element_data, $row)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $format = trim($params->get('calc_format_string'));
      * $$$ hugh - the 'calculated value' bit is for legacy data that was created
      * before we started storing a value when row is saved
     if ($params->get('calc_on_save_only', 0)) {
         if ($format != '') {
             $element_data = sprintf($format, $element_data);
         return parent::preFormatFormJoins($element_data, $row);
     } else {
         $element = $this->getElement();
         $cal = $params->get('calc_calculation', '');
         $listModel = $this->getlistModel();
         $formModel = $this->getFormModel();
         $data = JArrayHelper::fromObject($row);
         $data['rowid'] = $data['__pk_val'];
         $data['fabrik'] = $formModel->getId();
          *  $$$ hugh - trying to standardize on $data so scripts know where data is,
          *  need $d here for backward compat
         $d = $data;
         $res = $listModel->parseMessageForRowHolder($cal, $data, true);
         $res = @eval($res);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($res, 'Caught exception on eval in ' . $element->name . '::renderListData() : %s');
         if ($format != '') {
             $res = sprintf($format, $res);
         // $$$ hugh - need to set _raw, might be needed if (say) calc is being used as 'use_as_row_class'
         // See comments in formatData() in table model, we might could move this to a renderRawListData() method.
         $raw_name = $this->getFullName(false, true, false) . '_raw';
         $row->{$raw_name} = str_replace(GROUPSPLITTER, ',', $res);
         return parent::preFormatFormJoins($res, $row);
Exemplo n.º 24
  * Process the plugin, called when form is submitted
  * @return  bool
 public function onAfterProcess()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $formModel = $this->getModel();
     $input = $this->app->input;
     $ftpTemplate = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/fabrik_form/ftp/tmpl/' . $params->get('ftp_template', ''));
     $this->data = $this->getProcessData();
     if (!$this->shouldProcess('ftp_conditon', null, $params)) {
     $contentTemplate = $params->get('ftp_template_content');
     $content = $contentTemplate != '' ? $this->_getContentTemplate($contentTemplate) : '';
     if (JFile::exists($ftpTemplate)) {
         if (JFile::getExt($ftpTemplate) == 'php') {
             $message = $this->_getPHPTemplateFtp($ftpTemplate);
             if ($message === false) {
         } else {
             $message = $this->_getTemplateFtp($ftpTemplate);
         $message = str_replace('{content}', $content, $message);
     } else {
         $message = $contentTemplate != '' ? $content : $this->_getTextFtp();
     $cc = null;
     $bcc = null;
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     // $$$ hugh - test stripslashes(), should be safe enough.
     $message = stripslashes($message);
     $editURL = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . "index.php?option=com_fabrik&amp;view=form&amp;fabrik=" . $formModel->get('id') . "&amp;rowid=" . $input->get('rowid', '', 'string');
     $viewURL = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . "index.php?option=com_fabrik&amp;view=details&amp;fabrik=" . $formModel->get('id') . "&amp;rowid=" . $input->get('rowid', '', 'string');
     $editLink = "<a href=\"{$editURL}\">" . FText::_('EDIT') . "</a>";
     $viewLink = "<a href=\"{$viewURL}\">" . FText::_('VIEW') . "</a>";
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_editlink}', $editLink, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_viewlink}', $viewLink, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_editurl}', $editURL, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_viewurl}', $viewURL, $message);
     $ftpFileName = $params->get('ftp_filename', '');
     $ftpFileName = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($ftpFileName, $this->data, false);
     $ftpEvalFileName = (int) $params->get('ftp_eval_filename', '0');
     if ($ftpEvalFileName) {
         $ftpFileName = @eval($ftpFileName);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($ftpEvalFileName, 'Caught exception on eval in ftp filename eval : %s');
     if (empty($ftpFileName)) {
         $ftpFileName = 'fabrik_ftp_' . md5(uniqid()) . '.txt';
     $ftpHost = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_host', ''), $this->data, false);
     $ftpPort = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_port', '21'), $this->data, false);
     $ftpChDir = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_chdir', ''), $this->data, false);
     $ftpUser = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_user', ''), $this->data, false);
     $ftpPassword = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_password', ''), $this->data, false);
     $tmpDir = rtrim($this->config->getValue('config.tmp_path'), '/');
     if (empty($tmpDir) || !JFolder::exists($tmpDir)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('PLG_FORM_FTP_NO_JOOMLA_TEMP_DIR', 500);
     $tmpFile = $tmpDir . '/fabrik_ftp_' . md5(uniqid());
     $message = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $this->data, true, false);
     if (JFile::write($tmpFile, $message)) {
         $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftpHost, $ftpPort);
         if ($conn_id) {
             if (@ftp_login($conn_id, $ftpUser, $ftpPassword)) {
                 if (!empty($ftpChDir)) {
                     if (!ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftpChDir)) {
                         $this->app->enqueueMessage(FText::_('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_CHDIR'), 'notice');
                         return false;
                 if (!ftp_put($conn_id, $ftpFileName, $tmpFile, FTP_ASCII)) {
                     $this->app->enqueueMessage(FText::_('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_SEND_FILE'), 'notice');
                     return false;
             } else {
                 $this->app->enqueueMessage(FText::_('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_LOGIN'), 'notice');
                 return false;
         } else {
             throw new RuntimeException('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_CONNECT', 500);
             return false;
     } else {
         throw new RuntimeException('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_WRITE_TEMP_FILE', 500);
         return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
  * this really does get just the default value (as defined in the element's settings)
  * @return unknown_type
 function getDefaultValue($data = array())
     if (!isset($this->_default)) {
         $params =& $this->getParams();
         $which_default = $params->get('fb_gm_defaultloc', '1');
         if ($which_default == '0') {
             // $$$ hugh - added parens around lat,long for consistancy!
             $this->_default = '(' . JRequest::getVar('fb_gm_lat', $params->get('fb_gm_lat')) . ',' . JRequest::getVar('fb_gm_long', $params->get('fb_gm_long')) . ')' . ':' . JRequest::getVar('fb_gm_zoomlevel', $params->get('fb_gm_zoomlevel'));
         } else {
             if ($which_default = '2') {
                 $this->_default = $params->get('fb_gm_eval_default');
                 $w = new FabrikWorker();
                 $this->_default = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($this->_default, $data, true);
                 $this->_default = @eval(stripslashes($this->_default));
                 FabrikWorker::logEval($this->_default, 'Caught exception on eval in ' . $this->_element->name . '::getDefaultValue() : %s');
     return $this->_default;
Exemplo n.º 26
  * @param array $results
  * @param object plugin element that the data is SPLIT on
  * @param string $type of calculation
  * @return unknown_type
 protected function formatCalcSplitLabels(&$results2, &$plugin, $type = '')
     $results = array();
     $tomerge = array();
     $name = $plugin->getFullName(false, true, false);
     // $$$ hugh - avoid PHP warning if $results2 is NULL
     if (empty($results2)) {
         return $results;
     foreach ($results2 as $key => $val) {
         if ($plugin->hasSubElements) {
             $val->label = $type == 'median' ? $plugin->getLabelForValue($val->label) : $plugin->getLabelForValue($key);
         } else {
             $d = new stdClass();
             $d->{$name} = $val->label;
             $val->label = $plugin->renderListData($val->label, $d);
         if (array_key_exists($val->label, $results)) {
             // $$$ rob the $result data is keyed on the raw database result - however, we are intrested in
             // keying on the formatted table result (e.g. allows us to group date entries by year)
             if ($results[$val->label] !== '') {
                 $tomerge[$val->label][] = $results[$val->label]->value;
             $results[$val->label] = '';
             $tomerge[$val->label][] = $val->value;
         } else {
             $results[$val->label] = $val;
     foreach ($tomerge as $label => $data) {
         $o = new stdClass();
         switch ($type) {
             case 'avg':
                 $o->value = $this->simpleAvg($data);
             case 'sum':
                 $o->value = $this->simpleSum($data);
             case 'median':
                 $o->value = $this->_median($data);
             case 'count':
                 $o->value = count($data);
             case 'custom_calc':
                 $params = $this->getParams();
                 $custom_calc_php = $params->get('custom_calc_php', '');
                 if (!empty($custom_calc_php)) {
                     $o->value = @eval(stripslashes($custom_calc_php));
                     FabrikWorker::logEval($custom_calc_php, 'Caught exception on eval of ' . $name . ': %s');
                 } else {
                     $o->value = $data;
                 $o->value = $data;
         $o->label = $label;
         $results[$label] = $o;
     return $results;
Exemplo n.º 27
  * do the plugin action
  * @param object parameters
  * @param object table model
 function process(&$params, &$model, $opts = array())
     $db =& $model->getDb();
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $updateTo = $params->get('update_value');
     $updateCol = $params->get('coltoupdate');
     $updateTo_2 = $params->get('update_value_2');
     $updateCol_2 = $params->get('coltoupdate_2');
     // $$$ rob moved here from bottom of func see http://fabrikar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15920&page=7
     $tbl = array_shift(explode('.', $updateCol));
     $dateCol = $params->get('update_date_element');
     $userCol = $params->get('update_user_element');
     $table =& $model->getTable();
     // array_unique for left joined table data
     $ids = array_unique(JRequest::getVar('ids', array(), 'method', 'array'));
     $this->_row_count = count($ids);
     $ids = implode(',', $ids);
     $model->_pluginQueryWhere[] = $table->db_primary_key . ' IN ( ' . $ids . ')';
     $data =& $model->getData();
     //$$$servantek reordered the update process in case the email routine wants to kill the updates
     $emailColID = $params->get('update_email_element', '');
     if (!empty($emailColID)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $message = $params->get('update_email_msg');
         $subject = $params->get('update_email_subject');
         $eval = $params->get('eval', 0);
         $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
         $from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
         $fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');
         $elementModel =& JModel::getInstance('element', 'FabrikModel');
         $emailElement =& $elementModel->getElement(true);
         $emailField = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
         $emailColumn = $elementModel->getFullName(false, false, false);
         $emailFieldRaw = $emailField . '_raw';
         $emailWhich = $emailElement->plugin == 'fabrikuser' ? 'user' : 'field';
         $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
         $aids = explode(',', $ids);
         // if using a user element, build a lookup list of emails from jos_users,
         // so we're only doing one query to grab all involved emails.
         if ($emailWhich == 'user') {
             $userids_emails = array();
             $query = 'SELECT #__users.id AS id, #__users.email AS email FROM #__users LEFT JOIN ' . $tbl . ' ON #__users.id = ' . $emailColumn . ' WHERE ' . $table->db_primary_key . ' IN (' . $ids . ')';
             $results = $db->loadObjectList();
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $userids_emails[(int) $result->id] = $result->email;
         foreach ($aids as $id) {
             $row = $model->getRow($id);
             if ($emailWhich == 'user') {
                 $userid = (int) $row->{$emailFieldRaw};
                 $to = $userids_emails[$userid];
             } else {
                 $to = $row->{$emailField};
             if (JMailHelper::cleanAddress($to) && JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($to)) {
                 //$tofull = '"' . JMailHelper::cleanLine($toname) . '" <' . $to . '>';
                 //$$$servantek added an eval option and rearranged placeholder call
                 $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
                 $thismessage = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $row);
                 if ($eval) {
                     $thismessage = @eval($thismessage);
                     FabrikWorker::logEval($thismessage, 'Caught exception on eval in updatecol::process() : %s');
                 $res = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $to, $thissubject, $thismessage, true);
                 if ($res) {
                 } else {
             } else {
     //$$$servantek reordered the update process in case the email routine wants to kill the updates
     if (!empty($dateCol)) {
         $date =& JFactory::getDate();
         $this->_process($model, $dateCol, $date->toMySQL());
     if (!empty($userCol)) {
         $this->_process($model, $userCol, (int) $user->get('id'));
     $this->_process($model, $updateCol, $updateTo);
     if (!empty($updateCol_2)) {
         $this->_process($model, $updateCol_2, $updateTo_2);
     // $$$ hugh - this stuff has to go in process_result()
     //$msg = $params->get( 'update_message' );
     //return JText::sprintf( $msg, count($ids));
     $this->msg = $params->get('update_message', '');
     if (empty($this->msg)) {
         $this->msg = JText::sprintf('%d ROWS UPDATED, %d EMAILS SENT', $this->_row_count, $this->_sent);
     } else {
         $this->msg = JText::sprintf($this->msg, $this->_row_count, $this->_sent);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 28
  * This really does get just the default value (as defined in the element's settings)
  * @param   array  $data  form data
  * @return mixed
 public function getDefaultValue($data = array())
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $element = $this->getElement();
     if (!isset($this->default)) {
         if ($element->default != '') {
             $default = $element->default;
              * Nasty hack to fix #504 (eval'd default value)
              * where _default not set on first getDefaultValue
              * and then its called again but the results have already been eval'd once and are hence in an array
             if (is_array($default)) {
                 $v = $default;
             } else {
                 $w = new FabrikWorker();
                 $default = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($default, $data);
                 if ($element->eval == "1") {
                     $v = @eval((string) stripslashes($default));
                     FabrikWorker::logEval($default, 'Caught exception on eval in ' . $element->name . '::getDefaultValue() : %s');
                 } else {
                     $v = $default;
             if (is_string($v)) {
                 $this->default = explode('|', $v);
             } else {
                 $this->default = $v;
         } else {
             $this->default = $this->getSubInitialSelection();
     return $this->default;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * add attachments to the email
 function addAttachments($params)
     //get attachments
     $pluginManager = FabrikWorker::getPluginManager();
     $data = $this->getEmailData();
     $groups = $this->formModel->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $elName = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
             if (array_key_exists($elName, $this->data)) {
                 if (method_exists($elementModel, 'addEmailAttachement')) {
                     if (array_key_exists($elName . '_raw', $data)) {
                         $val = $data[$elName . '_raw'];
                     } else {
                         $val = $data[$elName];
                     if (is_array($val)) {
                         $val = implode(',', $val);
                     $aVals = FabrikWorker::JSONtoData($val, true);
                     foreach ($aVals as $v) {
                         $file = $elementModel->addEmailAttachement($v);
                         if ($file !== false) {
                             $this->_aAttachments[] = $file;
     // $$$ hugh - added an optional eval for adding attachments.
     // Eval'ed code should just return an array of file paths which we merge with $this->_aAttachments[]
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $email_attach_eval = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('email_attach_eval', ''), $this->data, false);
     if (!empty($email_attach_eval)) {
         $email_attach_array = @eval($email_attach_eval);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($email_attach_array, 'Caught exception on eval in email email_attach_eval : %s');
         if (!empty($email_attach_array)) {
             $this->_aAttachments = array_merge($this->_aAttachments, $email_attach_array);
Exemplo n.º 30
  * this really does get just the default value (as defined in the element's settings)
  * @return unknown_type
 function getDefaultValue($data = array())
     if (!isset($this->_default)) {
         $params = $this->getParams();
         $element = $this->getElement();
         $config = JFactory::getConfig();
         $tzoffset = new DateTimeZone($config->get('offset'));
         $store_as_local = (int) $params->get('date_store_as_local', 0);
         if ($params->get('date_defaulttotoday', 0)) {
             if ($store_as_local) {
                 $localDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                 $oTmpDate = JFactory::getDate(strtotime($localDate));
             } else {
                 $oTmpDate = JFactory::getDate();
             $default = $oTmpDate->toMySQL();
         } else {
             // deafult date should always be entered as gmt date e.g. eval'd default of:
             $default = $element->default;
             if ($element->eval == "1") {
                 $default = @eval(stripslashes($default));
                 FabrikWorker::logEval($default, 'Caught exception on eval in ' . $element->name . '::getDefaultValue() : %s');
             if (trim($default) != '') {
                 $oTmpDate = JFactory::getDate($default);
                 $default = $oTmpDate->toMySQL();
         $this->_default = $default;
     return $this->_default;